Since 1996, John Bullough and I have been working on the online Comics Research Bibliography. In recent years, I began working with John Lent who had published 10 volumes of citations through an academic press (at a price of over $1000 for the whole set) and started arranging citations according to his system. In 2009, the International Journal of Comic Art published a print version that I compiled using Lent's arrangement. This bibliography of articles and books on all aspects of comic and cartoon art including comic books, comic strips, cartoons, animation, editorial cartoons, is newly updated as of the end of 2011. The two volumes of books include tens of thousands of citations with links to information on comic book movies, the Danish Islam cartoon controversy, cartoon responses to 9-11 terrorism and other topical matters. * marks entries or articles that are new since the last printed version in the International Journal of Comic Art at the end of 2009 – 4,816 of them.
Volume 1 includes Comic books & strips of the United States, and is 435 pages for $16.50.
Volume 2 includes caricature, animation, gag and editorial cartooning in the United States, and all aspects of comic art in the rest of the world, and is 400 pages for $15.00.
A complete and searchable pdf electronic version with working hotlinks is also available for $10.
Lulu is having a sale for a couple of days: Enter coupon code SECONDHALF305 at checkout and receive your second book for 50% off. You need to have 2 books in your shopping cart for this coupon to work. The maximum savings for this offer is $50.
Here's a sample:
9-11 Response
*Bell, Melissa. 2011. Sept. 11 cartoons give the tragedy back to the victims. Washington Post's Blog Post blog (September 9): http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/blogpost/post/sept-11-cartoons-give-the-tragedy-back-to-the-victims/2011/09/09/gIQA6ZeiFK_blog.html
Bok, Chip. 2006. Viewpoints: The world since 9/11. After the attacks on the US in September 2001, many commentators and political leaders declared that the world had changed for ever. Five years on, what exactly has changed? Six writers and commentators give us their views. Chip Bok, American political cartoonist. BBC News (September 8): http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/5317612.stm#bok
*Britten, Bob. 2010. Picturing Terror. Visual and Verbal Rhetoric in The 9/11 Report Graphic Adaptation. International Journal of Comic Art 12 (1; Spring): 355-369
*Byrd, David. 2011. Comic Strips to Blend Comedy, Tragedy for 9/11 Anniversary. Voice of America News (September 8): http://www.voanews.com/english/news/arts-and-entertainment/Cartoonists-Blend-Comedy-Tragedy-for-911-Anniversary-129463863.html
*Cavna, Michael. 2011. 9/11 Tribute: Comics pages will mark 10th anniversary of Sept. 11 tragedy. Washington Post Comic Riffs blog (August 30): http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/comic-riffs/post/911-tribute-comics-pages-will-mark-10th-anniversary-of-sept-11-tragedy/2011/08/30/gIQAZMm4pJ_blog.html
*Clark, Noelene. 2011. 9/11 anniversary: Comic strips remember the heroes, victims. Los Angles Times' Hero Complex blog (September 9): http://herocomplex.latimes.com/2011/09/09/911-september-11-2001-pictures-cartoons-cartoonists-comics-memorial-attacks/#/0
*Colton, David. 2011. Sunday comics will offer 9/11 remembrances. USA Today (August 30): http://www.usatoday.com/life/comics/story/2011-08-30/Sunday-comics-will-offer-911-remembrances/50182588/1
Flinn, Tom and Milton Griepp. 2007. After 9/11; Graphic Novel Sequel to the '9/11 Report'. ICv2 (November 29): http://www.icv2.com/articles/news/11700.html
*Machosky, Michael. 2011. ToonSeum to host cartoon retrospective of 9/11. Pittsburgh Tribune-Review (August 30): http://www.pittsburghlive.com/x/pittsburghtrib/ae/museums/s_754237.html
*McLaughlin, Katie. 2011. Sunday comics plan unique 9/11 tribute. CNN (September 9): http://www.cnn.com/2011/SHOWBIZ/09/09/cartoonists.remember.9.11/
*Moore, Matt. 2011. Cartoonists plan Sept. 11 anniversary tribute. Associated Press (August 30): http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/Article_2011-08-30-Sept%2011-Comic%20Tribute/id-p3bdf5ee449404f4ba7f45a86e94bc008
and here's a basic table of contents:
Table of Contents (highlights only)
United States
1. Comic Books and Strips 003
2. Comic Books 010
· BUSINESS ASPECTS - Publishers, Companies 016
· BUSINESS ASPECTS - Distribution, Sales 040
3. Comic Strips 342
· Cartoonists 405
3a. Web Comics, webcomics 434
4. Animation, Caricature, and Gag and Political Cartoons 435
4a. Comic Art 436
4b. Gag, Illustrative, Magazine Cartoons 445
· New Yorker magazine 446
4c. Animation 478
· Animators and Their Works 486
· Characters and Titles 495
· Companies, Networks, and Studios 571
4d. Caricature 579
4e. Political Cartoons 586
· Feiffer, Jules 596
Canada 629
Global & Europe 639
· Danish Islamic Cartoons - Religion & Censorship Controversy 640
· Belgium 668
· France 676
a. Satrapi, Marjane 680
· Great Britain 707
Africa 752
Middle East 758
Asia 767
· India 772
· Japan 776
Australia and Oceania 814
Central and South America 817
Caribbean 823
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