Tuesday, October 26, 2010

UMD's Diamondback editorial cartoon offends football team

Maryland football team says scooter cartoon was in poor taste
By Eric Prisbell
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, October 26, 2010; 5:31 PM

Comic book writers at Borders

Orson Scott Card

November 23, 2010 7:30 PM

Baileys Crossroads - Borders
5871 Crossroads Center Way
Baileys Crossroads, VA 22041

A powerful secret. A dangerous path. Rigg is well trained at keeping secrets. Only his father knows the truth about Rigg's strange talent for seeing the paths of people's pasts. But when his father dies, Rigg is stunned to learn just how many secrets Father had kept from him--secrets about Rigg's own past, his identity, and his destiny. And when Rigg discovers that he has the power not only to see the past, but also to change it, his future suddenly becomes anything but certain.

Brad Meltzer
The Inner Circle

January 12, 2011 7:30 PM

Baileys Crossroads - Borders
5871 Crossroads Center Way
Baileys Crossroads, VA 22041

There are stories no one knows. Hidden stories. I love those stories. And since I work in the National Archives, I find those stories for a living. So says Beecher White, a young archivist who spends his days working with the most important documents of the U.S. government.

Leo Cullum remembered at Comic Riffs

In Memoriam: New Yorker cartoonist LEO CULLUM's warm and witty legacy
By Michael Cavna
Washington Post Comic Riffs blog October 26, 2010

Nov 9: Nick Galifianakis at National Press Club

Nick Galifianakis at National Press Club book fair from 5:30-8:30 on November 9th.

Tom Toles' blog reprinted in today's print Post

There's a small bit 'The all of a presidency' reprinted from Tom Toles blog in today's Post.

Fiore at GU article on Patch

Mark Fiore Learns to Speak Pulitzer
Pulitzer Prize-winning editorial cartoonist, Mark Fiore, aims to start a conversation through his work. He visits Georgetown University Oct. 27 for "Political Satire: Serious Implications for Today's Politics,"at an event open to the public.
By Katie Kindelan  October 25, 2010

Oct 27: Mark Fiore, Pulitzer Prize Winning Political Cartoonist at GU

The Graduate Liberal Studies and the Master of Professional Studies in Journalism Programs 

invite you to 


a lecture & presentation by

Pulitzer Prize-Winning Political Cartoonist Mark Fiore

Political Satire: Serious Implications for Today's Politics

Part of the In the Spirit of Mark Twain Lecture Series


Wednesday, October 27, 2010
 Reception at 6:00 p.m.

Lecture at 7:00 p.m.

 Georgetown University Leavey Conference Center
3800 Reservoir Road, NW


Mark Fiore won the 2010 Pulitzer Prize for Editorial Cartooning this April, marking the first time the coveted award has been given for political cartoons that appear entirely online. With this new form of political cartoon, he is a pioneer in the contemporary display of political satire in the spirit of Mark Twain. Fiore will discuss the role of satire and the serious implications it has for today's politics.


According to the Pulitzer jury, Mark Fiore's "…biting wit, extensive research, and ability to distill complex issues set a high standard for an emerging form of commentary." Recognition of his significant leadership in this field has come from other awards as well: the Robert F. Kennedy Journalism Award in the category of cartoons, an Online Journalism Award from the Online News Association and the Columbia Graduate School of Journalism, and two awards from the National Cartoonists Society for his work in new media.

PR: Oct 31 - Fantom Comics Announces its 1st Annual Halloween Parade

Matthew Klokel
Fantom Comics announces 1st Annual Halloween Parade
Washington, DC- Retail comic book store Fantom Comics will host its first annual costumed Halloween parade on Sunday, October 31st beginning at 8pm.  The parade will begin in front of Fantom's store in the West Hall of Union Station and will finish at a nearby location where participants will gather to watch the premiere episode of The Walking Dead, AMC TV's new zombie series based on the popular comic book.
The parade is the brainchild of Fantom Comics co-owner David Bishop. "I've always felt that DC deserves a proper Halloween parade, and that any true Halloween Parade has to be on Halloween.  And  being an owner of DC's comic book store, combining dressing up in costume with a store event seemed like a natural fit," said Bishop, who along with his wife marched in his first NYC Halloween parade dressed as Super Friends sidekicks Zan and Jayna, The Wonder Twins. "It's going to be informal this year, marching around Columbus Circle outside Union Station. But hopefully we can continue this in future years and attract a large enough crowd to march through the streets of DC."
The event will gain further steam because AMC TV, home of hit TV shows Mad Men, Breaking Bad and Rubicon, scheduled the premiere of their new zombie holocaust series to fall on Halloween. "The Walking Dead is THE zombie story out there. It's a great comic book that's going to translate into a great TV show, and what better way to enjoy it than with a bunch of other people?" said Fantom co-owner Matthew Klokel.
Besides the thrill of parading around the city in your costume, and the camaraderie of watching the premiere of an event that is highly anticipated among comic book aficionados, Fantom Comics will also be offering prizes for creative costumes. When asked, Klokel said, "We've got some great prizes lined up. I can say the prize for best costume is going to be valued at over $150."
The parade will take place Sunday, October 31st, at 8pm. The Walking Dead premiere starts at 10pm. Those with questions about the Halloween Parade can visit http://www.fantomcomics.com/home/blog/untitledpost, call the store directly at 202-241-6498 or find the event on Facebook by searching for Fantom Comics 1st Annual Halloween Parade.
Fantom Comics was established in 2005 with twin goals: To offer a wide selection of comic books and graphic novels to comic book fans and to introduce this under-appreciated yet quintessentially American art form to the public at large. Fantom Comics is located in the heart of Washington, DC, just steps from the US Capitol and easily accessible by Metro's Red Line via the Union Station stop.

Union Station - 50 Massachusetts Avenue NE | Washington, DC 20002 | 202-216-9478


Oct 28: Nick Galifianakis opens his exhibit in Falls Church

Nick Galifianakis opens his exhibit in Falls Church at ArtSpace in
East Falls Church this Thursday, Oct. 28th, at 7pm.
See http://fallschurchtimes.com/24713/thursday-1028-cartoonist-nick-galifianakis-at-artspace/

So did Walking Dead zombies show up at the Lincoln Memorial today?

Zombies at the Lincoln Memorial!? Where are the brains?
By Lisa de Moraes
Washington Post October 26, 2010; C05

Monday, October 25, 2010

SPX video of Jaime Hernandez online

SPX 2010 - Spotlight - Jaime Hernandez
by Small Press Expo October 15 2010

Oct 27: Fantom Comics' Hardcover Sale

 Fantom Comics' Horrendously Hardcore Hardcover Sale - One Day Only

Wednesday, October 27th, 2010 just got better.
For one day and one day only, Fantom Comics is bringing our customers a Horrendously Hardcore Hardcover Sale:
X-Force Vol. 1 in hardcover retails for $34.99 (BOO!!!) for and for one day only, Fantom Comics has it for $12! Yes. We're doing that.
Want to reconnect with your childhood? Get reacquainted with Power Pack Vol. 1 HC, normally retailing for $24.99, for $11!
This is just a small sampling of the hundreds of books that will be on sale this Wednesday only.
X-Men! The Avengers! Dardevil! Wolverine! Lovecraft! Power Pack! The Punisher! (Power Pack and Lovecraft? There's a grouping you don't see everyday) All hardcover, all on sale! Hardcovers as low as $5 with no book higher than $12!!!
These are all NEW books, not overstock sitting on our shelves. This is a special purchase in consideration to our valued customer in mind and is first come, first served.
Again, hundreds of hardcover books on sale for as low as $5. And seriously, there's not a loser in the bunch and once they're gone, they're gone!

We will not be taking special orders over the phone. We won't be able to hold them. This is special and trust me, it will be worth your time to see what we've got in store.
And as always, Wednesday brings new comics and this one looks spectacular with new releases including the eagerly awaited J. Michael Straczynski Superman: Earth One hardcover
Also from DC Comics, Death comes calling, in Action Comics #894 as one of comics' greatest creations, Vetigo's Death makes her way to The DC Universe. Co-written by her creator, New York Times best selling author, Neil Gaiman!
From Marvel, a double dose of Avengers with Secret Avenegers #6 and Avengers #6, along with Uncanny X-Men #529.
So, come see us as we continue to prove that every day is a great day to a Fantom Comics customer!

Union Station - 50 Massachusetts Avenue NE | Washington, DC 20002 | 202-216-9478

Myla Goldberg at Politics and Prose tonight

Myla Goldberg is signing her new book "The False Friend" at Politics and Prose tonight. She's not a cartoonist, but her husband Jason Little is an excellent one.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Oct 24: DC Counter Culture Festival

This Sunday, the DC Counter Culture Festival 5 will see a lot of cartoonists hanging around downtown, many of them with the DC Conspiracy. Click here for a list of attendees.

This Sunday, October 24th
12 noon -- 8pm
810 7th St NW
Washington DC 20001

OT PR: Comica Festival 2010

This is from my friend Paul, the man at the crossroads of comics. Anything Paul's involved with is good. If you're in England, go see it.



Where: London Print Studio and other venues
When: Throughout November 2010

Friday, 22 October 2010 saw the opening of the Comica Festival 2010 and the exhibition I have curated with a full two-month run at the London Print Studio, 425 Harrow Road, London W10, on till 18 December and admission free. Entitled That's Novel: Lifting Comics Off The Page, it presents original artworks and specially conceived digital prints by a range of British and transnational creators. The accent here is on innovation and on how comics can transcend their printed forms, both literally and physically in Karrie Fransman's and Philippa Rice's hand-crafted three-dimensional comics, or adapted for the big and small screens, such as Charlie Adlard's Walking Dead or Pulp Theatre's Alien Ink for Channel 4's website, as well as more subtly, for example being used to help carers, patients and relatives coping with depression or mental illness in Brick's Depresso or Darryl Cunningham's Psychiatric Tales, or as searing personal testimonies and astonishing works of art in their own right, as in the case the late John Hicklenton's last, tortured masterwork, 100 Months. More details...

The exhibition at the London Print Studio forms the hub of this year's Comica Festival and already we've got an array of brilliant events lined up there, kicking off with Comica Conversations with Brick and Darryl Cunningham, and with Charlie Adlard and Alex Fitch, on Saturday 6 November, and a rare UK appearance by Ho Che Anderson, graphic biographer of Martin Luther King Jr, on Monday 15 November, talking with UK artist Paul Peart-Smith. More amazing events to come at LPS but meantime be sure to book tickets online as numbers are limited. And we have not left the ICA, by no means. The grand finale event on 1 December will be at the ICA's Cinema 1 where two legends of British comics, Steve Bell and Bryan Talbot, get together to reveal all about their prolific careers and launch their brand new books. More details....

In tune with the times, Comica Festival also continues to offer you great free events, and this year's programme kicks off again on Friday 5 November - 'Remember, Remember!' - with a free full-day Comica Symposium. The whole day's schedule is now online. Come and hear, and engage with, some of the UK's brightest researchers into all kinds of comics culture, from manga to superheroes, bandes dessinées to autobiography, and watch the fireworks fly! More details...

And we're adding an exciting new venue and attraction to the regular free Comica Comiket Independent Comics Fair this year from 12-5pm at the Royal National Hotel, Bloomsbury on Sunday 7 November. As well as a dazzling variety of self-publishers, small presses, zinesters and collectives offering you the chance to buy their latest titles direct, we've invited a range of exciting artists from this scene to a 'Drawing Parade', in which they will draw live, before your very eyes, and inside their books if you like, and have their performances viewable on a large overhead screen. Among those taking part are: Charlie Adlard (Walking Dead), Paul Duffield (Freak Angels), Hunt Emerson (Firkin, Fortean Times), Garen Ewing (Rainbow Orchid), Paul Grist (Jack Staff, Torchwood), Roger Langridge (Muppets, Thor), Ellen Lindner (Whores of Mensa) and others. More details...

This year's 4th Observer/Jonathan Cape/Comica Graphic Short Story Prize has once again unearthed some amazing UK-based talents. The winner will have their 4-page strip printed in The Observer on Sunday 7 November, but you can see many of the finalists on show at Orbital Comics Gallery from Monday 1 November till the end of the month. We're also compiling links again to as many entrants' stories as we can, so do please contact us once you've posted yours online. More details...

And a last plug for two imminent events that I'm involved with. First up, today (Saturday 23 October) at 7pm, I am chairing a panel on Indian Graphic Novels as part of the new DSC South Asian Literary Festival, with special guests Mustashrik, Kripa Joshi, Woodrow Phoenix and S. Anand plus, technology willing, a live Skype-chat with Vishwajyoti Ghosh in New Delhi. The Indian comics scene is blossoming, come and discover its latest blooms! More details...

And secondly, The Crick Crack Club are bringing to London (Tuesday evening 26 October) and Oxford (Wednesday lunchtime 27 October) a totally wild and thrilling 21st century version of Kamishibai, the Japanese performance storytelling tradition which is a major precursor of both manga and anime. Spice Arhur 702 have to be seen to be believed - you can see a video of them in action here. A unique chance to experience this inventive manga-performance troupe in the UK! More details...

I'll sign off there, with the promise of more frequent newsletters as the Comica Festival season bubbles into life and as our very first Escape Book, The Great Unwashed by Warren and Gary Pleece, nears completion, ready for us to preview to you soon. More details...

Thanks again for supporting my websites and the varied events and projects that spin out of them. Your continued interest means a lot to me and do hope you can spread the word to let more people know about them. I hope you'll enjoy more of the wonders of the comics world with me.

Warmest wishes.

Paul Gravett
Comica Director


Comic books at the USA Science and Engineering Festival

Today and tomorrow on the Mall by the Smithsonian, hundreds of scientific groups have set up including ASME's Heroes of Engineering comic panels.



