| Baltimore Comic-Con 2015 Kicks Off Tomorrow! | BALTIMORE, MARYLAND - September 24, 2015 - The 16th Annual Baltimore Comic-Con kicks-off tomorrow afternoon, Friday, September 25, 2015 at the Baltimore Convention Center! The show floor will open at 1:00 pm (12:00 pm for VIP Ticket holders), but box offices will be open as early as 8:00 am |
Here are a few last-minute reminders for attendees: |
- We are in the Pratt and Howard Street Lobby this year (which is the same entrance as last year).
- Online ticket sales end Thursday.
- Be sure to arrive early, as lines to enter when the show floor opens will begin to form early.
- All attendees need to bring their receipt from their online ticket purchase or their physical tickets and a photo ID, and follow directions of staff members to guide them to the proper lines where their receipts will be collected and wristbands issued.
- Those who purchased the VIP Packages should go the VIP booth near WILL CALL to attain their packages.
- New this year, we have celebrity photo ops and tickets for media guests.
- The 7th Annual Costume Contest, sponsored by StylinOnline.com, will be held on Saturday, September 26, 2014 at 3:00 pm for adults (professional and amateur), and Sunday, September 27, 2014 at 2:30 pm for children. Registration will begin as soon as the show opens at 10:00 am and lasts until 1:00 pm each respective contest day. Contest Registration forms will be handed out at the Costume Contest Booth located in the lower Pratt Street lobby for all patrons interested in entering the costume contest. Over-18 registration will cost $10 for professionals and $5 for amateurs. Under-18 registration will be free.
- There will be ATMs available throughout the show for your convenience.
- Maps for the show are now posted.
- To ensure everyone has a safe and fun weekend, please familiarize yourself with the Baltimore Comic-Con Harassment Policy and Weapons Policy.
- Bring your comfortable shoes and stay hydrated.
- Be sure to follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook for all the latest updates and announcements throughout the show.
Regretfully, we have to announce that a few of our guests have had last-minute cancellations. Bret Blevins, Jaime Hernandez, Paul Levitz, Jamar Nicholas, Matteo Scalera, Chris Schweizer, Robert Tinnell, Peter Tomasi, and Rick Veitch will all unfortunately be unable to make it to this year's event. |
Save the Date! Baltimore Comic-Con 2016! That's right! Mark your calendars now for the Baltimore Comic-Con's 17th Anniversary Show, which will take place the weekend of September 2-4, 2016 at the Baltimore Convention Center. You definitely won't want to miss it! We'll see YOU in Baltimore! |
General Admission and VIP Package tickets for Weekend, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, as well as the Harvey Awards, are now on sale! Visit www.baltimorecomiccon.com/tickets/ for more information and to purchase your advanced tickets now, and as always, kids 10 and under get into the show free with a paid adult General Admission! GUARANTEED PARKING To make parking easy and stress free, we have partnered with Parking Panda, the nationwide leader in online parking reservations, to allow attendees to purchase guaranteed parking near the Baltimore Comic-Con. View real-time availability and pricing at many convenient locations within easy walking distance to the convention center. Once purchased, parking is 100% guaranteed even if the location otherwise fills up. Simply present your purchase confirmation at the selected location, and this serves as your payment with no additional payments or fees ever. Parking availability is very limited, so it is strongly recommended that you purchase your parking in advance, if driving. HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS While they are available, be sure to take advantage of discount rate arrangements we have made with hotels near the Baltimore Convention Center. For all the details, see: http://baltimorecomiccon.com/about/hotels/ In addition to on-site CGC grading, this year's confirmed guests for the show include: Neal Adams (All-New Captain America); Zeea Adams (Neal Adams Monsters); Brooke A. Allen (Lumberjanes); Scott Ambruson (Azteca: Ciudad Paradiso); Jeremy Bastian (Cursed Pirate Girl); Marty Baumann (Pixar artist); John Beatty (Secret Wars); Carolyn Belefski (Curls); Gregory Benton (Smoke); Paul Blackthorne (Arrow, Saturday and Sunday only); Christy Blanch (The Damnation of Charlie Wormwood); Martin Brandt (Kidthulhu); Ryan Browne (God Hates Astronauts); Harold Buchholz (Archie Comics); Mark Buckingham (Fables); Bob Budiansky (courtesy of Hero Initiative, Transformers); Dave Bullock (Wednesday Comics); Buzz (JSA); Talent Caldwell (Grimm Fairy Tales Presents White Queen: Age of Darkness); Frank Cammuso (Salem Hyde); Chris Campana (Kantara); Joe Carabeo (Black Magic Tales); Jerry Carr (Trickster: Native American Tales); Richard Case (Doom Patrol); Christa Cassano (Ghetto Klown); Katie Cassiday (Arrow, Sunday only); Tommy Castillo (Squarriors); Jacob Chabot (SpongeBob Comics); Sean Chen (Secret Origins); Cliff Chiang (Wonder Woman); Frank Cho (Jungle Girl); Amy Chu (Strange Sports Stories); Rich Clabaugh (The Graveyard Gang); Steve Conley (Bloop); Amanda Conner (Harley Quinn); Katie Cook (Gronk); Darwyn Cooke (Richard Stark's Parker); Mike Curtis (Dick Tracy); Matt Daley (Lantern City); Keith Davidsen (Reanimator); Kristina Deak-Linsner (Dawn/Vampirella); Rachel Deering (In the Dark: A Horror Anthology); Vito Delsante (Stray); Todd Dezago (Perhapanauts); Charles Dowd (Lilith Dark); Joe Eisma (Morning Glories); Tod Emko (A Piggy's Tale); Joe Endres (Colossians); G.D. Falksen (The Ouroboros Cycle); Jules Feiffer (Kill My Mother); Tim Fielder (Dieselfunk Studios' Matty's Rocket, Saturday and Sunday only); David Finch (Wonder Woman); Chris Flick (Capes & Babes); Ramona Fradon (Spongebob Annual-Size Super-Giant Swimtacular); Otis Frampton (Oddly Normal); Francesco Francavilla (Secret Wars: Battleworld); Franco (Itty Bitty Hellboy); John Gallagher (Buzzboy); Katie Gallagher (Zoey and Ketchup); Jack and Will Gallagher (E.P.i.C. Bros.); S.L. Gallant (G.I. Joe); Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez (Batman '66: The Lost Episode); Bryan J.L. Glass (The Mice Templar); Mike Gold (Hawkworld); Jimmy Gownley (The Dumbest Idea Ever!); Keron Grant (Father's Day); Mike Grell (courtesy of Hero Initiative, Action Comics); Dawn Griffin (Zorphbert & Fred); Eric Grissom (Planet Gigantic); Allan Gross (Cryptozoo Crew); Laura Lee Gulledge (Will & Whit); Laura Guzzo (Princeless: Short Stories for Warrior Women); Cully Hamner (Convergence: The Question); Scott Hanna (The New 52: Futures End); Tony Harris (Justice League United); Dean Haspiel (The Fox); Jennifer Hayden (The Story of My Tits); Russ Heath (G.I. Combat); Marc Hempel (Little Nemo: Dream Another Dream); Eric Henson (The Perhapanauts: Danger Down Under); h-eri (Ivory Dragon Studios); Ken Hunt (Talon); Jamal Igle (Molly Danger); Geof Isherwood (Suicide Squad); Klaus Janson (Superman); Dave Johnson (Inhumans: Attilan Rising); Dani Jones (My Sister the Freak); JG Jones (Strange Fruit); Justin Jordan (Legacy of Luther Strode); Chris Kemple (Red Vengeance); Tom King (Grayson); Denis Kitchen (The Best of Comix Book: When Marvel Went Underground); Barry Kitson (Empire: Uprising); Jonathan "Swifty" Lang (Feeding Ground); Greg LaRocque (The Avengers); Dan Leister (Grimm Fairy Tales); Mike Lilly (Grimm Fairy Tales Presents: Robyn Hood); John Lind (Harvey Kurtzman's Jungle Book: Essential Kurtzman Vol. 1); Joe Linsner (Red Sonja); Nate Lovett (Midnight Tiger); Kevin Maguire (Justice League); Mike Maihack (Cleopatra in Space); Mike Manley (Darkhawk); Mark Mariano (The Other Side of Hugless Hill); Laura Martin (Star Wars); Ron Marz (Convergence: Batman and Robin); Mike McKone (Justice League United); Bob McLeod (Secret Wars); Pop Mhan (He-Man: The Eternity War, Saturday only); Kevin Miller (The Cat Maiden); Chris Miskiewicz (Thomas Alsop); Sheldon Mitchell (The Darkness); Terry Moore (Rachel Rising); Mark Morales (Convergence); Nen (The Memory Collectors); Edward James Olmos (Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.); Chris O>Matic (The Chris O>Matic Show); John Ostrander (Suicide Squad); Chris Otto (A Dog's Life); Greg Pak (Storm); Tom Palmer (The Avengers); Jimmy Palmiotti (The Con Job); Dan Parent (Archie); Jeff Parker (Justice League United); Doug Paszkiewicz (Arsenic Lullabies); Brent Peeples (Legenderry: Green Hornet); Andrew Pepoy (Afterlife with Archie); David Petersen (Mouse Guard); Brandon Peterson (Uncanny X-Men); Khoi Pham (X-Men Legacy); Mark Poulton (A Cat Named Haiku); Andy Price (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic); Kyle Puttkammer (Hero Cats); Ron Randall (Convergence: Catwoman); Tom Raney (Avengers Vs.); Mary Reed (The Cat Maiden); Ireland Reid (Cosplay); Sara Richard (Jem and the Holograms); Rafer Roberts (Little Nemo: Dream Another Dream); David Rodriguez (Skylanders); Dave Roman (StarBunny Inc.); Budd Root (Cavewoman); Don Rosa (Donald Duck); Craig Rousseau (Batman Beyond); Andy Runton (Owly); Stan Sakai (Usagi Yojimbo); Raphael Sbarge (Once Upon a Time, Saturday only); Dan Schkade (The Spirit); Arlen Schumer (Silver Age of Comic Book Art); Brian Shearer (G.I. Joe); Jeff Shultz (Betty and Veronica); Bart Sears (Bloodshot); Brian Shearer (G.I. Joe); Louise Simonson (Convergence: Superman - The Man of Steel); Walter Simonson (Convergence: Superman - The Man of Steel); Matt Slay (The Sakai Project: Artists Celebrate Thirty Years of Usagi Yojimbo); Andy Smith (Earth 2); Matthew Dow Smith (X-Files Season 10); JK Snyder III (Doctor Mid-Nite); Scott Snyder (Batman Eternal); Charles Soule (Uncanny Inhumans); Mark Sparacio (Sgt. Rock); Jim Starlin (Thanos: The Infinity Relativity); Joe Staton (Dick Tracy); Brian Stelfreeze (Day Men); Peter Stone (Shattered Krystal); Paul Storrie (Sheena, Queen of the Jungle); Karl Story (Thors); Joe St. Pierre (New Zodiax); Marcio Takara (Armor Wars); Eric Talbot (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles); Ben Taylor (A Dog's Life); Ben Templesmith (Gotham by Midnight); Mark Texeira (Ghost Racers); Frank Tieri (Suicide Squad); Vivek J. Tiwary (The Fifth Beatle); John Totleben (Swamp Thing); Jeremy Treece (King: Mandrake the Magician); Tim Truman (Hawkman); Billy Tucci (Shi); Ted Tucker (Caricature art); James Tynion (Constantine: The Hellblazer); Ethan Van Sciver (Green Lantern); Emilio Velez Jr. (The Dodgeball Teens); Charles Vess (Little Nemo: Dream Another Dream); Brennan Wagner (Django/Zorro); Matt Wagner (Grendel); Mark Waid (Daredevil); John Watson (Red Sonja); Todd Webb (Mr. Toast Comics); Ming-Na Wen (Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Saturday only); Mark Wheatley (Jungle Tales of Tarzan); Matt Wieringo ('Ringo Scholarship Fund); Marcus Williams (Hero Cats); Marv Wolfman (courtesy of Hero Initiative, Convergence: New Teen Titans); Rich Woodall (Kyrra); Brian Woodward (Baltimore Comic-Con 2015 Yearbook); Bernie Wrightson (The Ghoul Treasury Edition); Annie Wu (Black Canary); Kelly Yates (Doctor Who); Thom Zahler (My Little Pony: Friends Forever); and Mike Zeck (Secret Wars). In the coming weeks, look for more announcements from the Baltimore Comic-Con. We are looking forward to highlighting our guests, the Harvey Awards, industry exclusives, and programming. The latest developments can always be found on our website, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook pages. Contact Information Please use the following e-mail addresses to contact the Baltimore Comic-Con: press@baltimorecomiccon.com - for any general press inquiries or to be added to our PR distribution promoter@baltimorecomiccon.com - for requesting exhibitor, publisher, and Artist Alley applications registrar@baltimorecomiccon.com - for inquiries about submitted registrations harveys@baltimorecomiccon.com- for the Harvey Awards ceremony and banquet general@baltimorecomiccon.com- for general Baltimore Comic-Con inquiries About The Baltimore Comic-Con The Baltimore Comic-Con is celebrating its 16th year of bringing the comic book industry to the Baltimore and Washington D.C. area. For more information, please visit www.baltimorecomiccon.com.
About The Harvey Awards The Harvey Awards are one of the comic book industry's oldest and most respected awards. With a history of over 20 years, the last 10 in conjunction with the Baltimore Comic-Con, the Harveys recognize outstanding achievements in over 20 categories. They are the only industry awards nominated and selected by the full body of comic book professionals. For more information, please visit www.harveyawards.org. |
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