Free Comic Book Day
Free Comic Book Day 2018 is this Saturday at Cards, Comics & Collectibles - Baltimore County's Premiere Comic Book Store and the Official News Source of the Baltimore Comic-Con! You don't want to miss our amazing guests, events, food and drink, and FREE COMICS! BOOM! Studios kicks off their "Discover Your Comic Store" tour at CC&C, featuring FCBD creators Christine Larsen (Adventure Time with Fionna and Cake 2018 Free Comic Book Day Special, By Night),Ryan Parrott (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers 2018 Free Comic Book Day Special, Go Go Power Rangers), Filip Sablik (BOOM! Studios President of Publishing & Marketing), and Morgan Perry (BOOM! Studios Direct Market Representative). Christine will be signing books from 1pm-4pm.
"BOOM! Studios is thrilled to kick off our nationwide Discover Your Comic Store Tour on Free Comic Book Day in Baltimore County!" said Sablik. "The amazing folks at Cards, Comics & Collectibles have been longtime supporters of BOOM! Studios and we knew it'd be the perfect place for our launch event. On a personal note, CC&C was also my local comic shop for over a decade and I couldn't be more excited to celebrate FCBD in their spacious new location!"
|  | CC&C SuperHero Girls FCBD Exclusive |  | American Mythology Productions will be at the store when doors open, featuring S.A. Check (Pink Panther, Casper), S.L. Gallant (Underdog, GI Joe), and James Kuhoric (Hatchet, Six Million Dollar Man).
Frank Cho (Harley Quinn), Steve Conley (The Middle Age), and John Gallagher (Buzzboy, Ranger Rick) will all be signing autographs at the store throughout the day as well. In addition to free comics and an amazing line-up of comic book creators in the store, we will also have food and drink (while supplies last!).
"This feels kind of big!" said Marc Nathan, owner of Cards, Comics & Collectibles. "We will have a ton of creators and publishers in the store, we will be giving away tons of comics, we'll be feeding folks -- it's going to be a great day, and all happening for the first time in our new larger space!"
Besides giving away free comic books, the store will offer 50% off modern back issues, trade paperbacks, and hardcovers*.
Join us on Saturday May 5, 2018 as events kick off at 10:00am with store signings and, of course, FREE COMICS!
* Excludes "New This Week", previously marked-down, and subscription hold items |
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