Showing posts with label Walt Carr. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Walt Carr. Show all posts

Thursday, June 13, 2024

On belatedly discovering Walt Carr

 Today I happened to check the Little Free Library in front of my house, and there was a political cartoon book in it. I wasn't familiar with it, so I took it in the house to take a look. African-American* cartoonist Walt Carr's self-published Just Us! is full of fantastic cartoons. Carr is from the Baltimore area, and is living (I hope) in Columbia, MD. A gag cartoonist turned political cartoonist in his old age (literally, he was born in 1932), these are hard-hitting cartoons of the type you'd expect in a Keith Knight publication. I'm very grateful to whomever put it in my LFL as I didn't pay much attention to the Washington Post article (citation below) on him that came out during the pandemic. I don't know how you can buy his book now - the Amazon link on his website says they don't have it in stock. The Billy Ireland Cartoon Library and Museum is the only library in WorldCat that claims to have a copy.

Here's some cartoons that struck me as I'm reading the book. Sadly, they're still relevant.

Here's a list of material that I found on him that I will be adding into the Comics Research Bibliography. I've sent an email asking for an interview - as you can see below, he was still active last year. 

Walt Carr’s website CARRtoons plus -

Just us!
Walt Carr
 [Uptown Press], [Baltimore, Maryland], 2019

Carr releases collection of his legendary cartoons
by Stacy M. Brown, NNPA Newswire
    New Pittsburgh Courier September 30, 2019

Walt Carr Cartoons for “Just Us”
D. D. Degg

Aunt Jemima cartoon causing ruckus in Ohio [Walt Carr]
Alan Gardner

Political cartoonist Walt Carr
Doug Kapustin (photos)
Baltimore Sun October 15, 2019

Columbia political cartoonist’s book ‘JUST US!’ showcases a black perspective on current events
By Jess Nocera

October 16, 2019

‘Just Us!’ Should Have Everyone ‘Laughin,’ ‘Signifyin’
  by Stacy M. Brown
Washington Informer July 25, 2019

Howard resident, author Pamela Woolford tells the untold stories of black Columbia [Walt Carr]
By Capital Gazette February 19, 2020

Walt Carr Follow-Up
By Sean Kleefeld
Kleefeld on Comics February 11, 2021

A Black political cartoonist’s new book pokes and provokes. He’s planning another [in print as A veteran Black cartoonist takes setback in stride].
Courtland Milloy
Washington Post September 30, 2020, p. B1, 3
online at

Columbia cartoonist among first to highlight struggles of Black Americans [Walt Carr; online as Cartoonist highlights struggles of Black Americans in mainstream publications]
WBAL Feb 16, 2021
Lisa Robinson and

Avery, Jaha N. 2023. Those Who Saw the Sun: African American Oral Histories from the Jim Crow South [Walt Carr oral history]. United States: Levine Querido.

A Talk With Cartoonists Ray Billingsley, Walt Carr and Angelo Lopez
Angelo Lopez
 Apr 2, 2023

*"Black" really isn't helpful when it comes to search engines finding an article, hence I'm using the older term.