Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Ann Telnaes at United Nations

This one's late, but here's a press release on Cartooning for Peace The Responsibility of Political Cartoonists? Washington's Ann Telnaes, a very excellent cartoonist, and good speaker appeared.

The reason I'm still posting it is that webcasts of at least three sessions are available. Click here and go down to 16 October 06. There's a morning and afternoon session and a press conference with Plantu, the French cartoonist. Speaking of DC, he spoke at the Library of Congress a couple of years ago. You can see Ann Telnaes making remarks at the afternoon session at 1:14:50 for example.

United Natons Headquarters in New York
16 October 2006
10:00 a.m. to 5:45 p.m.
Conference Room 2

The fifth seminar in the Unlearning Intolerance seminar series of the United Nations Department of Public Information (DPI), entitled "Cartooning for Peace: The Responsibility of Political Cartoonists?", will explore the rights, roles and responsibilities of political cartoonists in promoting peace issues.

The anger and divisiveness engendered by the publication of the caricature of Prophet Mohammed and the recent controversial exhibit on the Holocaust suggest both a sense of the power and of the necessity of responsibility in the art of cartooning. The choice of this particular topic at the present time will, we hope, offer another opportunity for the United Nations to be a forum where difficult, but necessary, questions are raised and addressed, not only to suggest answers but to spur non-confrontational thought, debate, and enquiry.

The Department of Public Information is grateful for the generous contribution of
Emory University's Claus M. Halle Institute for Global Learning
in support of this Unlearning Intolerance Seminar.

The seminar will be webcast live at www.un.org/webcast

Welcoming Remarks
Under-Secretary-General for Communications and Public Information Shashi Tharoor

Opening Statement
United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan

Keynote Address
French cartoonist Jean Plantu, at Le Monde since 1972

Invited Participants
Jean Plantu, France
Hussein Moustafa, Egypt
Michel Kichka, Israel
Baha Boukhari, Palestine
Hassan Karimzadeh, Iran
Norio Yamanoi, Japan
Liza Donnelly, US
Ranan Lurie, US
Carsten Graabæk, Denmark
Cintia Bolio, Mexico
Godfrey Amon Mwampembwa (Gado), Kenya
Ann Telnaes, US
Mike Luckovich, US
Jeff Danziger, US


9:00 a.m. - 9:45 a.m.
United Nations lobby, First Avenue at 46th Street

Welcoming Remarks by Under-Secretary-General Shashi Tharoor
10:05 a.m. - 10:10 a.m.

Opening Statement by United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan
10:10 a.m. - 10:20 a.m.

Keynote Speech by Jean Plantu
10:20 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.

Morning Panel
10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

Should the Cartoonist Educate?
(The Under-Secretary-General for Communications and Public Information to open and moderate the panel discussion)

Question and Answer Session
11:30 a.m. - 12:25 p.m.

Open discussion between and among the panelists, discussants and the audience

12:25 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Afternoon Panel
3:00 p.m. - 4:15 p.m.

Should Responsibilities Abridge Rights?
(The Under-Secretary-General for Communications and Public Information to open and moderate the panel discussion)

Question and Answer Session
4:15 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Open discussion between and among the panelists, discussants and the audience

Closing remarks
5:30 p.m - 5:45 p.m.

Under-Secretary-General Shashi Tharoor and Dr. Holli A. Semetko, Director of Emory University's
The Claus M. Halle Institute for Global Learning

The seminar will be webcast live at: www.un.org/webcast

Cartoooning for Peace Exhibit:
In conjunction with the Seminar, an exhibit, organized by the Outreach Division and the United Nations Regional Information Centre (Brussels) of the Department of Public Information, in association with Salon international du dessin de presse et d'humour de Saint-Just-le-Martel, showcases the work of cartoonists from Belgium, Denmark, Egypt, France, Germany, Iran, Israel, Japan, Kenya, Mexico, Palestine, Switzerland and the United States. It may be viewed in the Visitors Lobby.

To Attend:
The seminar is open to members of the public, non-governmental organizations and media representatives who register in advance. Those in possession of a valid UN grounds pass, such as delegations of Member States, UN-affiliated non-governmental organizations and media representatives need not register. Registration is free for the public.

Registration & ID pickup:
UN Visitors Lobby. Enter at First Avenue and 46th Street.

To register, please write, providing your name and affiliation, to:
Jose Rene Tanoy, Academic Initiative Section, Civil Society Service, Outreach Division, DPI
E-Mail: tanoy@un.org; tel.: 1-917-367-9326; fax: 1-917-367-6075

For media accreditation, please visit: www.un.org/media/accreditation/index.htm:
Mr. Gary Fowlie, Chief, Media Accreditation and Liaison Unit, United Nations Headquarters, Room S-250, New York, NY 10017. Tel: 1-212-963-6937; fax: 1-212-963-4642

More information about the Unlearning Intolerance seminar series can be found on the UN Chronicle Online at www.un.org/chronicle. The UN Chronicle print edition is published by the Department of Public Information in English and French. It is not an official record; the views expressed in individual articles do not necessarily imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.

To subscribe to the magazine, contact UN Publications at publications@un.org or call (800) 253-9646, or go to www.un.org/Pubs/chronicle/order.htm for details on a special Internet offer of US$10 per year.

Oct 17 - Fables article in Express

Scott Rosenberg has an article on Bill Willingham's Fables from DC / Vertigo on p. 22 of today's Express. That's the Washington Post spin-off in the yellow boxes. Fables is about what happens to fairy tales after they're driven from their homelands by an occupying army and move into New York. It's good.

Monday, October 16, 2006

PR - Cartoon America book goes with Library of Congress exhibit

October 16, 2006
Press contact: Audrey Fischer (202) 707-0022, afis@loc.gov
Lisa Sherman-Cohen, Harry N. Abrams Inc. (212) 519-1202,


“Cartoon America” to Be Published in Conjunction with Art Wood Exhibition

“Cartoon America: Comic Art in the Library of Congress” will be published next month by the Library of Congress in association with Harry N. Abrams. Published in conjunction with the Library of Congress’ exhibition of original art from the collection of J. Arthur Wood Jr., “Cartoon America” is a treasure trove for scholars and enthusiasts of this distinctly American art form.

“The Library of Congress began to collect and preserve cartoons and caricatures within decades of its founding in 1800, recognizing their value as vehicles of social and political commentary and as original works of art,” said Librarian of Congress James H. Billington. “As a result, the Library has amassed one of the greatest collections of original cartoon art – a cornucopia of cartoon treasures and creative genius drawn from the American past.”

Edited by Harry Katz, former head curator of the Library’s Prints and Photographs Division, “Cartoon America” celebrates 250 years of American cartooning with examples of original works by the most accomplished creators in the history of comic illustration, including Thomas Nast, Charles Schultz, Jules Feiffer, Rube Goldberg and many others. With accompanying essays written exclusively for this volume by such luminaries as John Updike, Art Spiegelman and Chris Ware, “Cartoon America” includes many firsts and one-of-a-kinds, including cels from Walt Disney Productions and Hanna-Barbera, vintage editorial cartoons, award-winning drawings, magazine illustrations and much more.

The book is a companion volume to the exhibition titled “Cartoon America: Highlights from the Art Wood Collection of Cartoon and Caricature,” which will be on display from Nov. 2, 2006, through Jan. 27, 2007, in the Great Hall of the Thomas Jefferson Building. The exhibition will feature 100 masterworks from Wood’s collection of more than 36,000 original cartoons drawings, which are housed in the Library’s Prints and Photographs Division.

“Cartoon America,” a 324-page hardcover book featuring 275 full-color illustrations, is available for $50 in bookstores nationwide and the Library of Congress Sales Shop, Washington, DC 20540-4985. Credit card orders are taken at (888) 682-3557. Online orders can be placed at www.loc.gov/shop.

# # #
PR 06-196
ISSN 0731-3527

Oct 17 - Physics of Superheroes at Library of Congress

It's not too often that I get an email from a physics librarian, but Margaret of the LoC would like to invite us to hear a comics-related lecture. I'm not sure if I'll be able to make it, although I've got his book sitting in my briefcase, just in case.

On Tuesday, October 17 from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the West Dining Room of the James Madison Building at the Library of Congress: Dr. James Kakalios will speak on "The Physics of Superheroes." The event is co-sponsored by the Science, Technology & Business Division and the Serial and Government Publications Division.

Dr. Kakalios is a professor in the School of of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Minnesota, where he has taught since 1988; his class "Everything I Needed to Know About Physics I Learned From Reading Comic Books," is a popular freshman seminar. He is the author of "The Physics of Superheroes" (Gotham Books, 2005), and copies of the book will be available for purchase at this event. The book explores everything from energy to thermodynamics, to quantum mechanics, to solid state physics, and Kakalios relates the physics in comic books to such real-world applications as automobile airbags, microwave ovens, and transistors.

A display of selected comic books from the Library's collection will also be featured at this event. For more information please contact the ST&B Division at 202-707-5664.

The book will be on sale and Dr. Kakalios will be available for signing after the talk.

ICAF followup - Article on Rwandan cartoonist

I'll try to post some of my pictures soon, but here's an article on Rupert, as he signs his art.

And apparently GW makes you register. Sorry about that. Give 'em a fake name.

Rwandan genocide survivor illustrates tragedy: Comic book chronicles life during 1994 mass murders
by Megan Marinos
GW Hatchet Reporter
Issue date: 10/16/06 Section: Life

Article - Get Your War On review in college paper

Well, the play's over and I didn't see it. Here's another review though.

"Get Your War On" delivers belly-laughs and biting wit
by Jeffrey Parker
Senior Staff Writer
GW Hatchet Online Issue date: 10/12/06 Section: Arts

Friday, October 13, 2006

Oct 13 - today at SPX

SPX's programming schedule


Kids Comics with Brian Ralph!
Brian Ralph, creator of Reggie-12, the graphic novels Cave-In and Climbing Out, and comic strips for Nickelodeon Magazine, will talk about his comics for kids and how he makes them.

Jules Feiffer Q+A
Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist Jules Feiffer inaugurated the contemporary weekly cartoon format in the Village Voice with groundbreaking cartoons about psychology, social mores, relationships, and politics. Feiffer is also a screenwriter and playwright, and has in recent years authored a number of award-winning children's books. He most recently drew illustrations for The Long Chalkboard, a collection of stories by his wife, the comedian and writer Jenny Allen. Tim Kreider will ask Feiffer questions about his work and the state of the world today.

Tony Millionaire Q+A
Tony Millionaire's weekly Maakies strip is traditionalist and subversive, horrific and comic, beautiful and profane. Millionaire has also written and drawn the Sock Monkey series of comic books and several children's books. Gary Groth interviews the man whose exquisitely drawn strip about drunken animals, sea battles, and much more is arguably the most delightful comic strip on newsprint today.

Oct 14 - Superheroes at ICAF tomorrow


10:30-12:00: Panel #6: Early comics
Chair: Marc Singer, ICAF Executive Committee
Gerry Beegan, “’Leaving Out’: Imaging the Cockney in the Caricatures of Phil May”
David Olsen, “’Monkeying with the ink bottle’: The Signifying Potential of George Herriman’s Krazy Kat”
Jared Gardner, “Gutter Stories: Comics, Film, and Modernity, 1897-1917”

12:00-1:30: Lunch

1:30-3:00: Comics production roundtable
Stuart Moore and Jamal Igle (Firestorm) discuss the steps of assembling a comic book for a major US publisher

3:00-3:15: Break

3:15-4:45: Comics and politics
Phil Jiminez (The Invisibles, Infinite Crisis, Otherworld) and Denny O’Neil (Batman, Green Lantern/Green Arrow) discuss the challenges of addressing political issues in superhero comics

Oct 13 - today at ICAF


9:00-10:30: Panel #3: Collaborative authorship
Chair: Charles Hatfield, ICAF Executive Committee
Adam Rosenblatt, “The Making and Remaking of El Eternauta”
Michael Wenthe, “The Rules of the Game“
Isaac Cates, “The Many Hands of Alan Moore“

10:30-11:00: Break

11:00-12:30: Panel #4: Comics and memory
Chair: Ana Merino, ICAF Executive Committee
Natsu Onoda, “Comics, College, and Collective Memory”
Pedro Perez-Del-Solar, “Spanish War Stories:Constructing Spanish Civil War from the Underground“
Michael Chaney, “Re-Membering, Re-mediating Slavery”

12:30-2: Lunch

2:00-3:00: Lent Scholarship Lecture: Barbara Postema (Michigan State University)

3:00-3:30: Break

3:30-5:00: Panel #5: The frontiers of the comics form
Chair: Craig Fischer, ICAF Executive Committee
Robert Peterson, “The Acoustics of Manga: Narrative Erotics and Visual Presence of Sound”
John Jennings, Damian Duffy, and Rose Marchack, “Virtual Unreality and the Shape of Time: Virtual comics, postmodern self-referentiality, and the fourth dimension”

5:00-7:30: Dinner

7:30-9:30: Smile Through the Tears: Bearing witness to the Rwandan genocide through comic arts
A special event at the George Washington University’s Gelman Library featuring Rupert Bazambanza, Ellen Yamshon, and moderator Steven Livingston

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Oct 11 - Baltimore City Paper comics issue

Tom's Comics Reporter pointed this out yesterday - http://www.citypaper.com/special/

Oct 12 - articles on SPX, ICAF, Get Your War On

Apologies for the late notice, but I've been at ICAF. Jules Feiffer was especially interesting tonight and can be seen tomorrow at SPX at 3 pm and Politics & Prose at 7 pm. With his permission, I recorded his talk and hope to get it in a future issue of the International Journal of Comic Art.

In the meantime, the Express ran an article on SPX, another on a local DC cartoonist and a blurb on ICAF. The City Paper reviewed the Get Your War On play.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Oct 12 Cartoonists with Attitude

Politics and Prose at 7 pm - Ted Rall and the young editorial cartoonists in Attitude 3.

Oct 12-14 ICAF schedule REPOST

The Eleventh AnnualInternational Comic Arts Festival (ICAF)
Festival International de la Bande Dessinée
-->OCTOBER 12-14, 2006
Washington, D.C.
The Library of Congress, James Madison Building
With thanks to our many sponsors.
Read more about ICAF's mission here.
All events will be held in the Mumford Room, Library of Congress Madison Building, unless otherwise noted


9:00-9:15: ICAF Welcome and Introduction

9:15-10:45: Panel #1: Cultural exchanges in French comics
Chair: Guy Spielmann, ICAF Executive Committee
Karen Leader, “Les caricaturistes peints par eux-mĂŞmes”
Jennifer Worth, “Framing and Unveiling: Marjane Satrapi’s Performance of Persepolis“
Bart Beaty, “Appropriating la nouvelle bande dessinĂ©e: The Question of Cultural Change”

10:45-11:00: Break

11:00-12:30: Panel #2: Manga and Japanese society
Chair: Ana Merino, ICAF Executive Committee
Ryan Holmberg, “Japan, a country with guns: Armament and Manga in the 1960s”
Steven Clark, “Boxing Manga and the Fictionality Vector “
Kukhee Choo, “Manga: Japanese Governement Marketing Strategy”

12:30-2:00: Lunch

2:00-3:00: Georgia Higley, “Researching Comic Books in the Library of Congress”

3:00-3:45: Display of drawings and manuscript materials by Jules Feiffer in the Prints & Photographs Reading Room
Courtesy of the Swann Foundation for Caricature and Cartoon
Curated by Sara Duke & Martha Kennedy, The Swann Foundation

3:45-4:00: Break

4:00-5:00: Tour of “Enduring Outrage: Editoral Cartoons by Herb Block” in the American Treasures Gallery, Library of Congress Jefferson Building
Tour conducted by Martha Kennedy and Sara Duke

5:00-7:00: Dinner

7:00-8:30: An Evening with Jules Feiffer
The legendary cartoonist and author discusses his career


9:00-10:30: Panel #3: Collaborative authorship
Chair: Charles Hatfield, ICAF Executive Committee
Adam Rosenblatt, “The Making and Remaking of El Eternauta”
Michael Wenthe, “The Rules of the Game“
Isaac Cates, “The Many Hands of Alan Moore“

10:30-11:00: Break

11:00-12:30: Panel #4: Comics and memory
Chair: Ana Merino, ICAF Executive Committee
Natsu Onoda, “Comics, College, and Collective Memory”
Pedro Perez-Del-Solar, “Spanish War Stories:Constructing Spanish Civil War from the Underground“
Michael Chaney, “Re-Membering, Re-mediating Slavery”

12:30-2: Lunch

2:00-3:00: Lent Scholarship Lecture: Barbara Postema (Michigan State University)

3:00-3:30: Break

3:30-5:00: Panel #5: The frontiers of the comics form
Chair: Craig Fischer, ICAF Executive Committee
Robert Peterson, “The Acoustics of Manga: Narrative Erotics and Visual Presence of Sound”
John Jennings, Damian Duffy, and Rose Marchack, “Virtual Unreality and the Shape of Time: Virtual comics, postmodern self-referentiality, and the fourth dimension”

5:00-7:30: Dinner

7:30-9:30: Smile Through the Tears: Bearing witness to the Rwandan genocide through comic arts
A special event at the George Washington University’s Gelman Library featuring Rupert Bazambanza, Ellen Yamshon, and moderator Steven Livingston


10:30-12:00: Panel #6: Early comics
Chair: Marc Singer, ICAF Executive Committee
Gerry Beegan, “’Leaving Out’: Imaging the Cockney in the Caricatures of Phil May”
David Olsen, “’Monkeying with the ink bottle’: The Signifying Potential of George Herriman’s Krazy Kat”
Jared Gardner, “Gutter Stories: Comics, Film, and Modernity, 1897-1917”

12:00-1:30: Lunch

1:30-3:00: Comics production roundtable
Stuart Moore and Jamal Igle (Firestorm) discuss the steps of assembling a comic book for a major US publisher

3:00-3:15: Break

3:15-4:45: Comics and politics
Phil Jiminez (The Invisibles, Infinite Crisis, Otherworld) and Denny O’Neil (Batman, Green Lantern/Green Arrow) discuss the challenges of addressing political issues in superhero comics

Oct 13-14: D+Q at SPX

Peggy Burns of Drawn and Quarterly just sent me this PR. I buy most of D&Q's line - the Moomin book is especially good.

Drawn & Quarterly will be at this year's SPX this Friday, October 13th and Saturday the 14th , which please note, is in a brand new location at the Marriot Bethesda North in Bethesda, MD. Please visit http://spxpo.com/ for more information.

We will have the following new books on sale!

LUCKY by Gabrielle Bell
CURSES by Kevin Huizenga
MOOMIN by Tove Jansson
FALLEN ANGEL by Nicolas Robel

Anders, Kevin and Gabrielle as well as Dan Zettwoch from D+Q SHOWCASE VOLUME
FOUR will be in attendance, here is our signing and programming schedule:

Friday, October 13th:
3:00 - 5:00 Kevin Huizenga & Dan Zettwoch
5:00 - 7:00 Gabrielle Bell & Anders Nilsen

Saturday, October 14th:
12:00 - 1:00 Dan Zettwoch

1:00 - 3:00 Gabrielle Bell & Anders Nilsen

3:30-4:30 A panel discussion with Anders, Kevin and Gabrielle "How to Draw
Thinking" from 3:30 to 4:30 on Saturday, in Brookside A. With moderator
Isaac Cates, they will discuss the pleasures and problems of making pictures
that think.

4:45 - 6:45 Kevin Huizenga

D+Q staffers Rebecca Rosen and Morgan Charles will be on hand to see that
all goes well at tables #C14-16.

Don't be shy!

Peggy Burns
Drawn & Quarterly
Director, Marketing & Publicity

Oct 25-26 The Cartoon Medicine Show: Animated Cartoons from the Collection of the National Library of Medicine

This press release arrived a little while ago. This should be great fun - Mike Sappol's a very sharp historian of medicine, as is David Cantor. Donald Crafton's book is a must-have for anyone interested in the history of animation.

Join the National Academy of Sciences for a two day film festival of rare animated medical cartoons from the 1920s to the 1960s. The event will take place on October 25 and 26 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the National Academy of Sciences, 2100 C St, N.W., Washington, D.C.

From the silent film era to the present, physicians, health professionals, government agencies like the U.S. Public Health Service, and voluntary associations such as the American Cancer Society, have used motion pictures to advance medical science, train doctors and nurses, and educate the public.

"The Cartoon Medicine Show: Animated Cartoons from the Collection of the National Library of Medicine," curated by Michael Sappol of the National Library of Medicine, will feature a rich sampling of rarely screened animated medical cartoons from the 1920s to the 1960s. The film series will present a variety of medical themes and genres, including dental hygiene, physical fitness, physiology, mental health, malaria, venereal disease, cancer, radiology, and sanitary food preparation. Each evening will consist of a different selection of 10 to 15 short animated medical cartoons by animators both obscure and well-known, including Walt Disney, Friz Freleng, Zack Schwartz, Walter Lantz, and Shamus Culhane.

Film historian Donald Crafton and medical historians Michael Sappol and David Cantor will provide commentary. Donald Crafton is the chair of the department of film, television, and theater at the University of Notre Dame. He is the author of Before Mickey: The Animated Film, 1898- 1928 (MIT Press, 1984). Michael Sappol is a curator and historian at the National Library of Medicine. His scholarly work focuses on the body, anatomy, medical illustration, and medicine in film. He is the author of A Traffic of Dead Bodies (Princeton University Press, 2002). David Cantor is the editor of Reinventing Hippocrates (Ashgate, 2002). His scholarly work focuses on the history of 20th century medicine, most recently the history of cancer.

EVENT: The Cartoon Medicine Show: Animated Cartoons from the Collection of the National Library of Medicine
DATE: October 25 and 26
TIME: 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
LOCATION: National Academy of Sciences Auditorium, 2100 C St., N.W., Washington, D.C.
COST: Admission is free, but seating is limited
RSVP: arts@nas.edu or (202) 334-2436
METRO: Foggy Bottom on the blue and orange lines

Oct 10 - Get Your War On review in Post

The Post gave a very good review to the play based on David Rees' clip art comic strip. The play runs through Oct 14th.

Marks, Peter. 2006.
'Get Your War On': Precision Weapons Of Mass Derision.
Washington Post (October 10): C1

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Oct 11 - Presidential Doodles booksigning REPOST

David Greenberg - Presidential Doodles: Two Centuries of Scribbles, Scratches, Squiggles & Scrawls from the Oval Office
Wednesday, October 11, 2006 at 07:00 PM at Olsson's The Lansburgh/Penn Quarter, 418 7th St., NW, (202) 638-7610

What were the leaders of the free world really doing during all those meetings? As the creators of Cabinet magazine reveal here for the first time, they were doodling! Includes a powerpoint presentation.

[I'm doing these reposts to try to keep the relevant date and information on the main page - if anyone's got any comments or suggestions, let me know]

Oct 12 - Roadtrip! Ed Stein opens political cartoon exhibit at William & Mary

Google maps, which appears to be much smarter than Mapquest at this point, says it's 154 miles from DC. Actually, I can't recommend attending this with both ICAF and SPX underway in DC, even though I like Stein's comic strip a lot, but the exhibit runs through January.

Cartoonist Ed Stein to open Swem exhibit with lecture
News · Press Releases · Ed Stein to open Swem exhibit
Author: Suzanne Seurattan, Source: Press Releases
Date: Oct 09, 2006

(Williamsburg, Va.)—Internationally-syndicated editorial cartoonist, Ed Stein, will speak at the College of William and Mary's Earl Gregg Swem Library on Thursday, Oct. 12 at 4 p.m. Stein currently draws for the Rocky Mountain News but his cartoons have also appeared in The Washington Post, The New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, Newsweek and other publications. He will share his experiences as an editorial cartoonist, as well as the place of a political cartoonist in the modern world. Some of Stein‚s cartoons are currently on display in the library‚s Botetourt Gallery as part of an American Political Cartoonists exhibit which will run until Jan. 2007. A reception will immediately follow the lecture. The event is free and open to the public.

The American Political Cartoonists exhibit features the works of significant American cartoonists from the last 150 years including: Thomas Nast, Bill Mauldin, Dr. Seuss, Herbert Block (Herblock), Pat Oliphant, Garry Trudeau, Signe Wilkinson, Stein and Hugh Haynie. The exhibit can be seen in the Botetourt Gallery on the ground floor of Swem Library. Exhibit hours coincide with those of the library.

A special section of the exhibit (on the 1st floor) focuses on the works of Haynie, a 1950 graduate of the College, and cartoonist for the Louisville Courier Journal for forty years. To view more about Hugh Haynie's work, visit http://swem.wm.edu/exhibits/political-cartoons/.

The American Political Cartoonists exhibit, website, and corresponding events are were made possible by through the support of the Roy R. Charles Center, Swem Library and the hard work of junior, Jocelyn Krieger. For more information on the lecture or exhibit, please contact Rebecca Beasley, rlbeas@wm.edu, 757.221.3123.

Oct 13-14 SPX Programming schedule

Tom Spurgeon at the Comics Reporter noted that SPX's programming schedule is up.

Some good stuff on both days. Note Jules Feiffer's appearance is only on Friday; I've seen him speak several times and he's always entertaining. Note also that Saturday's events are parallel and an hour long each, so you're always missing something good. I think this is Douglas Wolk's first ICAF, and fairly positive that it's Tony Millionaire's as well. Watching Nadel, Groth and Brunetti duke out the idea of a canon should be entertaining - hopefully a transcript of that will run in The Comics Journal or moderator Kartopolis' Indy Magazine. Yoe's session should be fun, McCloud's interesting and Brownstein's political cartoons one disturbing. It all looks good.


Kids Comics with Brian Ralph!
Brian Ralph, creator of Reggie-12, the graphic novels Cave-In and Climbing Out, and comic strips for Nickelodeon Magazine, will talk about his comics for kids and how he makes them.

Jules Feiffer Q+A
Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist Jules Feiffer inaugurated the contemporary weekly cartoon format in the Village Voice with groundbreaking cartoons about psychology, social mores, relationships, and politics. Feiffer is also a screenwriter and playwright, and has in recent years authored a number of award-winning children's books. He most recently drew illustrations for The Long Chalkboard, a collection of stories by his wife, the comedian and writer Jenny Allen. Tim Kreider will ask Feiffer questions about his work and the state of the world today.

Tony Millionaire Q+A
Tony Millionaire's weekly Maakies strip is traditionalist and subversive, horrific and comic, beautiful and profane. Millionaire has also written and drawn the Sock Monkey series of comic books and several children's books. Gary Groth interviews the man whose exquisitely drawn strip about drunken animals, sea battles, and much more is arguably the most delightful comic strip on newsprint today.

Graphic Novels: First Authors
What challenges face a cartoonist making a long-form work for the first time? Writer Douglas Wolk talks about problems, solutions, and methodologies with Austin English, Megan Kelso and Matthias Lehmann, all of whom have recently finished their first graphic novels.

Masters, Canons and Anti-Canons
In light of the "Masters of American Comics" show and several new books that seek to expand or challenge our notions of comics' greatest works, Ivan Brunetti, Gary Groth and Dan Nadel will address the concept of a canon as it relates to comics, discuss its necessity and consider its possible function. Moderated by Bill Kartalopoulos

Center for Cartoon Studies: Presentation and Workshop
Robyn Chapman joins us from the Center for Cartoon Studies, a recently-founded two-year educational institution for budding cartoonists in White River Junction, Vermont. Robyn will talk about this unique school and will lead a hands-on cartooning workshop. No matter how little experience you have, you will leave this panel having drawn a comics page!

Craig Yoe: Arf Lover
Twisted archivist of the ridiculous and the sublime Craig Yoe presents for your pleasure and scandalization selections from the collection of comics, gags, and graffix which form the source for his eccentric series of "Arf" anthology books. Outrageous obscurities and eyeball-kicks are practically guaranteed! (Offer not valid where offer may apply.)

Ways of Drawing
What do different styles of cartooning mean to cartoonists? What are cartoonists trying to get across with their brushstrokes? Why draw with thick or soft lines? Is drawing style a conscious choice or does it evolve naturally? Is it pleasureable to draw? Or is it a struggle? Ben Catmull, John Hankiewicz, Megan Kelso, Onsmith and Frank Santoro discuss these questions and more with moderator Austin English

Scott McCloud Q+A
Scott McCloud has become a leading spokesman and thinker in American comics through his treatises-in-comics form, Understanding Comics and Reinventing Comics. Now he follows up his analyses with a new approach to practical application in Making Comics. McCloud will discuss his ideas with moderator Bill Kartalopoulos and answer questions from the audience.

Political Cartooning in 2006
One year ago Danish newspaper cartoons sparked deadly global riots. Earlier this year the Joint Chiefs of Staff protested a political cartoon about troop injuries in Iraq. Last month a graphic novel adaptation of the 9/11 Commission Report became a New York Times bestseller. Charles Brownstein talks to Tim Kreider, Ted Rall, Mikhaela Reid, Jen Sorensen and Rick Veitch about the interesting times these cartoonists live within and how their work responds.

Ivan Brunetti Q+A
Ivan Brunetti has drawn raging screeds against the void, gag cartoons from hell's lower circles, sensitive biographies of dead artists, and observant slices-of-life. His cartooning style has transformed over the years from harsh and anguished to geometric and delicate. He is also an educator, editor, historian, curator, and spiritual seeker. Jesse Fuchs leads a discussion with the artist who calls his comic book "Schizo."

How to Draw Thinking
Some say that because comics is a visual medium, it's better suited for action and spectacle than for rumination or the internal life of the mind. Comics by Gabrielle Bell, Kevin Huizenga, and Anders Nilsen consistently prove this notion wrong. With moderator Isaac Cates, they will discuss the pleasures and problems of making pictures that think.

Brian Chippendale Q+A
Brian Chippendale co-founded the seminal Fort Thunder artists' space in Providence, Rhode Island in 1995. His first book, Ninja, has just been published. He is also the author of numerous mini-comics, including the Maggots series, and has appeared in anthologies including Paper Rodeo, Non, and Coober Skeeber. Chippendale also plays drums and sings as one-half of the band Lightning Bolt. Dan Nadel asks the questions