Sunday, December 07, 2008

Crumb exhibit is excellent. But...

(Photos by Aaron Igler, from the ICA website)

We drove up today, had excellent cheesesteaks (is that one word?) at University City's Abner's Cheesesteaks, and then walked around the UPenn campus to the Institute of Contemporary Art for the last day of the R. Crumb's Underground exhibit. They didn't allow us to take pictures, but there's some on their website. The exhibit was originally curated by Todd Hignite and "coordinated at the ICA by Associate Curator Jenelle Porter."

The exhibit, which closed today, was fantastic... or at least the artwork was. The exhibit proper I was less happy with. Pieces were arranged in orders that weren't apparent - neither historical, nor by purpose, nor by media. Judging from the 4-page handout, which says, "Rather than a chronological retrospective, this career-spanning exhibition is organized around specific underlying themes and ideologies" which it then lists as 'Young Crumb,' 'Crumb Draws Crumb,' 'Counterculture,' 'Collaboration,' and 'Old-Time Tunes.' However none of the sections of art in the two cavernous rooms were labeled with these headings, nor were the brief descriptive paragraphs on the section in the brochure included in the actual exhibit. The pieces, except for those published in comic books, were frequently only labeled with the title and media so one could not necessarily place them in context. I happened to recognize two of his New Yorker strips done with his wife Aline, but many other viewers less familiar with his work wouldn't have known where "Fashion Week in New York" and "Cheering Global Villagism" were done for, facts that are relevant in terms of the lessening of some of Crumb's more scatalogical tendencies in the two strips. Interestingly, the artwork was uncolored which was something of a surprise to me as it appears in color in the magazine - my companion and I wondered if Crumb supervised the coloring or if it was done on a computer without him. Crumb's color New Yorker cover of Eustace Tilley as a young punk was included in the show, again without its publication information.
100_6571 Entrance to Crumb Exhibit, PhillyEntrance to exhibit
In spite of these cavils, the exhibit was filled with fantastic pieces, many loaned by Eric Sack. Included were napkins from restaurants that Crumb drew on, which have been the subject of several of his recent books, an Oog & Blik comics publisher's folder he drew a self-portrait on, the back cover of Zap Comix 0, "Early Jazz Greats" watercolor on paper paintings for a card set, his Patton strip which was also in the Masters of American Comics exhibit, Little Wonder Hot Book (1969) - a minicomic with Spain and S. Clay Wilson, original Mr. Natural pages from 1968-1969, the metal printing plate from Zap Comix 0, "Angel Food McSpade" and "Meatball" strips from Zap, and pages of jam comix and posters. A small case of published versions of his art included Zap Comix 1, 0 and 2, Help, Gothic Blimpworks, an American Greeting Card "Season's Greetings" from 1965, and 3 specimens of the unpublished comic he created with his brothers (as seen in the Crumb film).

More art highlights included a complete Fritz the Cat story from 1965, a 1987 Christmas card by Crumb, his wife and daughter, a CBNDI Belgian comics museum poster original and a sketchbook circa the 1960s. One wall had original artwork for comic book covers including Arcade #3 with a pasted-in Zippy by Bill Griffith and the book, R. Crumb's Head Comix. Crumb's work was generally only slightly larger than the published version and he seems to usually work 1 1/2x up. His style evolved somewhat during the 1960s, but by the end of the decade he'd settled into essentially the same one that he uses today although it's obvious that he takes more time and effort on his art now. Much of the material in the show came from a fine art gallery that presumably sells the artwork for him.

The exhibit was a fantastic overview of Crumb's career, even if sadly lacking in information on him. This trend towards treating comics artists solely as fine artists seriously misinterprets the essentially commercial component of comic book publishing, even in the undergrounds that Crumb worked in. However, anyone who likes his work would be well-advised to see the next site it travels to. The exhibit, as stated, was accompanied at the ICA by a four-page brochure and a poster was available for purchase.

Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers movie? UPDATED

Did you know there was a Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers movie? According to Joel Pollack of Big Planet Comics, Gilbert Shelton's underground comic was adapted into a live action short, The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers Acquire a Groupie. This was around 1971 by a DC-area filmmaker whose company was Reel Meat. Joel did the promo art and showed it to me today. The filmmakers were Bill Pace and Celia Symbarski aided by Joel Jacobson. The actors were Jeff Wolfe as Fat Freddy, Tom Scott as Freewheelin' Frank, and Dave Eisner as Phineas. Bill Pace would be the only one likely to own a copy, Joel thinks. The movie disappeared when Shelton pulled his approval of the license.

Zadzooks back to toys

"ZADZOOKS: Silver Savage and Despero action figure reviews; Surfer is Savage to help Hulk," Joseph Szadkowski, Washington Times December 3, 2008.

And Bennett's best is Sgt. Rock and Umbrella Academy:

Bennett's Best for the week of November 23, Zadzooks Blog November 30 2008, By Greg Bennett.

Also on the blog are videos for "VIDEO GAME INTERVIEW: ESA's Mike Gallagher".

Off to see some Crumbs

A friend suggested we ride up to Philly to catch the last day of the traveling Robert Crumb show, so that's where I'll be today. If I don't already have someone reviewing it for IJOCA, I'll write one and post it here.

Saturday, December 06, 2008

New York Times' comics gifts recommendations

It's tomorrow's news, but see "Holiday Books: Comics," DOUGLAS WOLK, New York Times Book Review December 7, 2008. I'm in agreement with the second half of his recommendations and although I haven't read 'Swallow Me Whole' yet, I do have it.

Al Rio's 2008 Wonder Woman postcard

The artist Al Rio sends out a postcard to people who will send a digital picture of them with it back to him. This year he drew a nice Wonder Woman card. I got mine in the mail and just sent him back the picture below.

100_6551 Al Rio Wonder Woman Special bonus points go to anyone who can name the books with it.

Friday, December 05, 2008

Finding Bash on DC's streets

The editor's pointed out some new Bash information to me...

You'll notice the work of Sean Ford and Jeff Lok, both new to BASH. Sean's story ("Waiting for your Bro") along with 25 pages from Only Skin and a nine-page story called "Disappearing Kids" will be posted on the December Comic Calendar between the 7th and 10th. The continuation of Jeff Lok's Sam n' Dan will be posted the 16th-18th, 13 pages in all.

Here's their distribution list, which is not completely up-to-date, and has a few [modifications by me]:

Washington, D.C.:

18th and U Duplex: 2004 18th Street NW
American University at Nebraska Avenue/New Mexico
Art Gallery Grille at 1706 T Street NW
AU/Tenleytown Avenue Metro North
AU/Tenleytown Avenue Metro South
Brookland/CUA Metro
Bus Stop at 12th Street and H Street NE
Bus Stop at Ward Circle/Massachusetts Avenue
Capitol South Metro
Caribou Coffee at 1400 14th Street NW
Chinatown Gallery Plaza Metro: 7th and D Stree NW
Cleveland Park Metro: North
Columbia Heights Metro North
Convention Center: 7th and Mt. Vernon Place NW
Convention Center: 9th and Mt. Vernon Place NW
Corner of 28th and M Street NW [this one's gone - it was the one I used!]
Corner of Wisconsin and M Street NW
Cosi at 14th and H Street NW
DC Government 12th and U Street NW
Dunn Loring Metro
Dupont Circle Metro: Connecticut and Q Street NW
East Falls Church Metro
Eastern Market Metro
Farragut North Metro: L Street and Connecticut Avenue
Federal Center Metro: 3rd and D Street SW
Federal Triangle Metro: 12th NW
Five Guys: Wisconsin Avenue @ Dunbarton Street NW
Foggy Bottom Metro
Friendship Heights Metro: 5230 Wisconsin Avenue
Friendship Heights Metro: Wisconsin @ Western
Gallery Place/Chinatown Metro at 9th and 6th Street NW
George Mason University Bus Stop
[Georgetown, Wisconsin at M, in front of PNC bank]
Georgetown University Hopital: Washington Circle at 23rd Street [actually George Washington]
Georgetown University Hospital 3800 Reservoir Road
Howard School of Business at 2600 6th Street
Howard University Bookstore: 2225 Georgia Avenue
Howard University Metro at 7th Street
Howard University: 6th and W Street NW
Judiciary Square Metro
L'Enfant Plaza Metro: 7th and MD Avenue SW
L'Enfant Plaza Metro: 8th and D Street SW
McDonald's 169 18th Street NW
McPherson Square Metro: 14th and I Street NW
McPherson Square Metro: 15th and T Street NW
Media and Public Affairs: 805 21st Street
Metro Center at 12th & G Street NW
Metro Center Metro: 11th and G Street NW
Mt. Vernon Square: 7th Street Convention Center
Navy Yard Metro: M Street and N.J. Avenue SW
PNC Bank: Wisconsin Avenue at M Street NW
Post Office: 2300 18 th Street NW
Potomac Avenue Metro: Potomac Avenue and PN Avenue
Safeway 1747 Columbia Road NW
Smithsonian Metro: 12th and Independence Avenue SW
Starbucks 1203: 19th Street @ M Street NW
Starbucks 1501 Connecticut Avenue at Dupont Circle
Starbucks 1600 U Street at New Hampshire Avenue
Starbucks 1801 Columbia Road NW
Starbucks 700 Connecticut Avenue at R Avenue
Starbucks at 1429 P Street NW
Starbucks: 7th and E Street NW
SunTrust: 1369 Connecticut Avenue at Dupont Circle
Takoma Park Metro
Tryst Lounge at 2457 18th Street NW
U St/African American Civil War Memorial at 13th
Van Ness/UDC Metro: North
Van Ness/UDC Metro: South
Waterfront Metro: 4th and M Street SW
Woodley Park/200 Metro


Ballston Metro
Braddock Road Metro
Clarendon Metro
Courthouse Road Metro
Crystal City Metro
Eisenhower Avenue Metro
Huntington Metro: Lower
Huntington Metro: Upper
Kings Street Metro
Pentagon City Metro: Borders Side
Pentagon City Metro: Ritz Side
Rosslyn Metro
Springfield Metro
Van Dorn Metro: Bus Side
Van Dorn Metro: Kiss and Ride Side
Vienna Metro: North
Vienna Metro: South
Virginia Square Metro
West Falls Church Metro

Montgomery County, Maryland:
Bethesda Metro
Medical Center Metro
Silver Spring Metro
White Flint Metro
Wheaton Metro

Prince George's County, Maryland:
College Park Metro
Route 1 College Park (two locations)

OT: Blog by an artist friend

A work buddy, Navjeet Singh Chhina, has started a blog for his work. Navjeet says he's influenced by cartoons. The paintings he's got up so far show Indian Gods and Gurus.

Punisher and Bat movie bits from today's papers

Unsurprisingly, nobody appears to fond of the Punisher: War Zone movie. I must confess that I don't understand the popularity of the character, but I'm sure it ties into a thread that runs through the Shadow to Dirty Harry to the Mack Bolan novels and then into the comics. Anyway, here's some articles.

"A Comic-Book Avenger Strikes," By A. O. SCOTT, New York Times December 5, 2008.

"A Glut of Punishment,"
Michael O'Sullivan, Washington Post Friday, December 5, 2008; Page WE28.

"DVD's Lack Of Ledger May Leave Fans Cold," By Jen Chaney, Washington Post Friday, December 5, 2008; Page WE32 on "The Dark Knight" Batman movie.

And surprisingly enough, New Yorker and New York Times (Science section, on Tuesdays) cartoonist Victoria Roberts did the cover of the Post's Weekend section. No pic online that I see.

OT: Bill Willingham's most important book

There's nothing to do with Washington in this essay, but I like Willingham's work and have since he was writing about undead superheroes a long time ago. So check out the Book Reporter's blog for Bill Willingham's most important book.

And here's more info from publicist Nicole Bruce about the larger project which is neat:'s Author Holiday Blogs

Many great writers share that their path to publishing started by being a voracious reader. To celebrate this season of giving --- and getting --- more than thirty authors are sharing their favorite memories of giving or receiving a book at the holidays on the Author Holiday Blog. For example, International best-selling author Mary Higgins Clark reminisces about the books that she was overjoyed to find under the Christmas tree during her childhood, while her daughter and co-writer, Carol Higgins Clark, theorizes that her most popular character, private detective Regan Reilly, may have had her roots in books given to her as a young girl. Meanwhile, Wendy Corsi Staub tells us why Christmas always means Little Women to her.

Upcoming blogs include a piece by Francoise Mouly, who reminisces about the intimate experience she shared over a comic strip with her now-husband, cartoonist Art Spiegelman, during the early stages of their relationship, and how that event forever changed the way she approached the solitary act of reading. Head over to each day until Christmas to read these essays and others from David Baldacci, Laura Pedersen, Ad Hudler, Kristin Hannah, Garth Stein, M.J. Rose, Mary Kay Andrews and more.

The blogs can be read each day at:

Dec 8: Swann fellow speaks on Civil War prints

Just a reminder from the Library of Congress -

Of possible interest to those in the Washington, D.C. area -- an invitation to a public lecture by Mazie Harris, Swann award winner, on Civil War era chromolithographs created by Henry Louis Stephens, a major illustrator and caricaturist for Vanity Fair. Her talk, entitled, "A Colorful Union: The Development of Union Patriotism in Henry Louis Stephens’ 1863 Chromolithographs," will be on Monday, Dec. 8, 2008, at noon in Dining Room A, 6th floor, Madison Building, Library of Congress, 101 Independence Avenue SE, Washington, D.C.

Unfortunately I probably can't make this one.

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Dec 13: Marc Tyler Nobleman in town for Boys of Steel: The Creators of Superman

Marc Tyler Nobleman writes in,

I will be signing my latest book, Boys of Steel: The Creators of Superman , in Alexandria, Virginia, at Hooray for Books on Saturday, December 13, at 2 p.m. The book is aimed at people ages 7 and up, though I have read it to my 4-year-old (the first time was against her will but she did voluntarily ask for it again at least once). Boys, girls, geeks - all welcome.

As of now, it is my only DC-area appearance so I hope you can overcome the short notice, skip that nap, and stop by!

Also, please forward to any friends who may be interested and, if you are willing, post for your DC/VA network on Facebook.

Best, thanks, and hope to see you,
Marc Tyler Nobleman

I bought this when it came out and enjoyed it a lot. Ross MacDonald's retro-style artwork is excellent too. I'm going to try to be there for this. Thanks to Casey Shaw of USA Weekend for the tip and the contact info!

Dec 16: Gag cartoonist Mort Gerberg in town

NEXTBOOK Public Programs presents Mort Gerberg

Last Laughs: Cartoons About Aging, Retirement...and the Great Beyond
December 16, 7:30 pm
$9; Discount Member Price $6
Washington DCJCC, 1529 16th Street NW

Longtime New Yorker cartoonist Mort Gerberg has assembled an all-star cast of gifted and popular cartoonists to join him in this exclusive collection confronting, illuminating and celebrating the inevitabilities of life. Everything from cloning to cryogenics is tackled with humor and pathos. Gerberg has written, illustrated or edited nearly forty books, including his textbook, Cartooning: The Art and the Business. Gerberg will discuss his most recent collection as well as demonstrate his drawing process. He will also touch on his upcoming book The All-Jewish Cartoon Collection.

Reprinted from Review

"Be careful about taking this book on a long plane trip. From page to page you'll chuckle, you'll guffaw, you'll be seized with hysterical, uncontrollable laughter. Fellow passengers will be curious and you'll say (with tears streaming down your face) it's all about age and death. Fellow passengers might ask for a change of seats. You won't mind one bit as you become more and more helpless with laughter."
-- Frank McCourt, author of Angela's Ashes and Teacher Man

Click here to purchase tickets.

Thanks to Casey Shaw of USA Weekend for the tip!

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

The fall 2008 International Journal of Comic Art

Ok, back to the fall 2008 International Journal of Comic Art issue that clocks in at 872 pages. Editor & publisher John Lent wrote an introduction to it in which he highlighted the current issue and also looked back at the past 10 years of publishing. Here's some of John's introduction:

This issue marks the tenth anniversary of the International Journal of Comic Art, and fitting the occasion, is packed with informative, entertaining, and even some provocative articles and reviews. Two symposia are offered, one of 14 articles on women and cartooning worldwide; another, the fifth installment of the “Pioneers of Comic Art Scholarship Series,” featuring Seetha Srinivasan of University Press of Mississippi and Bi Keguan of China.

A couple of granddaughters of famous cartooning personnel provide insights gleaned from primary sources about their grandfathers. Nicky Heron Brown (nee Wheeler-Nicholson) refutes statements made by David Hajdu about her grandfather, Major Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson, one of the “inventors” of the modern American comic book in the 1930s. Her article is especially welcomed as perhaps the first of a number of expected published accounts of the Major’s career planned by his family. Carolyn Wong contributes a second article on her grandfather, Huang Yao, a Chinese cartoonist who worked throughout East and Southeast Asia for decades; she unearthed new findings about his World War II work which supplement the article on World War II Chinese cartooning Xu Ying and I wrote in 10:1.

This anniversary issue is also enriched by an interview with Nakazawa Keiji of Barefoot Gen; a comprehensive “family tree” of educational comics by Sol M. Davidson (with help from his wife, Penny), many of which are culled from their collection; an analysis of Burmese political cartoons published in exile, written by Lisa Brooten; and articles or reviews written by cartoonists -- Trina Robbins and Matt Wuerker of U.S., Frank Hoffmann and Marlene Pohle of Germany, Ġorġ Mallia of Malta, Raquel Orzuj of Uruguay, and Arcadio Esquivel Mayorga of Costa Rica. It is the first time Burma, Costa Rica, Malta, and the Indian Ocean were featured in the International Journal of Comic Art. Besides articles on the American “Popeye,” Maus, Johnny the Homicidal Killer, Sin City, “Feiffer,” Captain America, war comics, and political cartoons, others in this issue dealt with Australia, Brazil, China, Cuba, Europe more generally, France, Germany, Japan, Korea, and Taiwan.

So that's what you get in the current issue. Here's what the ten year period saw overall:

At least two articles (Fredrik Strömberg on Sweden and Fabio Gadducci on Italy) were developed into monographs by their authors, and many other articles were reprinted in books and very frequently cited in the scholarly literature. The journal is known worldwide, gracing the shelves of 111 university libraries, comic centers, art institutes, museums, and comics publishers in at least 20 countries; some of them are British Library, Library of Congress, Victoria & Albert Museum, Serieteket (Stockholm), Centre National de la Bande Dessinée de l’Image Bibliotheque (Angoulême), New York Public Library, Ivy League universities (Columbia, Dartmouth, Harvard, Yale), MIT, Stanford, UCLA, Georgetown, School of Visual Arts, and University of Chicago.

We take pride also in the quantity of production. In 20 issues, the International Journal of Comic Art published 493 articles, including 16 symposia [see list], 71 book reviews, and 141 exhibition reviews, the latter very ably handled by Michael Rhode. The total number of pages was 9,198. At least 357 different authors (151 in Vols. 1-5, 206 in Vols. 6-10) wrote articles;* some of them had multiple contributions. Sixty countries were written about individually and others were treated less exhaustively in regional treatments on Africa (2 articles), Asia (1), East Africa (2), East Europe (1), Europe (3), Francophone Africa (1), and Latin America (1). The most articles dealt with North America (U.S., 179; Canada, 6) with 185; Europe (107), Asia (100), Latin America (40), Africa (31), and Australia/New Zealand (14). Nineteen countries of Europe were featured in articles, followed by 14 each for Africa and Asia, nine for Latin America, and two each for North America (U.S., Canada) and Australia and New Zealand. The top ten countries with articles were U.S., 179; Japan, 45; France, 24; England, 23; China, 18; Russia, 14; Spain, 13; Australia, 12; Brazil, 11, and Argentina, 9.

He wraps up with a list of special issues in case any of these are of interest to you (we're working on a plan to get the out of print issues back into print):

List of Symposia

10:2 “Women in/of Cartooning: A Symposium” -- edited by John A. Lent (14 articles)
“Pioneers of Comic Art Scholarship Series, Part V” -- (2 articles)
10:1 “Biff! Bam!! Crikey!!! A Comics Conference in Scotland, 2007 -- edited by Christopher Murray (10 articles)
9:2 “Gallery Comics: A Symposium” -- edited by C Hill (4 articles)
“Egyptian Cartooning: A Symposium” -- edited by John A. Lent (4 articles)
9:1 “Kibyōshi: The World’s First Comicbook?” -- edited by Adam L. Kern (7 articles)
“Cartooning in Australia: A Symposium” -- edited by John A. Lent (6 articles)
8:2 “Racial Identity: A Mini Symposium” -- edited by William Foster, III (4 articles)
8:1 “Ever-Ending Battle: A Symposium” -- edited by A. David Lewis (8 articles)
7:2 “Pioneers of Comic Art Scholarship Series, Part IV” -- edited by John A. Lent (5 articles)
7:1 “Late/Post-Soviet Russian Komiks: A Symposium” -- edited by José Alaniz (10 articles)
5:2 “Spanish Comics: A Symposium” -- edited by Ana Merino (10 articles)
“Pioneers of Comic Art Scholarship Series, Part III” (4 articles)
5:1 “Pioneers of Comic Art Scholarship Series, Part II” (4 articles)
4:1 “There at the Beginning: Early Days of Comics Scholarship”
(“Pioneers of Comic Art Scholarship Series, Part I”) -- edited by John A. Lent (9 articles)
3:2 “Latin American Comic Art: A Symposium” -- edited by John A. Lent (10 articles)

Today's Thompson acquisition

Just one today - School Success: The Inside Story by Peter Kline and Laurence D. Martel. The front and back cover is by Richard. Otherwise this is of no interest.

Another one that just has a little bit of cartoon reprints from Richard's Poor Almanac (before the 'k' addition) is May Contain Nuts: A Very Loose Canon of American Humor by Michael J. Rosen.

No new comics today

Due to Thanksgiving, new comics come out on Thursday this week.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

OT: Von Allan interview at Collector Times

Honorary ComicsDC'r Von Allan's got a new interview online.

Express on Casarosa and Delisle

Here's Scott Rosenberg on two good books The Venice Chronicles and Burma Chronicles - "Around the World: Graphic Novel Travelogues," Express December 2, 2008.

OT: Frank Cammuso interview

Brian Heater's got it at "Interview: Frank Cammuso Pt. 1 [of 2]," Daily Cross Hatch (December 2). I hung around with Frank a little at both Baltimore and SPX as he's a friend of Richard's. Also, years ago at SPX he and I stood in line for ... who? I can't recall anymore. Anyway, I've bought all his current books and you should too.

Our first guest ComicsDC logo

I was touched, touched I say!, when I got this logo in the mail today from cartoonist David Hagen who found this blog via Our Man Thompson's (thanks, Richard!) and now says he's a faithful reader. David's kindly granted me the use of his drawing, saying "Yes, it's yours to do with as you wish. I'm seeing coffee mugs, sweatshirts, and baseball hats in time for Xmas!"

Having had sooo much fun drawing stick figures on a computer lately, I asked about his technique and he replied, "I draw the line art on paper and scan it and then add the color in photoshop. Snap, crackle, pop!"

To thank him for his kindness, I suggested he start a blog too, instead of working on a promotional website for his freelance cartooning. Pulling out all stops, I cited our mutual friend Richard's success - "He did his on a dare and now look at him! He's a successful, almost award-winning cartoonist, and I'm sure he'd agree that he owes it all to his blog." David immediately rose to the bait and started Hagen Illustration. Demonstrating a true instinct for cartooning success, his first post features actual cartoon nudity!

This guy's going to go far, and you might have seen him here first.

Thanks again, David! The products you mentioned are on Zazzle now... each with a credit line to you as well.

Breaking news: Tom Toles in concert, Dec 8th

Bruce Guthrie just sent this in -

The WP's replacement for Herblock is in a band called Suspicious Package.

They're playing at DC IV at 9th and U on Monday night. The performance of mostly rock covers starts at 8:30 but they're having a grin and greet at 7:30.

Today's Thompson acquisitions

Two new acquisitions to my Richard Thompson library arrived today - BrainJuice: American History, Fresh Squeezed! by Carol Diggory Shields and Richard Thompson and BrainJuice: Science, Fresh Squeezed! by Carol Diggory Shields and Richard Thompson. I commend them to you.

Bob Staake, the Post's Style Invitational cartoonist

Here's a nice, if short, interview with Bob Staake, the Post's Style Invitational cartoonist. Staake's moving into children's books as well as New Yorker covers, but he's got some interesting how-to books out as well, iirc.

See "G FORCE | BOB STAAKE: He's got it covered," Boston Globe November 27, 2008.

Universal Press Syndicate starts a blog, emails me about it eventually

Got this today from Kathie Kerr who does PR for Universal (the blog started in early November so we have to play catch-up) presumably due to my continued mentioning of their client, Our Man Thompson:

Inside the doors of Universal Press Syndicate are a lot of smart people, but they’re busy, so the rest of us have started a blog on the inside workings of a syndicate. While that might sound as exciting as a digestive disorder, the blog may be of some actual value to cartoonists looking for tips on how to become syndicated and for die-hard comic fans who want behind-the-scene glimpses of today’s comics. Go to and the next sound you hear will be that of an UPS editor giving you the uncensored truth about comics and the syndicate, while giving thanks for his/her job.

I like the idea of this, as let's face it, Comics Syndicates are strange and mysterious places - they're called Syndicates after all. Has anything light and open ever been called a Syndicate? No.

One complaint - the posts don't identify who they're by so you have no idea whose brother is buying Johnny Ryan Garfield art. [update: Alan at the Daily Cartoonist says it's all by comics editor John Glynn].

Update 2: KK, I was just kidding about the late notice!!! Come back!

Dec 7: Comic book show in Tysons

Tysons Corner Monthly Comic Show

Sun, Dec 7, 2008 at the Dunn Loring Volunteer Fire Department.

Show opens to the public 10am to 3pm

Special Guest – Jo Chen

Cover artist for Runaways, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Serenity: Better Days, and many other titles.

She is appearing on behalf of

For more information visit CapiCons Comic & Pop Culture Show website

Monday, December 01, 2008

Quick links to reviews

My friend Chris Mautner on my friend Bart Beaty:

From the vault: Unpopular Culture
Panels and Pixels blog Sunday, November 30, 2008, regarding “Unpopular Culture: Transforming the European Comic Book in the 1990s” by Bart Beaty University of Toronto Press 320 pages, $29.95.

And somebody I don't know on Our Man Thompson:

Graphic Novel Fridays: Cul De Sac
by Alex Carr
Amazon's Omivoracious blog November 28, 2008

Dec 12: The Girl That Lept through Time anime

DC Anime Club and Japan Information and Culture Center, Embassy of Japan Present:

The Girl That Lept through Time

The DC Anime Club and the Japan Information and Culture Center (JICC), Embassy of Japan Present The Girl That Lept through Time on Friday December 12, 2008 at 6:30pm as part of the Anime/Live Action Series based upon Manga (Japanese Comics).

When 17-year-old Makoto Konno gains the ability to, quite literally, "leap" backwards through time, she immediately sets about improving her grades and preventing personal mishaps. However, she soon realizes that changing the past isn't as simple as it seems, and eventually, will have to rely on her new powers to shape the future of herself and her friends.

The screening will be held at the Japanese Information and Culture Center, Embassy of Japan located at Lafayette Center III 1155 21st Street, NW Washington, DC 20036-3308.
Seating for the screening of The Girl That Lept through Time is limited and attendees are encouraged to rsvp by sending an e-mail to

This program is free and open to the public. For more information please visit the Japanese Information and Culture Center website at or visit the DC Anime Club website at

Harvey Pekar book review!

And it's even by someone I don't know!

Harvey Pekar Conversations, Tom Bredehoft, Village Grouchy blog, Sunday, November 30, 2008.

Marc C Rogers (whom I do know) is reviewing it for the next issue of the International Journal of Comic Art. Speaking of which, I got the current Fall 2008 issue, 10:2, which clocks in at 872 pages! Something that massive needs its own post.

Dec 4: Illustrator exhibit opens in Rockville

Casey Shaw of USA Weekend reminded me that this exhibit is opening:

-VisArts at Rockville Exhibition: "TURNING THE PAGE: the fine art behind illustrations" and "THE ART OF THE BOOK" ­ December 4, 2008-February 21, 2009

OPENING RECEPTION: Thursday, December 4, 6:30-8:30pm
115 Gibbs Street #300
Rockville, Maryland 20850

I'm not sure if the opening is open to the public, so check first. This is a really nice space and I'm sure the exhibit will be good.

ComicsDC logo - 2nd shot

Ok, here's the second attempt.

comicsdc logo2

The photo is one from the 1890s from the National Museum of Health & Medicine - see their flickr site for the full-size image which shows the unpaved road out front of the Capitol.

Bash #5 is out; website has new comic calendar

Jonathan Hampton, Managing Editor of BASH Magazine wrote in today to say, "I'm writing to let you know that BASH #5 is out and about in the D.C. area. Likewise, our BASH Comic Calendar for December has been posted. The calendar is our online distribution mechanism for our print comics and web-only features. We're at work getting additional content for the calendar. Enjoy!"

I'll be scoring my copy tomorrow as well as the ones I pick up for comics libraries around the country.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Ot: John Kovaleski in Gettysburg

Got this email a few minutes ago, as I'd bought his book and minis at SPX:

Christmas is coming (perhaps you've heard - it's in all the papers) and that means
shopping shopping shopping. So, with that in mind, I'm doing a booking signing at Gallery 30 (30 York St, Gettysburg PA) on Friday, December 5, 5:30-8:00. I'll be signing my new book APPEELING: The Best of Bo Nanas and my not-so-new book Bo Nanas: Monkey Meets World.

At the same time, in the same place, my wife, Jocelyn Swigger, will be having a release shindig for her new CD, "Piano Recital."

I know it's pretty unlikely that you'll all be in southern central Pennsylvania this Friday. So if you feel the need to gift-up, you can find my books here:

And my wife's CD here:

And for more info than you'd ever need/want about me, please visit my blog. I post about 4 times a week about my cartooning life for your time-wasting pleasure.

ComicsDC logo - first shot

comicsdc logo1

I'm obviously not an artist, but I kind of like this one, and Our Man Thompson approved of it. I'm sticking it on a Zazzle mug now. It's also on a magnet so you can stick it on your computer and remember to check this site (if it wipes your hard drive, I don't want to hear about it. You should know better than to put magnets around computers).

Comic advertisements - a few old snapshots

Here's some more advertisements using comics motifs.

Dick Tracy Franklin Bookman standup - Crown Books 199803
Dick Tracy advertisement for Franklin Bookman standup - Crown Books March 1998.

Spider-Man - Hardees 199905
Spider-Man advertisement - Hardees May 1999 (in Kentucky, I think).

Thing - Dodge Caravan ad - NJ Turnpike 199909
Thing from Fantastic Four - Dodge Caravan advertisement - NJ Turnpike September 1999.

Spider-Man - Got Milk Metrobus 199908
Spider-Man - Got Milk Metrobus advertisement, August 1999, Washington, DC.

Disneyland ashtray 2
Disneyland ashtray.

This week's Zadzooks

ZADZOOKS: Video game review, Gears of War 2: Fenix's foe tougher, Joseph Szadkowski, Washington Times Thursday, November 27, 2008. Meanwhile in Bennett's Best, Greg recommends Fables and Twisted Toyfare Theater. I must confess to enjoying Wizard's fotonovella abuse of toys.

Help me have a happy holiday; OR ComicsDC goes commercial

movies cover

Just kidding with that title (right now!), but I'm playing around with Zazzle's line of products prefatory to really nagging cartoonists I know to start making some neat stuff I can buy. Bill Griffith of Zippy sells stamps and cards there for example and I just ordered a complete set of both of them.

In the meantime, here's a mug* featuring the original photograph (as seen above) for my book Film & TV Adaptations of Comics - 2007 edition. I'm working on the 2008 edition of the book now - and a new Punisher movie opens next week. Oh boy!

*My photographs of flowers on mugs and cards are also available for your mothers.


By John Judy

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #579 by Mark Waid and Marcos Martin. Our hero is trapped underground with the father of his worst enemy. What to do? What to do? Good comics!

ASTOUNDING WOLF-MAN #10 by Robert Kirkman and Jason Howard. The Secret Origin of Zechariah, the world’s most bi-polar vampire.

BATMAN #682 by Grant Morrison and Lee Garbett. Well, now that Batman is “dead” at the hands of his dad or “Mr. Hurt” or The Devil or whoever, we are to be treated to a retrospective of his life by Alfred the faithful butler on his deathbed. More fun from Grant Morrison’s collection of soggy cocktail napkins, strung together with pictures! WARNING! MAY CONTAIN COHERENT NARRATIVE! (kidding!)

THE BOYS #25 by Garth Ennis and Darick Robertson. Wee Hughie a.k.a. “Bagpipe” meets the G-Men and their founder. Meanwhile his team-mates are up to their own shenanigans. Ennis-style action and debauchery! Not for kids. Recommended otherwise.

CRIMINAL 2 #7 by Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips. This latest arc comes to a conclusion as Jacob the beat-up forger/cartoonist must figure out how to double-cross his double-crossers. Highly Recommended!

ESSENTIAL DYKES TO WATCH OUT FOR HC written and drawn by Alison Bechdel. The best strips from the past eleven volumes of DTWOF, plus sixty new ones not previously collected. Twenty-five years worth of funny, opinionated, challenging stuff. Recommended, especially for Mormons.

HAUNTED TANK #1 of 5 by Frank Marraffino and Henry Flint. The classic DC war comic about the ghost of a Confederate General who makes himself available to aid his tank-driving descendents gets a great twist here. The General’s latest descendent is a black man serving in Iraq. I already love this comic. Recommended!

HELLBOY: THE WILD HUNT #1 of 8 by Mike Mignola and Duncan Fegredo. HB’s fightin’ giants! But of course nothing’s ever that simple in his world. The follow-up to last year’s DARKNESS CALLS.

IMMORTAL IRON FIST #20 by Duane Swierczynski and Travel Foreman. Danny Rand faces down his latest and most deadly nemesis, the weird demon critter who’s been killing Iron Fists for centuries. I’m betting on the guy with his name on the comic.

JUSTICE SOCIETY OF AMERICA #21 by Geoff Johns, Alex Ross and Dale Eaglesham. Anytime a God says “Worship me!” you know you’re in trouble. Next thing you know you’ve got guys in bad suits and worse haircuts asking for money. Good thing the JSA is here to put a stop to all that. The penultimate chapter of “One World, Under Gog.”

MARVELS: EYE OF THE CAMERA #1 of 6 by Kurt Busiek and Jay Anacieto. A sequel to the ground-breaking 1994 series MARVELS, in which we learn again what it’s like to be an everyman in a world of supermen. Nobody writes such stories better than Kurt Busiek. Recommended.

NEW AVENGERS #47 by Brian Michael Bendis and Billy Tan. An issue focusing on the consequences of the Skrull invasion, specifically as they affect Luke Cage. Look for green people getting punched in the brain.

PUNISHER MAX: X-MAS SPECIAL #1 by Jason Aaron and Roland Boschi. A little something for all of us who were beginning to doubt Santa Claus: A Punisher story by Jason frickin’ Aaron! The author of SCALPED! You probably want to draw the blinds and turn off your phones for this one. Not for kids. Highly recommended!

SANDMAN: DREAM HUNTERS #2 of 4 by Neil Gaiman and P. Craig Russell. A beautiful adaptation of an earlier Sandman novella. Highly recommended.

SECRET INVASION #8 of 8 by Brian Michael Bendis and Leinil Francis Yu. The final chapter. Radical stuff occurs. “He loves you!”

SHE-HULK: COSMIC COLLISION #1 by Peter David and Mahmud S Asrar. For all you Shulk Completists out there! It’s okay! Come out into the light! Featuring powerful chicks in tight clothes!

SOLOMON KANE #3 of 5 by Scott Allie and Mario Guevara. Intrigues abound as Robert E. Howard’s puritan Punisher is drawn deeper into a mystery that can only be resolved with steel and powder. Very solid stuff. Recommended.

WOLVERINE: MANIFEST DESTINY #2 of 4 by Jason Aaron and Stephen Segovia. Wolvie gets his butt kicked all over Chinatown by a girl. It’s swell. Jason Aaron strikes again!

X-MEN: NOIR #1 of 4 by Fred Van Lente and Dennis Calero. What if the X-Men had been created and written by pulp crime novelists back in 1930-something? Imagine Mickey Spillane writing Wolverine! Highly recommended and hopefully the gateway through which X-maniacs will find their way to SCALPED and CRIMINAL. Recommended.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

My Thompson collection grows

Holy Tango of Literature by Francis Heaney (Author) and Richard Thompson (Illustrator) arrived in the mail today. Richard did caricatures of authors such as Emily Dickinson and Robert Frost for the 2004 book. The Library of Congress Cataloguing-in-Publication data doesn't list Richard, caricature or cartooning so many of us may have missed this.

That darn Toles, continued

Bush Forfeited Respect
Washington Post November 29 2008

Regarding the Nov. 22 Free for All letter objecting to Tom Toles's Nov. 18 cartoon:

I thought Toles's depiction of the torturer in chief departing the White House was spot on.

I have heard before the argument that the president deserves respect, but may I remind the letter writer that it's the office of the presidency as defined in our Constitution, not the individual, that deserves deference.

When an individual disgraces that office, as George W. Bush has surely done, that individual is no longer worthy of respect. He's lucky he hasn't been subjected to the Dick Cheney-Alberto Gonzales-style justice that has besmirched our nation.

-- Cathy Clary

Richard Thompson wraps up his White House visit

Here's part 3.

Books I've liked lately

I don't have the inclination, nor the discipline to do a 'year in review' column, but here's a few titles I've enjoyed lately. Of course, I've got tons unread so if a title that I've mentioned buying recently (Derf, Get Your War On) isn't on here, I probably just have gotten around to it yet.

Bourbon Island 1730 - Apollo and Trondheim tell a tale of a search for the dodo on Reunion Island. The search quickly gets derailed by pirates, romance and a brewing war between ex-slaves and the island's government. It's taken me a little while to get used to Trondheim's funny animal characters, but now I enjoy them.

Skitzy by Don Freeman - this is a minor graphic novel from 1955, but it's enjoyable. It could run in today's New Yorker without too much trouble. Freeman is best known today as a children's book author, but this story is for adults and tells about the conflict between a man's artistic and professional sides. There's an excellent afterword with information on Freeman's wide-ranging professional career.

The Venice Chronicles by Enrico Casarosa - Casarosa is an Italian artist working in the US on animation. This book is a graphic travelogue of a trip with his girlfriend back to Italy where they go exploring Venice, meeting his family, and running into Hugo Pratt's daughter. It's done in a sketchy style with watercolor that is very appealing. I bought mine from Casarosa's website and got a little sketch in it. I bought all his other books at the same time - they're slighter sketchbooks, but still fun.

Crogan's Vengeance by Chris Schweizer - I talked to Chris at HeroesCon and bought some of his artwork so I'm thrilled to see this out. It's another pirate story, this time in the grand swashbuckling tradition of Rafael Sabatini. The Crogan family is apparently given to much derring-do and this is the first installment. Other members have been gunfighters, secret agents and French Legionnaires. In this "Catfoot" Crogan is a reluctant pirate, but proves to be quite good at it. Chris' art style is more cartoony than one might expect in an adventure tale, but he's got a fine handle on action (see the bottom of page 75 for example). I'm definitely looking forward to more in this series.

Various sketchbooks by Ryan Claytor
- Ryan's been doing comics-format journals and publishing them for a while. I ran into him online and liked the idea of that so I bought them all from him. He's kind of like Harvey Pekar with drawing ability and better-controlled angst (although I've got issues with his music tastes that I don't have with Harvey - sorry Ryan). I'm reading these now, and enjoying them, but I seem to have bought the last copy of his masters thesis in comics form.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Dec 2: Superhero Rabbi talk

Sara Duke noted this in some editions of the Post today:

Tuesday, December 2, 7pm, for ages 13 and older

Rabbi Simcha Weinstein will discuss his book "Up, Up and Oy Vey!" about how Jewish history, culture and values helped shape the early years of the comic book industry. Chabad of Upper Montgomery County, 11520 Darnestown Road, Gaithersburg, registration required, $20, but $15 in advance. Call 301-926-3632 or go online

Full page o' Our Man Thompson in Thanksgiving Post Magazine

The last page of the Post Magazine on Thanksgiving has a full-page Cul de Sac strip. I have a suspicion this one is recycled, because it looks like watercolors rather than the Syndicate's limited palette. Also... it's not Sunday! So this is probably just a gimme for the Post.

Since Cavna's presumably taking the day off, also in Watch Your Head, Lio and his pet Cthulu (see HP Lovecraft in Wikipedia) make a guest appearance. Whoa, just checked and he did pick Thanksgiving strips to mention - however, we've got a 10-point deduction for not recognizing one of the Elder Gods.

New issue of International Journal of Comic Art shipped

The latest issue of IJOCA shipped earlier this week John tells me. He's also working on getting the website updated. It's renewal time and next year goes to three issues per volume, so send him your check ($45 for individuals in the US) now! And remember, you can still order the parody Interplanetary Journal of Comic Art with the proceeds going to support the real thing.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Richmond's AdHouse Books best of 2008

With Best of 2008, AdHouse Books blog (November 24 2008), Richmond's Chris Pitzer decides to lead the pack with a month still left to go in the year - I haven't read any of his picks yet although I've got Alan's War.

Dec 6: DC Anime Club's Osamu Tezuka Marathon

DC Anime Club's Osamu Tezuka Marathon
A tribute to the God of Manga

The DC Anime Club, an organization whose purpose is to educate the Washington, DC community about East Asian culture through the art form known as Anime (Japanese animation) will host a Marathon of Anime Films based upon the Manga (Japanese Comics) works by Dr.Osamu Tezuka on December 6, 2008 from 2pm-5pm at the Martin Luthur King, Jr Memorial Library in 901 G St NW Washington, DC 20001 in Room A10. During the Marathon such anime as Phoenix , Kimba The White Lion and Black Jack and or course Tetsuwan Atom best known to American audience as Astroboy will be shown.

About Dr.Osmamu Tezuka:
Dr. Osamu Tezuka (手塚 治虫 Tezuka Osamu?, November 3, 1928 – February 9, 1989) was a Japanese manga artist, animator, producer and medical doctor, although he never practiced medicine. Born in Osaka Prefecture, he is best known as the creator of Astro Boy and Kimba the White Lion. He is often credited as the "Father of Anime", and is often considered the Japanese equivalent to Walt Disney, who served as a major inspiration during his formative years. His prolific output, pioneering techniques, and innovative redefinitions of genres earned him such titles as "the father of manga" and "the god of Manga." His grave is located in Tokyo's Souzen-ji Temple Cemetery.

About DC Anime Club:
DCAC was established in 2003 to introduce and educate people in the Washington, DC area about East Asian culture, through viewing and discussion of Japanese animation (also known as anime) and Japanese comics (manga). DCAC is a 501(c)(3) not for profit organization, contributions to DC Anime Club are tax deductible to the extent allowable under the law.

The club also works to provide a positive, alternative activity to the youth in the area by exposing them to foreign culture, encouraging artistic expression and creativity, and providing opportunities for participation in community activities and leadership.

In addition to our weekly meetings, the club holds an Annual Art Show, an Annual Costume fundraising event, and visits local schools to do presentations on anime. The club also works with the Smithsonian Freer Gallery and DC Asian Pacific American Film Festival on their anime screenings, and has helped locally promote performances for Japanese bands such as Puffy Ami Yumi and Pine am.

DC Anime Club was founded by Chris Wanamaker (President), Jules Chang (Vice President) and Craig Vaughn (Sgt in Arms) on Saturday June 5, 2003. We have a strong membership that continues to grow -- most of which are teenagers.

This program is free and open to the public. For more information please visit the DC Anime Club website at or call DC Anime Club at 202 262 2083.

# # #

Christopher Wanamaker
DC Anime Club President
202 262 2083

Monday, November 24, 2008

Videogame animation voice actors featured in Post

See "The Voices of Video Games: Local Actors Give Life to the Elves and Villains Who Wander the Teeming Cyberspace Underworld," By Ashley Halsey III, Washington Post Staff Writer, Monday, November 24, 2008; B01, for a look at the least-appreciated part of animation.

VOA visits NoVA comics store

Voice of America visited the Northern Virginia comic book store NOVA Comics and Games in Springfield, Virginia, and talked to sales clerk Dave Weinberger who says, "Comics are too expensive for kids. And they’ve changed -- ". This show is to help non-English speakers, so it's a bit basic, but hey, before the Internet, you couldn't even hear VOA in America. Both John Lent and I have been on programs we've never heard.

Ember, Steve and Barbara Klein. 2008.
Batman, Spider-Man Face a Growing Crowd in Comics, Graphic Novels, Voice of America's Special English This Is America 24 November 2008.

Richard Thompson's White House journalism pt2

He's dragging out the story on his blog. At least this time he's put up some sketches.

Blackhawk as sickbed reading, circa 1951

53-2024-1 GSW of lower femur (with comic)

Here's a picture from work that one of the assistant archivists brought to my attention today. This poor guy has a gunshot wound of his lower femur (with a Blackhawk comic book on the bed) during the Korean War, 1951.


By John Judy

(This week we are thankful for comics and not being a turkey at a Sarah Palin interview.)

BATMAN #681 by Grant Morrison and Tony Daniel. “Batman R.I.P.” wraps up here, leading into all kinds of stories in which Batman is not allowed to be technically alive and present. Don’t think about this too hard. Just go with it…

BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER #19 by Joss Whedon and Karl Moline. Dark Willow, Fray, Time-Travel. Who doesn’t love time-travel stories? Only your evil alternate-future selves, that’s who!

CAPTAIN AMERICA #44 by Ed Brubaker and Luke Ross. Only Brubaker could make Batroc the Leaper versus Bucky a smashing good yarn. It’s miraculous really…

CREEPY ARCHIVES VOL.2 HC by Various Creators, including Archie Goodwin, Alex Toth, Al Williamson and many more! Collecting issues 6-10 of the classic horror mag! Originals are valued at over 500 bucks! Yours here for a lot less. Recommended.

DAREDEVIL #113 by Ed Brubaker and Michael Lark. And did I mention Lady Bullseye? I mean, whatever they’re feeding Brubaker I’ll take a case. This is the same guy who writes CRIMINAL, one of the best comics EVER! Take a gander.

GARTH ENNIS BATTLEFIELDS: NIGHT WITCHES #2 of 3 by Garth and Russ Braun. It’s Krauts versus Commies in this fact-based WWII adventure as things heat up between The Hun and the honeys! Boom!

GLAMOURPUSS #4 by Dave Sim. Gotta be honest, the only way to describe this book is “It’s a Dave Sim project.” Take it or leave it, CEREBUS fans.

HOLY SH*T: THE WORLD’S WEIRDEST COMICS HC by Paul Gravett and Peter Stanbury. Exactly what it sounds like, folks. Gotta look!

HULK #8 by Jeph Loeb, Frank Cho and Art Adams. Wendigos (“Wendigoes?”), Lady Liberators and a couple of Hulks. You want more, write your own HULK comic!

JSA KINGDOM COME SPECIAL: THE KINGDOM #1 by Geoff Johns and Fernando Pasarin. More Gog, but at least it’s Geoff Johns writing it. Plus, Starman finally comes clean about his mission, his insanity and his Commander Riker-looking beard. Okay, two out of three. Gotta look.

MARVEL MASTERWORKS ALL-WINNERS, VOL.3 HC by Various Creators. Collecting issues 9-14, currently valued at over ten grand in near-mint. Cheaper here. Lotsa Golden-Age ruckus guaranteed!

NORTHLANDERS #12 by Brian Wood and Ryan Kelly. The Vikings continue their tour of the Emerald Isle. Hijinks ensue. NOT for kids. Highly recommended.

PREVIEWS by Marvel and Diamond Comics. As if 2009 wasn’t looking good enough already!

SUPERMAN #682 by James Robinson and Renato Guedes. The 100,000 Kryptonian refugees start to figure out the INS can’t really do anything to them. Lou Dobbs goes into hiding.

THOR: MAN OF WAR #1 by Matt Fraction and Patrick Zircher. Thor and his dad have a fight. Hey, they’re both gods! It’s a Big Fight!

UMBRELLA ACADEMY: DALLAS #1 of 6 by Gerard Way and Gabriel Ba. If you liked the first Eisner-winning limited series you’ll love this. Featuring rampaging stone Presidents!

WALKING DEAD #55 by Robert Kirkman and Charles Adlard. Bi-weekly now? Does this mean the zombies are getting faster? Awesome! Not for kids.

WELCOME TO HOXFORD #4 of 4 writ and scribbled by Ben Templesmith. It’s the insane criminals versus the werewolves in their final battle. From the co-creator of FELL and 30 DAYS OF NIGHT, since you ask.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Rees reminder

David "Get Your War On" Rees at Busboys and Poets in an hour. I'm definitely going, having just spent a grand to replace the washing machine that locked up this morning - I need a break from domesticity.

(However the new one is energy and water efficient).

Update - I went, and it was cool. Quotes, photos and a review of the book to come soon.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Thanksgiving sale at Cards, Comics, & Collectibles

Got a postcard today for a Thanksgiving sale at Cards, Comics, & Collectibles in Reistertown, MD. Friday Nov 28-Sunday Nov 30, 20%-70% off things. Fri - 11-7:30, Sat 11-7, Sun 12-5. Call 410-526-7410 for details.

That darn Toles, continued

Disrespect for the President
Washington Post November 21 2008

The Nov. 18 "Obama ends torture" editorial cartoon by Tom Toles was tasteless and mean-spirited and reflected an angry and biased mind-set.

One may not like President Bush or agree with his agenda, but the U.S. president deserves the respect of all Americans. That includes The Post's editors and cartoonist.

-- Billups E. Lodge

California, Md.

Post obituary for Belgian former cartoonist and caricaturist

"Guy Peellaert; Belgian Painter Of Surreal Art, Album Covers," By Joe Holley and Adam Bernstein, Washington Post Staff Writers, Saturday, November 22, 2008; B04.

Zadzooks and Bennett's best

ZADZOOKS: Black Canary, General Obi-Wan Kenobi on shelves
Joseph Szadkowski
Washington Times Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Bennett's Best for the week of November 9
By Greg Bennett
Zadzooks Blog
POSTED November 17 2008

Advertisements using comics motifs

These would more properly go on my friend The Ephemerist's blog, but I'll stick them up here. A request for advertisements showing comics influences to use in teaching went up on the comix-scholars list recently. I tend to have a lot of clippings files on comics, and this was one that I could help with. Here's what I scanned for the request - a lot of these date from the 1990s because I was much better about getting things filed when I had no children and wasn't writing about comics.

comics ad - Wash Flyer 08-05
Watson Wyatt superhero motif ad, Washington Flyer magazine, May 1998.

comics ad - Superchecking Wash Post 96-09-29
1st National Bank of Maryland's Superchecking ad was obviously influenced by the Superman logo. Washington Post, September 29, 1996.

comics ad - Paramus Honda - Bergen Record 96-11-29
Paramus Honda ran a series of ads with a continuing comic strip in the Bergen [County, NJ] Record. This one is from November 29, 1996.

comics ad - Norton Utilities - Govt Computer News 95-09-04
Norton Utilities compared themselves to superheroes in this ad from Government Computer News, September 4, 1995.

comics ad - AOL Mailer
AOL's cd mailer went for the superhero ad motif.

comics ad - Commander in Chief - NYT 05-09-10
The "Commander in Chief" tv show ran several gag cartoon ads in both the Washington Post and the New York Times. This one is from the Times, September 14, 2005.

comics ad - Inova Hospital for Children - Wash Post 96-10-26
"Superhero Action Figures - They Really Exist" from Inova Hospital for Children, Washington Post, October 26, 1996.

comics ad - Mercury Tracer - Ent Week 96-09-06
Neal Adams' Continuity Associates Studio undoubtedly did this series of ads for the Mercury Tracer car that ran in magazines in 1996. This one is from Entertainment Weekly, September 6, 1996.

comics ad - Mercury Tracer

comics ad - 1st TN bank - Cookeville Herald Citizen 94-09-11
The 1st Tennessee Bank used a superhero comic strip ad, Cookeville Herald-Citizen, September 11, 1994.

comics ad - Kings Dominion - Wash Post 95-06-25
Paramount's Kings Dominion amusement park and MTV teamed up in this ad, Washington Post, June 25, 1995.

comics ad - Wash Post 98-01-17
An ad, probably done inhouse by an amateur cartoonist, for Fitzgerald Auto Malls, Washington Post January 17, 1997.

comics ad - Perry Ellis NYT06-02-06
Perry Ellis ad, New York Times, February 6, 2006. These panels were from a longer storyline.

comics ad - Perry Ellis NYT06-06-06
Perry Ellis ad, New York Times, June 6, 2006.

comics ad - Perry Ellis NYT06-06-30
Perry Ellis ad, New York Times, June 30, 2006.

comics ad - Balvenie - Wash Post 06-03-28
Balvenie whiskey ad, Washington Post March 28, 2006. These ran longer in the NY Times than the Post, and an earlier series is available on their website. A lot of these were about holidays.

comics ad - Balvenie - NYT 06-05-13
Balvenie whiskey ad, New York Times May 13, 2006.

comics ad - Balvenie - NYT 06-10-06
Balvenie whiskey ad, New York Times October 6, 2006.

Beeler's High School willing to claim him, now that he's a success

See Editorial cartooning: Bexley graduate national honoree, Columbus Dispatch Friday, November 21, 2008

Friday, November 21, 2008

Dave Gibbons on Comic Riffs

Like everyone else who wasn't busy interviewing Art Spiegelman on his book tour, Comic Riffs interviewed Dave Gibbons on his book tour - Betancourt, David. 2008. The Interview: "Watchmen's" Dave Gibbons. Washington Post Comic Riffs blog (November 20).

Unfortunately for all of you, I believe I bought Big Planet's last copy of Watching the Watchmen yesterday.

Local News and Reviews

A couple of local Bolt reviews, a surprise Wall-e review and a look at a Japanese cartoonist are in our local papers today:
Disney's 'Bolt,' Picking Up Pixar's Trail
By Dan Kois
Special to The Washington Post
Friday, November 21, 2008; C01
'Bolt' a cute tale designed for younger audiences
By Sally Kline
Washington Examiner Movie Critic 11/21/08

One Lovable 'WALLE,' Four Fantastic DVD Sets
By Jen Chaney Staff Writer
Washington Post Friday, November 21, 2008; WE32
Kafka of the Cubicle
Japanese Cartoonist Chronicles the Indignities Endured by Young, Dutiful, Sad Office Drones
By Blaine Harden
Washington Post Foreign Service
Friday, November 21, 2008; A01

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Nov 23: David Rees at Busboys and Poets reminder

This Sunday! I'm planning on being there at the moment.

David Rees, creator of the infamous Get Your War On cartoon, will be making people laugh at Busboys and Poets (1025 5th Street, NW (5th and K), Washington DC) on Sunday, November 23, at 6pm.

Here's a recent audio interview -

Champion, Edward. 2008.
David Rees (BSS #248).
Bat Segundo Show (November 4):

Richard Thompson on his White House reporting

Richard's got part 1 of his covering a White House ceremony on his blog - it's hilarious.

Bolt review in City Paper

"Bolt and JCVD: Star Stuck: Two films take a smirking glimpse into the limitations of fame," By Tricia Olszewski, Washington City Paper November 19, 2008. If my daughter has any say in the matter, I'll be seeing this one.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Dec 3: Kramer's Ergot 7 tour kicks off in Baltimore

Colin Solan, Senior Editor at and wrote in to point out that the extremely large anthology, Kramers Ergot 7 will be signed by some of the cartoonists in Baltimore. Sammy Harkham is the founder and editor of the anthology and I'm sure he'd appreciate people stopping in to buy the large, large book.

Kramers Ergot Book Tour Itinerary

Wednesday, December 3rd
Atomic Books
3620 Falls Rd
Baltimore, MD.
Sammy Harkham, Kevin Huizenga, John Pham, Ron Rege Jr.

Comic Riffs gets comments on Lee's medal

See "Plaudits Still Pour In for "Spider-Man's" Stan Lee," By Michael Cavna, November 19, 2008 for comments by Marvel writers Matt Fraction and Jeph Loeb. Reggie Hudlin, writer of the Black Panther chimed in yesterday.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Big Planet Comics comics Delayed!

Joel Pollack from Big Planet Comics e-mailed us to say (and our guess is that this will affect other local stores):

Subject: Heads-up - NEW COMICS DELAYED!

There was a hazmat incident at the Laurel UPS center early Tuesday morning, which kept us from receiving our books on Tuesday.

That means, at the very least, we will not have new comics on our racks until 3 PM on Wednesday, and that's a best-case scenario.

If you are a Wednesday regular, please feel free to call us before dropping in.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.


4908 Fairmont Ave.
Bethesda, MD 20814

Also affiliated with:

3145 Dumbarton St. NW
Washington, DC 20007

426 Maple Ave. East
Vienna, VA 22180

7315 Baltimore Ave.
College Park, MD 20740

Stan Lee hits DC for award.

He was here over the weekend - see "Arts, Humanities Medals Awarded; Bush Awardees Include Stan Lee, Olivia de Havilland," By Joel Garreau, Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, November 18, 2008; C02.

Most of us missed him, but not one sharp-eyed lad - "Hey, Isn't That...?" Washington Post (November 18): C3.

And here's the official press release.

For those who'd like something tangible of Stan's, the charity Hero Initiative has copies of the new Stan Lee's Soapbox collection signed by both Lee and John Romita.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Pekar and Bechdel strip on Daily Cross Hatch

Brian Heater's site, Daily Cross Hatch, has a nice piece by Harvey Pekar and Alison Bechdel about a reading tour (probably the one they did in North Carolina). Brian mentioned Harvey Pekar: Conversations, but neglected to note that an interview he did is reprinted in the book. By the way, Bechdel illustrated one of Harvey's strips back in the '80s... Josh Neufeld's got a list.

Dec 8: Swann fellow speaks on Civil War prints


101 Independence Avenue SE
Washington DC 20540
Phone: (202) 707-2905
Fax: (202) 707-9199

November 17, 2008

Public contact: Martha Kennedy (202) 707-9115,


Swann Foundation grantee Mazie Harris, in a lecture at the Library of Congress, will discuss the Civil War Era chromolithographs by Henry Louis Stephens, the primary illustrator for the satirical New York journal Vanity Fair.

Harris will present the lecture, “A Colorful Union: The Development of Union Patriotism in Henry Louis Stephens’ 1863 Chromolithographs,” at noon on Monday, Dec. 8, in Dining Room A on the sixth floor of the James Madison Building, 101 Independence Ave. S.E., Washington, DC.

In her illustrated talk, Harris will describe her research on the work of Stephens (1824-1882), a caricaturist as well as illustrator. She will draw on examples of his imagery from works held in the Library’s Marian S. Carson Collection and other source material in the Prints and Photographs Division.

The Emancipation Proclamation compelled Stephens to reconsider his previously virulently anti-abolitionist propaganda, according to Harris. In her talk, she will contend that after Abraham Lincoln’s groundbreaking executive orders in 1862 and 1863, Stephens deployed color printing and caricature in an attempt to reformulate views of race relations in the North and mobilize military enlistment.

Harris will analyze Stephens’ visual narratives by considering hand-written directions to the printer that the illustrator scrawled on the margins of each sketch for the series. These technical notes on color, which could be regarded simply as artistic instructions, when carefully examined and assessed, make explicit the particular political ideology of the prints.

Harris is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of the History of Art and Architecture at Brown University. She completed an M.A. in art history from Boston University, and became interested in the work of Henry Louis Stephens while working as a curatorial assistant in the Agnes Mongan Center for the Study of Prints, Drawings and Photographs in Harvard University’s Fogg Art Museum.

This presentation is part of continuing activities of the Caroline and Erwin Swann Foundation for Caricature and Cartoon to support the study, interpretation, preservation and appreciation of original works of humorous and satiric art by graphic artists from around the world. The foundation is overseen by an advisory board composed of scholars, collectors, cartoonists and Library of Congress staff members.

The foundation strives to award one fellowship annually (with a stipend of up to $15,000) to assist scholarly research and writing projects in the field of caricature and cartoon. For 2008-2009, because of an unusually large number of strong applications, the foundation’s advisory board chose to support five applicants with smaller awards instead of selecting a single recipient of the fellowship.

Applications for the academic year 2009-2010 are due Feb. 13, 2009. For more information about the fellowship, visit or email

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ISSN: 0731-3527

Comic Riffs interviews latest fired editorial cartoonist

Unfortunately this seems to have been the year when many papers who had editorial cartoonists decided they could probably do without one. Michael Cavna interviews the latest victim in "The Interview: Steve Greenberg: Life as a Pink-Slipped Political Cartoonist" on the Comic Riffs blog.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Nate Beeler's Berryman award featured in Sunday's Examiner

This is a bit late, but you can probably still find copies in your neighbor's driveway. This article "Examiner editorial cartoonist wins prominent national award," By Bill Myers, Examiner Staff Writer 11/14/08, appears in print today along with a gallery of five of Nate's cartoons that allegedly precipitated the winning of the Berryman award. Nate's regular cartoon, still reduced to barely legible at 3x4 inches, also appeared today, along with the large caricature on the front of the tabloid. Nate's now drawing 3 Sunday caricatures for the DC, Baltimore and a California, possibly LA, issues.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Mr. IS, the realtor advertisement webcomic, continues

Episode 4: "Restoration" continues the free entertainment by the Washington-based MRIS.

Nov 19: Free educator tour at Geppi's Entertainment Museum

Arnold Blumberg's column has the information including, "We’re inviting teachers and educators to join us at Geppi’s Entertainment Museum on Wednesday, November 19, 2008, for an evening of pop culture, refreshments, and an exclusive introduction to our Educational Tour Program. Join us here at GEM from 4:00 to 6:30 PM and meet me as well as our Educational and Special Programming Associate, Bailey Ball, and Director of Sales and Marketing, Julie Meddows. We’ll be taking everyone on a private tour of the museum’s collection and providing educator’s kits containing information on our education program, related teacher resources, and more."

I love this Museum and recommend this if you qualify to go.