Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Erik Evensen, author and artist of Gods of Asgard

For the online only interview, see "Visiting Valhalla: 'Gods of Asgard'," by Christopher Porter, Express October 31, 2007.

Patrick McDonnell report by guest columnist

Guest columnist Miron Murcury returns with the following report on Patrick McDonnell's appearance in Alameda, CA.

Good Humorist News

October 25, 2007. Newspaper cartoonist Patrick McDonnell spoke in Alameda, California at Books, Inc. McDonnell, the writer and cartoonist of MUTTS introduced his newest picture book, HUGS. The story features Jules the Kitten who travels the world hugging everyone he meets. He spoke on behalf of the East Bay SPCA.

After a few moments with HUGS, McDonnell from the audience suggestions drew the MUTTS characters on a 2X3 foot sketch pad. The quick sketches will later be auctioned by and for the benefit of the East Bay SPCA. For further information please contact:

McDonnell asked for questions from the enchanted audience.

'Who inspired you?'' A lady asked.

''Charles Schulz. I wanted to be Charles Schulz.'' McDonnell answered without hesitation. He went from Peanuts to spinach, pointing out the delights of Popeye and Krazy Kat.

''Will Eisner was a teacher of mine at the School of Visual Arts in New York City.'' He continued, ''I was an illustrator before becoming a newspaper strip cartoonist.''

Asked about Winsor McCay, he drew special attention to 'Little Nemo, So Many Splendid Sundays' edited by Pete Maresca.

''It was like seeing Little Nemo for the first time.'' McDonnell said in praise of Maresca's award winning book.

A member of the audience asked, ''You seem to have really shot to national prominence after your appearance in ARF. Will you be contributing to future issues?''

McDonnell, chuckling humorously, thanked editor Craig Yoe for his big break.

''Yes, I will be in the next issue of ARF.'' McDonnell revealed, ''Craig had the great idea of having today's cartoonists complete a Milt Gross multi-panel cartoon gag. I am one of the contributors.''

Click to find out everything about ARF, the unholy marriage of Art and Comics and to see McDonnell's contribution.

McDonnell will be a guest speaker at the Charles Schulz Museum in Santa Rosa, Saturday, October 27, 1-3pm. He was tickled, (my interpretation of his excitement, disbelief and sense of awe), by the temporary mural sized reproduction of Schulz's homage panel featuring MUTTS characters.

After his talk McDonnell graciously signed books for the enthused crowd adding small character sketches at purchasers request.

The official Patrick McDonnell web site.

Photo c. 2007 MMurcury

--Miron Murcury

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Ohio State Cartoon Festival Report UPDATED 2

The Ohio State University's Cartoon Research Library's tri-annual Festival of Cartoon Art wrapped up yesterday. I was there for the three days.

I'll fill this in with some photos (which are going up on Flickr now) and reports as I get time. And energy. But co-pilot Charles Hatfield and I had a great time.

Thursday, October 25th began with three academic panels in OSU’s hotel across from the very, very large football stadium. None were of particular interest to me although several – Wanzo on Black comics, Conners on Caniff’s growth as an artist, and Yesbick on George Carlson were engaging. Unfortunately there was no lunch break built in and Charles and I had skipped breakfast. The two of us, accompanied by Tom Inge, snuck out and missed the end of the second and the beginning of the third panels.

Bob Harvey spoke on Caniff for an hour. This was an overview of his early career and the differences in Caniff’s adventure strips, especially his art, from others of the time.
After Bob’s talk we adjourned across town to the Thurber Center Gallery, next door to the Thurber House where the New Yorker cartoonist grew up. One of their volunteers had covered her car with cartoon repros and drew quite an audience.

The Gallery had a small exhibit of original art from the Great Lakes branch of the National Cartoonists Society. The room filled rapidly so I headed for the food table promptly. Washington Examiner cartoonist Nate Beeler is from Columbus and was there with his girlfriend Eve. He introduced me to Mike Thompson and Nick Anderson and I got the three of them to sign Bush Leaguers, the book based on the AAEC exhibit that was in DC this summer. Rob Rogers put the book together and also signed it for me. We talked shop a little bit, discussing the difficulties of putting together an exhibit. Martha Kennedy, ass’t curator at the Library of Congress was there as well, and with Charles, we drove back to the hotel to hang around in the bar. John Jennings and Damien Duffy from the U of Ill Chicago joined us and hung around after we left around midnight.
Arnold Roth

Mort Walker
Friday, October 26th - Registration was far too early, but ran smoothly. A lovely breakfast was put on by the Renaissance hotel which was recently renovated and had a very reasonable rate for the conference. It also has an original Chihuly glass chandelier hanging in the bar. The morning opened with Brian Walker offering a quick overview of the state of comics prior to Caniff. I think this was adapted from his book on comics before 1945. This was followed by a panel with Bob Harvey, Pete Poplaski, Arnold Roth and Mort Walker telling anecdotes about Caniff. I’ll try to recall and add in some of them.

P. Craig Russell was on next and talked about converting Wagner’s Ring of the Niebelung opera to comics. He was fascinating, especially when discussing his attention to layout (which he told me later was the most interesting part of comics for him). Without examples, it’s hard to do justice to his talk, but one page – when Odin realizes the sword that will end his age has been forged, made an excellent example.

Nate Beeler, Eve and his brother Adam took me to North Market by the Arena, a former meat market now converted to stalls for food and antiques. A giant Peanuts bin held pumpkins at one stall and I bought a Herb Gardner “The Nebbishes” mug at another. Bob Harvey id’d the strip for me off the top of his head, and it only ran from 1959-61.

I caught the tail-end of Ted Rall’s talk on graphic journalism where he was talking about travelling through the ‘Stans for his book. I’d seen a similar version of this one before. Jessica Abel’s talk about storytelling was somewhat disappointing. She showed a couple of panels from her Artbabe comic which she said didn’t work, but not any examples from her more successful La Perdita.

Buses then took people to OSU’s campus. I started in the Cartoon Research Library tour. The Library sits in the basement of the new Wexner Center. A good sized reading room was filled with tables and lined with glass-fronted shelves, one of which held the current issue of the International Journal of Comic Art. An exhibit of mylar-encapsulated pieces from Caniff’s papers lined the walls and included juvenilia, a fan letter from John Steinbeck, and art by Hal Foster and others drawing Caniff’s characters with their own.
In the stacks, row after row of movable aisle shelving was filled with reference books, cartoonist’s collections and lots of manga. File cabinets along one wall held biographical files – a quick check revealed that Nate Beeler’s got a slim file. A couple of file cabinets held files by subject. To be honest, I expected more reference files like these. But the flat files, or map cases, had a massive amount of original art and there were a lot of them. A new digital camera that will shoot oversize artwork was shown to us a pride and joy.

The Caniff exhibit in the other building included a reception sponsored by Bone cartoonist Jeff Smith and his wife Vijaya Iyer. This is the first time I’ve seen roast beef wrapped around a sweet pickle. The exhibit gave one plenty of opportunity to view Caniff’s originals, including the death of Raven Sherman. Two cases of Caniff licensing rounded out the exhibit as did a small sub-exhibit of tear sheets of other comic strips influenced by Caniff.

October 27th – Dragging a bit by this point, I lingered over the hotel breakfast and had a pleasant conversation with Jan Eliot, the ‘Stone Soup’ cartoonist. She told me about finding a patron to help her set up her own publishing house, Planet Nine.

As a result of lingering, I missed the beginning of the publisher’s roundtable. One of the questions was interesting – when asked about the prevalence of scanned comics, defined by the questioner as ‘piracy,’ Scholastic Books editor David Saylor said piracy is evil. Gary Groth demurred and said that he viewed it as advertising. He thought most people prefer the experience of a book, especially with the increased attention to book design. I must say that I agree with Gary.

Frank Stack gave an overview of his underground career, focusing on his anti-religious work, The New Adventures of Jesus. Stack spoke lovingly of his deceased wife, showing us some pages where he drew her into the story, and he still seems to be pining for her.

'Curtis' cartoonist Ray Billingsly spoke very briefly and then took questions. Billingsly appears bitter about the arc of his career, imputing a lack of books and animation deals to racism. Having spoke to Jan Eliot, who is white, earlier that morning about her difficulty in getting books, I’m taking his points with a grain of salt.

Mike Peters could have been a stand-up comedian. His talk about how he became a cartoonist was hilarious. "Little Mikey" as he was unfortunately known in St. Louis due to his mother's TV show was sent to a Catholic (!) Military (!!) school, usually attending summer school, and was flunking out of college until one of his teachers suggested that he do cartooning for all of his arts classes. He had the audience rolling on the floor as he recounted this and raced the clock to show some cartoons.

I missed Nick Anderson when Tom Inge and I went in search of a book store which proved not to be very interesting.

Paul Pope's got a fashion line coming out from DKNY. He was asked to do something with camouflage so he drew moth wings that will be reproduced on cotton clothing. Pope's talk was fascinating - he really thinks about his work and articulates his point of view clearly. He talked about his influences in silver age comics and record cover art too. When he started taking questions, I rushed out and bought his book Pulphope from Adhouse books and got him to sign it.

Alison Bechdel’s always an interesting speaker. On her art technique, she said she eschewed Photoshop and did coloring for Fun Home on a vellum overlay. I asked her about her next project. She said it’s another memoir of her life as a young adult lesbian, but she’s having trouble getting it to gel. I also asked if ‘Dykes to Watch Out For,’ which has been dark for years and that I attributed to the current political climate. She said she’s gotten back to doing the strip twice a month and also thinks that it’ll be lightening up.

At the cocktail party, I was able to tell Roy Doty of ‘Wordless Workshop’ how much I appreciated his work. I didn’t win anything at the banquet raffle. In the bar that night, I got to speak with Brian Walker about the difficulties of putting up exhibits, eavesdropped on Mike Peters telling a story, spoke with Bechdel about her appearance in DC next week and met Bill ‘Foxtrot’ Amend and political cartoonist Cullum Rogers. I can hardly wait for three more years.

Cartoonists Mike Thompson and Mark Anderson have blogged about it as well. Anderson was blogging live (!) during the talks and is well worth reading - he's reminded me of lots I forgot. He's got 3 pages up. Also, he posted a link to part of Mike Peters' talk on Youtube.

Oct 31: Halloween comics giveaway

I'll be handing out the three Halloween Ashcans available this year - Little Archie "The House that Wouldn't Move"; Iron Man Halloween Ashcan 2007; and Uncle Scrooge "Hound of the Whiskervilles" by Carl Barks. If you're in South Arlington, stop on by.

Richard Thompson and the Secret History of Comics

I'm in some boring training at work so I brought in I'm with Stupid by Gene Weingarten and Gina Barreca. Lo! and Behold! It's illustrated by RT. He used to illustrate Weingarten's column in the Post Magazine, so I guess this was a natural.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Steve Niles interview in The Onion

Scott Rosenberg's got an interview with Steve Niles who writes 30 Days of Night the latest comic book to become a movie. I imagine this is only in the paper copy since it's a local story. Also there's an article on food to eat while watching, It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

The Nebbishes

One of my finds in Columbus is this mug by Herb Gardner of his comic strip, The Nebbishes. Bob Harvey identified the strip for me just from Gardner's name, and Allan Holtz's Strippers Guide said it ran Sundays-only from 1959-1961. So this can't be too common.

Oct 29: Good Ol' Charles Schulz on TV

9 pm on Channel 22 and 10 pm on Channel 26 - for more details on the PBS American Masters documentary, see "Schulz: The Good and The Grief", By Megan Voelkel, Washington Post Staff Writer, Sunday, October 28, 2007; Page Y05.

I got to meet Mrs. Schulz this weekend - in fact I shared an elevator with her - but she was mostly talking with my buddy Charles. I couldn't call her Jean either, although she invited us too.

DC's own Pop Mhan at DC's Zuda Comics

Randy T. reports:

DC's own Pop Mhan is one of the competitors at DC's Zuda Comics webcomic competition thingie:

In anticipation of the launch of, DC Comics announced today the ten entries in the first ever competition. These webcomics are diverse in both their subject matter and tone, spanning a wide variety of genres— from horror to western to fantasy. Aspiring creators and comics fans alike will be invited to vote for one of the ten comics to continue as a regular web comic on the site. The competition winners will, in turn, receive contracts to create a year’s worth of their comic for the site.

“If Zuda Comics are to have common traits they’re quality and diversity”, said Ron Perazza, Director, Creative Services. “For this first competition we selected people from different creative fields, both within and outside of traditional comics, based on the strength of their concepts. It was a bit of a creative experiment but the results were fantastic. This is going be a tough competition!”

The first competition features the following webcomics:


Title: The Dead Seas
Writer/Artist: Pop Mhan
Summary: Legions of undead controlled by Necromancer warlords destroy life as we know it, plunging the Earth into a futuristic Dark Age. But it’s adventure and romance on The Dead Seas as a swashbuckling young pirate named Devin teams up with an adventurous crusader name Luna. Armed with the secret of Pandora’s Box, they set out to destroy the Necromancers and save the world.

Nov 11 Brad Meltzer in Rockville

Brad Meltzer's appearing on November 11th at 11:30 on Sunday at JCC of Greater Washington
6125 Montrose Rd., Rockville, MD.


(Happy Halloween!)
by John Judy

ACTION COMICS #858 by Geoff Johns and Gary Frank. It’s Frank’s first issue as we begin the epic “Superman and the Legion of Super-Heroes!” For legal reasons a certain “Boy of Steel” can no longer be officially acknowledged. Don’t ask. No really, don’t. They’re listening….

APOCALYPSE NERD # 6 of 6 written and drawn by Peter Bagge. A darkly comic mini from the creator of HATE. Disturbing fun. Why wait for the trade?

BATMAN #670 by Grant Morrison and Tony Daniel. “The Resurrection of Ras al Ghul” begins here! Guaranteed to be gross and kinky, Morrison-style!

BIFF BAM POW #1 by Evan Dorkin and Sarah Dyer. A too-infrequent comics release from the Dorkin-Dyer team, filled with humor, action, and old school comics madness! These guys are always worth a few shekels! Recommended!

BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER LONG WAY HOME SC by Joss Whedon and Georges Jeanty. The first collection of “Season Eight” from the giant hand at the swirling birth of the Buffy-verse himself! Recommended!

COUNTDOWN #26 by Everyone Who Was Available. Plus a bunch of COUNTDOWN cross-overs. If you’re anticipating a long wait for the Great Pumpkin you may want to collect them all. Or not.

CRIME BIBLE: THE FIVE LESSONS OF BLOOD #1 of 5 by Greg Rucka and Tom Mandrake. Who cares what this book is about? It’s called “THE CRIME BIBLE!” And it’s by Greg Rucka! Starring the new Question! This week’s Must-Have!

DAREDEVIL ANNUAL #1 by Ed Brubaker and Roy Allan Martinez. The return of the Black Tarantula (who’s actually Latino, but why split hairs?), plus DD gets the flu! If you’ve enjoyed DAREDEVIL these past few years this one will not disappoint! Recommended.

DC INFINITE HALLOWEEN SPECIAL #1 by Lotsa People. Thirteen tales of terror as told by the inmates of Arkham Asylum! Ya gotta look, right? Right? BOO!

ESSENTIAL WEREWOLF BY NIGHT, VOL.2 SC by Various Creators. Yeah, sure, why not?

IMMORTAL IRON FIST VOL.1 SC by Ed Brubaker, Matt Fraction, and David Aja. Collecting issues #1-6! Best Iron Fist ever! A sure-fire hit for all fans of quality martial arts epics. Recommended!

JUSTICE SOCIETY OF AMERICA #10 by Geoff Johns, Alex Ross, and Dale Eaglesham. The team keeps growing, but the big “What If?” is wrapped up in last issue’s arrival of the future Superman from “Kingdom Come.” Very cool. Geek nirvana.

MARVEL MASTERWORKS: ATLAS ERA STRANGE TALES VOL.1 HC by Various Legends. Presenting horror comics as they were meant to be: 1951, Pre-Code, and fresh from the grave! Recommended for Halloween and all year round!

PERRY BIBLE FELLOWSHIP: TRIAL OF COLONEL SWEETO HC written and drawn by Nicholas Gurewitch. Award-winning cartoons from a guy being favorably compared to Rod Serling and Bill Watterson. Gotta look!

SHOWCASE PRESENTS TEEN TITANS VOL.2 SC by Bob Haney, Nick Cardy, Neal Adams and Others. Classic Silver-Age stories, fun for all ages, hilarious for those who were there back then. Recommended.

SPECIAL FORCES #1 of 6 written and drawn by Kyle Baker. The words “Kyle Baker” are all you need to hear to know that this one’s a mandatory purchase, but to sweeten the pot: It’s an Image mini about a group of differently-abled recruits for the Iraq war. Pulled straight from true headlines about our government recruiting the autistic and the criminal in time of war, this one goes where few but Mr. Baker dare to tread. Highly recommended!

X-MEN MESSIAH COMPLEX ONE-SHOT by Ed Brubaker and Marc Silvestri. The beginning of the latest fall-out from “House of M.” There’s a new mutant in the house and everybody wants to find it. Good premise. Let’s see the follow-up.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Postcards review

Andrew Wheeler reviews Postcards in "GRAPHIC NOVEL REVIEW: Postcards edited by Jason Rodriguez" at Comicmix. Postcards was put together by DC's Jason Rodriguez.

Nov 8-9 PEN/Faulkner Presents: Graphic Novels Party and Program

Obviously - I'll be there.

Oct 26: Halloween at Geppi's Entertainment Museum

Superhero Halloween presented by Fathead and Geppi’s Entertainment Museum

Fathead launches Marvel and DC Characters inviting public to come as their favorite Hero

Who: Fathead®, the fast-growing sports and entertainment brand best-known for its life-size wall graphics, is partnering with The Geppi’s Entertainment Museum, voted the best non-art museum of Baltimore, to unveil the Fathead Heroes line. Superheroes will literally take over Camden Yard to help Fathead launch the Marvel and DC Comic characters just in time for holidays. Fans can see for the first time anywhere Fathead images of Superman, Batman, The Hulk, The Thing, Wolverine and of course 3 versions of Spiderman: The Movie.

Where: Heroes and doers of good are joining forces at Geppi’s Entertainment Museum. 301 W. Camden Street, Baltimore, MD 21201 410-625-7060 In celebration of Heroes Geppi Entertainment Museum will be free and open to the public.

When: Friday, October 26, 2007 from 5-10 PM. The perfect Pre-Halloween Festivity for the whole family

What: Parents, Kids, Heroes and fans alike are encouraged to participate in the excitement and wear the costume of their favorite Superhero. The Fathead Hero Celebration is open to the public and parking is free for anyone not flying in! Fathead images will be featured throughout the museum, complete with Tricks or Treats for the kids and goodies provided by Marvel and DC Comics, along with a few surprise guests. There will also be a contest for the best adult and child super duo, who will win their choice of Fathead Heroes. To get a sneak preview of our honorary super guests that will be on display, click on

About Fathead LLC: The Livonia, Mich-based company whose products are commonly referred to as Fatheads, has become the preferred home, personal and lifestyle décor purchase for sports and entertainment enthusiasts of all ages. The most popular Fathead product line consists of a colorful vinyl wall graphic of popular sports stars, NASCAR race cars and entertainment characters. Fathead LLC maintains license agreements with WMG, the NFL and PLAYERS INC., Collegiate Licensing Company, Licensing Resource Group, Inc., MLB, MLBPA, MLS, NASCAR, WWE. NBA Properties Inc, NHL and NHLPA, Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders, Lucasfilm, Ltd., Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, Time, Inc., Marvel Characters, Inc., Warner Bros., Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc., and Spider-Man 3, the Movie.

About Geppi’s Entertainment Museum: Located at Camden Yards in historic Camden Station, Geppi’s Entertainment Museum is only two blocks away from Baltimore's famous Inner Harbor attractions. Founded by Stephen A. Geppi, Owner of Diamond Comic Distributors - the largest English-language comic book distribution company in the world - Geppi's Entertainment Museum is the home of “pop culture with character,” an incredible trip through so many cherished childhood memories. We hope you’ll want to be part of the journey.

CONTACT: Melissa Geppi- Bowersox (410)625-7060
Brian Stevenson (734)386-5911
Megan Tarsha (734)386-5924

Monday, October 22, 2007

The rest of Peter Bagge's DC trip

Readers may recall that I went to hear Mr. Bagge speak at Reason Magazine a few months ago. Apparently he also goes to booksignings.

Lat/KAL/Drew Rougier-Chapman Iconophobia panel article

A fairly good overview of the Lat/KAL/Drew Rougier-Chapman Iconophobia panel was published in "Panel talks about religious satire," by Husna Kazmirs, George Washington University Hatchet Reporter, 10/22/07.


By John Judy

ACTION COMICS #857 by Geoff Johns, Richard Donner, and Eric Powell. “Rats! It am Bizarro Justice League! That am terrible idea! Me will buy many copies to keep plastic bags in! Hello!”

DAREDEVIL #101 by Ed Brubaker and Michael Lark. It’s tough when your wife pushes somebody under a train in the middle of a crowded subway platform, especially when your best defense is “She was crazy on drugs, your honor.” This is s great book. Recommended.

DOKTOR SLEEPLESS #3 by Warren Ellis and Ivan Rodriguez. Given how impossible it is to usefully navigate Avatar’s website I’m tempted not to acknowledge this issue at all. But it’s Warren Ellis….

FLASH #233 by Mark Waid and Daniel Acuna. The Justice League takes the Flash’s kids into protective custody. Can K-Fed be far behind?

MARVEL MASTERWORKS NICK FURY VOL.1 HC by Stan Lee and the Mighty Marvel Bullpen. Collecting Nick’s super-spy adventures from the years before he was bald black man. Classic stuff. Recommended.

MOON KNIGHT #13 by Charlie Huston and Tom Coker. Huston’s final issue, a clever end to a run that too often depended on peeled-off faces and similar “grim-n-gritty” tropes.

SERENITY HC THOSE LEFT BEHIND by Joss Whedon Brett Matthews, and Will Conrad. Collecting the three-issue mini bridging the TV show and movie. Plus lotsa behind the scenes stuff. Browncoats take note!

SHE-HULK #22 by Peter David and Shawn Moll. Peter David’s maiden voyage on Marvel’s other green-skinned powerhouse. Previous author Dan Slott is a tough act to follow, but David shows real promise as he takes “Shulkie” in a new direction. Recommended.

SPIRIT VOL.1 HC written and drawn by Darwyn Cooke. Collecting the first six issues of Cooke’s impressive run on Will Eisner’s most famous gumshoe.

STREETS OF GLORY #2 by Garth Ennis and Mike Wolfer. This issue illustrates why Montana has never been a good place to live. Never.

SUPERMAN #669 by Kurt Busiek and Rick Leonardi. The search for the Third Kryptonian continues. Did anyone on that planet actually die?

THUNDERBOLTS #117 by Warren Ellis and Mike Deodato. Doc Samson, the gamma-powered psychiatrist has a look under Dark Speedball’s spikey hood. Great comic, highly recommended.

WALKING DEAD #43 by Robert Kirkman and Charlie Adlard. The Governor is back to make flesh-eating zombies seem like good neighbors. This is why Kirkman will be the only guy left standing once the zombie craze burns itself out. Highly recommended. NOT for kids.

X-FACTOR VOL.3 MANY LIVES OF MADROX SC by Peter David and Pablo Raimondi. Collecting issues 13-17 in which Madrox collects stray dupes and the team goes on the psychiatrist’s couch with the in-demand Doc Samson. Good stuff. Recommended.

X-MEN #204 by Mike Carey and Michael Choi. Featuring the final chapter of the “Endangered Species” back-up story in which Hank McCoy has a date.

Plus PREVIEWS from Marvel and Diamond.

March 31, 2008: Shakespeare and Manga

Words on Will: Shakespeare + Manga at the Folger Shakespeare Library, 201 East Capitol St, SE, Washington, DC 2003. It's $12.00 and you can buy tickets on their website, which reports:

Shakespeare meets manga, a stylized Japanese comic form, in four new editions of Macbeth, Hamlet, Julius Caesar, and Romeo and Juliet. Writer/adapter Adam Sexton, faculty member at Parsons The New School for Design, and the manga artists discuss their work on these unique and beautifully illustrated new works.

Dates & Times:
March 31, 2008 7:30pm

Folger Elizabethan Theatre

About Manga:
Manga can mean Japanese graphic novels or comic books, typically intended for adults, characterized by highly stylized art.

About the writer Adam Sexton :
Adam Sexton is author of Master Class in Fiction Writing and editor of the anthologies Love Stories, Rap on Rap, and Desperately Seeking Madonna. He has written on art and entertainment for the New York Times and the Village Voice, and he teaches fiction writing and literature at New York University and critical reading and writing at Parsons School of Design. He is a graduate of Columbia University and the University of Pennsylvania.

About the artist Yali Lin:
Yali Lin was born in southern China and moved to New York with her family in 1995. After earning her BFA in Cartooning from the School of Visual Arts in 2006, Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet Manga Edition is her first book. She teaches Cartooning/Manga courses to young teens in Manhattan, NYC.

Nov 8 - PEN/Faulkner "Comics and Graphic novels in the classroom"

A pre-Nov 9th Graphic Novels PEN/Faulkner event will be held at Busboys and Poets Cafe, 1390 V St, NW, WDC featuring professors Marc Singer (Howard), Michael Wenthe (American) and me (not a professor) on "Comics and Graphic Novels in the Classroom." The dinner costs $22.50 and one can rsvp to 202-898-9063 or I think that Barry, Bechdel and Ware will be at this event as well as speaking the next day.

Comics Research Bibliography update October 22, 2007 citations

Another boring post! Here's the list that was sent to my Comics Research Biblio co-author today.

Abruzzese, Sarah. 2005.
Pop culture museum to open in Baltimore: Venture will display entrepreneur's collection of cartoons, toys and other memorabilia [Geppi’s Entertainment Museum].
Baltimore Sun (October 24)

Associated Press. 2007.
Sen. Leahy to appear in next Batman film.
Washington Examiner (August 20): 9

Belman, Felice. 2006.
Time to get serious about the funnies; Help us decide which comics to add, scrap.
Concord Monitor (December 31).
Online at

Booker. M. Keith. 2007.
‘May Contain Graphic Material’: Comic Books, Graphic Novels, and Film.

Booker. M. Keith. 2006.
Drawn to Television: Prime-Time Animation from The Flintstones to Family Guy.

Brady, Matt. 2007.
The Boys Ends At Wildstorm.
Newsarama (January 24):

Cart, Michael. 1991.
The cat with the killer personality [Felix].
New York Times Book Review (March 31)

Chaney, Jen. 2007.
The holiday necessity: ‘The Jungle Book’ is the answer to all your kid-gifting questions.
[Washington Post] Express (October 3)

Conan, Neal. 2007.
Goodbye, Captain America [Jeph Loeb interview].
National Public Radio's Talk of the Nation (July 9).
online at

Contino, Jennifer M. 2007.
Josie and Barbara Slate's Pussycats.
Comicon's The Pulse (June 15):;f=36;t=006367

Contino, Jennifer M. 2007.
Bevard's Favorite Class At Ninja High School.
Comicon's The Pulse (June 14):;f=36;t=006363

Contino, Jennifer M. 2007.
Steve Uy, Jakeem Thunder and Jsa Classified.
Comicon's The Pulse (June 15):;f=36;t=006364

Contino, Jennifer M. 2007.
Christos Gage And The New Quasar.
Comicon's The Pulse (June 14):;f=36;t=006362

Contino, Jennifer M. 2007.
Dustin Nguyen: Torturing Superman And Batman.
Comicon's The Pulse (June 13):;f=36;t=006359

Contino, Jennifer M. 2007.
Schwartz And Wang's Meltdown: One Hot Comic.
Comicon's The Pulse (June 13):;f=36;t=006358

Contino, Jennifer M. 2007.
Jedi Jason Hall's Clone Wars Adventures.
Comicon's The Pulse (June 12):;f=36;t=006356

Contino, Jennifer M. 2007.
The Origins Of Wolverine With Daniel Way.
Comicon's The Pulse (June 12):;f=36;t=006355

Contino, Jennifer M. 2007.
Teen Titans' Todd Nauck Go!
Comicon's The Pulse (June 11):;f=36;t=006352

Cornwell, Lisa. 2007.
Cincinnati gets restored mural of city [Saul Steinberg].
Associated Press (June 16).
Online at

Coville, James. 2006.
Tony Tallarico Interview.
Collector Times' Coville's Clubhouse (August):

Cuti, Nicola. 1981.
In memorium – Wally Wood: 1927-1981.
Comics Scene (2): 12

Dixon, Glenn. 2007.
A hyphenate fanboy in exile: Junot Diaz shows the geek love in his first novel, ‘Oscar Wao’ [comic book influences].
[Washington Post] Express (September 6)

Flake, Emily. 2007.
These Things Ain't Gonna Smoke Themselves [smoking graphic novel].
Bloomsbury USA

Fleming, Thomas. 1902.
Around the Capital with Uncle Hank [caricatures by editorial cartoonist].
Thomas New York: Nutshell Publishing Co.

Flynn, John L. 2007.
101 Superheroes of the Silver Screen: A Compendium of Cinema's Costumed Crimefighters.
Maryland: Galactic Books

Fotos, Adam. 2007.
Comics writer McCloud to lecture at Krannert.
University of Illinois' Daily Illini (April 19).
Online at

Ree, Wayne. 2007.
[Kazu Kibuishi on Flight volume 4].
Diverging Comics (April):

Unknown. 2003?
An Interview with Flight Comics' Kazu Kibuishi
Diverging Comics:

Friess, Steve. 2007.
Cartoon creator hopes reinventing 'For Better' is for the best.
USA Today (September 10).
Online at

George, Richard. 2006.
Hollywood Invades the Comic Book Industry: Have directors and writers like Richard Donner, Joss Whedon and Kevin Smith been good to comics?
IGN (November 30):

Glines, C.V. 1969.
Before the Colors Fade: Berlin Airlift Commander [military cartoonist Jake Schuffert].
American Heritage (October): 95

Griepp, Milton. 2007.
Jay Kennedy RIP; King Features Editor Dead at 50.
ICv2 (March 18):

Groening, Matt. 2007.
Will and Abe's Guide to the Universe [Life In Hell].
New York: Harper

Harben, Jerry. 2007.
Videos help children with absent parent [educational psychiatric animation].
US Army Medical Department Mercury (August): 4

Becker, Pam. 2007.
Lynn Johnston isn't ready to call it quits.
Chicago Tribune (February 20).
Online at,1,6284402.story?track=rss

Harrison, Eric. 2007.
For Better or for Worse creator slowing down, not retiring.
Houston Chronicle (January 30).
Online at

Heater, Brian. 2007.
Interview: Peter Kuper Pt. 1-2.
Daily Cross Hatch (August 28, September 18):

Heffernan, Virginia. 2007.
Television That's Rude, Crude, Hilarious and Only on the Web [internet animation].
New York Times (January 11)

Henderson, Amy. 2007.
Book Review – Walt Disney: The Triumph of the American Imagination by Neal Gabler.
Profile: Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery News (Spring / Summer): 11

Honeycutt, Kirk. 2007.
‘Ratatouille’ a masterful blend of ingredients.
Hollywood Reporter (June 17).
Online at

Kazmirs, Husna. 2007.
Panel talks about religious satire [International Comic Arts Forum, KAL, Lat].
George Washington University Hatchet (October 22).
Online at

Kelly, John F. 1990.
Interview with George Pratt 6/2/1990.
CFA-APA fanzine (19; August 15)

Kelly, John F. 1990.
A short interview with Richard Corben.
CFA-APA fanzine (20; October 15)

Kelly, John F. 1990.
Interview with Pepe Moreno 7/27/1990.
CFA-APA fanzine (20; October 15)

Kelly, John F. 1990.
20 Questions: Interview with Charles Vess, 6/1/90
CFA-APA fanzine (20; October 15)

Kelly, John F. 1990.
20 Questions with S. Clay Wilson: April 22, 1990 Earth Day! Interview with S. Clay Wilson.
CFA-APA fanzine (20; October 15)

Kelly, John. 1991.
Interview with Will Eisner 10/13/1990.
CFA-APA fanzine (21; January 15)

Kelly, John. 1991.
Carrying on the Tradition: An Interview with Dave Stevens conducted 10/14/90.
CFA-APA fanzine (21; January 15)

Kelly, John and Ed Erkes. 1991.
Interview with Mark Schultz 4/7/91.
CFA-APA fanzine (23; August 15)

Amash, Jim. 1991.
Too much ado about ‘Alex’ [Toth interview].
CFA-APA fanzine (23; August 15)

Hitchcock, John. 1991.
Talking Comics: 20 Questions for Alex Toth [interview].
CFA-APA fanzine (23; August 15)

Kelly, John. 1991.
Interview with William Stout.
CFA-APA fanzine (24; October 15)

Fausto, Len. 1990.
Comicom’s Number 1 Fear Magazine [interview with ‘Tomb of Dracula’ inker Tom Palmer].
CFA-APA fanzine (20; October 15)

Pratt, George. 1991.
Hey, Joe! [on Joe Kubert].
CFA-APA fanzine (22; April 15)

Roberts, Charlie. 1991.
Charlie Roberts (Q:) interviewing Rick Marschall (A:).
CFA-APA fanzine (22; April 15)

Thingvall, Joel. 1998.
Curt Swan: A Super Artist and a Super Guy! [interview].
CFA-APA fanzine (47; Fall)

Rothschild, Benno G. Jr. 1998.
Quality and Quantity [interview of Bob Murphy, comic strip original art collector].
CFA-APA fanzine (47; Fall)

Parkhill, Cynthia. 1998.
Bill the Bee Man: Leach put the bee in Record-Bee [Bill Leach, EC fanzine editor and semi-pro].
Lake County Record-Bee (August 19): B1, 3

Tyler, Tim. 1998.
Weird, but in a cool way: Deer Valley’s Mr. Bill inspires art classes with talent, energy [Bill Leach, EC fanzine editor and semi-pro].
Ledger Dispatch (October 7)

Klimek, Chris. 2007.
Tomorrow’s heroes [Small Press Expo and Matt Dembicki].
Washington Examiner (October 13-14): 25

Lebovits, Susan Chaityn. 2007.
Artist draws on his childhood dreams [Paul Ryan].
Boston Globe (June 17)

Lin, Eric W. 2006.
Alum Sketches Future of Political Toons [Kevin KAL Kallaugher].
Harvard Crimson (October 26):

Unknown. 2006.
The Masters Series: Jules Feiffer.
Art Daily (October 26):

Maheras, Russ. 2007.
Steve Canyon and the Air Force celebrate 60 years of serving America [comic strip].
Army Times (September 24): 46-47

Maley, Don. 1969.
Hal Foster both lives and loves the days of Camelot.
Editor and Publisher (January 25): 15, 52

McCourt, Sean. 2007.
Legend of Stagger Lee told in graphic novel.
Santa Cruz Sentinel (February 18).
Online at

McManus, Otile. 1977.
A Gorey master of the macabre.
Boston Globe (August ?)

Molitorisz, Sacha. 2003.
Comic genius: A file clerk created a superhero-free cult comic and became the subject of one of the movies of the year [Harvey Pekar and American Splendor].
Sydney Morning Herald (September 5)

Montagne, Renee. 2007.
Marvel Comics Kills Off Captain America.
National Public Radio's Morning Edition (March 8).
online at

McCall, Bruce. 2007.
Op-Art: The Price of Emission [cartoon].
New York Times (August 19)

McNary, Dave. 2007.
Mendes gets in Frank Miller's 'Spirit'; Actress joins Johansson, Jackson in cast.
Variety (August 22).
Online at

Mraz, Steve. 2005.
Sergeant in Afghanistan offers a comic 'Reality Check' [Bryan Dorman].
Stars and Stripes Mideast edition (October 21).
Online at

Mulholland, Tara. 2007.
Britain Embraces the Graphic Novel.
New York Times (September 5).
Online at

Murray, Noel. 2007.
Slugfest: Revisiting a cartoon sailor’s untamed early years [Popeye animation].
Onion (August 16): 20

Murray, Noel and Keith Phipps. 2007.
Whither Clarabelle Cow?: 6 Semi-Forgotten Disney Characters [expanded version online].
Onion (September 27): 14
Online at

Nunley, Kate. 2006.
World-renowned editorial cartoonist takes up residence at UMBC [KAL].
Retriever Weekly (February 21).
Online at

Ontiveros, Roberto. 2007.
Austin Grossman's 'Soon I Will Be Invincible'; Austin Grossman's debut novel takes a serious look at the world of the Supervillain.
Austin American-Statesman (June 17).
Online at

Pekar, Harvey. 1988.
Melancholy Biely [The Dramatic Symphony and the Forms of Art by Andrei Biely book review].
Village Voice (February 2): 62

Pekar, Harvey. 2003.
What, Me Worry? Yes. 'American Splendor' Is One of the Most Celebrated Movies of the year, and Everybody Loves My Comic Again. But ... I dunno.
Austin Chronicle (September 5).
Online at

Rose, Charlie. 2003.
A discussion about the film ‘American Splendor’ [interview includes Harvey Pekar].
Charlie Rose Show (August 19).
Online at

Ervin-Gore, Shawna. 2001.
Harvey Pekar [interview].
Dark Horse Comics:

Ervin-Gore, Shawna. 1999.
Harvey Pekar [interview].
Dark Horse Comics:

Zabel, Joe. 2005.
In Depth: The Harvey Pekar Interview.
Graphic Novel Review (January)
online at

Radford, Bill. 2006.
Comics legend's ideas live on [Jack Kirby].
Colorado Springs Gazette (June 11).
Online at

Radford, Bill / Colorado Springs Gazette. 2006.
Veteran of comic strips just keeps on Rock-ing along [Joe Kubert].
Houston Chronicle (January 17)

Raskauskas, Ernest C. Sr.
Cartoonist Most Foul [letter to editor on Tom Toles].
Washington Post (September 1)

Robinson, Tasha. 2007.
Bill Willingham [Interview].
Onion AV (August 6):

Robinson, Tasha. 2007.
Random Rules: James Kochalka [interview; longer version online August 7].
Onion (August 2): 14.
Online at

Robinson, Tasha. 2007.
Joss Whedon [interview; longer version online August 8].
Onion (August 2): 14.
Online at

Rosenberg, Scott. 2007.
From screen to page: Comic writer Brian Michael Bendis puts ‘Halo’ down on paper.
Express (October 2): 17

Rosenberg, Scott. 2007.
Sincere intent to flatter: Jeffrey Brown's love of a toy spawned his need to satirize it.
Express (September 24): 22

Rosenberg, Scott. 2007.
Animal Attraction: 'Laika' tells the story of a four-legged pawn of Cold War politics [British cartoonist Nick Abadzis].
Express (September 27): E7.

Rudick, Nicole. 2007.
Adrian Tomine, Graphic novelist / Cartoonist.
Believer (October): 42-51

Runyon, Damon. 1921.
Father of Krazy Kat admired as mild mannered genius [George Herriman].
Arizona Gazette (August 13).
scan online at

Robertson, Campbell. 2007.
Monster, Meet Mermaid [Disney Little Mermaid musical based on cartoon].
New York Times (September 9).
Online at

Schillinger, Liesl. 2007.
Books of Style: Light 'Em if You Got 'Em [Emily Flake on smoking].
New York Times (August 19).
Online at

Schweier, Philip. 2007.
Interview: Diana Schutz [Dark Horse Comics editor].
Comic Book Bin (April 20):

Snider, Mike. 2007.
‘The original American fantasy hero’ rides again: Conan the Barbarian is at the media gates.
USA Today (October 16)

Spiegel, Danny. 2007.
The Long Climb: Waiting until his thirties for pro comic work, Catwoman writer Will Pfeifer could finally reach the A-list with DC's mega-event Amazons Attack.
Wizard (April 20):

Scott, A. O. 2007.
Voila! A Rat for All Seasonings ['Ratatouille'].
New York Times (June 29).
Online at

Sherman, Elisabeth. 1991.
Picture Robert Crumb wearing a French beret.
Davis Enterprise (February 17): C1-2

Sothern, Billy. 2007.
Taken by the Tide [animator Helen Hill].
New York Times (January 10)

Soukup, Elise. 2005.
Jesus a Graphic Rendering [‘Marked’ by Steve Ross; religion].
Newsweek (November 28): 12

Thomas, George M. 2003.
Harvey Pekar - Comedy Lies in Mundane Life.
Akron Beacon Journal (August 15)

Thompson, Richard. 2007.
Drawing a Funny Cartooon in 20 Easy Steps [comic strip].
Washington Post (October 7): M10

Thomson, Gus. 2007.
FoxTrot comic strip moves from daily to Sunday only; Cartoon is being replaced by The Elderberries.
Auburn Journal (January 1).
Online at

Tinker, Emma. 2007.
Manuscript in Print: The Materiality of Alternative Comics.
Literature Compass 4 (4; July): 1169-1182

Tobin, Suzanne. 2007.
Meet the Comics Pages: Guy and Rodd, artoonists – ‘Brevity’.
Washington (August 24):

Trudeau, Garry. 2005.
Behind the lines: Doonesbury cartoonist pulls duty getting to know soldiers and their problems to make strip authentic.
San Francisco Chronicle (October 23): E-1.
Online at

Tymoski, John. 1990.
Comic caper: Dick Tracy and the case of the filched funnies [Museum of Cartoon Art].
Art and Auction (July-August): 16-18

Twiddy, David / Associated Press. 2007.
Comics heed the call: Comic books find new audience when released first on mobile phones.
[Washington Post] Express (September 10): 8

Unknown. 2007.
Teen's King painting to be unveiled today [the son of editorial cartoonist Chip Bok].
Akron Beacon Journal (May 3).
Online at

Williams, Darona. 2007.
The Grimm reaper: Entrepeneur, rapper and graphic novelist Carey knows pain.
[Washington Post] Express (September 10): 19

Verzemnieks, Inara. 2005.
Drawn to the truth: Joe Sacco proves that a cartoonist can deal with war in Bosnia and the Middle East with a clear eye and a steady hand
Oregonian (October 23)

Ulaby, Neda. 2007.
Pulitzer-Winning Cartoonist Killed in Car Crash [Doug Marlette].
National Public Radio's All Things Considered (July 10).
online at

Unknown. 2007.
'Lio' replaces 'FoxTrot' comic beginning in Tuesday's Gazette.
Janesville Gazette (January 2).
Online at

Unknown. 2007.
'Fox Trot,' a few other features are changing.
Henderson, KY Gleaner (January 2).
Online at

Unknown. 2006.
Spiegelman squeaks out: Cult comic artist behind `Maus' brings his graphic tales to Eugene.
Corvallis Gazette Times (February 23).
Online at

Watkins, Barbara. 2006.
Entrepreneur develops Catholic comic books.
St. Louis Review (February 24):

UPI. 1991.
The voice of Mickey Mouse silenced [animation; James MacDonald; Disney].
New York Post (February 7)

von Uthmann, Jorg. 2007.
Tintin's Creator Herge, Comic-Strip Master, Is Feted in Paris.
Bloomberg (January 2):

Walsh, Peter. 2007.
Political cartoonist exhibition at NAC [Steve Bell].
Norwich Evening News (April 11).
Online at

Weigel, David. 2007.
The Horrible Truth about Super-Science: Jackson Publick of The Venture Brothers on superheroes, satire and the ‘60s [animation interview].
Reason (July): 54-59

Unknown. 2005.
Manga cafes' new services changing geek image.
The Yomiuri Shimbun (November 22).
Online at

Unknown. 2005.
Cartoonist Austin dies aged 70.
BBC News (November 21):

Unknown. 2005.
In praise of... Austin [obituary].
The Guardian (November 21).
Online at,11711,1647084,00.html

Bell, Steve. 2005.
My lasting images of Austin, a cartoonist and friend.
The Guardian (November 21).
Online at,11711,1647144,00.html

D'Arcy, David. 2005.
Art Spiegelman on Comics and Film.
Greencine (November 18):

Unknown. 2005.
Poet, cartoonist, artist Marge Salin dies at 83.
Point Reyes Light (November 17).
Online at

Frankenhoff, Brent. 2007.
Market Beat Comics June 2007.
Comics and Games Retailer (187; October): 22-28

Frankenhoff, Brent. 2007.
Will Eisner Comics Industry Awards; How many of these winners are on yourshelves?
Comics and Games Retailer (187; October): 36-37

Frankenhoff, Brent. 2007.
Retailer Michael George charged with wife’s 1990 killing.
Comics and Games Retailer (187; October): 40

Boyle, Phil. 2007.
Defending a position: Behind the scenes of ComicsPro’s first position paper.
Comics and Games Retailer (187; October): 38

Field, Joe. 2007.
Business in Wonderland; A retailer’s view of Comic-Con International: San Diego.
Comics and Games Retailer (187; October): 30-31

Carrol, Mimi Cruz. 2007.
First impressions: You only get one chance to make one.
Comics and Games Retailer (187; October): 32-33

Powell, Chris. 2007.
Retailer rundown: Opportunities galore at San Diego [Comic-Con].
Comics and Games Retailer (187; October): 34-35

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Lat interview from ICAF

See "Cartoons are forever, says Lat," New Strait Times October 21, 2007. It's some reporting from the Iconophobia panel at ICAF about the recent controversies over cartoons.

Regards From Serbia review

I helped with the book Regards From Serbia by Aleksandar Zograf. I provided the emails that make up part of the book, from the old Comix@ alternative comics list. Once an archivist - usually an archivist apparently. This is an interesting book and the review's got points spot on.

A couple o' Oliphant pictures

Lat, KAL and Drew Rougier-Chapman pictures

The three cartoonists spoke on Iconophobia at George Washington's Gelman Library for the International Comic Arts Forum. I'll try to post something more than pictures soon, but here they are.

Lat signing my books at ICAF.

Lat still signing my books at ICAF.

Newspaper clipping of Lat receiving an honorary doctorate.

Lat speaking at ICAF.

KAL's whiteboard drawing of his first victim at the International Comic Arts Forum.

KAL's whiteboard drawing of his first victim at the International Comic Arts Forum.

KAL's whiteboard drawing of his first victim at the International Comic Arts Forum.

Lat and editorial cartoonists Drew Rougier-Chapman and KAL at the International Comic Arts Forum.

Editorial cartoonist KAL signing his book while John Lent loiters, at the International Comic Arts Festival.

Editorial cartoonist KAL signing his book while John Lent loiters, at the International Comic Arts Festival.

Nov 9: PenFaulkner on comics REPOST

Lynda Barry, Alison Bechdel and Chris Ware - Nov. 9, 2007
PenFaulkner Reading series

Tickets are $15.00.

Graphic Novels
Lynda Barry, Chris Ware
Daniel Raeburn, Moderator
Friday, November 9, 8 p.m.

Held at the Aaron and Cecile Goldman Theater of the Washington, DC Jewish Community Center

Lynda Barry

Lynda Barry is a writer and cartoonist whose comic strip “Ernie Pook’s Comeek” celebrates its 30th year in print in 2007. She is the author of The Good Times are Killing Me, which she adapted into a long-running off-Broadway play. The New York Times called her second novel, Cruddy, “a work of terrible beauty.” She received the 2003 William Eisner Award for Best Graphic Album and an American Library Association Alex Award for her book One! Hundred! Demons! She lives and works in southern Wisconsin.

Alison Bechdel

Alison Bechdel’s comic strip Dykes To Watch Out For has become a countercultural institution since it began in 1983. The strip is syndicated in dozens of newspapers, translated into several languages and collected in a series of award-winning books. Utne magazine has listed DTWOF as “one of the greatest hits of the twentieth century.” And Comics Journal says, “Bechdel's art distills the pleasures of Friends and The Nation; we recognize our world in it, with its sorrows and ironies.”
Chris Ware

Chris Ware is the writer and cartoonist of the periodical The ACME Novelty Library. His other works include Jimmy Corrigan — the Smartest Kid on Earth, recipient of an American Book Award, the Guardian First Book Award, and L’Alph Art; The ACME Novelty Datebook Volumes 1 and 2; and Quimby the Mouse. His work has appeared in many national and international art exhibits, including the Whitney Biennial exhibit in 2002. He was recently awarded the Hoi Fellowship by the newly-formed United States Artists. A regular contributor to The New Yorker, Ware is currently at work on two longform graphic novels, Rusty Brown and Building Stories.

Daniel Raeburn is the author of the book Chris Ware. His essays have appeared in The Baffler, Tin House, and The New Yorker. His book about comic books, The Imp of the Perverse, is forthcoming. He teaches creative writing at the University of Chicago.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Zadzooks on Fantastic Four and Superman dvds

See Joseph Szadkowski, "Comic-book legends come to life on DVD," Washington Times October 20, 2007.

Oct 20: Kyle Baker at ICAF at LOC today

ICAF's been good, as usual this year. In two hours, the rest of the conference wraps up. Kyle Baker is speaking and he's always interesting. See you there?

1:00-2:30 Panel 7: Remembrance and nostalgia
Moderated by Marc Singer, ICAF Executive Committee
Jennifer Castel, “Nostalgia, Representation, and Identity in Art Spiegelman's In the Shadow of No Towers”
Pedro Pérez del Solar, “’A Führer’s day’: Comics and politics of memory in 1980s Spain”
Jason Buchanan, “A Superman without a World: Mourning, Melancholy, and Nostalgia in the Images of Post 9/11 Superman”
2:30-2:45 Break
2:45-3:45 Lent Scholarship Lecture: Orion Ussner Kidder, University of Alberta
3:45-4:00 Break
4:00-5:00 Guest Artist KYLE BAKER (USA)
5:00 Closing remarks

Administrivia - UPCOMING EVENT

Anyone know if blogger has a calendar function? In the meantime, GWU professor Phil Troutman pointed out that it's hard to find upcoming events especially after they've crawled off the main page. I agree with him so look below this for a new label - UPCOMING EVENT. If you click on that, you should get a new page with all the posts labelled with it.

Rob Tornoe on Oliphant

New Jersey's The Press of Atlantic City's editorial cartoonist Rob Tornoe emailed in, "I went to see Oliphant last night at Politics & Prose, and I put up a very brief description of it, as well as a couple of photos, on my blog,"

Rob also linked to Bruce Guthrie's pictures - I'm in photo 248 so please feel free to come up and say hello at the next event. A few of us from the International Comic Arts Forum and Bruce went out for pizza after the signing.

I went too, and met a bunch of people I know there. I'm downloading my pictures now and will add them in later. I got there late, but Oliphant mainly was doing caricatures - just whipping them out in charcoal - of the presidential wannabees.

Rob's got two more sites: - The Press of Atlantic City

Friday, October 19, 2007

Oct 25: David Michaelis on Charles Schulz at Olsson's

David Michaelis will be discussing his new and controversial biography of Charles Schulz at the Olsson's on 418 7th St, NW at 7 pm. Bill Watterson highly recommended this and John Updike reviewed it as well. Unfortunately I'll be traveling to Ohio State for their comics symposium and will have to miss this.

Thanks to Ignatz-nominee Matt Dembicki for the tip!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

ICAF announces presenter refused admission to US updated

Over on the blog of Marc Singer, ICAF chair, Marc and Ernesto Priego engage in a little back and forth with Priego writing in that he feels his visa problem was a normal paperwork snafu. One can make up one's own mind depending on how one feels about the government, but I think Charles Hatfield will be reading Priego's paper on Saturday.

Charles and I are off to ICAF now - if you're coming to the sessions, look us up.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Another finger puppet!!!!

SPX meant I couldn't get this mentioned on Saturday, but Richard Thompson caricatured Hilary Clinton as a finger puppet this week. I've made it and she's glaring at my house guests now.

Oh, and my daughter appeared in The Beat's photos

Here she is in the purple beret, with her friend Dagny, bracing Jeff Smith after his talk. Heidi MacDonald did the interview with him, and must have shot some photos afterwards. Dagny spotted the SPX bit in the Post and cajoled her dad into checking with me about going up there. Her dad shepherded them through Jeff Smith's talk whilst I hit the con floor.

Claire's also in some of Bruce Guthrie's photos which I linked to yesterday, also hanging with Jeff Smith. She does better at these things than I do.

Chris Pitzer and AdHouse Books

One of the interesting people I met at the Matt Wagner signing at Big Planet Comics was Chris Pitzer, publisher of AdHouse Books. He's got an absolutely lovely, and giant, James Jean art collection out now - the thing is enormous. Chris is based in Richmond - local enough for this blog! Check out his blog and publishing sites.

Nov 8-17: World Premiere of Tezuka-inspired play

Now this is different... Anyone want to go with me? I'm busy on the 8th at the Pen/Faulkner thing, but later in the month should be fine.

For Immediate Release
Contact: Joshua Speiser
Tel: 202.687.6933

Georgetown University’s Theater and Performance Studies Program presents

Trees and Ghosts
Adapted and Directed by Natsu Onoda, from the Graphic Novels of Osamu Tezuka

November 8th - 10th, 14th – 17th at 8 pm; November 11th at 2pm

Trees and Ghosts is a groundbreaking, new play adapted from three short, relatively unknown graphic novels by manga pioneer Osamu Tezuka (1928-1989) who is revered in his native Japan as the “God of Manga.” Spirits, elements of nature and memories of World War II haunt each of the stories that make up this highly visual production which employs interactive video, on-stage drawing, and live taiko drums.

The second production in the 2007-2008 Hidden Histories Season of New and Unseen Works, Trees and Ghosts exemplifies the Theater and Performance Studies Program’s commitment to the development of new work. According to Professor Derek Goldman, Director of Georgetown University’s Theater and Performance Studies Program, “each of the four plays chosen this year – Fabulation, Trees and Ghosts, Wisconsin Death Trip and Stuff Happens - deals explicitly with the relationship between history ‘writ large’ and its more microcosmic, personal, and psychic reverberations.”

Adapter/director Natsu Onoda, Visiting Assistant Professor of Theater and Performance Studies, has been a fan of Tezuka since she could read. One of her treasured memories of her childhood is that of meeting Tezuka himself in sixth grade. As a young aspiring cartoonist, she visited Tezuka’s studio and showed him her work. Tezuka, known for his generosity for young fans, responded: “This is very good. Come back in three years, and, if you have made a progress, you should become a cartoonist.” Tezuka died two and a half years later. Since then, Onoda has adapted Tezuka’s work into live theater, published papers and given lectures on them, and is currently working on the first English-language book on his work, to be published from the University Press of Mississippi in late 2008. The three Tezuka stories Onoda has chosen to adapt to the stage have never before appeared in English translation.

The cast of talented Georgetown undergraduates received a one-week intensive training in taiko drumming by accomplished drummer Yoshihiko Fueki, a Nagoya-based taiko drummer who has been playing the taiko for fourteen years. Also assisting with the production is Belgian video and sound designer Ben Dierckx, a multimedia artist who uses custom interactive software and projection technology to create an altered visual palette that mimics dreams and hallucinations.

Tickets: $15 general, $12 faculty/staff/alumni/seniors, $7 students. To purchase, call 202.687.ARTS.

Trees & Ghosts (World Premiere)

Nov 8/07—Nov 17/07 Adapted & Dir by Natsu Onoda. A new multimedia production adapted from three short graphic novels by a Japanese cartoonist Tezuka Osamu, who is considered the inventor of manga (contemporary Japanese comics). The stories, all dealing with nature, spirits and World War II, come alive in this highly visual production using interactive video, live on-stage drawing, and live taiko drums. [PLEASE CALL FOR ACCESSIBLE SEATING OR GROUP RATES: 202-687-ARTS] Pic. ID req'd to pick up tix and for verification of purchase. Please arrive 30 minutes early to collect your tickets. The house is general seating.

Christopher Wanamaker
DC Anime Club President
202 262 2083

Tom Spurgeon memorializes SPX

Tom's posting links for what he calls "Collective Memory," a nice term. Since it's a local event, I'll just link to his Memory.

Boy, that "link to his Memory" sounded depressing, didn't it? It's not. As an archivist (professionally) and comics bibliographer (dilettante), it's very interesting to see how information sharing is evolving.

Oct 18: Oliphant at Politics and Prose

Thursday, October 18, 7 p.m.
LEADERSHIP (Andrews McMeel, $19.95)
Pat Oliphant's newest collection of sharp-witted cartoons tackles Bush's tenure in office, taking him and other leaders to task. Oliphant, a Pulitzer winner, is the most widely syndicated political cartoonist in the world.

Unfortunately, I think ICAF will interfere and I won't be able to make it, but I called to order a signed copy. Also, I'll bet Thursday's Express has an interview with him since Scott Rosenberg did one last week.

The bookstore also has a bunch of signed Zippy books by Bill Griffith.

Politics & Prose Bookstore and Coffeehouse
5015 Connecticut Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20008
(202) 364-1919 or (800) 722-0790
Fax: (202) 966-7532

Store Hours:

Monday-Saturday: 9 a.m.-10 p.m
Sunday: 10 a.m.-8 p.m.

Trudeau in town for Doonesbury Sandbox book promotion

See War Dispatches To 'Doonesbury'; Garry Trudeau Draws Soldiers to Blog" by David Montgomery, Washington Post Staff Writer, Wednesday, October 17, 2007; C01.

By the way, I can state for a fact that Walter Reed Army Medical Center blocks Blogger completely.

Also, Politics and Prose has some signed copies of:


Garry B. Trudeau, HECKUVA JOB, BUSHIE!

Garry B. Trudeau, THE LONG ROAD HOME

Garry B. Trudeau, THE WAR WITHIN

I just called and ordered mine.

Politics & Prose Bookstore and Coffeehouse
5015 Connecticut Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20008
(202) 364-1919 or (800) 722-0790
Fax: (202) 966-7532

Store Hours:

Monday-Saturday: 9 a.m.-10 p.m
Sunday: 10 a.m.-8 p.m.

new Mike Flugennock editorial cartoon

DC's only (most likely) anarchist political cartoonist Mike Flugennock has posted a new piece. See the story and the art. The Fox News one to the left is from over the summer by the way.

And that reminds me - I should really mention Mike's site. It's great - I love his work.

Oct 27: Shoff Promotions Comic Book Show

Saturday, Oct 27, 10-3:30, Tysons Corner VA Holiday Inn Crown Plaza. Call 301-990-4929 or got to for details. $3 fee.

Fantom Comics expands?

I hear that Fantom Comics, a good story in Tenleytown, is opening a second store in Union Station. Anyone got any details?

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Zadzooks on toys

"She-Hulk's action plays outweigh sculpted look," by Joseph Szadkowski, Washington Times October 13, 2007.

Colonel America the zombie? Who buys this stuff?

Bruce Guthrie's pix of Richard Thompson and Small Press Expo

Bring me the head of Mr. Danders!
cake by Amy Thompson, photo by Bruce Guthrie. It was delicious.

Bruce Guthrie took a ton of SPX shots and has some online.

At Richard's talk at the Bethesda Writer's Center, Richard's the one in the sports coat, I'm wearing a black sweater and editorial cartoonist Jen Sorenson's in a leather coat, and then a short-sleeve yellow shirt. Be sure to notice the piles of original art Richard's handing around.

Bruce's SPX pics can be seen here and here. Note Richard Thompson introducing himself to Jeff Smith of 'Bone' fame for the sake of his daughters.

Toles anniversary

Dave Astor's reporting that Tom Toles has been syndicated for 25 years in "Anniversaries for Tom Toles and 'Cornered' Cartoonist" E&P October 16, 2007.

ICAF schedule

Ok, again - I'm going. Anyone else? I'll be there all three days.

Madison Building, Library of Congress, Washington DC
October 18-20, 2007

This schedule is subject to change.

ICAF is free and open to the public. No registration is necessary to attend.

All events will be held in the Mumford Room on the sixth floor of the Madison Building unless otherwise noted.

9:00-9:15 Welcome and introduction
9:15-10:45 Panel 1: To and against type: Othering and stereotyping
Moderated by Stanford Carpenter, ICAF Executive Committee
Phillip Troutman, “Abolition Comix: Semiotics, Icon, Sequence, and Network in Anti-Slavery Visual Argument”
Jay Casey, “Advance and Be Criticized: A Reappraisal of the Portrayal of Friend and Foe by Overseas Soldier Cartoonists during the Second World War”
Frank Bramlett, “Camp, Sissies, and Queers in The Rawhide Kid”
10:45-11:00 Break
11:00-12:00 Panel 2: Political tensions in contemporary Asian cartooning
Moderated by Craig Fischer, ICAF Executive Committee
Todd S. Munson, “Anti-Chinese Rhetoric in Contemporary Japanese Manga”
Josette Mazzella di Bosco Balsa, “Political cartoonists in the historical context of Hong Kong after the Handover, 1997-2007”
12:00-1:30 Lunch
1:30-2:30 Panel 3: Sound and speech in comics
Moderated by Cecile Danehy, ICAF Executive Committee
Robert S. Petersen, “The Metamorphosis of Phylacteries”
C. W. Toph Marshall, “Diegetic Sound in Dave Sim’s Cerebus”
2:30-2:45 Break
2:45-3:45 Guest Speaker DR. IAN GORDON (Australia/Singapore)
3:45-4:00 Break
4:00-5:00 Art display in the Prints & Photographs Reading Room
Courtesy of the Swann Foundation for Caricature and Cartoon
Curated by Sara Duke and Martha Kennedy, The Swann Foundation
5:00-6:00 Display of drawings by Lat in the Asian Division Reading Room
Courtesy of the Library of Congress Asian Division
Curated by Kathryn Wellen, Library of Congress Asian Division

9:30-11:00 Panel 4: Comics in cultural institutions
Moderated by Arnold Blumberg, Geppi's Entertainment Museum
Poliana Irizarry and Joshua C. Roberts, “Beyond Leisure Reading: Garnering Support for Comics Scholarship from Your Academic Library”
John Jennings and Damian Duffy, “Remasters of American Comics: Sequential art as new media in the face of the transformative museum context”
11:00-11:30 Break

Panel 5: The theory and practice of comics studies

Moderated by Charles Hatfield, ICAF Executive Committee
Ernesto Priego, “The Tell-Tale Smell of Burning Paper: ‘Logic of Form’ and the Origin of Comics”
Benjamin Woo, “An Age-old Problem: Problematics of Comic Book Historiography”
Joseph Witek, “American Comics Criticism and the Problem of Dual Address”

Ernesto Priego is unable to present his paper at ICAF because he has been denied entry into the United States of America. The U.S. government has not renewed his visa, nor have they given him any explanation why he will not be allowed into the country. ICAF protests this refusal of entry, part of a recent and disturbing trend of excluding foreign scholars, as an infringement on academic freedom.
12:30-2:00 Lunch
2:00-3:30 Panel 6: Audiences and reception cultures
Moderated by Guy Spielmann, ICAF Executive Committee
Noriko Inomata, “The establishment of female manga readership in Japan and its circulation system: A comparison with the case of French market”
Ken Parille, “Jason and the Appropriators: Fashion, Photos, and the Comic”
José Alaniz, “Autobiography and Post-Soviet Russian Comics”
3:30-4:00 Break
4:00-5:00 Guest Artist LAT (Mohammed Nor Khalid) (Malaysia)
Introduced by John A. Lent, Temple University
5:00-7:30 Dinner
Iconophobia: Comics, Politics, and the Power of the Image

A special event at the George Washington University’s Gelman Library featuring Lat, Kevin “KAL” Kallaugher, and Robert Russell
Co-sponsored by the Gelman Library, the GWU English Department, & the GWU Writing Program

1:00-2:30 Panel 7: Remembrance and nostalgia
Moderated by Marc Singer, ICAF Executive Committee
Jennifer Castel, “Nostalgia, Representation, and Identity in Art Spiegelman's In the Shadow of No Towers”
Pedro Pérez del Solar, “’A Führer’s day’: Comics and politics of memory in 1980s Spain”
Jason Buchanan, “A Superman without a World: Mourning, Melancholy, and Nostalgia in the Images of Post 9/11 Superman”
2:30-2:45 Break
2:45-3:45 Lent Scholarship Lecture: Orion Ussner Kidder, University of Alberta
3:45-4:00 Break
4:00-5:00 Guest Artist KYLE BAKER (USA)
5:00 Closing remarks