I know of three full-charities that devote themselves to cartoonists in the US. Here they are in case you want to put some of that tax refund to good use:

Comic Book Legal Defense Fund is a non-profit organization dedicated to the protection of the First Amendment rights of the comics art form and its community of retailers, creators, publishers, librarians, and readers. The CBLDF provides legal referrals, representation, advice, assistance, and education in furtherance of these goals.
The CBLDF provides legal referrals, representation, advice, assistance and education to cases affecting the First Amendment right to read, create, publish, sell, and distribute comics and graphic novels. We help individuals and businesses who are being criminally prosecuted because of the comic books they read, make, buy, or sell. We help creators who are being attacked in cases where their work is clearly protected as parody or fair use. We help libraries gather resources to defend graphic novel challenges. We are the first line of defense when authorities intimidate individuals or businesses about the comics they read, make, buy or sell. Often a letter or phone call from the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund's lawyers will end a case before it starts.

Since its inception, The Hero Initiative (Formerly known as A.C.T.O.R., A Commitment To Our Roots) has had the good fortune to grant over $700,000 to over 50 comic book veterans who have paved the way for those in the industry today.
The Hero Initiative is the first-ever federally chartered not-for-profit corporation dedicated strictly to helping comic book creators in need. Hero creates a financial safety net for yesterdays' creators who may need emergency medical aid, financial support for essentials of life, and an avenue back into paying work. It's a chance for all of us to give back something to the people who have given us so much enjoyment.
CRNI defends the creative freedom and human rights of political cartoonists under threat throughout the world. We strengthen the interconnectedness of all political cartoonists and organize resources for their communication, local development and education.
Team Cul de Sac is another fundraiser that I would mention because I'm involved with it, but it's not the same type as those previously listed.

Team Cul de Sac
Team Cul de Sac is a fundraising effort in honor of Richard Thompson, the cartoonist behind the Cul de Sac comic strip. Richard was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. With Richard's support, Chris Sparks asked cartoonists across the country to contribute comics compiled into a fundraising book published by Andrews McMeel (Team Cul de Sac: Cartoonists Draw The Line At Parkinson's). The original artwork was auctioned to raise additional money. Team Cul de Sac continues to progress and expand our fundraising efforts. Any funds raised go to the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's disease research.
Comic Book Legal Defense Fund
Comic Book Legal Defense Fund is a non-profit organization dedicated to the protection of the First Amendment rights of the comics art form and its community of retailers, creators, publishers, librarians, and readers. The CBLDF provides legal referrals, representation, advice, assistance, and education in furtherance of these goals.
The CBLDF provides legal referrals, representation, advice, assistance and education to cases affecting the First Amendment right to read, create, publish, sell, and distribute comics and graphic novels. We help individuals and businesses who are being criminally prosecuted because of the comic books they read, make, buy, or sell. We help creators who are being attacked in cases where their work is clearly protected as parody or fair use. We help libraries gather resources to defend graphic novel challenges. We are the first line of defense when authorities intimidate individuals or businesses about the comics they read, make, buy or sell. Often a letter or phone call from the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund's lawyers will end a case before it starts.
Hero Initiative
http://www.heroinitiative.org/Since its inception, The Hero Initiative (Formerly known as A.C.T.O.R., A Commitment To Our Roots) has had the good fortune to grant over $700,000 to over 50 comic book veterans who have paved the way for those in the industry today.
The Hero Initiative is the first-ever federally chartered not-for-profit corporation dedicated strictly to helping comic book creators in need. Hero creates a financial safety net for yesterdays' creators who may need emergency medical aid, financial support for essentials of life, and an avenue back into paying work. It's a chance for all of us to give back something to the people who have given us so much enjoyment.
Cartoonists Rights Network International
http://cartoonistsrights.org/CRNI defends the creative freedom and human rights of political cartoonists under threat throughout the world. We strengthen the interconnectedness of all political cartoonists and organize resources for their communication, local development and education.
Team Cul de Sac is another fundraiser that I would mention because I'm involved with it, but it's not the same type as those previously listed.
Team Cul de Sac
Team Cul de Sac is a fundraising effort in honor of Richard Thompson, the cartoonist behind the Cul de Sac comic strip. Richard was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. With Richard's support, Chris Sparks asked cartoonists across the country to contribute comics compiled into a fundraising book published by Andrews McMeel (Team Cul de Sac: Cartoonists Draw The Line At Parkinson's). The original artwork was auctioned to raise additional money. Team Cul de Sac continues to progress and expand our fundraising efforts. Any funds raised go to the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's disease research.
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