- Title: New Year's eve at the hotel prosperity / Kep.
- Creator(s): Keppler, Udo J., 1872-1956, artist
- Date Created/Published: N.Y. : Published by Keppler & Schwarzmann, Puck Building, 1909 December 29.
- Medium: 1 photomechanical print : offset, color.
- Summary: Illustration shows waiters Joseph G. Cannon and James S. Sherman turning away a man labeled "Average Citizen" and a woman at the "Hotel Prosperity" dining room because all the tables have been reserved; there are signs on the tables that read "Reserved for Wool Interests, Reserved for Coal Trust, Reserved for Steel Trust, Reserved for Senator Aldrich and Party, Reserved for Cold Storage Interests, Reserved for Sugar Trust, Reserved for Ice Trust, [and] Reserved for Franchise Grabbers".
- from the Library of Congress
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Happy New Year from ComicsDC!
Breathtaker reprint project on Indigogo - 7 days left!
Breathtaker is a critically acclaimed Harvey Award-nominated graphic novel, first published by DC Comics and Vertigo in the early '90s. The award-winning, world-famous artists / creators Mark Wheatley (Jonny Quest, Frankenstein Mobster, EZ Street, Insight Studios & more) and Marc Hempel (The Sandman, Disney Adventures, Heavy Metal & more) are offering you the opportunity to pick up a new, improved, and remastered edition of this long out-of-print book. And then they want to continue their groundbreaking story of love, death, passion, and the journey toward redemption. But for all of this to happen they need your help. And for that you will not go home empty-handed! Now is your chance to give the breath of life to Breathtaker.
Kal covers the year that was for the Baltimore Sun
I wanted to share that The Baltimore Sun created a nice interactive graphic from a large double-page year-end cartoon that I created for the paper. The link is here:

Monday, December 30, 2013
Shannon Gallant art in G.I.Joe #12
Tales of Cobra Commanders past in new 'G.I. Joe' arc; Writer Paul Allor delves into the histories of six masked rulers and their ruthless nature.
Brian Truitt, USA TODAY December 30, 2013
Comics Reporter interviews Nate Powell on March Book One
CR Holiday Interview #12 -- Nate Powell
December 30, 2013
Sunday, December 29, 2013
Jeffrey Thompson's new website
Friday, December 27, 2013
KAL interview, prior to tonight's Live Show
Celebrity Interview: KAL, Editorial Cartoonist and Special Guest at The Xavier DuChamp Post-Holiday Extravaganza!
Mike Harris
Baltimore Improv Group (December 2013): http://www.bigimprov.org/Celebrity-Interview-KAL

KAL, Editorial Cartoonist and Special Guest at The Xavier DuChamp Post-Holiday Extravaganza!
Feb 9: Sakugawa at Big Planet DC
February 9 – Yumi Sakugawa signing
Yumi Sakugawa is a comic book artist and illustrator based in Southern California and a regular contributor to The Rumpus and Wonderhowto.
“Look around. You won’t find anything sweeter than this lonely little book anywhere in your immediate vicinity. Unless for some reason there’s, like, a bunny knitting a scarf for a puppy. That might be sweeter. Aside from that, this book is definitely your best bet.” –Avery Monsen, coauthor of K is for Knifeball and All My Friends Are Dead
“This is one of my favorite comics ever, a sweet ode to platonic love that will echo through the ages.” –MariNaomi, author of Kiss & Tell
“Funny and beautifully drawn, I Think I Am In Friend-Love With You is the bittersweet tale of friendships in the age of social media in which many can relate.” –Esther Pearl Watson, author of Unlovable
“The warmth of Yumi’s soft brushstrokes and vulnerability of her words make me feel less alone in this weird world. I think I am in book-love.” –Lisa Hanawalt, author of My Dirty Dumb Eyes
Yumi Sakugawa’s website: http://www.yumisakugawa.com
Big Planet Comics of Washington DC
1520 U St. NW
Washington, DC 20009
Jan 15: Brad Meltzer in Tyson's Corner
Brad Meltzer appears at Barnes & Noble to sign his new children's books I Am Abraham Lincoln and I Am Amelia Earhart on Wednesday January 15, 2014 at 6:30 PM!
Barnes & Noble – Tysons Corner Mall
Tysons Corner Center, 7851 L. Tysons Corner Center, McLean, VA 22102
Courtesy of Convention Scene. Meltzer has a new Batman story coming out soon, and Eliopoulos is a comic book artist of course.
Thursday, December 26, 2013
12/27: Kal featured with Baltimore Improv Group Friday night!
December 27th - The Creative Alliance - 3134 Eastern Avenue, Baltimore
It's time to celebrate the holidays again...and we've got an old-fashioned spectacle for you. It's our first ever improvised holiday special! We'll deliver an evening filled with scenes of seasonal delight, audience interviews, and music, tied up with a sparkly bow. What else makes it special? We've got our old friend KAL back to take our cheer to a new level!
© Copyright 2013 Baltimore Improv Group. All rights reserved.P.O. Box 50008 | Baltimore, MD 21211 | 888-745-8393 | info@bigimprov.orgThe Baltimore Improv Group (BIG) is a 501(3) (c) non-profit group dedicated to advancing the art of improvisational theatre in the greater Baltimore area. We hope you'll join us by supporting us with a financial contribution. Donating is easy and tax deductible. Donate Now!
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Traffic safety doesn't stop for Christmas
Montgomery Co. uses comic book story to teach safety
Wednesday - 12/25/2013, 3:31pm ET
Can a graphic novel be a lifesaver?
WTOP's Kate Ryan reports
Atlanta TV station recommends March
Civil Rights Leader John Lewis gives unique gift to members of Congress
Devin Fehely
Dec 25, 2013
http://www.11alive.com/news/article/317036/40/Civil-Rights-Leader-John-Lewis-gives-unique-gift-to-members-of-CongressTuesday, December 24, 2013
SPX 2014's lottery system for tables
Dear Creators, Publishers, and Friends,
We hope you've had a great 2013! As we look ahead to next fall and the SPX 2014, we need to update you on a few things. We'll be making some changes to our registration process and we want to walk you through them.
The rush for SPX tables last year revealed that simply moving our long-time "first come, first serve" rules to a digital format was not the right solution. Beyond the website issues that plagued us (A pox on your household, Bluehost!), it was clear from the overall feedback that we needed to rethink the entire process. So back to the drawing board we went.
We Have a Plan
We've given loads of thought to how best to manage the show given its recent growth and taking into account what's going on in the independent comics community we exist to support. After a great deal of careful consideration, we've made the decision that for 2014, SPX is moving to a split registration system. Half of our tables will be awarded by an open Lottery and half byinvitation.
About the Lottery
Here's a crazy notion: SPX has literally doubled in size since 2011. We are now able to accommodate a larger and more diverse group of creators than ever before. And we're committed to keeping SPX open to all, whether you're just starting out or have been honing your craft for years. Moving to a table Lottery allows us to meet these goals while removing the potential for unfairness and unquestionable inconvenience that had crept into our "first come, first serve" process.
Going forward there will be total transparency to how people get their tables and how the wait list works. We'll have a simple initial registration and a lengthy window of registration so you won't be dealing with website crashes. This will be a truly random and fair process to reserve your tables.
About those Invitations
Let's get the "C" word out of the way up front. SPX has no interest in broadly "curating" our show based on content. Whereas other shows use this method quite well, we prefer a different path.
On the other hand, each year we try to put together thematically consistent groups of guests. We begin working on guests a full year in advance and that work continues up until a few weeks before showtime. We need to ensure that we have the appropriate table space to offer our featured creators. This is not a major change from year's past but by acknowledging these folks as invited, the process is more transparent.
Along with our annual guests, another group that is just as important are the creators and publishers who have continuously supported SPX over the last half decade or more. These folks have been instrumental in creating the community that we cherish. Without these stalwarts, SPX would be utterly unrecognizable and the growth of the last several years would have been impossible. With our 20th Birthday Party approaching, we would not want to have these friends miss the festivities.
As to how this will work, practically speaking, prior to the Lottery, SPX will reach out to those legacy supporters of SPX offering them a window of opportunity to commit to their table(s). If the table space is declined, it will then roll over to the Lottery pool and be available to all Lottery participants.
What to Expect
1. By early January we will notify all of the SPX Legacy members so everyone knows whether they need to register for the Lottery or not.
2. In mid-January we will send out via both our exhibitor e-mail list and social media the start and end dates for Lottery registration. A web site will be provided to enter your information as well as further details on the registration process. We will also announce the final size of the number of tables in the Lottery pool.
3. There will be a 3 week window to register for the Lottery, so we can avoid the crazy, mad rush to sign up online that plagued us last year. Weekly reminders will go out via our e-mail list and social media to be sure that this is kept on everyone's radar.
So There it Is
We're growing - this community is growing - and with growth comes change. Given our experience last year, we're sure these changes to our registration process are for the better.
We're committed keeping SPX an open, welcoming event and to using a transparent, democratic process that ensures new creators have an equal opportunity to participate.
With our 20th Birthday coming up, we want to have a really happy party crowd!!!
Any questions, do not hesitate to send us a note to EXHIBITORS@SPXPO.COM and we will get right back to you with answers.
Thanks all,
Mike and Eden and Dan and Sam and Sarah and Bill and Catherine and and Nate and Warren and Greg and John and Rusty and Joe
Sunday, December 22, 2013
The Post quotes the LA Times on Internet animation
Fred Seibert foresees 'next golden age of animation' on Internet
Seibert, producer of the online series 'Bee & PuppyCat' for YouTube's Cartoon Hangover, is responsible for some of the most successful animated TV shows of the 1990s.
By Richard Verrier
December 18, 2013,
The Simpsons, Math and The Post's review
Simpsons and a Slide Rule [online title: Mathematics and Homer Simpson]
By Jordan Ellenberg,
Washington Post December 22 2013
Those darn comic strips
Good commentary, but bad tax advice, in the comics
Glenn Easton, William F. Baxter
Washington Post December 21 2013
Justin Aclin interview on Post's religion blog
Atheists battling supernatural villains: Q&A with Justin Aclin [S.H.O.O.T. First]
By Kimberly Winston | Religion News Service,
Washington Post's On Faith blog December 20, 2013
Friday, December 20, 2013
Montgomery County launches comic book ad safety campaign
Comic book style graphic to tell pedestrian safety storyline
County Executive launched English and Spanish pedestrian safety campaign
The Post reviews new dinosaur movie unfavorably
This prehistoric chatter matters ['Walking With Dinosaurs'].
By Stephanie Merry,
Washington Post December 20 2013
Fantastic Forum today - Neil Gaiman interview
Ulysses E. Campbell says,
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Fluggenock's Latest'n'Greatest: "Well, Waddya Know?"
Am I the only one out here who's sick to goddamn' death of seeing the US Left wasting its time getting its panties in a twist over this whole phony-assed "is Santa Claus white or black" controversy? Am I the only one out here who's fed up watching the US Left letting some bimbo at Fox News push its buttons with the same old standard-issue Culture War horseshit?
Is Santa Claus white or black? Ask me if I give a shit. Honestly, with all the really important stuff going on, why is the US Left wasting time fighting with Megyn Kelly over this crap?
Get a grip, willya? Idiots.
Mike Flugennock, flugennock at sinkers dot org
Mike's Political Cartoons: dubya dubya dubya dot sinkers dot org
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Marvel and Hello Kitty are tracking kids
Marvel, Sanrio accused of ignoring privacy rules meant to protect children
By Hayley Tsukayama, Washington Post , December 18, 2013
http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/technology/disney-hello-kitty-maker-accused-of-flouting-new-kids-privacy-rules/2013/12/17/5c93f98a-6735-11e3-ae56-22de072140a2_story.htmlOriginal Christmas ornaments by cartoonists
Carolyn Belefski
Joe Sutliff
Barbara Dale
Steve Artley
I kept getting this glowing nose on Artley's ornament - Christmas is magical after all...
The Grim Quacker
Senator Coburn doesn't approve of Superman's government service
Senator Coburn (R-Okla.), ranking member of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, released "Wastebook 2013," highlighting 100 examples of wasteful and low-priority government spending totaling nearly $30 billion. Of interest to us is the cover and Chapter 2: "It's a Bird. It's a Plane. It's Superman! – (National Guard) $10 million.
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Wow, the GPO has an interesting choice for a Christmas illustration
Oh, say, can you tree? American Christmas tree traditions
by Michele Bartram, U.S. Government Online Bookstorehttp://govbooktalk.gpo.gov/2013/12/17/oh-say-can-you-tree-american-christmas-tree-traditions/
'Cartoon Picayune' #6 is available
Monday, December 16, 2013
Flugennock's Latest'n'Greatest: "Selfies!"
The past couple of weeks have seen many memorable moments in all the pomp and ceremony marking the passing of Nelson Mandela, but none as memorable as this indelible image of three world leaders keeping it classy at the Mandela memorial service last week.
And now, Mandela has finally been laid to rest in his ancestral village -- and not a moment too soon, as I don't know if I could've stood much more of the hypocritical spewage from the leaders of the nations who funded and armed the apartheid regime and conspired to keep Mandela imprisoned for nearly three decades.
Some of the most breathtaking spewage had to have come from that inimitable mass murderer and concentration camp operator, our very own Barack "Dronemeister" Obama:
"We will not likely see the likes of Nelson Mandela again. So it falls to us as best we can to forward the example that he set..."
President Sparkle Pony has actually said something truthful here, if only by accident. If the likes of Mandela were emerging today, he'd likely have made it onto Obama's "Disposition Matrix" if he hasn't already been smeared in a drone strike while he attended a friend's wedding. Either that, or he might be rotting in Guantanamo right now.
"Though I could not caution all, I yet may warn a few:
Don't lend your hand to raise no flag atop no ship of fools!"
--grateful dead.
Mike Flugennock, flugennock at sinkers dot org
Mike's Political Cartoons: dubya dubya dubya dot sinkers dot org
Jennifer & Matthew Holm: 2013 National Book Festival
Jennifer & Matthew Holm: 2013 National Book Festival
Jennifer and Matthew Holm appear at the 2013 Library of Congress National Book Festival.
Lynda Barry: 2013 National Book Festival
Lynda Barry: 2013 National Book Festival
Cartoonist Lynda Barry appears at the 2013 Library of Congress National Book Festival.
That darn Doonesbury
Comic Riffs posts Family Guy spoilers, ruins Christmas
Just kidding...
BRIAN GRIFFIN'S RETURN: 'Family Guy' offers a canine holiday gift from a 9/11 'passenger'
By Michael Cavna Washington Post Comic Riffs blog December 16 2013
The Post reviews VeggieTales and Betty Page
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Game On! Comics in Ballston Mall
Another Indian comics interview by Ryan Holmberg
Bengal's Drighangchoo: An Interview with Deeptanil Ray
Saturday, December 14, 2013
A week of interviews recap
In case you missed any:
"Meet a Local Cartoonist: A Chat with Jerry Gaylord," ComicsDC Blog (December 13, 2013): http://comicsdc.blogspot.com/2013/12/meet-local-cartoonist-chat-with-jerry.html
"Meet a Local Cartoonist: A Chat with Rajan Sedalia," ComicsDC Blog (December 12, 2013): http://comicsdc.blogspot.com/2013/12/meet-local-cartoonist-chat-with-rajan.html
"Meet a Local Comics Writer: A Chat with Davy Shian," ComicsDC Blog (December 11, 2013): http://comicsdc.blogspot.com/2013/12/meet-local-comics-writer-chat-with-davy.html
"Meet a Local Cartoonist: A Chat with Reuel Smith," ComicsDC Blog (December 10, 2013): http://comicsdc.blogspot.com/2013/12/meet-local-cartoonist-chat-with-reuel.html
"Meet a Local Cartoonist: A Chat with Monica Marier of Tangent Artists," ComicsDC Blog (December 9, 2013): http://comicsdc.blogspot.com/2013/12/meet-local-cartoonist-chat-with-monica.html
"Meet a Local Cartoonist: A Chat with Kathleen Brenowitz," ComicsDC Blog (December 8, 2013): http://comicsdc.blogspot.com/2013/12/meet-local-cartoonist-chat-with.html
Friday, December 13, 2013
Richard Thompson exhibit in Ohio this spring
Meet Justin Jordan (LUTHER STRODE, Green Lantern New Guardians) tomorrow 11AM-1PM