Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Happy New Year! from ComicsDC
"Never again!" / Frank A. Nankivell, courtesy of the Library of Congress.
1908 doesn't seem so far away, does it.
Happy New Year!
1909, but change the reservation cards slightly and run it again, Sam.
A Memorial to a Cartoonist Friend: a guest post by Kevin 'Kal' Kallaugher
For three decades he lampooned with great dexterity, the foibles of the Bermudian political class. It was a sad shock to all when we learned last month that Peter had been hit by a car as he was delivering his weekly (and last) cartoon to the Royal Gazette newspaper.
This past summer I had the great honor of getting to know Peter during a 3-month sojourn as Artist-in-Residence at the Masterworks art Museum in Bermuda. Peter, then 88, was a sprite and engaging man with a robust curiosity and a boyish passion for the cartoon arts. We would chat for hours about the benefits of certain pen nibs and the magic of a peer's brushstrokes.
We also talked about the celebrated past and the challenging future of our profession, sharing an enormous sense of gratitude that we both managed, somehow, to eke out livings as cartoonists.
Peter would always note that cartoonists from big market countries like the USA and the UK had it very easy. Try being a cartoonist on an island, he would tell me.
He had to tread very carefully on the subject of the day because there would be a chance he might run into the very same subject (or her cousin) in the supermarket on Saturday or church on Sunday.
As I studied Peter's work, I realized how right he was. Bermuda is a beautiful and fascinating place to visit. Yet as a resident, you get a very different perspective on the island. What at first seems like a vacation paradise soon becomes a small village surrounded by a wall of water. In addition, Bermuda is one of the most densely populated jurisdictions on the planet…If peace is to be kept, everyone must find a way to coexist in a civilized fashion. Boisterous satirical criticism may not always be welcome.
As you can imagine, this is not the natural habitat for your typical editorial cartoonist. But Peter was not your typical cartoonist. He understood the tolerance level of his audience. He opted to employ the needle rather that the hatchet in his work. Over the course of thirty years he knew an artfully aimed needle in the nether regions would certainly get his target's attention.
For Peter Woolcock, a colleague whose needle was mightier than the sword.
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Feb 4: George O'Connor signing - Olympians
- at 5:00pm - 8:00pm in EST
- Big Planet Comics of College Park7315 Baltimore Ave, College Park, Maryland 20740
The newest book in the Olympians series is Ares: Bringer of War. In Ares, the myth continues in the tenth year of the fabled Trojan War where two infamous gods of war go to battle. The spotlight is thrown on Ares, god of war, and primarily focuses on his battle with the clever and powerful Athena. As the battle culminates and the gods try to one-up each other to win, the human death toll mounts. Who will win this epic clash of power? And how many will have to die first?
Olympians website:
Jan 18: John Reilly signing - Herald: Lovecraft & Tesla
- at 1:00pm - 3:00pm
- Big Planet Comics of Vienna426 Maple Ave E, Vienna, Virginia 22180
When Nikola Tesla's fiancée, Amelia Earhart, steals a dangerous prototype engine for a trans-Atlantic flight, Tesla seeks out the interdimensional expertise of H.P. Lovecraft to save her. Lovecraft, however, has problems of his own as he investigates the identity of Cthulhu's Herald.
Herald facebook:
Herald twitter:
Former DC writer on Egyptian cartooning
Jonathan Guyer
The Art of Dissent
Brown Alumni Magazine January/February 2015
Monday, December 29, 2014
Comic Riffs on Doonesbury
'Doonesbury' and the U-Va. campus-rape strip: Garry Trudeau says that Rolling Stone's 'flaws' didn't change point of yesterday's comic
By Michael CavnaWashington Post Comic Riffs blog December 29 2014
Comic Riffs on Stan Lee
STAN LEE'S BIRTHDAY: As the comics legend turns 92 today, here are our 20 Favorite Stan Lee Quotes…
By Michael CavnaWashington Post Comic Riffs blog December 28 2014
Herblock on C-Span2 Book TV
Herblock: A Political Cartoonist - History, Cartoons, Civil Rights, McCarthyism, Nixon (1993)
Herbert Lawrence Block, commonly known as Herblock (October 13, 1909 -- October 7, 2001), was an American editorial cartoonist and author best known for his commentary on national domestic and foreign policy from a liberal perspective
SCAD student cartoonists from our area
Randy T says these young women are in comics upcoming from BOOM!
Jenna Ayoub

Kristina Ness

Sunday, December 28, 2014
Washington Times on Little Nemo
by Michael Taube for Washington Times, Thursday, Dec 25, 2014
Friday, December 26, 2014
The Year in Cartoons in today's Post
Toles' Year should appear in a few days.
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
The Post has a wire story on religion and cartoons
Despite death threats, cartoonists challenge religious hatred and censorship online
Washington (December 24 2014)
Comic Riffs suggests you contribute to Norm Breyfogle's health costs
12 DAYS OF GRATITUDE: #6. The gift of comics generosity–from crowd-funded films to helping the ailing Batman artist Norm Breyfogle
By Michael Cavna and David BetancourtWashington Post Comic Riffs blog December 24 2014
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
Michael Dooley recommends The Complete Cul de Sac
7 Outstanding Comics and Cartoon Books of 2014
By: Michael Dooley | December 23, 2014
Post's columnist decries Disney's making an honest dollar on Frozen dolls
Doll world's new royalty could cost parents a fortune
By Courtland MilloyWashington December 23 2014
Monday, December 22, 2014
Jan 9: The Art of Richard Thompson at Politics and Prose
Nick Galifianakis, Gene Weingarten,and David Apatoff - The Art of Richard Thompson
Named the Outstanding Cartoonist of 2010 by the National Cartoonists Society, Richard Thompson is best known for his syndicated series, Cul de Sac. But his work encompasses much more, and in this colorful career retrospective, six of his peers present the different facets of Thompson's art. Join Galifianakis, Washington Post cartoonist and author of If You Loved Me, You'd Think This Was Cute, Weingarten, Pulitzer-winning journalist who writes The Washington Post's "Below the Beltway" column, and Apatoff, an illustration scholar whose recent work includes a biography of illustrator Robert Fawcett. They will be interviewed by Michael Cavna, writer, artist, and lapsed cartoonist now producing The Washington Post's "Comic Riffs." (Andrews McMeel)
Jan 26: Roz Chast at Washington DCJCC
Monday, January 26
7:30 pm
Famed New Yorker cartoonist Roz Chast does such a comical, fluent job of conveying the things that keep her up at night that many readers are convinced she is somehow mapping their own inner lives. Her latest book, which tackles the subject of growing up in Brooklyn as an only child and of her efforts, decades later, to help her parents navigate the jagged shoals of old age, is by turns grim and absurd, deeply poignant and laugh-out-loud funny.
John Gallagher's shopping mall Christmas comic

John's Holiday Comic... (from his Facebook post)
This was created for Westfield Shopping Malls, from a few years ago-- super fun! Thanks to Debbie Young for giving me a chance to do this, and the 2 sequel books right after it...
Sunday, December 21, 2014
Donna Lewis profiles herself on GoComics
Meet Your Creator: Donna Lewis (Reply All, Reply All Lite)
by Donna LewisGoComics on December 20, 2014
At the end, Donna buries the news that her first book will be out in February.
African-American artist began career as a cartoonist
Artist's paintings of Amistad slave mutiny tell of African triumph over slavery
By Michael E. RuaneWashington Post December 21 2014
Artist Hale Woodruff's murals are featured at the National Museum of American History.
Saturday, December 20, 2014
Flugennock's Latest'n'Greatest: "The Fire This Time"
Finally. Why didn't this happen sooner? Happy New Year, everybody.
11x15 medium-res color .jpg image, 1.2mb
Mike Flugennock, flugennock at sinkers dot org
Political Cartoons: dubya dubya dubya dot sinkers dot org
SPX 2014 Panel - Charles Burns Q+A
SPX 2014 Panel - Charles Burns Q+A
Charles Burns is among the world's most distinguished cartoonists whose work first gained notice in the pages of RAW Magazine in the 1980s. His meticulously drawn early stories reflected upon and transformed the tropes of historical genre comics. Burns then spent ten years drawing his graphic novel masterpiece Black Hole, which dissolved literal horror into the true horror of everyday life. His latest work, Sugar Skull, which concludes the serialized narrative in his new trilogy of full color comics albums debuted at SPX 2014. Burns discusses his work in a spotlight session moderated by Alvin Buenaventura.
Friday, December 19, 2014
Bill Brown's 2015 Citizen Bill calendar on sale now
As Bill says, "You gotta have a calendar, anyway, right?"
Monkey See reviews new Annie movie
A Different 'Annie,' But Still A Good Kid
Jamie Foxx and Quvenzhané Wallis star in the latest incarnation of the musical Annie.
Latest Little Orphan Annie movie reviewed in The Post
'Annie' movie review: An uneven remake that promises not to be timeless
Washington Post December 19 2014
'Stick Girl' animation covered on Post's site
Sandra Oh moves from 'Grey's' to producing the new animated film 'Window Horses'
By Soraya Nadia McDonaldWashington Post's Morning Mix blog December 19 2014
Thursday, December 18, 2014
An award for tying science to superheroes
Click for full press release
Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Spotted today at The Hill Center at the Old Naval Hospital, Capitol Hill, Washington, DC. The post-Civil War hospital was built on Pennsylvania Ave, SE and 8th St, and is now a community center.
Dean Haspiel, SPX and the Library of Congress
Independent Comix Art & Mini-Comix
A discussion by comics creator Dean Haspiel on the new Small Press Expo (SPX) collection of the Serial & Government Publications Division. The collection of mini-comics -- "small in size but impressive in cultural impact" -- will contain, among other worthy selections, past and future Ignatz Award nominated works.
Christmas with Richard Thompson
Big Planet Comics 20% off everything New Year's Day sale!
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Submissions: 'Artists against Police Brutality' comics anthology
"APB will be a black and white book that collects these stories. While primarily a comic book project, we will also consider following: One- and two-row comic strips , Pin-ups and spot illustrations Prose stories (whatever the genre; up to 1,500 words) and analytical essays (personal, sociopolitical, historical; up to 2,000 words).
"The main goal is to encourage people to talk about the persistent problems facing this country in terms of race and the justice system in an accessible and powerful medium.
APB: Artists against Police Brutality will be edited by Bill Campbell (Mothership: Tales from Afrofuturism and Beyond), John Jennings (The Blacker the Ink: Constructions of a Black Identity in Comics and Sequential Art), and Jason Rodriguez (Colonial Comics: New England, 1620-1750) and will be published by Rosarium Publishing.
For more information, go to; join the Facebook group,; or email
Super stockings
Comic Riffs talks to Clay Bennett about his Berryman award
Chattanooga's Clay Bennett is 'thrilled' to win the 2014 Berryman Award for editorial cartooning
By Michael CavnaWashington Post Comic Riffs blog December 15 2014
The Post reviews American Cornball
The things we used to think were funny ['American Cornball: A Laffopedic Guide to the Formerly Funny,' by Christopher Miller]
By Elizabeth McCrackenWashington Post December 16 2014
Monday, December 15, 2014
Art Hondros demonstrating on Capitol Hill
Updated - here's more pictures of Art's anti-gun violence protest.
Sunday, December 14, 2014
Art Hondros demonstrating as Human comic book, Monday 12/15 by the Capitol
It's been two years since the events in Newtown. I plan to behave, so I don't imagine being arrested."
Looking for that perfect gift for a comics uber-scholar?
International Journal of Comic Art 1:1 (reprint)
By John LentBiographical Sketches of Cartoonists & Illustrators in the Swann Collection of the Library of Congress
By Sara DukeHere's the 30% off message:
We're just as excited about the season as you are, so we're offering you one last chance to get 30% off all print books.
Use promo code KRBM2 now until 11:59 p.m. on Dec. 15, and get great reads for everyone you know.
Flugennock's Latest'n'Greatest: "DC Voted 'Yes', Dammit!"
"DC Voted 'Yes', Dammit!"
Y'know that old joke about how if voting could really change things, it would be illegal? Well, check out the shit that's going down right here in DC. Go on, take a good, long, steamy LOOK.
The Democrats -- yeah, the same Democrats who bitched about having an election stolen nearly 15 years ago, and who are still bitching today -- were ready to bargain away the franchise for residents of the District Of Columbia just so they could get a budget authorized to keep the goddamn' government from shutting down.
One more time... the DEMOCRATIC PARTY on Capitol Hill was willing to turn their backs on their duty to the Constitution and REFUSE TO UPHOLD THE RESULTS OF A FREE ELECTION in order to get their goddamn' budget passed...
Mike Flugennock, flugennock at sinkers dot org
Political Cartoons: dubya dubya dubya dot sinkers dot org
Saturday, December 13, 2014
Weingarten on Shansby's new book
Publish and perish
Washington Post Magazine December 14 2014
Science fiction/comics class at Eaton ES
Flugennock's Latest'n'Greatest: "Cromnibus Island"
Just sit right back, and you'll hear a tale -- a tale of a fateful bill...
Remember when Obummer said he backed DC on marijuana decriminalization? Me, neither.
Yesterday, Obummer stated that he disapproved of Congressional meddling in DC's ballot initiative to legalize marijuana, but that he wouldn't veto the "CRomnibus" budget bill.
You got that? He's willing to let Congress overturn a free election in the Capital of the United States if it'll get his goddamn' budget passed. He says he opposes interference with Initiative 71, but HE WON'T UPHOLD THE ELECTION.
Let that sink in for a minute.
Still standing with Hillary?
Mike Flugennock, flugennock at sinkers dot org
Political Cartoons: dubya dubya dubya dot sinkers dot org
City Paper article on Brooke Allen also in print
Meet the Local Illustrator of Lumberjanes, a Feminist, Fast-Growing Summer Camp Comic
by Tim Regan on Dec. 11, 2014