Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Beyond Comics stops accepting PayPal online

From today's email newsletter:

Attention All Customers:

Online & App Purchases Using PayPal

Due to a system wide issue with PayPal Payment Issues

We are suspending all PayPal Purchases through our app and website.

You can still use all other payment options, including Credit Cards!

Multiple Payment Errors

Due to a recent change in some internet protocols, purchases utilizing PayPal are getting hung up and not posting to the sale correctly or accurately, leading to multiple PayPal purchases.

We are going through our PayPal activity and removing all duplicate purchases. Please let us fix this before you contact us.

If by 5:00pm Wednesday, January 15th you do not see these issues resolved please reach out us by phone or in person.

Thank you for your understanding.


Frederick - 301-668-8202

Gaithersburg - 301-216-0007

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