Thursday, January 07, 2010

Textile Museum's cosplay

Arion Berger at the Express notes in today's print edition that the Textile Museum has a program on 'Harajuku Japanese Street" which probably has some relevance to cosplay.  The event is January 10, 2-4 pm, $20 for non-members.

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Dirda on science fiction

Michael Dirda, a Post book critic, isn't afraid to get his mind dirty with genre fiction. He's reviewed longform comics for the Post. Here, courtesy of a link from Politics and Prose, are excerpts from an interview with Locus magazine that focuses on science fiction..

Richmond, VA, February 5th: Jim Rugg and Chris Pitzer @ Velocity Comics

From: Colin S

Jim Rugg and Chris Pitzer hit the road to talk about their latest creation: AFRODISIAC.

This is a bit too far afield to me, but the book looks pretty amusing.

NPR's Weldon's graphic novel year in review

Glen goes back to the well ...

2009: The Graphic Novels That, Um ... Grabbed?
by Glen Weldon
National Public Radio's Monkey See blog January 6, 2010

OT: Help send Ted Rall to Afghanistan

Ted's an acquaintance of mine, thru SPX and the like, and he's asking to raise $25,000 to go back to Afghanistan to do more cartoon journalism. One can pledge funds here -
Comix Journalism: Send Ted Rall Back to Afghanistan to Get the Real Story or click the Widget below. I just pledged $50 because I think cartoon journalism like Ted and Joe Sacco do is an important emerging media (or genre if you'd like).

Catching up with Cavna

Michael's got a piece on the Post's new Sunday Funnies design. I agree with him that Doonesbury reads horizontally much better. This vertical thing may work fine for native Japanese readers* and people that read a LOT of manga, but for me it's distracting.

Another new post is on animation and the Academy Awards and he's got quotes from the makers of the movies that should be of interest. Of these, I've seen Up, Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs and Ponyo, all of which I thought were excellent. Coraline rests on the DVD pile, but I've already read the book and listened to the audiobook so I wasn't in as much of a hurry as I normally would be.

I'm glad that Avatar is not being considered an animated film. I think a line is going to have to be drawn between movies that are intended to look animated and movies that are not, no matter how much computer-animation is backing both types.

*Feel free to insert any other cultural group of your choice.

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Post's Blake Gopnik on Daumier

I missed this one due to travelling, but I'm catching up. I don't recall this painting, but one of the best exhibits I've ever seen was on Daumier at the Phillips. Daumier's sculptures of the French Assembly, caricatures in bronze, are in the National Gallery of Art, displayed in the sculpture halls.

OT: National Geographic's cover history

My wife helped out with the research for this article and is thanked at the end. Some cartoonists have worked for Geographic over the years, but I don't think they have any there. The children's magazine still has some freelancing for it.
From February 1910 until August 1979, that most collectible of magazines, National Geographic, was recognizable by its yellow cover and its border of clustered oak and laurel leaves. Howard E. Paine of Delaplane removed them gradually, sometimes one at a time. He replaced the border with color...

Update - Richard Thompson wrote in to tell me that Paine hired him for jobs and is quite a cartoon fan.

Adult Swim music featured in Express

Animated Mixtapes: Adult Swim

Porter links to some free downloads.

Monday, January 04, 2010

Post website reports e-comics has raised a million bucks Raises $1.2M For Comic Publishing
Daniel Brusilovsky
Monday, January 4, 2010

Looks a little too optimistic to me, but what do I know.

Real World DC's cartoonist's taste questioned

Amanda Hess has got a couple of stories on The Real World: DC's cartoonist, Andrew at her Washington City Paper blog, The Sexist. The first is an overview "Rape Cartoons by the Real World D.C.’s Andrew Woods" of his work at the Rocky Mountain Collegian while the second is "Sexist Comments of the Week: Real World Rape Cartoons Edition" on the preceeding week's story.

I bow to Amanda's actual reporting as opposed to the "Eh, he was mentioned in this article as a cartoonist" approach that I took. She even tracks him down to being an intern at the Washington Times and getting an editorial cartoon published.

Tom Grindberg grew up in DC suburb

Tom Grindberg grew up in a DC suburb but he doesn't say which one in this interview:
Best, Daniel.  2009.

20th Century Danny Boy blog December 22, 2009


Dragon Ball videogame review in today's Examiner

'Dragon Ball: Revenge of King Piccolo' for Wii gets 2 out of 5 stars from Greg Prince in today's Washington Examiner.

Post magazine photo puzzle is comic books

Also, the cartoon journalism of Our Town continues.

Sunday, January 03, 2010

Danny Hellman's Typhon anthology deeply reduced

This isn't Washington news, but I'm posting the fact that Danny Hellman's Typhon anthology has a deeply-reduced sale price because it was a book I meant to review, and Danny sent me a pdf, but I still haven't gotten to it. So, out of guilt, I'll tell you all you can get the book for $14.95, $10 off the original price. I just ordered a paper copy that I hope to have more luck in reading than the e-version. I'm old school and much prefer paper.

For a DC connection, Danny's cartoons used to appear regularly in the Post when the Source section existed, and he was often in the City Paper before they were bought out by a company that rapidly went bankrupt.

Post shoehorns Sudoku puzzle into Sunday comics section

Note to Comics readers: Post debuts Sudoku Monster puzzles by David Bodycombe
Washington Post Sunday, January 3, 2010

Make of it what you will - And while all your favorites are still in the section, you'll notice some have swapped places for greater readability. Among others, "Mutts," with its Zenlike simplicity, cedes its front-page space to the wordier "Sherman's Lagoon."

Saturday, January 02, 2010

Michigan State U's Comic Art Collection's October additions

October opened with a annoying problem for bibliographers. Some companies, that don't take their product line all that seriously in my opinion, put out different books with exactly the same title. Like these. Note the only way to tell them apart is by the description of the cover art.

Garfield : Jumbo Coloring & Activity Book. -- Ashland, OH :
Bendon Publishing International, 2007. -- 96 p. : ill. ; 27
cm. -- Copyright by Paws Incorporated. -- Includes reprints
of Garfield newspaper comic strips. -- Cover has Odie and
Garfield side by side smiling at the reader. -- Funny
animal genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.G28C6 2007
Garfield : Jumbo Coloring & Activity Book. -- Ashland, OH :
Bendon Publishing International, 2007. -- 96 p. : ill. ; 27
cm. -- Copyright by Paws Incorporated. -- Includes reprints
of Garfield newspaper comic strips. -- Cover has Garfield
riding Odie as though he were a horse. -- Funny animal
genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.G28C6 2007c
Garfield : Jumbo Coloring & Activity Book. -- Ashland, OH :
Bendon Publishing International, 2007. -- 96 p. : ill. ; 27
cm. -- Copyright by Paws Incorporated. -- Includes reprints
of Garfield newspaper comic strips. -- Cover has Garfield
walking on a wall with suction cups. -- Funny animal genre.
-- Call no.: PN6728.G28C6 2007b
Garfield : Jumbo Coloring & Activity Book. -- Ashland, OH :
Bendon Publishing International, 2007. -- 96 p. : ill. ; 27
cm. -- Copyright by Paws Incorporated. -- Includes reprints
of Garfield newspaper comic strips. -- Cover has Garfield
making a face at the reader. -- Funny animal genre. -- Call
no.: PN6728.G28C6 2007d

There's a bunch of 'Africa Comics' titles from Europe, of which this is one:

Africa Comics 2003 : Antologia del Premio Africa e
Mediterraneo = Anthologie du Prix Africa e Mediterraneo. --
Sasso Marconi (Bologna) : Africa e Mediterraneo : Lai-momo,
2004. -- 148 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 28 cm. -- Exhibition
catalogue, Alessandria, Sale Espositive, 2004. -- Edited by
Sandra Federici and Andrea Marchesini Reggiani. --
Introductory text in French and Italian. -- Call no.:
PN6790.A342A35 2004
Marchesini Reggiani, Andrea.

Ooooh, Hunt Emerson!

"Leviticus, Chapter 20" / Alan Moore and Hunt Emerson. p.
17-22 in Outrageous Tales from the Old Testament (London :
Knockabout Publications, 1987). -- Call no.: PN6737 .O8

Rick Detorie cartooned around a bit before making it with the One Big Happy comic strip:

No Good Men : Things Men Do that Make Women Crazy / by
Genevieve Richardson ; illustrated by Rick Detorie. -- New
York : Simon & Schuster, 1983. -- 96 p. : ill. ; 14 x 21
cm. -- "A Wallaby book." -- Call no.: NC1429.D367N62 1983

I think this was Pat Broderick leaving Captain Marvel and striking out on his own:

Tales of the Sun Runners. -- Long Beach, CA : Amazing
Publishing Co., 1986-1987. -- ill. ; 26 cm. -- Published
no. 1 (July 1986) - no. 3 (1987). -- "Amazing Comics" logo
on cover. -- Issues 1-2 in color, 3 in b&w. -- Science
fiction genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1-3. -- Call no.:

This sounds interesting:

Bande Dessinée Franco-Belge et Imaginaire Colonial : des
Années 1930 aux Années 1980 / Philippe Delisle. -- Paris :
Karthala, 2008. -- 196 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. -- Includes
bibliographical references (p. 177-191) and index. -- Book
about colonies and indigenous peoples as depicted in
Franco-Belgian comics. -- Call no.: PN6745.D45 2008

There are 3! series based on this movie?

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. -- La Jolla, CA : WildStorm
Productions, 2007. -- col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- Complete in 6
nos. -- Horror genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1. -- Call no.:
PN6728.7.W5T43 2007
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre : Cut! -- La Jolla, CA : WildStorm
Productions, 2007. -- 32 p. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- "#1,
August 2007." -- Horror genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.7.W5T432
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre : Raising Cain. -- La Jolla, CA :
WildStorm Productions, 2008. -- col. ill. ; 26 cm. --
Complete in 3 nos. -- Horror genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1.
-- Call no.: PN6728.7.W5T434 2008

I don't have a copy of this yet, but I'll probably buy it soon.

1,000 Comic Books You Must Read / Tony Isabella. -- Iola, WI :
Krause Publications, 2009. -- 271 p. : col. ill. ; 29 cm.
-- Includes index. -- Annotated and illustrated
bibliography. -- Call no.: PN6725 .I75 O5 2009

You ain't going to find this just anywhere. Actually, I did, but now MSU has my copy:

$honky Dollars : Basher Cartoons from the South China Morning
Post / by Templar. -- Hong Kong : Beaugard Publications,
1988. -- 1 v. : ill. ; 30 cm. -- Cartoons about Hong Kong
life and politics. -- Call no.: NC1729.T4S47 1988

This might be interesting to have translated into English:

Monsieur Schulz et ses Peanuts / Marion Vidal, avec la
participation de Barbe, Caerali, Greg, Yves Got, Gotlib,
Kerleroux, Kurtzman, Lacroix, Leconte, Loup, Lucques, Jay
Lynch, Mézières, Moebius, Mulatier, Nicoulaud, Perich,
Pétillon, Rampal, Rouzaud, Shelton, Solé, Soulas, Swarte,
Tardi, Vazquez de Sola, Willem et Wolinski. -- Paris :
Albin Michel, 1976. -- 98 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. -- (Graffiti)
-- Bibliography: p. 96. -- Call no.: PN6727.S3 Z5V5 1976

Another one of those freebies, but from DC and not Marvel this time. There are also lots of postcards and posters, but they're not being cataloged here yet.

100 Bullets #1/Crime Line Sampler Flip-Book. -- New York : DC
Comics, 2009. -- 48 p. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- (Vertigo)
-- Cover titles: 100 Bullets Special Edition ; Vertigo
Crime Special Edition. -- "Free previews of the new Vertigo
crime graphic novels." -- Detective genre. -- Call no.:
PN6728.7.D3 O55 2009

There's a lot of 'superhero fiction' appearing now.

Captain Freedom : a Superhero's Quest for Truth, Justice, and
the Celebrity he so Richly Deserves / G. Xavier Robillard.
-- New York : Harper, 2009. -- 258 p. ; 21 cm. -- Summary
(from OCLC): The Superhero lifestyle is all Captain Freedom
has ever known, but he couldn't fend off middle management!
With the guidance of a new life coach, can he make peace
with his parents... or commit to a single long-term
archenemy? -- Superhero fiction. -- Call no.: PS3618
.O31758C37 2009

This is done by a DC-area cartoonist.

Made Man / Mark Wheatley. -- San Diego, Calif. : IDW
Publishing, 2009. -- ca. 200 p. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. --
(Frankenstein Mobster ; 1) -- Horror genre, organized crime
setting. -- Call no.: PN6727.W425F7 2009

The month wrapped up with Randy's liking for underground comix books such as

"You're a Hero!" / DARVC. back cover of Weirdom Comix, no. 14
(July 1971). -- A soldier returns home without arms or
legs. -- Call no.: PN6728.45.W4W4no.14

Soon, we'll look at ... November!

Michigan State U's Comic Art Collection's September additions

Let's take a look at MSU's additions to the Comic Art Collection in September...

Heavy Metal cataloguing continued...

"Letters to the Editor" p. 3 in Heavy Metal, v. 25, no. 3
(July 2001). -- Letters from: Dave, Jungpunk, and Enrique.
-- Call no.: PN6728.H43v.25no.3
"Justin Sweet" (Gallery) p. 5-8 in Heavy Metal, v. 25, no. 3
(July 2001). -- Contents page title: "Gallery on Justin
Sweet." -- Call no.: PN6728.H43v.25no.3

I can't imagine knowing that there's a letter from David in the July 2001 issue will ever be useful, but... I'm not sure who Justin Sweet is either. I do like Darryll K Sweet's fantasy book covers.

This type of thing seems to be in vogue - there's the Last Kiss webcomic, Marvel's done at least one, there's a mainstream publisher's book, and then there's this. Edition of 100? I wonder how MSU got one?

Love and Marriage / Nava Atlas. -- Poughkeepsie, NY :
Amberwood Press, 2008. -- 28 p. : col. ill. ; 27 cm. --
"Love and Marriage is an altered comic book utilizing art
from the 1950s. The original dialog has been removed,
replaced by dry deadpan banter, between male and female
characters on the mythology of modern marriage, supermoms,
media's obsession with domesticity, over the-top weddings,
and monogamy. Interspersed are ads from the era, whose
absurdity is left intact, in their original, unaltered
state"-- Bookseller's website. -- "The art in this volume
was appropriated from the following sources:" Cover from
Love and marriage (I.W. Enterprises) (no date) ; Too
sentimental from Glamorous Romances (1953) ; When a heart
breaks from Love romances (1957) ; A reason to marry from
Love Romances (1957) ; My wedding day from Secrets of young
brides (1957) ; The boy next door from Love Romances
(1957). -- Edition of 100. -- Romance and parody genres. --
Call no.: PN6726.L6 2008

I'm a big Doc Savage fan - Randy catalogued 1-4 from the 1940s. It would be nice to see a reprint project of the Doc stories from these. Or maybe it wouldn't.

Doc Savage Comics, v. 1, no. 1 (1940)
CONTENTS: "The Land of Terror" (Doc Savage) 8 p. --
"Treasure Island" 7 p. -- "Double-Barreled Magic" (Norgil
the Magician) 6 p. -- "The Gas Neutralizer Plans"* (Cap
Fury) 6 p. -- "Death on the Construction Job" (Danny
Garrett) 4 p. -- "Scarlet Give-Away" 2 p. text -- "First
Days at West Point"* (Mark Mallory at West Point) 7 p. --
"L'Liberator"* (Captain Death) 4 p. -- "Nuggets of Doom"
(Sheriff Pete Rice) 5 p. -- "Murder at the De Gron Estate"*
(The Whisperer) 7 p. -- "A Race for a Life" (Billy the Kid)
4 p. -- Data from Lou Mougin, Gary Watson & Leonard
Wolinsky via Grand Comics Database Project. -- Call no.:
Film 15791r.176

Marvel did a lot of these giveaways this year. I probably sent this one in. At some point, a catalog of comics companies ephemera will be done by somebody, and then we'll see a price guide, and inflation... Perhaps I should sponsor a giveaway to see if anyone's reading. I've got pounds of this stuff.

The Stand Sketchbook / featuring the artwork of Mike Perkins &
Lee Bermejo. -- New York : Marvel Publishing, 2008. -- 16
p. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- At head of cover title: Stephen
King. -- Horror genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.7.M3S715 2008

Ooooh, speaking of which I don't have this one:

Work in Progress : "as if Doc Ock, Venom and the Vulture
weren't enough to worry about, now I've got an animated
series, too!" -- New York : Marvel Entertainment Group,
1994. -- 16 p. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- Describes the
forthcoming (1994) Spider-Man animation series, with
photographs of 18 creative personnel. -- Call no.:
PN1992.77.S68W6 1994

This sounds interesting. I wonder how common it is:

A Sex by Themselves : a Collection of Cartoons about
Femininity, 1846-1958 / assembled, introduced and commented
upon by Alan Wykes. -- London : Arthur Barker Limited,
1958. -- 104 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. -- Call no.: NC1763.W6W9

I wouldn't mind seeing these, apropos of my real career in an Army museum:

Army humor exhibit card collection. -- Chicago : Ex. Sup. Co.,
1944. -- 60 cards : ill. ; 14 cm. -- Exhibit cards, also
called arcade cards or pin-up cards, were sold in vending
machines at penny arcades. The Exhibit Supply Company of
Chicago was a well-known producer of these items. -- The
MSU collection is from a series of cards with cartoons
about American soldiers during World War II. Most depict
their romantic involvements with women, especially in the
South Pacific; a few address other typical subjects of
military humor such as complaints about food. The artists
are not identified. Some cards have the caption "Copr. 1944
Ex. Sup. Co., Made in U.S.A." while the rest have only
"Made in U.S.A." -- Call no.: NC1284.U6A76 1944
Navy humor exhibit card collection. -- Chicago : Ex. Sup. Co.,
1944. -- 64 cards : ill. ; 14 cm. -- Exhibit cards, also
called arcade cards or pin-up cards, were sold in vending
machines at penny arcades. The Exhibit Supply Company of
Chicago was a well-known producer of these items. -- The
MSU collection is from a series of cards with cartoons
about American sailors during World War II, most depicting
their romantic involvements with women in the South Pacific
and naval ports. The artists are not identified. Some cards
have the caption "Copr. 1944 Ex. Sup. Co., Made in U.S.A."
while the rest have only "Made in U.S.A." -- Call no.:
NC1284.U6N38 1944

Just to reassure everyone, the X-Men keep rolling in:

World War Hulk : X-Men. -- New York : Marvel Publishing, 2007.
-- col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- (Marvel Limited Series) --
Complete in 3 nos. -- Superhero genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no.
3. -- Call no.: PN6728.7.M3W7 2007
X-Factor : the Quick and the Dead. -- New York : Marvel
Publishing, 2008. -- 32 p. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- (Marvel
One-Shot) -- "No. 1, July 2008." -- Superhero genre. --
Call no.: PN6728.7.M3X153 2008
X-Men : First Class : Special. -- New York : Marvel
Publishing, 2007. -- 48 p. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- "No. 1,
July 2007. Published as a one-shot." -- Superhero genre. --
Call no.: PN6728.7.M3X2453 2007
X-Men : Odd Men Out. -- New York : Marvel Publishing, 2008. --
48 p. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- (Marvel One-Shot) -- Numbered
"1". -- Superhero genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.7.M3X334 2008
X-Men Origins : Sabretooth. -- New York : Marvel Publishing,
2009. -- 40 p. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- (Marvel One-Shot) --
"No. 1, April 2009." -- Superhero genre. -- Call no.:
PN6728.7.M3 X335S3 2009

I love the description of this one:

Bad Dog. -- Berkeley, CA : Image Comics, 2009- . -- col. ill.
; 26 cm. -- Began with no. 1 (Feb. 2009). -- About bounty
hunters, one of whom is a werewolf. -- Detective genre. --
LIBRARY HAS: no. 1. -- Call no.: PN6728.7.I5B26

One can tell when Randy's hitting the low-price bins at his local comics store:

Black Terror. -- Runnemede, NJ : Dynamite Entertainment, 2008-
. -- col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- Began with no. 1 (2008), cf.
Grand Comics Database Project. -- Superhero genre. --
LIBRARY HAS: no. 2 (2008). -- Call no.: PN6728.7.D9B55
Bomb Queen IV : Suicide Bomber. -- Berkeley, CA : Image
Comics, 2007. -- col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- (Shadowline) --
Complete in 4 nos. -- Science fiction and superheroine
genres. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 4. -- Call no.: PN6728.7
.I5B624 2007
Bomb Queen. v. 5 : the Divine Comedy. -- Berkeley, CA : Image
Comics, 2008-2009. -- col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- (Shadowline) --
Complete in 6 nos. -- Science fiction and superheroine
genres. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 2. -- Call no.: PN6728.7

This was a good read. The old Ms. Tree team, together again:

Strip for Murder / Max Allan Collins ; illustrations by Terry
Beatty. -- New York : Berkley Prime Crime, 2008. -- 272 p.
: ill. ; 21 cm. -- Mystery set in the 1950s comic strip
industry. -- Call no.: PS3553 .O4753S88 2008

A bunch of Chaykin interviews show up because there's going to be a Conversations book from Mississippi University Press, which I'm looking forward to. Chaykin says what he thinks:

Arken Sword, no. 23 (1988)
CONTENTS: "Speaking in Tongues" (letters) p. 4, 7 --
"Talking in Parallel with Bryan Talbot" (interview) p. 8-14
-- "The Life and Times² of Howard Chaykin!" p. 16-23 --
"News and Reviews from Around the World" p. 25-36 --
"William Simpson" (interview) p. 39-40 -- "Zenith, a
Team-Up Between Grant Morrison and Steve Yeowell"
(interview) p. 42-43 -- "A Chat with Dave McKean" p. 45-50
-- "Bits & Bobs" (miscellanea) p. 52 -- "Alan Davis on
Excalibur & Other Subjects" (interview) p. 53-58 -- Call
no.: PN6735.A66no.23

These two probably aren't pleasant to read. Is that MAD's Dave Berg?

The Real War Goes On! : the Truth About the Arab-Israeli War!
/ by Father David ; editing and art by Hart. -- Oakland,
Calif. : Family of Love, 1978? -- 7 p. : ill. ; 18 cm. --
Illustrated version of the 1973 publication. -- In comics
format. -- Call no.: DS119.7.B4752 1978
Berg, David, 1919-1994.
Tales of the Holohoax : a Journal of Satire. -- Hull :
Heretical Press, 2004. -- 15 p. : ill. ; 28 cm. --
Antisemitic holocaust denial comic book. -- Call no.:
D810.J4T32 2004

And this appears to be a real oddity:

Graphic Opinion : newspaper feature. -- 1972. -- 49 leaves :
ill. ; 19 x 26 cm. and smaller. -- A collection of
clippings of political cartoons and strips by seven
different artists: Oscar Berger, Steve Englehart, Ranan
Lurie, Barry Smith, Herb Trimpe, Gary Viskupic, and Ron
Young. Two of the Barry Smith strips are titled only 'Love
is Strange', without the overall 'Graphic opinion' title.
Most are undated, but a few are dated 1972. They appear to
have been clipped from Newsday. -- Political genre. -- Call
no.: PN6728.G67G7 1972
Berger, Oscar, 1901-
Lurie, Ranan R., 1932-

Dark Shadows had a comic strip too? I knew there was a comic book for the tv horror soap opera:

Dark Shadows / K. Bruce. -- 1971. -- 33 leaves : col. ill. ;
17 x 26 cm. -- Clipped Sunday comic strips dated March 14,
1971 to Nov. 7, 1971. -- Horror genre. -- Call no.:
PN6728.D33D3 1971

This was an absolutely lovely comic. You can buy the collected edition now:

The Sandman : the Dream Hunters / original words by Neil
Gaiman ; graphicplay and art by P. Craig Russell. -- New
York : DC Comics, 2009. -- col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- (Vertigo)
-- Complete in 4 nos. -- "Adapted by P. Craig Russell from
the multi-award winning illustrated novella 'The Sandman :
the Dream Hunters' by Neil Gaiman and Yoshitaka Amano." --
Fantasy genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1. -- Call no.:
PN6728.7.D3S29 2009

This is probably not as marginal a publication as one might think at first glance:

Christian Cartoonist & Illustrator, v. 1, no. 1 (Spring 1984)
CONTENTS: "Welcome" (editorial) p. 3 -- "In Our Mail"
(letters) p. 4 -- "Gift of Laughter" (gag cartoons) p. 5 --
"Captain Marvel" p. 6-7, 18 -- "Writing for a Cartoonist"
p. 8 -- "Kids' Pull-Out Section" p. 9-12 -- "Interview -
Jack T. Chick" p. 13, 15 -- "The Life of Pope John Paul II"
(Review) p. 14 -- "The Story of Tintin" p. 16-17 -- Call
no.: PN6700.C38no.1

That was followed up by a bunch of Chick publications including this one. I'd like to see the documentary on Chick that's out now:

The Big Betrayal. -- Ontario, Calif. : Chick Publications,
1981. -- 64 p. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- Earlier printings
are in the "Sword series." -- About Charles Paschal
Telesphore Chiniquy, 1809-1899, and the Catholic Church. --
Religious genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.5.C48B5 1981b

More Doc Savage, more X-men and then Roger Langridge!

Fin Fang Four Return. -- New York : Marvel Publishing, 2009.
-- 48 p. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- (Marvel One-Shot) -- "No.
1, July 2009." -- Superhero and funny horror genres. --
Call no.: PN6728.7.M3F5 2009

Speaking of Doc, I need to see this. I'm aging fast.

"The Doc Savage Method of Self Development" 2 p. text in Doc
Savage Comics, v. 1, no. 7 (Mar. 1942). -- Exercises 1-7.
-- "Continued in next issue." -- Call no.: Film 15791r.176

October comes next.

Kal on C-Span then

Matt Dembicki and I both found the show online:

Political Cartooning in 2010
December 7 2009
Economist, The

Kevin "Kal" Kallaugher, political cartoonist for The Economist, talked about the many faces in the field of political cartooning. He drew several faces of current political figures and talked about the changing face of President Obama.

The Economist Calendar that he shows at the end is completely done by him, and you can find it in the big bookstore chains - I just saw it in Books-a-million.

Today! Kal on CSPAN NOW

From: kevin Kallaugher

I have just learned  I will be on C-span at 1PM(est) Today! 

Kevin Kallaugher