Showing posts with label interview. Show all posts
Showing posts with label interview. Show all posts

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Meet a Local Cartoonist: A Chat with Athena Naylor

 by Mike Rhode

StoryBox Comics Fair, organized by Adam Griffiths, was held recently in a brewery in Silver Spring, MD. Along with some stalwarts of the DC Conspiracy, I met some local cartoonists new to me. Athena Naylor has been mentioned here before, but it was good to meet her in person and ask for an interview.

What type of comic work or cartooning do you do?

Mostly autobiographical comics–I like to find thoughtful stories in the mundane moments of life.

How do you do it? Traditional pen and ink, computer or a combination?

Mainly pen and ink– I’ll typically sketch everything with a blue pencil, ink directly over that, and then get rid of the blue lines in photoshop once everything is scanned in. Occasionally I’ll add some digital flat colors/shading, or paint my comics with watercolors. In general I’m more comfortable with drawing traditionally, I still find it immensely satisfying (and more portable when
I’m on the go)

When (within a decade is fine) and where were you born?

Early ‘90s– I was born in Boston but grew up in Wisconsin.

Why are you in Washington now?  What neighborhood or area do you live in?

I came to Washington to get my master’s in Art History at GWU. By graduation I had established a great support network of friends and have been sticking around ever since. I also appreciate that it’s easy to visit SPX living here, and I’ve been really grateful that I’ve been able to make comics friends in the area (participating in the Storybox Comics Fair this summer is a testament to those local connections)

How did you get into the Washington Post's Lily webcomics feature? How many strips did you do for them? How was your experience in working with a major newspaper?

A mutual friend put me in touch with one of the former art directors at the Lily back in late 2018. I pitched a few comic ideas and one of them got picked up (a comic discussing the then-new Netflix series Sex Education.) A few years later in 2021 I pitched again and got in. I would have loved to do more work for The Lily, but unfortunately it recently got discontinued as its own separate project. Comics features are going to be folded into other sections of the Washington Post-- maybe one day I'll manage to draw something for another offset of the newspaper. My experience was good. At the time I was overjoyed to get paid to draw a comic for a newspaper. It was also a valuable learning experience as a self-published artist who was not used to having anyone else have a say in my artistic decisions. Drawing for a major publication meant I needed to adhere to certain style and color guidelines that I previously never considered. Having various editors pick apart my work was also a little daunting, but in the long run I learned a lot about how to prioritize readability and accessibility into the design of comics/graphics meant for a wide audience.

I’d always been baffled by people who wanted kids. Then my friend got pregnant. in The Lily

What is your training and/or education in cartooning?

Honestly I’ve been drawing narrative art in some form ever since I was a little kid. I went to a liberal arts school and majored in art (with a focus in drawing and painting), but most of my early comics “training” was self-taught. The most specialized education I’ve probably had is that in the summer of 2015 I went to a week-long graphic novel workshop at CCS (the Center for Cartoon Studies)

Who are your influences?

I take inspiration from many places. I certainly have a lot of favorite cartoonists (Eleanor Davis, Jillian Tamaki, Kate Beaton… a lot of the artists I found online when I was a teenager were women cartoonists who are now rightfully well established). But I’m also influenced a lot by the books I read and the movies/TV shows I watch.

If you could, what in your career would you do-over or change?

I wish I had been more cognizant in my college years of how anxiety was inhibiting my ability to confidently pursue art as a career path. I knew I wanted to make comics but was timid and self-deprecating of both my work and my interests. I wish I could go back and assure myself of the validity of my creative goals! But really I try not to ruminate too hard on “what ifs–” I’ve learned there’s not a lot of utility in those thoughts.

What work are you best-known for?

Haha, I have no idea– online I’m probably most known for my series of diary comics that I call “Dailies.” 

What work are you most proud of?

The work I’m most proud of is a comic I did in 2019 called “The Checkout Counter,” which meditates on workplace flirtation through the lens of art history. 

What would you like to do or work on in the future?

“The Checkout Counter” is the longest comic I’ve done to date and I’m eager to work on more long-form comics again. I have a ton of stories I want to illustrate about working in a public museum in my early twenties, and I’m currently researching my late Greek grandmother’s life in the hopes that that may turn into some kind of comic one day about interconnected family histories.

What do you do when you're in a rut or have writer's block?

Take a walk, rest, socialize– pretty much anything other than write or draw. If I’m in a rut it usually means my creative meter is running empty in some capacity and I need to fill it up by experiencing something new or revitalizing.

What do you think will be the future of your field? 

I love meeting fellow cartoonists, but a common refrain when we discuss the field is that there is no sustainable way to make comics as a career (unless you get really lucky or have some means of financial support, whether that’s from family or a partner or whatever). I would love to see publishers actually support creators in a way that ensures artists don’t break themselves trying to meet deadlines while finding outside gigs to supplement their income. I don’t know if that’s an attainable goal for the near future. But it would be great to see any kind of improvement happen in that way.

What local cons do you attend? The Small Press Expo, Awesome Con, or others? Any comments about attending them?

Most recently I attended Storybox Comics Fair, and in the past I’ve tabled at DC Zinefest and DC Art Book Fair (which unfortunately hasn’t been offered since 2019). I’ve enjoyed tabling them all! It’s nice to participate at local fairs because you meet local creators who you can catch up with year after year. You also immediately have something in common with the people who visit your table because you all live in the same area.

What's your favorite thing about DC?

The fact that I can get around without a car– the metro has its issues but compared to other places I’ve been it’s pretty convenient, and DC is a small enough city that a lot of places are walkable. I also love that I can casually pop into exhibits at the mall without the pressure to stay for a certain amount of time to “get my money’s worth” since the museums are free.

Least favorite?

The traffic, getting crushed during rush hour on the metro, the horrible humidity in the summer.

What monument or museum do you like to take visitors to?

Depends on what they’re interested in! I’ve had good luck taking both friends and family to the Hirshhorn.

Do you have a website or blog?

Yes– my website is, and you can find more work on instagram @athena.naylor
How has the COVID-19 outbreak affected you, personally and professionally? (Pre-covid, Naylor wrote about the arts for The DC Line, including two stories on cartooning.)

Honestly it’s been hard to regain the pre-pandemic momentum I had before quarantine. At the end of 2019 I had just made “The Checkout Counter” and felt prepared to continue pursuing longer work, but then the pandemic hit and priorities shifted. It definitely affected how I navigate life both personally and professionally, but in ways that are difficult to articulate. It’s also hard to say because I entered my 30’s in 2021, so I don’t know which changes in attitude and lifestyle may be caused by the pandemic and which are just a product of growing older. Things are just different, as they should be after something like a global pandemic!

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Meet an Upcoming Graphic Novelist: A Chat with Brigitta Blair

by Mike Rhode

I recently met Brigitta at an Arlington County Library event and was glad to hear that she had a graphic novel coming out... in 2027! Since that's right around the corner, we sent her our usual questions. They came back with few of her own slipped in (a good sign IMHO).

What type of comic work or cartooning do you do?

I’m an author-illustrator that makes slice-of-life, memoir, and fantasy graphic novels. I typically write about identity and disability, but have been known to throw in a nerdy reference or pun.

How do you do it? Traditional pen and ink, computer or a combination?

I work on an iPad Pro in Clip Studio Paint to make the art and design the pages. I also use Scrivener for plotting/scripting and InDesign for lettering. If I have a location I know my character will be at a lot, I’ll 3D model it in SketchUp or Blender. One of the perks to working in tech outside of comics is I have a rolodex of software knowledge, which has been really helpful with my graphic novel process!

When (within a decade is fine) and where were you born?

I was born in 1993 in NOVA (Northern Virginia).

What is your training and/or education in cartooning?

Mostly self-taught, although I’ve taken some online graphic novel and writing courses over the years. The OC Studio Arts “Graphic Novels 101” course was a game-changer for me, so I always try to recommend that one for people starting out!

Have you always worked in comics?

I haven’t! For most of my career, I’ve worked in tech. Everything from being a UI Tech Artist for a video game company, teaching coding workshops at makerspaces, to working at an augmented reality Escape Room. Experiences fuel my desire to create, so I’m very thankful to have gotten the opportunity to learn a lot of different things at some wonderful companies.

Working in tech has also greatly increased my productivity for making graphic novels. If something is taking me too long to do, I’ll figure out a way to make the process and software more ethically efficient. For example, I could never find a Scrivener template I liked to write my manuscript with, so I made the Scrivener Standard Comic Script template alongside Steenz and Camilla Zhang.

What's CRAMMING (Little Brown, 2027) about? How did you get a contract for it - do you have an agent, or did you pitch it directly?

CRAMMING is a story about trying to fit in when you feel like you don’t. It follows a middle school girl named Ari who navigates the challenges of fitting into school, sports, family, and a scoliosis brace.
I got my agent, the incredible Chelsea Eberly, through a Twitter Pitch! During one of the #DVPit (diversity pitch) events where agents “like” pitches on Twitter posts that they want to see more of, I got a request from my agent to submit to her. During the agent offer call, our synergy was off the charts, so much that we came up with an idea for a new book…which ended up becoming my debut graphic novel, CRAMMING!

What would you like to do or work on in the future?

More slice-of-life, fantasy, queer, and disability-focused graphic novels please! I’d also love to do more speaking events, particularly at hospitals or schools. Working on more accessible videos games would also be pretty neat.

What do you do when you're in a rut or have writer's block?

I usually take a break, do research by reading other books, or watch documentaries (especially historical ones). Consuming stories helps me come up with stories, so I try to absorb as much I can when I’m not creating. Brainstorming with my critique group, agent, editor, or partner also greatly helps.

What do you think will be the future of publishing?

The pandemic has been a huge shift in the publishing industry. With the push to remote work, we’ve seen a lot of agencies/publishers become more tech-friendly, flexible, and diverse. We’ve also seen recent changes in publishing with the success of the Harper Collins Strike, the rejection of Penguin Random House’s acquisition of Simon and Schuster, the emergence of AI tools, book banning, and changes in Barnes and Nobles policies.

In general, I see graphic novels growing. More graphic novel film and TV show adaptations such as Heartstopper, Nimona, and American Born Chinese means more money for the publishing industry. I also see technology playing a larger role in creating graphic novels (especially when it comes to expediting processes) and more diversity throughout publishing at all levels. The results from book banning and AI class action lawsuits could also present shifts in the industry. We’re already starting to see AI clauses in publishing contracts, and I’m sure that’s going to grow with the technology.

What local cons do you attend? The Small Press Expo, Awesome Con, or others? Any comments about attending them?

All the above and more! My favorite local cons are MAGFest and Small Press Expo. As a gamer and a video game developer, MAGFest has a special place in my heart. Not only does it have one of the biggest arcades I’ve ever been to, but the indie game and music scene is booming there!

What comic books do you read regularly or recommend?

I read a lot of fantasy, queer romance, school dramas, historical fiction, and experimental indie graphic novels; basically, what I like to make is what I like to read! Ones that came out in the past few years that I usually recommend are The Prince and the Dressmaker by Jen Wang, It’s Lonely at the Centre of the Earth by Zoe Thorogood, and Salt Magic by Hope Larson and Rebecca Mock. I also adore manga and could gush over the paneling in Witch Hat Atelier by Kamome Shirahama all day.

What's your favorite thing about DC?

The food (especially brunch)! Also, the height cap on the buildings makes the city feel really open and clean which I love. Can’t go wrong with the Cherry Blossom season, various music venues, architecture, or the rich diverse culture either!

Least favorite?

Late night public transit solo. Be careful, folks!

What monument or museum do you like to take visitors to?

Depends on the interest of the person, but the Hirshhorn, Artechouse, and the Smithsonian are some of my favorites.

How about a favorite local restaurant?

Oooh I have a lot! Founding Farmer’s is my favorite brunch place. If you want a cute cafe with amazing drinks/food, Tryst in Adam’s Morgan is lovely. I’m also a big fan of Busboys and Poets and Kramers; can’t go wrong with a restaurant-bookstore!

Do you have a website or blog?

I do! My website is . I blog about my experiences in publishing there along with posting updates on my book and portfolio. I’m also active on Twitter, Instagram, Threads, and BlueSky at @brigittablair.

Where can we get your book?

It’s not available yet, but you can add it on Goodreads! Adding books you’re interested in on Goodreads really helps authors because it lets the publishers know there’s interest. Keep a lookout for CRAMMING in 2027!

Sunday, April 09, 2023

Chatting with Sam Kidlet: "I wanted to go big for charity, and my first thought was Galactus"

by Mike Rhode

I've known Sam Kidlet (a nom de pen) for years, since she's been part of her family's comic and children's books creative team. I usually see them at Baltimore Comic Con and catch up, but COVID and then my shorter visits to the Con have screwed that up. But I saw Sam the other day at a local bookstore though, and heard that she'd done a successful piece for the annual Heroes Con auction. She agreed (with her parents' approval) to answer our usual questions.

 What type of comic work or cartooning do you do?

A little of everything; I know If I want to pursue comics, I won't have as much time to draw for myself so I try to draw a little bit of everything now. I used to love drawing horror, the more creepy and spine-tingling the better, but being the daughter of a children's book author and creating kids comics myself, I needed to let up a little bit. I try to draw things that will challenge me, and work on concepts that will allow me to grow. I'm not great at drawing women, so every once in a while I'll attempt to draw a woman. I'm not great at stuff geared towards kids, so every once in a while I'll try to draw something all ages. So, a little bit of everything. I get bored drawing the same things really easily. 

How do you do it? Traditional pen and ink, computer or a combination?
99% of the time I use pen and ink to draw and use markers to color. I don't like drawing digitally, but I'm trying to practice with inking digitally, so I don't completely shut myself off from it. Whenever I work on a Hippofartamus issue, (a comic series my dad and I work on together), he pencils, then I ink and most of the time, color. We both work on the story. I always use Clip Studio to color. 

When (within a decade is fine) and where were you born?
I was born in the mid-2000's in a hospital around DC. 

Why are you in Washington now?  What neighborhood or area do you live in?
My mom is a fed, so it's more convenient to stay in the DMV, and we're where we are now until I graduate, as then there isn't a school district we have to think about. I'm in Springfield now, but I absolutely want to stay in the DMV or right outside of it when I can get my own place. 

What is your training and/or education in cartooning?
Practice! Not to be a cliche. I was lucky to grow up with a dad that loved comics and conventions, and when he took me with him, I probably subconsciously picked up a love for it. As we kept showing up, we made more artist friends and I learned from them, so conventions are probably my most significant part of my learning. I only took one art class in middle school and hated it. As far as education goes, I soaked up as much as I could with videos of artists drawing and kept watching those over and over. I worked with my dad on our series and he taught me a lot about art and the process of creating through that as well. 

Who are your influences?
Basically the whole art community. I look up to Brian Stelfreeze because he's mentored me for a while now and believed in me when I could barely draw a smiley face. He inspired me to leave a good impact, because I still remember how welcomed I felt when he was teaching me. I look up to Cat Staggs and Amanda Deibert, because they're great people, but also because for every 10 men in comics I've met, there is 1 woman creator. They help me put those doubts away about entering a male-dominated industry, but I also have Kelly Sue DeConnick to thank for that, as an influence and a friend. The love and support that comic fans show at cons inspire me to be a better person and be a better influence for younger artists. Then there's my family, who are all artists in their own right. It's definitely an amalgamation.  

What would you like to do or work on in the future?
Comics is a bucket list job. I'd love to work on Daredevil and Joker one day, but I also want to work on some movies. I'm really fascinated by cinematography and I'd love to mash those two interests together.  

What do you do when you're in a rut or have writer's block?
I start to think about what I haven't drawn. I try to think about what angles I can play around with, what concepts, what characters, and if it's just not working out, I try to take a deep breath and switch papers. Sometimes I get wrapped up in needing to draw something, but sometimes it can just be the piece of paper. A strange way to describe it is to say that the paper is intimidating, because you've tried and tried to draw on it, but all you see is eraser shavings. If switching the paper and drawing a lot looser doesn't work and I'm already frustrated, I'll put my art stuff away and chill for the rest of the night, and try a different approach tomorrow. Usually the more frustrated I get the less productive I am.  

What do you think will be the future of your field?
I have no idea. I don't know enough about paper comics or web comics to even hazard a guess as to where were headed, but as for creating can definitely see more artists switching to online programs and interfaces to draw.

What local cons do you attend? The Small Press Expo, Awesome Con, or others? Any comments about attending them?
We don't really do any local shows anymore, really only signings at local comic shops, mostly in Virginia. We go to Fairfax CC sometimes, though. We went to Awesome Con a couple times, it was fun but not one of our main shows. Our constant show is Baltimore Comic Con. 
We're also  at Heroes Con in Charlotte, NC. I'm really excited to come back this year. Heroes will be the first convention after I graduate, so I'm really happy that it comes right afterward, kind of as a personal celebration. For last year's Heroes Con  auction, I wanted to go big for charity, and my first thought was Galactus. It took me around 2 months or so to finish. I did a 19x24 drawing done with primarily Prismacolor markers and a white paint pen. At the auction, it went for $775. The folks at Heroes last year put a spotlight on me, and I still don't believe I thanked them enough; I'm excited to come back and do my best make them proud.

What comic books do you read regularly or recommend? Do you have a local store?
I don't get around to reading comics as much anymore with school, everything I read is almost religiously for school, but Daredevil, especially Zdarsky and Hawthorne's run was an instant love for me. As for shops, Comic Logic in Ashburn, VA has been our shop for a few years now. It's almost like a second home, and they're creeping up to eight years with no signs of slowing down, so we're all happy our favorite shop is here to stay! 

What's your favorite thing about DC?
The food. Especially Burrito Brothers next door to the Library of Congress. And the Children's Hospital. I needed a small surgery a little while ago and they're the greatest people on the planet. They take great care of you, I owe them a debt of gratitude for making a shaky time for me a lot easier to navigate. They're great folk. 

Least favorite?
The amount of times you need to fill up your metro card, drives me up the wall. Driving and parking isn't fun either, I'm not a fan of real-life Mario Kart. 

What monument or museum do you like to take visitors to?
The Museum of American History was a favorite of mine when I was a kid. I also really loved going to the National Museum of African American History. I'd definitely recommend those out of pure entertainment and importance of what those sites hold. 

How about a favorite local restaurant?
Jaleos is my favorite out of what I tried. It's been a while, but I'd love to go back. 

Do you have a website or blog?
I used to! I had a blog called "Kidlet Korner" on Tumblr, and my dad started posting my drawings on there when I was around 7 or 8, then switched to essays on current events when I was going through a writing phase. It's been inactive since 2017, though. My current website is, but at the moment it's just bare bones with upcoming appearances and art.
How did COVID-19 affect you?
Around January 2020, my mental health started to collapse. My well-being as a whole slipped out from under me, and I was too scared to draw, I think the last time I drew was in November of '19. I don't know how I worked up the courage, but I eventually started drawing again, and I still remember the date: 6/26/2020. Being a full time student in the worst of the pandemic and quarantine, meant it didn't affect me too much professionally. Unlike other artists, I was lucky to not have the pressure of relying on my art to pay the bills. Personally, Covid taught me a lot about myself and healing in general. Professionally, I struggled with seeing myself as an artist in the future, but I kept asking myself, "would I be satisfied with the work I've put in and out, and satisfied with my life if I don't become an artist, if I stopped?" So I kept drawing. 

Friday, February 24, 2023

Meet a Local Children's GN Writer: A Chat with Megan Wagner Lloyd

by Mike Rhode

Megan Wagner Lloyd read her new book Super Pancake at East City Bookstore on February 18th, and it turns out that she's a local writer. Her new book for ages 7-10 is described as 

It's a bird! It's a plane! It's a . . . pancake? Here is a delightfully clever and endearingly funny graphic novel about a pancake named Peggy, who accidentally develops superhero abilities and must defend her home of Breakfast Town.

Life in Breakfast Town is pretty uneventful for Peggy Pancake. Her parents are always on her case, she's stuck in her perfect brother's shadow, and she just can't seem to avoid the Bacon Bullies at school. That is until one day, after an accidental mixup, Peggy finds herself with superhero abilities. . . . Now Peggy can flip! She can fight! She can FLY!

With the help of her new friend, Luc Croissant, Peggy must master her newfound skills. But danger is lurking in the Maple Mountains, where the evil Dr. Breakfast Sandwich and his wicked Henchtoasts are plotting something sinister. Can Peggy harness her powers and save all that is dear? Find out in: SUPER PANCAKE!

What type of comic work or cartooning do you do?

I write graphic novel scripts.

When (within a decade is fine) and where were you born?

I'm an 80's kid!

What is your training and/or education in cartooning?

As far as creative writing and comics go, I am self-taught.

Who are your influences?

For my graphic novels that are out now: Calvin and Hobbes, the Babymouse books, Raina Telgemeier, El Deafo and many other current middle grade graphic novels!

What work are you best-known for?

Allergic, written by me and illustrated by Michelle Mee Nutter

What work are you most proud of?

I'm always most proud of what has come out most recently! I think because that's when I get to celebrate with the illustrator and readers. So right now, I'm feeling particularly happy about Super Pancake (illustrated by Abhi Alwar), which was just released, and Squished (illustrated by Michelle Mee Nutter), which is about to come out. I'll be at Scrawl on March 14th celebrating my new Scholastic graphic novel Squished.

What would you like to do or work on in the future?

I have always written in all sorts of genres and formats and for all sorts of age groups, so I plan on continuing doing just that. I think it would be more pragmatic (and reader-friendly) to narrow my focus just to working in the style of whatever of mine has been the most successful...but that just isn't how my brain works or how I thrive as a writer, so I'm working with what I've got.

What do you do when you're in a rut or have writer's block?

Clean, read, exercise, do another creative project of some kind.

What local cons do you attend? The Small Press Expo, Awesome Con, or others? Any comments about attending them?
I went to The Small Press Expo (just as an audience member) a year or two before covid. I haven't been since, but hope to go next time it's held. In general, I'm hoping to become more connected to the local comics and writing communities in the coming years.

Do you have a local store?

I really like Victory Comics in Falls Church. It feels like a very welcoming space.

What's your favorite thing about DC?
The museums. And how it is connected with park corridors that bring so much wildlife and nature into the whole area.

What monument or museum do you like to take visitors to?

I like to take visitors on a sunset or evening drive to see the monuments--then they can decide if they also want to do a walking tour another time. For the museums, the Natural History Museum and the National Gallery of Art are my favorite places to start.

How about a favorite local restaurant?
Huong Viet in Eden Center in Falls Church (but a word to the wise, they only take cash!)

Do you have a website or blog?, including a blog that I update a few times a year.

Thursday, February 02, 2023

Meet a Former D.C. cartoonist - A Chat with Chad Bilyeu of Amsterdam

by Mike Rhode

Recently I heard from Chad Bilyeu, a DC-expat, who wrote, "I am a 47 year-old Black American writer, historian, and photographer who has been living in Amsterdam for nearly 13 years. I am also a former DC denizen and currently write and publish my own comics." Chad was interested promoting his books via our usual interview questions. I've interspersed some of his original email describing his work to me with his answers, and I think readers will enjoy his atypical career.

What type of comic work or cartooning do you do?

For the most part, I am a writer. On occasion I draw, but I do so little actual drawing that I don’t claim that I do that. I also do a lot of unacknowledged things like lettering, editing, designing, flattening, and what I like to think of as refining. I’m also running my own publishing house, so I do the marketing, liaising, and distribution as well. I guess I do everything [for my comics] except for the penciling and inking. 

How do you do it? Traditional pen and ink, computer or a combination?

I am into writing full scripts that always begin with pen and paper. I’m a bit old school in that fashion. I begin typing once I’ve handwritten out an outline and the dialogue. Then I go in and embellish the dialogue while adding in explicit direction and notes for the artist. I usually have a vision when I’m writing, so I do suggest panel layout and shot selection with the understanding that if the artist can suggest something better or more logical we will go with that. I aim to provide an artist with a lot of information that helps in keeping their vision firmly rooted in what I’m looking for. I think this process sounds way more commandeering than it actually is. I’ve been told by the artists that I’m pretty easy to work with. Hopefully they aren’t lying to me.

When (within a decade is fine) and where were you born?

No shame in my game; I was born in 1975. I feel fortunate to have made it to 47 years of age. I enjoyed growing up in the 1980s. The exposure to Hip-Hop and the advances in technology (especially video games) made it an exciting time for us. I was born in East Cleveland, Ohio, most raised in Cleveland Heights, and spent a lot of time, usually summers and holidays, on Long Island, New York where both of my parents were born. 


Why are you in Amsterdam now? 

Yeah, I usually ask myself this question everyday. When I was living in DC (1998-2008) I visited Amsterdam on five separate occasions. During those visits I developed a cursory appreciation for the city. I moved to Amsterdam in 2009 to pursue a master’s degree at the University of Amsterdam which I did not complete. Many jobs and many lives later, I’m still here.  


Why did you visit Amsterdam originally? 


I first visited Amsterdam for the most superficial and obvious of reasons, I wanted to smoke weed. When I first visited in 2000, the herb was illegal in DC. So, myself and my girlfriend at the time went over for about a week (which is not enough time for a vacation). I was amazed by the coffee shops. I had a lovely time smoking without fear but I also learned that Amsterdam is a really nice city with way more than just weed to offer.

What is your training and/or education in writing and cartooning?

I am not really formally trained to write comics. I basically decided in 2018 that I was going to try my hand at it and just went for it. I have been writing regularly since the age of 15 or so. I would draw my own comics which I mostly kept to myself. Around the age of 18, I got into the art of Hip-Hop MCing, which taught me a lot regarding the cadence and rhythm of writing. Rhyming over beats was also the perfect way to expand my lexicon; I would do my best to try and fit words like “sui generis” and “al fresco” into my verses. After that I had a short stint as a restaurant reviewer for the DC City Paper. I then began to write about my misadventures on a blog that was mostly read by my friends. I suppose it was the medium of comics that really presented the opportunity and format that rewarded me the most. 

I used to be known in school for drawing. but I mostly gave up drawing when I moved to DC at the age of 23. I suppose I was more into making music at the time. I have always been an advocate of multimedia artistic expression, be it drawing, music, or analog photography. I don’t draw much anymore, but I don’t think that I have lost the talent. I’m really out of practice and it takes much longer than it used to to draw anything. Maybe I’ll get back into it. Who knows? At the moment though, I am really enjoying writing, so that will be my focus for the foreseeable future.

Who are your influences?

I could go on for hours regarding my influences, so I will do my best to speak on the folks who are inspiring me the most currently. I love great comic art, but have always especially admired a well-crafted story. An incomplete list of writers who have influenced me include Chester Himes, Raymond Chandler, Donald Goines, Richard Stark, Iceberg Slim, George Orwell, Octavia Butler, Matt Wagner, Alan Moore, Peter Milligan, Ed Brubaker, AleÅ¡ Kot, Harvey Pekar, Dennis Eichhorn, Grant Morrison, Kazuo Koike, Keith Giffen, J.M. DeMatteis, and Katsuhiro Otomo. Regarding comic art, as of late I have really been feeling Darwyn Cooke, José Muñoz, Eddie Campbell, Kyle Baker, Greg Smallwood, Linnea Sterte, Ryoichi Ikegami, Bill Sienkiewicz, Chris Visions, and Jacques Tardi. Some of these folks have inspired me for decades whilst others I am just getting into. 

If you could, what in your career would you do-over or change?

To change anything in my past would result in an intrinsic change in who I currently am. At the moment I am happy with who I am and the work that I am producing, so I don’t feel the need to change anything about my past. Sure, I could have begun my writing career earlier than the age of 42, but I’m not certain that I would have had anything worthwhile to write about. It seemed necessary for my own path to live my life and then write about it later on. I’m satisfied with how everything is coming to fruition. Things happen when they should.

What work are you best-known for?

My best known work is probably my autobiographical series Chad in Amsterdam, which is about my life as an American living in the capital of the Netherlands. I didn’t really think that the comic would succeed but it seems that folks like my take on the city and the culture. So far, it seems to be working so I’ll keep at it for at least six more issues (a total of twelve in the series). I write everything and collaborate with artists from around the world to bring the scripts to life. All of the artists that I work with are paid a fair wage for their artwork and the comic is printed in the Netherlands. I actively promote and distribute my comics around the world. In three and a half years, I have created six issues of Chad in Amsterdam and one issue of a new comic anthology entitled Megillah, which gives a curated selection of artists eight pages to create a story. I’ve amassed a small but dedicated following and received some good reviews. I recently won a grant competition from the good people at 100% Comics to assist with the creation of my sixth issue of Chad in Amsterdam. And lastly, an achievement for which I am quite honored, Chad in Amsterdam was nominated by Broken Frontier for the "best periodical series" for the year 2021.


Bernie Mireault? How did you begin working with him?

Honestly, I just hit him up on Facebook. He had been on hiatus because he was taking care of his father. I was rereading Grendel at the time and wondered what he was up to. I sent over a script and my page rate, and he agreed to work with me! There's a pro tip for people; most comic folks are pretty accessible. I've worked with Bernie twice since our first collaboration. He's a consummate professional and I'm honored that he would work with an upstart such as myself.



What work are you most proud of?

Personally, I am really enjoying creating The Re-Up with my friend and artist Juliette de Wit. The Re-Up is the true story of how I sold drugs from 2004 to 2008 in Washington DC, beginning at Georgetown University and later expanding throughout the East Coast of America. Each issue of The Re-Up is 24 pages fully illustrated in black and white and green. I think that it is an autobiographical comic like no other. In short, the comic is about a part of my decade spent in DC, when I attended and worked at Georgetown University whilst concurrently selling a lot of weed. Thus far we have produced two issues and I am quite proud of them. The comic looks like nothing else on the stands and we put in a lot of work to make sure it is an idiosyncratic artifact. We are releasing chapters en route to an entire graphic novel. The story is just beginning, but most folks seem to be looking forward to each subsequent issue, which is both an honor and a challenge.


What would you like to do or work on in the future?

Comics are my favorite medium, so I will continue to create more works within the various genres in the medium. I have a really good superhero story that I would like to tell one day. I would also like to delve into a biography concerning a civil rights leader who I will leave unnamed. I think that after Chad in Amsterdam and The Re-Up reach their conclusions I will probably cease doing autobiographical comics and focus upon fictional stories. I get bored doing the same thing and I am not looking to get typecast. One day I could see myself delving into film and television writing and direction. That would actually be a dream come true. However, I have a feeling that I will continue to create comics for as long as I can.

What do you do when you're in a rut or have writer's block?

Writer’s block doesn’t really exist to me. I have too many ideas and not enough time to realize them all. I don’t believe that a writer has to be writing at all times. We have to get out into the world and enjoy life in order to be inspired and have something interesting to write about. Whenever I am not in the mood to write, I go into the world to converse with folks. I think creativity stems from human interaction, so I maintain a healthy balance of creation when in solitude and fraternization amongst people who I like and respect.

What do you think will be the future of your field?

Good question. Hopefully the masses will still enjoy books written by actual people in the near future. The rise of artificial intelligence and virtual reality are quite frightening to me. It seems that the social scientists have a vested interest in us all being distracted and solipsistic. I am committed to the written word and the printed page because they are lo-fi outlets that allow anyone to create and anyone to consume. Ultimately, I think that human experiences and emotions need to be told by actual cognizant people who understand the power of empathy  and synergy. Hopefully I’m not proven incorrect on this one.

What cons do you attend? Any comments about attending them?

Thus far I have participated in MICE in Boston, Short Run in Seattle, TCAF in Toronto, Genghis Con in Cleveland. Stripdagen Haarlem in the Netherlands, and Thought Bubble in England. They all have their merits, some more so than others, and I am always happy to be a part of them. What is strange to me is that my acceptance rate was higher pre-Covid when I only had two issues of Chad in Amsterdam available. Since Covid struck I have made six comics with two more slated to drop in the spring of 2023. I don't really know what the gatekeepers of the indie comic world are looking for, but it isn’t at all my job to appease their tastes and proclivities. I’m publishing three different titles, all of which are critically-acclaimed, so I’ll just keep doing what I have been doing. I’m not in this to be a part of any comic scenes. I’m in this to reach the stores and the readers and to leave a legacy of quality comics. With that said, folks can definitely see me this April at TCAF in Toronto.

What comic books do you read regularly or recommend? Do you have a local store?

Firstly, out here in Amsterdam I have two local stores: Henk and Lambiek. They are complimentary stores that are right around the corner from each other, and I love the staff at each store. Honestly, this is probably the best comic book store scenario that I have had in life. If you all visit Amsterdam, be certain to visit both stores!

My pull list runs a wide gamut. At the moment I have been collecting: That Texas Blood, The Department of Truth, Dwellings, The Fang, Ultramega, Newburn, The Human Target, Reckless, Stramash, Everything Sucks, Damn Them All, and What’s the Furthest Place From Here? Today I just picked up Immortal Sergeant and I’m quite looking forward to reading that. This list doesn’t include the various graphic novels and collected editions I purchase, which recently included Slash Them All and A Frog in the Fall (and later on).

How can people buy YOUR comics?

For folks in DC my comics can be found at Fantom Comics on P St. NW or Big Planet Comics on U St. NW and Vienna. If you’re elsewhere in the States, it may be easier to go to Birdcage Bottom Books or Domino Books. I am also in a lot of brick-and-mortar locales, mostly on the East Coast and in the MIdwest. West Coast, I’m coming for y’all again soon. Hold tight. Lastly, you can always get my comics at my website,

What's your favorite thing about visiting DC?

DC was my home for a decade. When I left the city, I really didn’t want to go, but had to -- for reasons that will eventually be revealed in The Re-Up. I last visited in November of 2022 and it was the first time since relocating that I had a car and was able to drive around like I used to. DC is truly one of the most distinctive cities in the United States. It is one of few places in America that has a local style of music. It is always pure bliss to hear Go-Go on the city streets. I had to duck into the Metro PCS on 7th St. NW and Florida to purchase whatever Go-Go mixtape that was serving as the diegetic score for the corner. I was mostly a NW guy, so U street and Adams Morgan were my favorite hangouts, and it is always a pleasure to just wander thereabouts with no plan in mind. I was fortunate enough to be walking past another one of my favorite places, Black Cat, where Lee Fields just so happened to be performing that evening. I used to attend Howard and Georgetown, so I always walk those campuses and relive the good times that I experienced at both of these stellar universities. Honestly, visiting gets me really nostalgic because I had a good life in DC. I often wonder what my life would have been like had I stayed instead of moving in 2008. Alas, that’s something that we will never know but it’s always bittersweet to consider the alternate universes that could have been.

Least favorite?

The rampant gentrification. Sadly, there are so many new denizens of DC who know nothing about the history and culture of the city. I think it’s a pity. Although gentrification is affecting nearly every urban center throughout the Occident, it hit DC early and it hit hard. U Street NW is nearly unrecognizable. I can tell that the new denizens don’t contribute to culture; at best they spend money. I suppose that change is a certainty, but it is painful to see that so much culture has been lost with the displacement of DC’s native population. It hurts to know that this aforementioned Metro PCS has to fight to play the same Go-Go music that they were playing when I first arrived in 1998, way back when I was on a mission to get a new pager. Hopefully the gentrifier realizes their place in the city and pre-existing local culture can ultimately reign supreme; but honestly, I’m not so confident that this will be the outcome.

What monument or museum do you like to go to?

Funny that you ask that. As I was just in DC this past November, I took a walk on the National Mall and realized how few of these incredible places I had actually been in. For a while, I was a mainstay at the Smithsonian because, as most of them are free of charge to enter, it is the perfect place for impecunious or parsimonious people to go on dates (something that I did quite often in 1998). On the next visit I especially want to hit the National Museum of African American History and Culture as I have not visited yet. 

When I lived in the city I used to go down to the Capitol Reflecting Pool at night to smoke weed and ponder over life. I’ve quit smoking weed, but I still find this a great place to go at night and ponder over how far I’ve come in life. A flask replaced the blunt, but the sense of tranquility and self-reflection is the same.


Are you planning on staying in the Netherlands and becoming a citizen of the EU, or are your ties to the US still strong?

I hope to be able to live life in Amsterdam and in an additional city in the US. My ties to the US are still strong. It is indeed still the place that I consider to be "home." I think the country is currently in a state of utter hullabaloo, but it's still where I feel the most comfortable. It's nice to not have to constantly explain my existence the way that I have to when I'm in the Netherlands. Anyhow, I'm looking at Pittsburgh. It's a great town and it's quite close to my hometown of Cleveland where most of my family still resides. And yeah, I'm in it for the citizenship. I want access to greater mobility within our stratified world. 

Do you have a website or blog?

I definitely have a website but it is mostly just for ordering books. You can get all of my comics from I don’t really have a blog, but as far as social media goes I am on Twitter and Instagram. I also run a Twitter site for Bistro Books that is strictly comic-related, which may be the best option if you aren’t so concerned with the music that I listen to or my misanthropic rants.


How has the COVID-19 outbreak affected you, personally and professionally?

I don’t think that it affected me adversely. As previously mentioned, I have released six comics since Covid transmogrified reality. I’m a bit paradoxical with other humans. I hate people, but I love people. It was honestly sort of nice to just be chilling with my lady during Cpvid. We ate well, watched a lot of films and TV, washed a lot of groceries, and cooked quite a bit. If anything, it has made it more arduous to live in an overpopulated city like Amsterdam. But hey, such is life…

Here's more art from Chad's comic books...