Kevin's just written in with a picture of his cartoons for the DC Lottery, that are in the Stadium metro stop. Remember to send in
your picture of them for posting! Here's Kevin's note and artwork.
"Here is a file of the finished characters. I also did a sky and grass wash background and they put the figures on top of that for the metro station displays."
Jeez he's good. I'd hire him in a minute if I was an arti director and had a job with a large illustration budget.
He also does a killer Elvis impersonation. I mean a really killer Elvis impersonation.
So you wouldn't insult him if you had a small illustration budget? Considerate, that's what I call it.
Elvis is out of scope for this blog, unless Bob Staake's drawn him. Although if someone was able to say post a YouTube video of Kevin's impression, we could think about it...
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