Thursday, May 15, 2008

Feiffer interview at Cosmos Club coming to IJOCA

I just finished transcribing Alan Fern's interview of Jules Feiffer at the Cosmos Club in Washington last year, on the occasion of the McGovern award. It will appear in the Fall 2008 issue of the International Journal of Comic Art. Subscribe now!

Here's a sample, with Feiffer talking about bringing his portfolio to show to Will Eisner and being told his art was no good:

...But I had long ago established a habit of responding to unpleasant truths by not hearing them, or changing the subject, and I sure as hell was not going to walk out of this meeting with Will Eisner, my hero, with my tail between my legs, being told I had no talent. This was not the way this was going to end, so I started improvising and the only thing I could think of talking about was him and his work. Now here was a guy who had revolutionized comic book art and he had three highly crafted professionals in the other room who didn’t give a damn about his work. Who thought he was kind of out of date, and didn’t know anything about his career, and then he met me and I had a whole dossier. I knew everything he ever had done. I could talk about it not just as a little boy, but as a knowledgeable fan. He had no choice but to hire me as a groupie.

[audience laughs]

That darn Toles

Another letter to the editor...

Deserving of Impeachment
Washington Post Thursday, May 15, 2008; Page A14

I applaud Tom Toles for his May 9 cartoon on the Bush White House's illegal destruction of e-mail records. This makes Mr. Toles the first of The Post's editorial commentators to take seriously the array of impeachable offenses with which President Bush could be charged.

Impeachment has been attempted at the presidential level three times in the nation's history. Two -- of Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton -- were patently political. The attempt to impeach Richard M. Nixon was appropriate, to protect us from an out-of-control presidency, and it would have gone further had it not been for his resignation and pardon.

Mr. Bush's tenure has been marked by high crimes and misdemeanors far more extreme even than President Nixon's. The Post has taken note of many of them, but never, until now, has one of its commentators seen the matter to its appropriate conclusion.

Garrett Park

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Weingarten on Argyle Sweater, Ted Key and best strip cartoonists

From the May 6th chat:

Comi, KS: The current Doonsbury replacement strip, despite the fact that I can't remember its name, has been pretty good. I thought this week's strip was hillarious -- but I'm 39 and I'm barely barely old enough to remember the "Hey, Kool-aid!" ad campaign. Was there a later resurgeance that I missed out on? Or does nobody under 35 stand a prayer of understanding that joke? Seems like the punch line--so to speak--would have worked a lot better in 1978 than 2008.

Gene Weingarten: Yeah, I barely remembered it. I like this strip, though it is one of the more blatant Far Side ripoffs around.


and later in the chat,

The Four To, PS: OK, how about the Mount Rushmore of cartoonists?

I think Walt Kelly and Charles Schultz have to be there, but then it gets harder. I have to go with Watterson next, but then that last spot is very, very tough -- my list of possibles includes Feiffer, Trudeau, Breathed, Larson, Hollander, Adams, and MacGruder, all of whom were groundbreaking in different ways.

Who goes on your mountain?

Gene Weingarten: I take Schulz off the list and put Larson and Trudeau up there, but you won't get that many to agree. I don't think you can take Kelly off the list, but both Larson and Trudeau belong there. I am in the minority in my views on Schulz.

Re: Mount Rushmore of Cartoonists: Which weighs more heavily in your decision on this: artistic or writing talent?

Gene Weingarten: Writing. Though Kelly may have been the best cartoon artist ever.

Larson couldn't draw. He still needs to be there.


Palookaville: Hey, Gene, can we have a moment of silence for Ted Key, who died recently at 95? Key created Hazel (the Saturday Evening Post cartoons from which the TV show was spun), Diz and Liz and -- which I hadn't realized -- Sherman and Mr. Peabody. An American giant.

Gene Weingarten: I didn't know he did Sherm and Peabody! And Hazel was good, too. Very dry humor. Hazel, as I recall, was a maid with a dry, cynical sense of humor, who basically controlled the household.

Post Hunt cartoonist revealed

In Gene Weingarten's May 13th chat, the question was raised and answered:

Bethesda, Md.: So who drew that Post Hunt logo, with the ruddy-cheeked Metro train and all the D.C. landmarks pointing in different directions? It's really good.

Gene Weingarten: The artist for this and all previous Hunts is a talented man named (I swear) Otis Sweat.

Tom Shroder: And his beautiful wife Barbara. I haven't seen her in years, but I know she's beautiful because Otis is constantly drawing her.

Gene Weingarten: Okay, I am probably going to get in trouble for this, but Otis also does some excellent, hilarious x-rated cartoons, and I once asked him if he used any particular, like, models, for his superior reproduction of various types of human genitalia, and he very specifically refused to say, so really, when you think about it, I am not imparting any useful or titillating information here. At all.

Dave Barry: For the record, Otis has never seen me naked.

OT: New book of interest

My friend Comics-Dr. Gene Kannenberg's new book with Tim Pilcher is out - Erotic Comics: A Graphic History, vol. 1. I bought my copy today at Big Planet Comics, but you can get one by ordering through Gene's website which has more details on it. It's a lovely book, although not for everyone, and I contributed one of the McGill postcards; that was $1 well spent!

International Museum of Cartoon Art (IMCA) Moving to Ohio State University Cartoon Research Library

Here's a press release from OSU Cartoon Research Librarian Jenny Robb with interesting news. I covered the closing of the IMCA in Florida for the Comics Journal and more recently had heard hints from Brian Walker that something like this might happen, so I'm glad it's come to fruition. OSU takes good care of their massive collections, but they'll be expanding their mission with the IMCA's three-dimensional artifacts. I hope that OSU will be able to provide space for regular exhibits beyond their reference room -- Mike

The collection of the International Museum of Cartoon Art (IMCA) is moving to The Ohio State University Cartoon Research Library. The union of these two institutions will create the largest collection of original cartoon art in the world.

IMCA was established in 1973 by Mort Walker, the creative force behind Beetle Bailey, as the first museum dedicated to collecting and exhibiting cartoons. The museum opened in 1974 in a converted mansion in Greenwich, Connecticut. Two years later, the museum relocated to a renovated castle in Rye Brook, New York, where the collection was displayed until 1992. At that time the city of Boca Raton, Florida invited the museum to construct a 52,000 square foot facility as part of an effort to attract cultural institutions to Palm Beach County. The museum was a very popular attraction with highly acclaimed exhibits, events, and functions for the public. It was still paying off the cost of its construction when two of its financial backers went bankrupt creating a $5 million loss and causing the museum to close.

IMCA's collection consists of approximately 200,000 works, including original drawings from all genres of cartoon art (comic strips, comic books, animation, editorial, advertising, sport, caricature, greeting cards, graphic novels, and illustrations), display figures, toys and collectibles, and works on film and tape, CDs, and DVDs.

Lucy Shelton Caswell, professor and curator of the Cartoon Research Library, said, "We are honored that the IMCA's board has placed its treasures in our care." Efforts are underway to provide increased space for the Cartoon Research Library that will include museum-quality galleries. "It is critical that we have state-of-the-art gallery space to display IMCA's collection appropriately," notes Caswell. A gallery in the new facility will be named in honor of IMCA founder Mort Walker.

Joe Branin, Director of The Ohio State University Libraries, issued the following statement: "Special Collections, original manuscripts, photographs, and other rare or unique items so necessary for scholarship, are one of the critical identifiers of any research library. Universities point to their special collections as distinctive points of pride, those things that make their libraries unique. In receiving the collection of the International Museum of Cartoon Art, the Cartoon Research Library has substantially enhanced its standing as one of the premier research libraries. We are excited to make this outstanding collection available for scholarly study and for general appreciation in exhibits and other public programs."

Contact the Cartoon Research Library for an image to accompany this release.

About the Cartoon Research Library: The Cartoon Research Library's primary mission is to develop a comprehensive research collection of materials documenting American printed cartoon art (editorial cartoons, comic strips, comic books, graphic novels, sports cartoons, and magazine cartoons) and to provide access to these collections. The library is open Monday-Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. See for further information.

Graphic Novel Primer at Takoma Park, MD Library

A press release passed along to us reads:

The Takoma Park Maryland Library has a great upcoming program -- an introduction to graphic novels, with an emphasis on those for kids and teens -- on Tuesday, May 20th at 7:30pm. The library is located at 101 Philadelphia Ave. in Takoma Park, MD.

At the program, Dave Burbank, their library assistant and graphic novel expert, and Karen MacPherson, children's/teen librarian, will offer a primer on this literary form, illustrating their talk with examples of graphic novels for kids, teens, and adults. They will give a brief overview of the history of graphic novels, discuss why they are so popular with children and teens, and show how they can inspire an interest in reading among reluctant readers as well as help develop key literacy skills among all kinds of readers. Participants will take home a reading list of suggested graphic novels for various ages.

Although this program is aimed at parents and other interested adults, school-age kids also are welcome to attend. You can now sign up on-line at their website ( -- click on the word "events," just under the logo) or call 301-891-7259.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

OT: Rusty Witek's Spiegelman book

My buddy Rusty Witek could help me out with my Pekar book because he was doing his Art Spiegelman: Conversations which appeared last fall. Here's a review of it: "Books about Comics #2: Spiegelman and Spandex," by Peter Sanderson, PW Comics Week May 13, 2008. I don't think Rusty's the one in the spandex though...

OT: New York Times cartoon journalism wrap-up

Campbell Robertson ended up doing three pieces that the Times chopped up and put on their website as slideshows:

"Primary Pen & Ink: Asheville, N.C.," April 30 2008

"Primary Pen & Ink: Whiteville, N.C.," May 2 2008

"Primary Pen & Ink: Raleigh, N.C.," May 5 2008

These weren't too big and were nice pieces of cartoon journalism - it's too bad the Times couldn't squeeze them into print. Oddly enough, at this point I think the Times has the most mainstream coverage of comic art. Including their animation reviews, it's almost daily.

And thanks to PW Comics Week, here's an interview with him:

"Campbell Robertson, Sometimes Cartoonist; The New York Times does non-fiction, political, comics," by Clint Hendler, Columbia Journalism Review Fri 9 May 2008. And serendipity strikes! Robertson went to school in DC! "I did some cartooning in college. I did some stuff for the college paper, the Georgetown Hoya, but very little. I was an English major, and my thesis—and maybe this reflects badly on Georgetown—was a fiction comic book. But I hear they’re still accredited."

It's ComicsDC territory after all...

Here's the earlier article referenced in the CJR: "Yes, But Where's the Nut Graf? The New York Times does comics -- for a day, at least," By Robin Sloan, November 19 2003 and the first NYT piece on a paparazzo from November 2003.

Philadelphia's Mike's World

Ok, we're into Mission Creep here, just as Our Man Thompson foretold, yet asked for, but I couldn't pass this one up.

"An Artist’s Concocted World, Starring Himself, Is Too True to Be Real," By KEN JOHNSON, New York Times May 13, 2008.

“Mike’s World: Michael Smith & Joshua White (and other collaborators)” is a terrifically entertaining and philosophically compelling survey, at the Institute of Contemporary Art in Philadelphia, of Mr. Smith’s 30-year career.

And why bring it up, beyond the bond of Mike-ness? "In [Mike Smith's] inventive engagement with diverse forms, including drawing, comic books, sculpture, photography, musical theater and puppet shows as well as installations and video, he has followed a determinedly unpredictable, exploratory course." So there you have it - somewhere in this exhibit, are faux fine art comic books, presumably one of a kind - on display in Philadelphia, through August 3rd.

OT: Free Moebius history of the Red Cross comic

Moebius' The story of an idea is available on the Red Cross' website as either a pdf download, or you can request a copy (which is sent express from Switzerland!)

Their website describes it as: The story of an idea, is an exciting new publication which brings to life the story of the birth of the Red Cross, Red Crescent Movement and its history to date. This comic strip was created by the world renowned artist Jean Giraud, alias Moebius.

ICRC/International Federation of the Red Cross, 2008, A4, comic strip, 10 pp., English, French, Spanish / Free of charge / ref. 0939

It includes the history and meaning of the Geneva Conventions - always a useful thing to have in Washington!

Politico cartoonist Wuerker on Oliphant exhibit

The Politico's editorial cartoonist Matt Wuerker has got an excellent review of the Pat Oliphant show in Woodley Park in today's paper. It runs two pages with color photographs. Those not in DC can see it on the web at "Political Ink: Oliphant shares cartoons," by Matt Wuerker, Politico May 12, 2008.

OT: Where in the world is Dean Haspiel?

My New York buddy Dean Haspiel, who suggested me for the Harvey Pekar SPX panel interview that led to the Conversations book, is keeping busy. Here's a note from him listing his projects:

1] my webcomic, BILLY DOGMA in "Immortal," got nominated for an Eisner award for 'best digital comic'. Link to IMMORTAL: [Mike's note - this is available in print now as well]

2] I finished THE ALCOHOLIC, the original graphic novel I illustrated in collaboration with writer, Jonathan Ames, for Vertigo/DC Comics, which is slated to come out in September. I'll be doing lots of press for that book soon. Here's a recent article from PWCW:

3] MO & JO: FIGHTING TOGETHER FOREVER, my kids book collaboration with underground comix legend/writer Jay Lynch, will also be coming out in September from Francoise Mouly's Toon Books [Raw Jr.]:

4] DC Comics' webcomix wing, Zuda, just announced STREET CODE, the new series I'm writing/drawing for them come early summer:

5] ACT-I-VATE, the webcomix collective I founded [and where I do BILLY DOGMA], finally launched an official website after two years utilizing Live Journal: Check out, FEAR, MY DEAR:

6] I launched a webcomix anthology that I'm also editing called NEXT-DOOR NEIGHBOR at Smith Magazine:

7] I just finished drawing some more AMERICAN SPLENDOR stories for Harvey Pekar [at Vertigo].


As always, interested folks should regularly check my blog: for alerts and news and occasional, actual real-life blogging!

OT: Would you pay a half of a million dollars for Green Lantern?

The New York Times had an ad last week for an auction at Bonhams for Mel Ramos' 1962 painting The Green Lantern with a pre-sale estimate of $600-800K. Obviously influenced by Gil Kane, the painting sold today for $500,000. Bonhams site has more details including the painting's history.

Washington Examiner starts Sunday edition

The Examiner sent out an email today saying "is launching a new home-delivered Sunday edition. The Examiner is also doubling the newspapers we distribute weekdays through our street agents and our news racks to upwards of 100,000 copies. I hope you are as excited as we are! Look for your home-delivered Sunday edition to start arriving July 13." The Washington Times had mentioned the Sunday edition last week, but also said that fewer copies would be delivered during the week, and the Saturday edition was being dropped.

Apropos of our purposes, I have no idea if they will have a Sunday comics section. They dropped all of their daily comic strips months ago, although editorial cartoonist Nate Beeler is doing nice work for them when he's not busy having babies.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Vexille review apropos of May 29th DC showing

Here's the information on the DC Anime Club-sponsored showing again, and here's a review: "Robotic future", By ELIZABETH TAI, Malaysia Star Sunday May 11, 2008. A Japan that turns reclusive after a technological ban by the world sets the background for this futuristic tale.

KAL photos from Archives

Bruce Guthrie, amateur paparazzi extraodinaire, has put a ton of shots of Kal's talk at the National Archives online.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Former DC resident Brad Meltzer writing for DC

See Matt Brady's "BACK TO COMICS: BRAD MELTZER," Newsarama 05-09-2008.

And since Brady mentioned Brad's loss of his mother as being public knowledge, we send our condolences as well.

3 other cartoonists in Sunday's NYTimes

David Chelsea illustrated the Modern Love column as he's been doing for several years.

Emily Flake illustrated an editorial.

A book review shows how comics are seeping into children's books - "Cracking the Comics Code," By LARRY DOYLE, New York Times Book Review May 11, 2008 on SIMON’S DREAM: The Fog Mound, Book 3, By Susan Schade, Illustrated by Jon Buller. 198 pp., Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers.

And best of all is "Remembering Nana on Mother’s Day," by Jillian Tamaki and Mariko Tamaki.

Zadzooks - more on Iron Man merchandise

"Iron Man gamely plays against Stark weaponry," By Joseph Szadkowski, Washington Times May 10, 2008.

Lynda Barry in NY Times

Lynda Barry's got a new book out, What It Is. I've just called Big Planet to have set aside for me as Rick Banning just told me it was out. I met her last year at the PEN event and she was absolutely fascinating to talk to about her working style and subject matter. Here's a NY Times story on her: "How to Think Like a Surreal Cartoonist," By CAROL KINO, New York Times May 11, 2008.

May 29: Vexille anime screening


CONTACT: Chris Wanamaker, (202) 262 2083

Vexille to be screened at the Japan Information and Culture Center, Embassy of Japan.

The Japan Information and Culture Center, Embassy of Japan in collaboration with the DC Anime Club Present screen Vexille Thursday May 29,2008 6:30 pm as part of inaugural showing for a new film series based on both Anime (Japanese Animation) and Manga ( Japanese Comics).

About Vexille: 2067: Isolation - Japan seals herself off from the eyes of the world in the face of unilateral international policy setting strict limits on the use of robotic technology. The island nation exists only behind a veil of seclusion. No soul shall enter. No soul shall leave.

2077: Revelation - The veil is breached. Japan is infiltrated by agents of the organization S.W.O.R.D., a fighting force operating outside of the protection of the United States and her allies. Their mission: Determine if the Japanese are developing banned robotic bio-technology, forbidden due to its threat to humankind.

In the battle between machine and man, humanity stands to suffer most.

Directed by Fumihiko Sori (PING PONG, Producer - APPLESEED

In Japanese with English Subtitles 90 minutes.

This event is free and open to the public. Reservations are required.


Seating is limited and granted on a first come, first served basis.

For more information please visit the Japanese Information and Culture Center website at or visit the DC Anime Club website at

About DC Anime Club:

DCAC was established in 2003 to introduce and educate people in the Washington,DC area about East Asian culture, through viewing and discussion of Japanese animation (also known as anime) and Japanese comics (manga). DCAC is a501(c)(3) not for profit organization, contributions to DC Anime Club are taxed deductible to the extent allowable under the law.

The club also works to provide a positive, alternative activity to the youth in the area by exposing them to foreign culture, encouraging artistic expression and creativity, and providing opportunities for participation in community activities and leadership.

In addition to our weekly meetings, the club holds an Annual Art Show, an Annual Costume fundraising event, and visits local schools to do presentations on anime. The club also works with the Smithsonian Freer Gallery and DC Asian Pacific American Film Festival on their anime screenings, and has helped locally promote performances for Japanese bands such as Puffy Ami Yumi and Pine am. DC Anime Club was founded by Chris Wanamaker (President), Jules Chang (Vice President) and Craig Vaughn (Sgt in ARMS) on Saturday June 5, 2003. We have a strong membership that continues to grow -- most of which are teenagers.

About Japan Information and Culture Center:
The Japan Information and Culture Center (JICC) is the cultural and public affairs section of the Embassy of Japan in Washington D.C. Our primary role is to promote better understanding of Japan and Japanese culture by providing a wide range of
information, educational services and programs to the public. The JICC is located on the lower level of the glass-enclosed Galleria at Lafayette Centre III in downtown Washington, D.C. Its facilities include a research library, a 152-seat auditorium, and a 1,500-square-foot exhibition gallery where a wide variety of events sponsored by the JICC are hosted throughout the year.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

It's not DC, but any interest in NYT stories?

I read a lot of newspapers each day. The physical ones. In addition to the Washington Post, I read the Express and the Examiner every day, the Washington Blade and the City Paper once a week, the Politico when I can pick one up and whatever else I find in the city. However I also get the New York Times every day. Any interest in stories from that? They've gotten to the point where they've been running something on comics and cartoons about every day. Let me know in the comments section.

Today's example:

New York Times May 10, 2008
Return Laps for the First Voice of Speed Racer

Telnaes animation continues on Post website

Just a reminder that other cartoonists in the area besides KAL are doing regular animation.

That darn Toles

Another letter to the editor...
Bush Was Right
Washington Post May 10 2008, p. A13

Does Tom Toles know what a recession is? His May 1 cartoon depicted President Bush denying the existence of a recession.

The president is correct. Economists' definition of recession is two consecutive quarters of negative growth. Our economy has not even come close to that.

It would behoove Toles and the media to stop using terms irresponsibly.

-- David Sherer


Click here for sweet cover art:

By John Judy

ALL-NEW IRON MANUAL #1 by Eliot Brown and Various Writers. Everything you ever wanted to know about Tony Stark and his suits of armor, right down to the schematics! Kids, don’t try this at home!

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #559 by Dan Slott and Marcos Martin. The always-readable Mr. Slott is back in the spider-rotation so this issue is filled with action and jokes that actually work. Add to that an artist who appears to have studied his Darwyn Cooke and you’ve got a very respectable issue, despite the whole Spidey re-boot being more aggravation than renovation. Recommended anyway.

BATMAN #676 by Grant Morrison and Tony Daniel. “Batman R.I.P.” begins here. I believe it stands for “Rolling In Profit.”

BOOSTER GOLD #9 by Geoff Johns, Jeff Katz, and Dan Jurgens. The return of the Justice League International! Too bad Kevin Maguire couldn’t guest-pencil. So awesome you almost don’t mind the OMACs. Stupid OMACs…

CAPTAIN BRITAIN AND MI: 13 #1 by Paul Cornell and Leonard Kirk. How do Limeys fight the Skrulls? With a stiff upper lip, boiled food, and bad dentistry! “Surrender, you rotters or we’ll thrash you with pictures of Princess Diana!” Pip-pip!

FINAL CRISIS SKETCHBOOK by Grant Morrison and J.G. Jones. A peek into what’s coming. Potentially very cool. Worth a look.

GOON #24 written and drawn by Eric Powell. In which we learn how Horse Eater’s Woods got its name. Amazing stuff. Recommended.

NEWUNIVERSAL: SHOCKFRONT #1 of 6 by Warren Ellis and Steve Kurth. Admit it, you forgot Warren Ellis was still working on the New Universe, didn’t you? It’s okay. So did he. Anyway, it’s coming out again and Ellis is writing it. Recommended.

PROJECT SUPERPOWERS #3 of 7 by Alex Ross, Jim Kreuger, and Carlos Paul. Like Straczynski and Weston’s “The Twelve” without all that pesky story and character development.

PUNISHER #57 by Garth Ennis and Goran Parlov. As of last issue the Punisher knew he was up against U.S. Special Forces. Now we find out if they know what they’re up against. Recommended. Not for kids.

SERENITY: BETTER DAYS #3 of 3 by Joss Whedon, Bret Matthews, and Will Conrad. Mal’s getting’ tortured. Again. Stupid Fox TV.

SUPERMAN #676 by Vito Delsante and Julian Lopez. The first encounter/fight between Supes and the original Green Lantern, Alan Scott. Features an Alex Ross cover. A gotta-look for geeks like me.

THUNDERBOLTS #120 by Warren Ellis and Mike Deodato. The Green Goblin works out some of his frustrations with the help, courtesy of that nice Mr. Ellis. Recommended for older teens and up.

THE TWELVE #5 of 12 by J. Michael Straczynski and Chris Weston. (See “Project Superpowers” above. On second thought, don’t.) “The Origin of The Witness.” Highly recommended.

WACKY PACKAGES HC by Topps. A tribute to the product parody stickers that outsold baseball cards for a while back in the seventies. Featuring an interview with artist/fan/legend Art Spiegelman. Recommended.

WALKING DEAD #49 by Robert Kirkman and Charles Adlard. In the aftermath of the prison massacre “everything is different now.” Great, devastating stuff. Recommended. NEVER for kids.

WOLVERINE #65 by Jason Aaron and Ron Garney. The conclusion to the best Wolverine story in many a moon as Logan finally catches up to Mystique. Hijinks ensue. Highly recommended.

WOLVERINE: THE AMAZING IMMORTAL MAN & OTHER BLOODY TALES #1 by David Lapham, Kelly Goodine, and Johnny Timmons. Three stories of Marvel’s most ubiquitous mutant, featuring occasional gouts of dialogue!

WONDER WOMAN #20 by Gail Simone and Aaron Lopresti. Wonder Woman meets an ancient hero and it ain’t John McCain!

X-MEN LEGACY #211 by Mike Carey and Scot Eaton. Professor X delves into his own past in an effort to reconstruct his memory. Think “Memento” without all the ink.

YOUNG LIARS #3 written and drawn by David Lapham. Out of control Laphamesque mayhem. For all of us who miss “Stray Bullets!” Recommended.

Tara McPherson Coming to Town

Tara McPherson (Fables: 1001 Nights of Snowfall) will be in DC with her band, New York Times, on Saturday, May 10th at The Velvet Lounge with Koko and Nerd Parade. Doors 9pm/Show 10pm/21+/$8.

Not exactly a comics event, but kindasorta...

Friday, May 09, 2008

Jason Rodriguez interviewed by The Pulse

Arlington's own comic writer and editor Jason Rodriguez is featured in a new online interview - "For Your Consideration: Postcards: True Stories that Never Happened," By Chris Beckett, Comicon's The Pulse May 8 2008. life would be easier if you guys would just email me about these things... really, not all self-promotion is a bad thing...

Wash Post on Met's superhero costume exhibit

See "Do the Clothes Make the (Super)Man?," By Robin Givhan, Washington Post Staff Writer, Sunday, May 11, 2008; Page M08.

Wash Post doesn't like Speed Racer...

...although to be fair, so far none of the reviews I've seen have liked it. Here's the Post's - "'Speed Racer' Is Stuck on A Fast Track To Nowhere," By Ann Hornaday, Washington Post Staff Writer, Friday, May 9, 2008; Page C01.

America's first political cartoon appeared today

According to the Associated Press's Today in History, Ben Franklin's 1754 cartoon of the thirteen colonies as a cut-apart snake appeared with the caption "Join or Die" appeared today in his newspaper, the Pennsylvania Gazette. Why are mention it here? There's an original on display in Baltimore in Geppi's Entertainment Museum. It's tiny, but cool. If you don't live around here, an easy place to see it was in the intro credits to HBO's John Adams miniseries. Special update: Also Richard Thompson redrew it and posted it on his blog.

Speaking of Geppi's, curator Arnold Blumberg and Geppi both appeared in the Free Comic Book Day Jughead issue from Archie. The whole comic is set in the museum.

Cartoonists Join Third Annual "Science Idol"

The following press release was received in the opulent ComicsDC offices at the suggestion of KAL...

May 9, 2008
CONTACT: Meghan Crosby, 202-331-6943


WASHINGTON (May 9, 2008) - Six of America's top cartoonists arejoining the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) to kick off theorganization's third annual "Science Idol" scientific integrity cartoon contest to draw humorous attention to a very serious issue: political interference in science.

The judges for this year's contest include cartoonists featured in someof the nation's leading news publications including "Speed Bump"creator Dave Coverly, Kevin Kallaugher of The Economist, "Non-Sequitur"creator Wiley Miller, Mike Keefe of the Denver Post, Signe Wilkinson of the Philadelphia Daily News, and graphic designer Jesse Springer, winner of last year's contest.

Amateur and professional artists are welcome to submit cartoons that address the abuse of science in general or highlight one or more of the ways in which science has been misused; the consequences of political interference in science; or solutions to restore scientific integrity to federal policy making. The deadline for submissions is June 11. For contest rules and submission guidelines, go to:

"The absurdity of political interference in science is fertile ground for satire," said Michael Halpern, program manager of the UCS Scientific Integrity Program. "We're sure the creativity of cartoonists can match the wiliness of those politicizing science and help us tell this story."

The judges along with UCS staff will narrow the pool to 12 finalists and post the cartoons on the UCS Web site July 10. Over the following four weeks, the public will be able to vote for the grand prize winner, who will receive $500 and an all-expenses-paid trip to Washington, D.C. The 12 finalists' cartoons will also appear in a 2009 calendar, with the grand prize winner's cartoon featured on the cover.

For information on political interference in science, go to


The Union of Concerned Scientists is the leading science-based nonprofit organization working for a healthy environment and a safer world. Founded in 1969, UCS is headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and has offices in Berkeley, California, and Washington, D.C. For more information, go to

Thursday, May 08, 2008


Kevin "KAL" Kallaugher spoke at the National Archives tonight for an hour and a half. Kal's always a great entertainer. While I've seen him before, I always enjoy watching him. Tonight he began with his singing nun drawing (see below), went through a selection of Baltimore Sun and Economist cartoons, showed an animated video he did for a UK newspaper over twenty years ago and then went on to talk about his new animation work. He does animation by sculpting a politician's caricature, scanning that and then animating it with motion capture technology. He showed us his newest video animation of Obama, Clinton and GW Bush and I'll try to figure out how to embed it here. In the meantime, here's some photos.

KAL reproducing his very first childhood drawing of the singing nun for the audience at the National Archives. Look how fast he draws! His arm's a blur!


Off to sign books for the crowd.







Blood Type for Manga Creators?

Mike and I were IMing tonight, and I asked him if he knew why manga creators published their blood type. He didn't know and suggested I post to the blog, so here it is.

Just peruse any of the manga creators on for example (i.e. which I just picked at random). This site is full of this type of detail. I mean, I know it's a valuable piece of information to know about oneself (I should find out my own), but why do these creators post this data? It's on some of their personal web pages as well.


Cul de Sac: The BOOK

Richard, having run his own blog for months now, no longer feeds me tidbits so I have to read about Cul de Sac: The BOOK on the Comics Reporter. I'm not bitter though, no sirree bob. I saw KAL tonight while Our Man Thompson was working. HAH!

And you can preorder it at Amazon. You can't do that for Harvey Pekar: Conversations, but they tell me it will be out in October.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Quick bits from Express and Examiner

It's probably getting late to track one down, but the Express ran a wire story on the new Batman movie today, and a short excerpt of some of the better questions from the Quesada chat from yesterday.

Nate Beeler had a nice cartoon in the Examiner - the baby's not keeping him completely away from the drawing board apparently.

Illustrators Club exhibit opens

I've been remiss in not posting about the Illustrators Club which includes cartoonists among its members. A new exhibit from the Club opens tomorrow. Check out their website - lots of neat people are members. I'd especially recommend the tour of the Kelly Collection on May 15th too.

May 8: KAL at National Archives REPOST

I'm going to try to be there... feel free say hello.

Thursday, May 8, at 7 p.m.
William G. McGowan Theater, National Archives, 9th and Pennsylvania Ave, NW
An Evening with Kevin "KAL" Kallaugher: Moving Political Cartoons from Page to Screen

Tonight, Berryman Award–winning editorial cartoonist Kevin "KAL" Kallaugher will present an illustrated lecture tracing the evolution of political cartoons from two-dimensional print to 3D animation. Kallaugher's work for the Baltimore Sun and the Economist has appeared in more than 100 publications worldwide. In 2007 he launched Kaltoons LLC, which pioneered the development of animated, 3D digital caricatures. Kaltoons' first video, Dancin' Dubya, was released on the web in August 2007. A signing of his latest collection of cartoons, KAL Draws Criticism, published in June 2006, will follow the program.

Pat McGeehan's Crummy Cakes

Pat McGeehan used to work at National Geographic and stopped by there earlier this week, mentioning his comic strip, Crummy Cakes and its website. Another DC cartoonist comes out of the woodwork...

Honorary Washingtonian Von Allan has a show

One of this blog's earliest posts was information from Von Allan about samples of his graphic novel that he planned on having at the Small Press Expo. Here's a press release about a new show of his art in Canada... almost DC if you squint at the little maps in the lower right corner of this blog...

The Art of Von Allan at Ottawa's Ristorante La Dolce Vita

NewswireToday - /newswire/ - Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 05/06/2008 - Von Allan, an Ottawa-based artist and graphic novelist, will have an art show at La Dolce Vita.

Art, in all of its myriad forms, fires our imagination. By presenting ideas to the viewer in the form of line, tone and colour, the artist can become a dream-maker. These often take the form of stories, either told in a single, breathtaking image or shown sequentially over a number of drawings or paintings. Triptychs are one example of the latter. Another example, long dismissed as either juvenile or pop art, is the graphic novel – comic books that have grown up. Von Allan, an Ottawa-based artist and graphic novelist, will show why this form of art speaks to him with an art show at La Dolce Vita beginning on May 19, 2008.

“Graphic novels, with their ability to express a broad range of thoughts and ideas, are an art form that stimulates the imagination by their very nature,” says Allan. “For me, personally, the combination of words and images is a delight. Seeing a figure materialize on a piece of Bristol board just with a pencil and brush is magic. Seeing a reader then interact with that figure, proving the reality of their two﷓dimensional world, makes that figure something more. It is exactly in that space, that ‘something more,’ where dreams come alive. It is amazing what a little line of ink on a small piece of paper can do.”

The Art of Von Allan will feature a number of illustrations and paintings that Allan has completed over the past few months. In addition, a number of pages from "the road to god knows..," an original graphic novel, will also be featured. The graphic novel tells the story of Marie, a young teenage girl coming to grips with her Mom’s schizophrenia. As a result, she’s struggling to grow up fast; wrestling with poverty, loneliness, and her Mom’s illness every step of the way. Betty, Marie’s Mom, can’t help; she’s living with an illness that’s slowly getting worse and increasingly frightening. With her Mom absorbed in her own problems, Marie is essentially alone while she learns to deal with the chaos in her young life.

"The road to god knows…" is expected to be printed in 2008 and has an ISBN of 978-0-9781237-0-3. It is currently being serialized online at webcomics collective

About Von Allan
Von Allan ( was born red-headed and freckled in Arnprior, Ontario, just in time for "Star Wars: A New Hope." He managed Perfect Books, an independent bookstore in Ottawa, for many years while working on story ideas in his spare time; eventually, he decided to make the leap to a creative life, and "the road to god knows…" was the result. Additional information about the graphic novel can be found online.

About La Dolce Vita
Visit the Mediterranean and you'll quickly become a fan of the great food, great wine and joie de vivre of the people there. La Dolce Vita staff make it their business to bring that joy - that appreciation of fine food and conversation - to the Capital. The restaurant's gourmet pizzas are justly famous, combining decadent ingredients to tempt the palate and the eye.


Sometimes you get spam that makes it seem like spammers even target their audience...

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Poe catalogue for Richmond exhibit is out

Tom Inge's got another very interesting museum catalogue out to go with his show on Edgar Allan Poe in the comics which just opened at the Poe Museum in Richmond. Click here and go halfway down the page to order The Incredible Mr. Poe: Comic Book Adaptations of the Works of Edgar Allan Poe 1943-2007.

Rob Ullman interview from a few months ago

Just ran across this interview with Rob by Paul Lukas from February. Presumably things haven't changed much. Savage Love is still less interesting without the illos.

Quesada appearance on Post chat wildly uninteresting

I guess I should have thought of some question, any question, that didn't have to do with Marvel's forthcoming movie slate. This wasn't Joe Quesada's fault - the participant's questions had nothing to do with running (and perhaps resurrecting - one can argue the point) a comic book company, and everything to do with one new hit movie. Here's the chat so you can judge for yourself:

Talking With Joe Quesada, Editor in Chief, Marvel Comics, Tuesday, May 6, 2008; 12:00 PM

Obituary for Arlington caricaturist

See "Scott A. Fertig, 41; Arlington Artist," By Yvonne Shinhoster Lamb, Washington Post Staff Writer, Tuesday, May 6, 2008; B08.

Marvel e-giveaway based on LoC's Spider-Man gift

This press release came out from Marvel:

Spider-Man's First Appearance Free On Marvel Digital Comics Unlimited

It's the story of a nerdy teenager bitten by a radioactive spider, gaining the proportionate strength and powers of a spider to become...the Amazing Spider-Man! Now, you can read this history-making story as the first appearance and origin of Spider-Man from Amazing Fantasy #15 is available for free for one week over at Marvel Digital Comics Unlimited.

It was reported this week that the original artwork by Steve Ditko from Amazing Fantasy #15, the 1962 comic that introduced Spider-Man to the world, was anonymously donated to the Library of Congress. And now everyone can read this historic and heralded story for free for one week at Marvel Digital Comics Unlimited.

For those fans who want to own the entire Stan Lee and Steve Ditko Spider-Man run in one gorgeous hardcover, be sure to pick up the Amazing Spider-Man Omnibus, now available at your local comic retailer

Subscribers to Marvel Digital Comics Unlimited can read through the first 100 issues of Amazing Spider-Man as well as other long runs of Marvel's greatest titles including the Uncanny X-Men and Fantastic Four, as well as current favorites including New Avengers and Astonishing X-Men to name just two of the countless titles subscribers can read.

Now offering over 3,500 titles to enjoy, Marvel Digital Comics Unlimited is the greatest collection of Marvel comics ever assembled online and the collection only gets bigger as over 25 new digital comics are added every week from Monday through Friday.

Be sure to head on over to and get into the action at Marvel Digital Comics Unlimited.

Matt Wuerker's plane in Crystal City

Matt sent in this photograph last night. Cool!

Monday, May 05, 2008

Washington Times liked Iron Man too

See "Downey shows mettle in 'Man'", By Christian Toto Washington Times May 2, 2008, where they gave it 3 out of 4 stars.

NPG Herblock exhibit website

The extensive site was recommended by the Journalista today. It reproduces the art in the exhibit, but not the content of the computer kiosk. It's a good look at the exhibit for those who can't make it to DC as it's arranged like the exhibit is.


By John Judy

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #558 by Bob Gale and Barry Kitson. I really miss J. Michael Straczynski….

AMERICAN SPLENDOR SEASON TWO #2 of 4 by Harvey Pekar and Associates. It’s an all-personal growth issue starring the Elvis of autobiographical comics!

AVENGERS/INVADERS #1 of 12 by Alex Ross, Jim Krueger, and Steve Sadowski. What Roy Thomas did in the seventies in four or five pages The Ross Machine’s going to do in 12 issues. Positive points: 1. The cover ink will not give you a rash. 2. By the time issue 12 comes out we’ll have a new President. 3….. Let me get back to you.

BOYS #18 by Garth Ennis and Darick Robertson. Wee Hughie vs. Blarney Cock, dead or alive! Not for kids. Recommended.

BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER #14 by Drew Goddard and Georges Jeanty. It starts with a dead slayer and ramps up from there. Cool.

HOUSE OF MYSTERY #1 by Matthew Sturges, Bill Willingham, Luca Rossi, and Lotsa Guest Artists. You like stories? We got stories! Recommended!

INVINCIBLE IRON MAN #1 by Matt Fraction and Salvador Larroca. Just in time for the most awesome movie ever, the Golden Avenger gets a title that’s readable again. Really quite good on its own merits and maybe my favorite work by Matt Fraction yet. And that Larroca fella can scribble! Recommended! PS- Lotsa variant covers and related merchandise this week.

IRON MAN: VIVA LAS VEGAS #1 of 4 by Jon Favreau and Adi Granov. Written by the guy who directed the Greatest Movie of All Time! Hoo-hah!

LOGAN #3 of 3 by Brian K. Vaughan and Eduardo Risso. The final issue of this rarity: A Wolverine series that does not suck. Smart script plus beautiful art equals “Recommended.”

MAN WITH NO NAME #1 by Christos Gage and Wellington Dias. The iconic Clint Eastwood spaghetti-western character has his own comic. Hear that whistling…?

MIGHTY AVENGERS #13 by Brian Michael Bendis and Alex Maleev. Watch out Skrulls! Nick Fury’s back and he’s got a new bunch of Howling Commandos! Some Avengers appear also.

QUESTION VOL. 2: POISONED GROUND SC by Dennis O’Neill and Denys Cowan. Collecting issues #7-12 of the adventures of the late Vic Sage. Great 80s comics. Recommended.

SECRET INVASION #2 of 8 by Brian Michael Bendis and Leinil Francis Yu. Not so secret anymore! Big fights! De-Skrullification! Six more to go!

TOR #1 of 6 written and illustrated by Joe Kubert. Comics legend Kubert takes a fresh pass at his Silver-Age creation, a prehistoric man on a quest for answers. Gotta look!

X-FACTOR: QUICK AND THE DEAD #1 by Peter David and Pablo Raimondi. Separate from the main title this one focuses on how Quicksilver went bad/crazy. Or did he?

YOUNG X-MEN #2 by Marc Guggenheim and Yanick Paquette. If half these characters don’t turn out to be Skrulls I’m going to be very disappointed.

May 6: Marvel EiC Joe Quesada on Post chat

Oddly enough, I really can't think of anything I want to ask him...

Tuesday, May 6 at Noon ET
Talking With Joe Quesada
Editor in Chief, Marvel Comics
Tuesday, May 6, 2008; 12:00 PM

It was a good weekend for Joe Quesada. The editor in chief of Marvel Comics saw the movie "Iron Man," an adaptation of one of his company's comics, soar to the top of the box office. Next month, a new version of "The Incredible Hulk" also arrives in theaters.

Quesada will be online Tuesday, May 6 at noon ET to discuss both of those projects, Marvel's venture into producing its own films and anything else related to the comic book world.

Submit questions before or during the discussion.

Murakami exhibit reviewed in Post

The Murakami exhibit's in NYC, but here's the Post's excellent critic Blake Gopnik on it - "Toying With Catastrophe: Takashi Murakami Coats the Toxic Fruit of Consumer Culture With Bold, Playful Imagery," Washington Post Monday, May 5, 2008; C01.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Post's Style and Arts section goes to the cartoons

Three! articles in one section on comics:

1. Reggie Hudlin and BET with glances at Boondocks and Black Panther - "Channel Changer: Three Years Ago, Reggie Hudlin Came To Save a Troubled BET. But Has He?" By Teresa Wiltz, Washington Post Staff Writer, Sunday, May 4, 2008; M01.

2. A glance at Oliphant's sculpture of Rumsfeld on display in Woodley Park - "Capturing a Hero for Posterity," by John Pancake, Washington Post May 4, 2008

3. Quesada on Marvel - "Now here we are. We're going to be producing our own stuff.": There's Nothing Mild-Mannered About Joe Quesada's Marvel Comics," by David Betancourt, Washington Post Sunday, May 4, 2008; M02.

and not on comics, but on visual art is this fascinating piece on the true colors of ancient statuary - "Correcting a Colorblind View of the Treasures of Antiquity," By Blake Gopnik, Washington Post Staff Writer, Sunday, May 4, 2008; Page M01.

Zadzooks on Iron Man toys

See "Iron Man toys show evolution of his armor," By Joseph Szadkowski, Washington Times May 3, 2008. Also, I believe Burger King is offering toys as well.

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Richard's Poor Almanack annual Free Comic Book Day cartoon

See it on his blog.

I was at Hole in the Wall books in Vienna, VA and they had it posted. I mentioned it and they started wondering how he could get the life of a comic book store owner so accurate in the last bit of the cartoon.

Friday, May 02, 2008

TwoMorrows Free Comic Book Day includes free downloads

Not exactly Washington DC-centric, but a fine offer nonetheless...

This weekend, we're celebrating Free Comic Book Day by offering FREE publications, both in comic book stores worldwide, and online at

On Saturday, May 3, 2008, our new COMICS GO HOLLYWOOD publication will be available free of charge at comic book shops. This 32-page comic-size book was assembled exclusively for Free Comic Book Day by our regular magazine editors, and reveals secrets behind your favorite on-screen heroes, and what's involved in taking a character from the comics page to the big screen. It includes storyboards from DC's animated hit "The New Frontier" (courtesy of DRAW! magazine), JEPH LOEB on writing for both Marvel Comics and the Heroes TV show (courtesy of WRITE NOW! magazine), details of an unseen X-Men movie (courtesy of ALTER EGO magazine), a history of the Joker from his 1940s origins to his upcoming appearance in the Dark Knight film (courtesy of BACK ISSUE magazine), and a look at Marvel Universe co-creator Jack Kirby's Hollywood career, with extensive Kirby art (courtesy of my own JACK KIRBY COLLECTOR magazine).

This one-shot sampler of our magazine line is also available in print form free from our website (a shipping charge applies), or as a free downloadable Digital Edition just by logging in and adding it to your shopping cart, and checking out. Also, last year's FCBD publication, COMICS 101 (featuring how-to and history lessons from top comicsprofessionals) is also available for free in print or digital form at

To give readers a chance to sample complete issues of our publications, we're again offering free downloadable Digital Editions of these recent issues of our magazines, only from May 3-4:

Alter Ego #65
Back Issue #21
Jack Kirby Collector #47
Write Now #14
Draw #12
Rough Stuff #3
BrickJournal Vol. 1, #9

We've also added several new Digital Editions of past issues of our magazines (each available for $2.95 per download), just in time for the FCBD event, and the newest episode of the TwoMorrows Tune-In podcast (hosted by Chris Marshall) has just debuted, featuring behind-the-scenes info on our upcoming publications.

So be sure to go to your local comics shop, and stop by our website and load up on free stuff!

Best regards,
John Morrow
10407 Bedfordtown Dr.
Raleigh, NC 27614
fax 919-449-0327

Saw Iron Man tonight...

...and it was good. Fanboy city as I went with friends from work. It's a mish-mash of the Stane takeover of Stark International and Armor Wars and a lot of the Michelenie - Layton years which is when I really liked the comic. Robert Downie Jr. makes the movie though - with a less-talented actor, this would have been a snooze.

For the Post's take, see "'Iron Man' Shows Strength of Character," By Ann Hornaday, Washington Post Staff Writer, Friday, May 2, 2008; C01.

Legalize Free Comics!

As much as I suppose I should, as a DC-area resident, be more in tune to what a Congressional Resolution supporting Free Comic Book Day would mean in real life, it's pretty cool to see our pasttime/hobby/obsession getting that level of attention...

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Comics Buzz in today's Examiner

The May 1st Virginia edition of The Examiner has a good handful of comics-oriented blurbs.

The top of page 5 has a piece about the the Ditko Spidey pages going to the Library of Congress.

The List: Your Guide to Weekend Arts & Entertainment points out Free Comic Book Day as #4 of the top 5 "Best Family" events for the weekend on page 17, listing the URL (

They also list the Herblock's Presidents exhibit as the Best Gallery exhibit (page 18).

And, of course, Iron Man is listed as Best Movie (p. 18).

Good to have a comics-friendly paper hereabouts!

Herblock exhibit blog article

I still haven't written my review, but another press conference attendee has done his - "Poking Fun at the Presidents," By Kenneth R. Fletcher for the Smithsonian Magazine's Around the Mall blog April 30, 2008.

Library of Congress blogs, Smithsonian blogs... it's a brave new world.

Wash Post on Iron Man movie backstory

See "Nerve Of Steel: To Pull Off the Making of 'Iron Man' Took Some Transformative Powers," by John Anderson, Washington Post Staff Writer, Thursday, May 1, 2008; C01.

Pretty good article - I like Robert Downey Jr. and I've got high enough hopes for this that I'm doing the geek thing and will be at the Uptown on Friday at 7 pm.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Semi-OT: Marc Weidenbaum on DJ Spooky in Nature

This one's stretching a little, but my friend and Viz Editor (and former Tower Records Pulse! comics editor) Marc Wiedenbaum's got a review of a new book by DJ Spooky, who was born in DC and has gone on to being, in Marc's words, "a centre-stage cultural figure — performer, composer, remixer, sound artist and activist." And it's in Nature!

See, if you can, Nature 453, 33-34 (1 May 2008); Published online 30 April 2008
An experimental musician explores how technology has transformed our cut-and-paste culture.
BOOK REVIEWED-Sound Unbound: Sampling Digital Music and Culture
edited by Paul D. Miller aka DJ Spooky that Subliminal Kid
MIT Press: 2008. 416 pp (plus CD). $29.95, £17.95

Actually it's pretty interesting. I have little to no interest in the music that Spooky would be DJ'ing, but the concepts in the book sound intriguing.

OT: New York Times cartoon journalism on website

Cartoon journalism is one of those minor interests of mine, and somewhere I've got a bibliography of it floating around. For a new example, see the New York Times' "Primary Pen & Ink: Asheville, N.C." - Campbell Robertson, a reporter for The Times, and an occasional cartoonist, is talking to voters around North Carolina in the week leading up to the state’s primary on Tuesday. His reports will be presented in graphic form.

Wuerker takes flight

Matt Wuerker, cartoonist of The Politico, has painted a plane sculpture for Crystal Flight, in Crystal City, Arlington.

The event, running through is described on Crystal City's webpage:

In Spring 2008, Crystal City will celebrate its long-standing connection to flight when 50 airplane statues (25 fighter jets and 25 vintage planes) land on the streets of Crystal City. Each Crystal Flight plane is sponsored by an area business, designed and decorated by talented local artists, and then placed throughout Crystal City beginning April 2008. Aimed to attract visitors from all over, this series showcases
Crystal City's integral relationship with the concept of "Flight," as illustrated by the proximity to Washington National Airport and the local presence of the United States Air Force, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, and more. Come see the fun, the creative, the whimsy.

There's also a map to the statues on that page. Matt's plane is right outside the subway station.

Kjscrafts describes Matt's plane as "This is a fun plane statue with an Uncle Sam looking pilot added to it. It red and white stripes on the body of the plane. The tail has a star and the word Politico (the sponsor for this particular statue)."

Anyone know if these will be for sale after the event? Anyone got a picture of Matt's plane?

Amazing Fantasy 15 - Library of Congress press release

The Library of Congress has issued a press release for the story we broke over a week ago, thanks to a casual conversation. Ahh, Washington - it's all in who you know...

Check out their blog post too, linked to further down in the press release. I grabbed two pictures from it, but there are a couple more.

(Photos from Library of Congress blog)

April 30, 2008

Press contact: Donna Urschel (202) 707-1639,
Public contact: Sara W. Duke (202) 707-3630,

Library of Congress Receives Original Drawings for the First Spider-man Story, “Amazing Fantasy #15”

In a deed of superheroic proportions, an anonymous donor has given the Library of Congress the original artwork by Steve Ditko for Marvel Comics’ “Amazing Fantasy #15” – the comic book that introduced Spider-Man in August 1962.

This unique set of drawings for 24 pages features the story of the origin of Spider-Man along with three other short stories – also written by Stan Lee and drawn by Steve Ditko – for the same issue: “The Bell-Ringer,” “Man in the Mummy Case” and “There Are Martians Among Us.”

“The donation of these wonderful drawings is a treasured gift to the American people. The opportunity to see the original art behind the published stories will benefit comic-book readers as well as popular-culture scholars,” said Sara W. Duke, curator of Popular and Applied Graphic Art in the Library’s Prints and Photographs Division. “Looking at the drawings inspires a new appreciation for the artist’s skill and design choices and also deepens our understanding of how a superhero created to attract a teenage audience became a cultural icon with mass appeal.”

For comic-book scholars and fans, this donation is a fantasy-come-true. Those who have heard the news of the survival of these drawings and their future availability at the Library of Congress have already expressed great excitement.

The black-and-white, large-format drawings (21 x 15 inches) detail the transformation of high school bookworm Peter Parker into Spider-Man. He is bitten by a radioactive spider, discovers his new powers and develops his now well-known disguise. The first episode concludes with several of the most famous lines attached to the story of Spider-Man: “With great power there must also come great responsibility … and so a legend is born and a new name is added to the roster of those who make the world of fantasy the most exciting realm of all.”

To view a sample of these drawings, visit the Library of Congress blog at

The donor, who has asked to remain anonymous, preserved the drawings with great care before turning to the Library of Congress to ensure that the designs will be available to researchers for generations to come. In the next few weeks, the Library plans to scan the drawings for easy access on-site in the Prints and Photographs Reading Room, and the digital reference copies will also help preserve the fragile original artwork.

Appointments to view the original drawings can be requested through the Prints & Photographs Division’s “Ask a Librarian” service at

The Spider-Man drawings join a premier collection of original cartoons in the Library’s Prints & Photographs Division. The collection includes more than 125,000 caricatures, comic strips, and political and social commentaries from the 1600s to the present. An ongoing program to preserve and exhibit drawings and to encourage cartoon research is sponsored by the Caroline and Erwin Swann Foundation for Caricature and Cartoon. For more information, visit

Founded in 1800, the Library of Congress is the nation’s oldest federal cultural institution and the largest library in the world, with more than 138 million items in various languages, disciplines and formats. As the world’s largest repository of knowledge and creativity, the Library is a symbol of democracy and the principles on which this nation was founded. Today the Library serves the U.S. Congress and the nation both on-site, in its 22 reading rooms on Capitol Hill, and through its award-winning Web site at

# # #



ISSN: 0731-3527

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

ICAF 2007 - Kyle Baker speaks

The International Comic Arts Forum was at the Library of Congress in 2007, and the Library routinely records events. The tapes of the event were given by ICAF to Michigan State University's Comic Art Collection, but I have a cd copy of them and was able to provide a mp3s of Kyle Baker speaking about his career for a researcher from the comix-scholars listserve, rather than putting Librarian Randy Scott to the effort of getting a tape duplicated. The tape was corrupted and had another program recorded over most of the first side of it - it picks up with Baker talking about when he was doing "King David." The second side moves onto "Nat Turner." The session ends with him answering semi-audible questions from the audience.

Baker's one of the best cartoonists working today in comic books today. I enjoy his work immensely (although I'm still disgruntled about how he and Andy Helfer abused my hero, The Shadow in the 1980s) and hearing him speak about it was a treat. Credit goes to Stanford Carpenter who booked him for ICAF.

Herblock 100th birthday book coming

I was fortunate enough to attend a preview of the National Portrait Gallery's new Herblock exhibit today - I'll post about that in the next day or so - and met Ms. Jean Rickard, Herb Block's Girl Friday for decades. She mentioned a project that the Herb Block Foundation is doing next year. It's a book about Herblock with DVDs of 16,000 of his cartoons included. The book includes a 4,000 word essay by Herblock's former colleague at the Post, Haynes Johnson. It comes out on his 100th birthday, October 13, 2009.

May 3: Free Comic Book Day offer from Hogan's Alley

One of the best general comics magazines is Hogan's Alley and I'm not saying that because I write for them once in a while. After all, they don't pay me. I'm saying it because it's true. And the editor Tom Heintjes is making an offer you can't refuse:

Mark your calendars for this Saturday, May 3: Free Comic Book Day! Send us an e-mail at ON THAT DATE with your mailing address, and we’ll send you a FREE issue of Hogan’s Alley! No obligations, no strings attached; the only thing it will cost you is several hours as you enjoy the issue. (This offer is valid for all U.S. residents, whether you’re a current subscriber or not.) Remember the one condition--we must receive your e-mail request on Free Comic Book Day, not the day before or the day after.

Set your calendars now!

May 3: Free Comic Book Day signings

Randy T. had put this in a comment, but I think it's important enough to move it up into a post:

Pretty disappointed to see so few creator signings locally to coincide with this event (

I did, however, notice that Matt Dembicki and Andrew Cohen will be signing at Beyond Comics in Gaithersburg, MD. I only found that since he was signing last year at Big Planet's Vienna, VA store and I figured he'd do so again this year, even though it's not on the creator signings listing at FCBD's web pages.

If you feel like traveling, though, try the following:

Cards, Comics & Collectibles in Reisterstown, MD is having Jimmy Gownley (Amelia Rules!), Steve Conley (Star Trek), and John Gallagher (Buzzboy).

Collector's Corner in Parkville, MD is having Michael S. Bracco (Novo), Tony Calandra (No-One!), Pat Carlucci (Marvel Masterpieces), Ver Curtis (Moonstone Comics), Kata Dales (Lost in the Woods), J.D. Dracoules (Trailer Park of Terror), G.W. Fisher (Shadowhawk), Nathan Getz (No-One!), Ross Kerr (Lost in the Woods), Sunny Lee (Gen 13) [tentative], Chris March (Trailer Park of Terror), H.C. Noel (Mr. Scootles), and Frank Zeigler (Waki & Rusty).

Super Villains Inc. in Nottingham, MD is having Greg LaRocque (Legion of Super-Heroes), Arvid Nelson (Rex Mundi), and Jeff Parker (Marvel Adventures: Iron Man – FCBD 2008 Ed.)

And Washington Street Books in Havre de Grace, MD is having Chelsea Carr (Baltimore Betty), Greg Cox (Star Trek), and Gale Heimbach (Green Hornet).

Keith Knight coming to Washington Post

In his newsletter's latest mailing, Keith wrote that his new strip will be appearing in the Washington Post, and went into more details:

Finally!! I can now blab all I want about the top secret project I've been working on these past 9 months (the OTHER 9 month project)..

The Knight Life is the new daily strip being syndicated by United Features Syndicate!! It's premiering on Monday, May 5th (Cinco De Mayo AND National Cartoonist's Day)!!

Honestly, folks. This is a dream come true. This is what I dreamt about as a kid. It's the big leagues. I want to thank everybody who has supported my work over the years. I hope you will continue to support it as it grows and expands like an American waistline.


It's autobiographical like the K Chronicles. But different. It has to be, because of the format. It's a much more character-driven strip.

Sundays will be a combination of reformatted K Chronicles and new stuff-- all in sparkling, vibrant color!!


It's starting up in a few choice places (Seattle, Portland, Las Vegas, Detroit,the Washington Post and more) , but not enough places. THAT'S WHERE YOU COME IN!!


I need everybody to send a polite email, letter, or make a phone call to your local newspaper editor and kindly request that they consider adding "the Knight Life" to their comics page. You can tell 'em that the artist won a 2007 Harvey Award for Best Comic Strip, and that their circulation will quadruple if they add it. Don't threaten. Don't nag. Don't be too harsh about other strips.It may back fire. Please be nice.

Newspapers will sometimes ask their readers directly about the comics page. Others sometimes do a test run of strips. The Sacramento Bee and the Contra Costa Times will be testing the Knight Life for a week or two, so if you're up for it, hit 'em with good feedback after they start running it. Remember: AFTER IT APPEARS IN THE PAPER!! I'll be sending an email out about it.

I'm hoping that it's not just another "Doonesbury"-temporary-replacement-test-strip as Keith does some of the best comic strip work today. I buy his books regularly and last year at the Small Press Expo bought a piece of original art. You can find more information on the new strip in this press release and at the United Features site.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Comics in strange places

Today was the Folger Shakespeare Library's celebration of Big Will's birthday (which was actually last Wednesday). The Library opened their reading rooms to the public so I took a look and found this chair (or throne as the case may be):

The image of Shakespeare is purported to be by or "attributed to" William Hogarth.


Comics, comics, everywhere...

Michigan comic retailer injured in robbery, needs financial help

Joel Pollack of Big Planet Comics writes in with this link - David Pirkola needs help. More details on the story are at "Shooting of comic-book store owner stuns friends," By Dave Murray, The Grand Rapids Press Sunday, April 27, 2008.

May 4: Comics on WAMU

Herschel Kanter writes in:

WAMU's old time radio program, The Big Broadcast, is going to have comics on the radio (May 4th, apparently as the schedule listed is off by a week). You can listen online.

8:30p Sad Sack
06/12/46 1st Show of the Series (26:17)

9:00p Archie Andrews
07/06/46 Archie Fights the Masked Marvel (Sus.)(NBC) (29:30)

9:30p Mark Trail
10/23/50 Sticks of Fear (Kellogg's Corn Flakes)(MBS)(29:38)

10:00p Superman
12/10/49 Mystery of the Mechanical Monster (Sus.)(ABC)(29:32)

The Nebbs 10/22/45 Fannie & George Switch Jobs (KHJ/MBS)(Cystex)(29:39)

Zadzooks on NY Comic Con

Living legends of comics win Comic Con honors, By Joseph Szadkowski, Washington Times April 26, 2008.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

May 3: Free Comic Book Day

April 25, 2008 10:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time

National Free Comic Book Day Hits Saturday, May 3rd

A Big Day for a Booming Industry

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--May 3rd, the day after Paramount's Iron Man hits theaters, thousands of comic book retailers across North America and around the world will share the magic of comics with their customers when they distribute millions of comic books free of charge during the seventh consecutive Free Comic Book Day.

Comic industry heavyweights Dark Horse Comics, DC Comics, Image Comics, and Marvel Comics are among the many publishers and manufacturers creating special titles for this year’s Free Comic Book Day. The free books appeal to a broad range of reader tastes, from exciting super-hero adventures for all ages to cutting-edge graphic fiction for older, more mature readers.

“We are thrilled to be a part of Free Comic Book Day for the seventh year in a row,” said Marvel President and Publisher Dan Buckley. “This is the best opportunity retailers have to actually increase readers and customers to their stores and each year has been more successful than the last. This event is about celebrating creative expression and the unique art form it represents.”

This year’s Free Comic Book Day is particularly special because it coincides with two major comic-related happenings: the eagerly awaited opening weekend of Paramount's Iron Man and National Cartoonists Day (a celebration sponsored by the National Cartoonists Society, the world's largest and most prestigious organization of professional cartoonists). All three events promise to make this first weekend in May a memorable one for comic-lovers everywhere.

To find a store in your area and to learn more about Free Comic Book Day go to

Wash Post reviews Might B cartoon

"'Mighty B!': A Very Animated Heroine," By Jennifer Frey, Washington Post Staff Writer, Saturday, April 26, 2008; C07 gives it a thumbs up. Of course, you've already missed it this morning.

Editorial cartoonist Nate Beeler spawns more than vitriolic wit

Nate and his wife Eve have a new son, Maxwell (Max) Owen Beeler as of April 18th. Congratulations, folks! I knew this was imminent, and was watching the Examiner to see if a whole week went by without one of Nate's cartoons, but I'm not sure if he skipped or not. I think he might have, but he had at least one in the week after Max was born - now that's a true cartoonist. Or freelancer. I get confused sometime.

KAL channel on youtube

KAL wrote in to say he now has "a channel on Youtube. It is the best way to view all the new Kal animations and movies including the most recent 3-D film featuring Hillary and Obama. Coming this week... a film discusses drawing Bill Clinton."


His existing website is

OT: Comic Art Indigène: There were cartoons before the Sunday Comics and Super Heroes before the Super Man

This press release came in this morning and sounds interesting, so even though it's not DC...

Comic Art Indigène: There were cartoons before the Sunday Comics and Super Heroes before the Super Man
May 11, 2008 – January 4, 2009

Santa Fe, NM—Storytelling has long been a part of Native American culture. Comic Art Indigène which opens at the Museum of Indian Arts and Culture on May 11, 2008 looks at how storytelling has been used through comics and comic inspired art to express the contemporary Native American experience. Under the larger definition of narrative art, comic art is more related to Native American art traditions than one might expect. The earliest surviving examples of such narrative art is rock art. The historic examples used in the exhibition, such as photographs of rock art, ledger art, and ceramics are meant to link Native American art traditions with contemporary voices.

Making comics and producing art inspired by them is a method of reclaiming the narrative art form of comics and Native American culture from those who would dismiss an art for the masses. Today, Native American artists are reclaiming stereotypes used in earlier comic art depicting Indians as savage, war-like primitives or trusty sidekicks.

Two-fisted tales of suspense showcasing fantastic heroes and villains interacting with gods old and new have always been a part of Native American Culture. As the first widely accessible mass media, comic strips, and comic books, were consumed by Indian people as a recognizable and legitimate form of storytelling. Stories of humor, adventure and the fantastic depicted through pictures have always been an indigenous practice. Today’s Native American scribes grapple with the same topics emboldened with millennia-old cultural traditions, blended with new methods of expression and life in the 21st Century.

The exhibition begins with a photograph of a cartoon from the 13th century. The image of the red, white and blue pictograph of the All American Man, a shield carrying warrior from the Pueblo II period (carbon dated to ca. 1290) will be contrasted to a drawing of that other red, white and blue shield hurling hero, Captain America. The most recent works will be from 2008. The majority of Indian art will be from 1990 to the present day.

Comic Art Indigène examines how American Indian artists articulate identity, reclaim stereotypes, worldview, politics, and culture through the kinetic expression of sequential art. Inspired by this unique medium, using its icons, tropes and dynamism, this is a new world of American Indian art, full of the brash excitement first seen on newsprint a century ago, sometimes unrefined, even crude at times, but never sterile.

A reception hosted by the Women’s Board of the Museum of New Mexico will be held on Sunday, May 11, 2008 beginning at 2:00 p.m.

Opening events on Sunday, May 11th , from 1-4pm include a drum group, artist roundtable, gallery tours, costume contest, and family activities including; make your own comic or ledger art, create your superhero emblem, and more.

Also opening the same day will be Bare Nation, an exhibition in the Doris and Arnold Roland Sculpture Garden of the Museum of Indian Arts and Culture created by senior students from the Institute of American Indian Art.

Exhibit Website:
Museum Website:


Located on Museum Hill™, the Museum of Indian Arts & Culture shares the beautiful Milner Plaza with the Museum of International Folk Art. Here, Now and Always, a major permanent exhibition at the Museum of Indian Arts & Culture, combines the voices of living Native Americans with ancient and contemporary artifacts and interactive multimedia to tell the complex stories of the Southwest. The Buchsbaum Gallery displays ceramics from the region’s pueblos. Five changing galleries present exhibits on subjects ranging from archaeological excavations to contemporary art. In addition, an outdoor sculpture garden offers rotating exhibits of works by Native American sculptors.

The Museum of Indian Arts and Culture is a division of the Department of Cultural Affairs.

Information for the Public
Location: The Museum of Indian Arts and Culture is located on Museum Hill™, Camino Lejo off Old Santa Fe Trail.
Information: 505-476-1250 or visit
Days/Times: Tuesday through Sunday, 10:00 A.M.-5:00 P.M. Between Memorial Day and Labor Day the Museum is also open on Monday.

Admission: School groups free. Children 16 and under free. New Mexico residents with ID free on Sundays. New Mexico resident Senior Citizens (age 60+) with ID free Wednesdays. Museum Foundation members free. NM Veterans with 50% or more disability free. Students with ID $1 discount. Single visit to one museum: $8.00 for non-state residents; $6.00 for New Mexico residents. Four-day pass to five museums including state-run museums in Santa Fe plus The Museum of Spanish Colonial Art $18.00. One-day pass for two museums (Museum of International Folk Art and Museum of Indian Arts and Culture OR New Mexico Museum of Art and Palace of the Governors) $12.00. Group rate for ten or more people: single visit $6.00, four day pass $16.00.

Media Contacts:
Antonio Chavarria, Curator of Ethnology

Steve Cantrell, PR Manager
505-310-3539 – cell

Friday, April 25, 2008

McCloud's theory influences fine art painter

When talking about "Four Months: Paintings by Deena Feigelson Margolis,", the conceptual installation by the Baltimore encaustic painter exhibit at the McLean Project for the Arts in the art center's Atrium Gallery, in his article "Artists Wax Eloquent in an Ancient Medium, Michael O'Sullivan (Washington Post Staff Writer, Friday, April 25, 2008; WE45) notes that she was influenced by Scott McCloud in the sidebar, "The Story Behind the Work". He writes:

The idea for Deena Feigelson Margolis's "Four Months," an abridged version of the artist's 2007 attempt to make a painting a day for six months, first came after reading Scott McCloud's "Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art."

What jumped out at her about the 1993 work, written in the sequential form of a comic book, was the author's discussion of "the relationship of the frame to the spaces between the frames," Margolis says. In other words, in visual storytelling, what's left unsaid is just as important as what's said.

Pretty neat!