Mario DeMarco illustrated this panel comic in Navy Times from 1961-1981, and maybe longer. These examples from the US Navy Bureau of Medicine and Surgery's Historical Office's biographical files run from 1961-1981. The GCD and the Marvel Wiki have credits for DeMarco, but Jerry Bail's Who's Who in American Comic Books has the best data, and shows him as doing "Sports comics (pen/ink/) 20 yrs in Navy Times." I could only find two other examples online (which are at the bottom), and the Times search engine is useless returning almost 7000 results.
"Skipper in the Spotlight, Robert W. Elliott, Jr. (Dental Corps) U.S. Navy, Assistant Chief for Dentistry and Chief, Dental Division, BUMED." 03/05/1975; Navy Times Number 20, page 16
"Skipper in the Spotlight … Maxine Conder (Nurse Corps) U.S. Navy, Director, Navy Nurse Corps." 05/24/1976; Navy Times |
Skipper in the Spotlight, Frances T. Shea, Rear Admiral, U.S. Navy, Director, Navy Nurse Corps. Navy Times 09/01/1980
"Skipper in the Spotlight: Rear Admiral Robert L. Baker (Medical Corps) U.S. Navy, Commanding Officer, Naval Regional Medical Center Philadelphia." Navy Times 06/14/1976"Skipper in the Spotlight: Felix P. Ballenger (Medical Corps) Commanding Officer, National Naval Medical Center." Navy Times 11/05/1969Skipper in the Spotlight: Wade H. Hagerman, Jr. (Dental Corps) U.S. Navy. Inspector General, Dental, and Deputy Chief, BuMed. Navy Times 03/20/1974Skipper in the Spotlight: William J. Jacoby, Jr. (Medical Corps) U.S. Navy, Commanding Officer, Naval Regional Medical Center, Portsmouth, Virginia. Navy Times 08/06/1975"Skipper in the Spotlight: Rear Admiral Paul Kaufman (Medical Corps) U.S. Navy, Assistant Chief for Material Resources, BUMED. " Navy Times 01/12/1976"Skipper in the Spotlight. Rear Admiral Roger F. Milnes (MC) U.S.N., Commanding Officer, Naval Aerospace and Regional Medical Center, Pensacola, Florida." Navy Time 05/25/1981"Skipper in the spotlight: Rear Admiral Richard D. Nauman (MC) USN, Fleet surgeon and assistant chief of staff for medicine, Atlantic Fleet." Navy Times 06/13/1973"Skipper in the Spotlight: Eustine Paul Rucci (Medical Corps) U.S. Navy. Commanding Officer, Naval Regional Medical Center, San Diego." Navy Times 06/08/1981
"Skipper in the Spotlight: Edward J. Rupnik (MC) USN, Assistant Chief for Planning and Logistics, BUMED." Navy Times 07/03/1974"Skipper in the Spotlight: George D. Selfridge (Dental Corps) U.S. Navy, Commanding Officer, Naval Graduate Dental School, Bethesda. Navy Times 11/13/1974
"Skipper in the Spotlight: Henry A. Sparks (Medical Corps) U.S. Navy. Commanding Officer, Regional Medical Center, Oakland." Navy Times 03/21/1977"Skipper in the Spotlight: Rear Admiral Herbert G. Stoecklein (MC) USN, Fleet Surgeon and Assistant Chief of Staff for medicine, Atlantic Fleet." Navy Times 02/09/1972
"Skipper in the Spotlight: Julian J. Thomas, Jr. (Dental Corps) U.S. Navy, Commanding Officer, Naval Regional Dental Center San Diego." Navy Times 09/29/1980"Skipper in the Spotlight: Rear Admiral Robert G.W. Williams (MC) USN, Staff Medical Officer, Naval Logistics Command Pacific and Fleet Surgeon, Pacific Fleet." Navy Times 10/01/1975"Skipper in the Spotlight: Vice Admiral Donald L. Custis (MC) USN, Surgeon General of the Navy." Navy Times 08/15/1973"Skippers in the Spotlight: Rear Admiral Edward C. Kenney (MC) Navy Surgeon General and Chief of the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery." 6/7/1961Skippers in the Spotlight: Rear Adm. Frank T. Norris (MC) Assistant Chief, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (Personnel and Professional Operations). Navy Times August 30, 1967.Skippers in the Spotlight: Rear Adm. Harry S. Etter (MC) Assistant Chief (Planning and Logistics), Bureau of Medicine and Surgery. Navy Times April 10, 1968.Skipper in the Spotlight: David P. Osborne (MC) USN, Assistant Chief for Personnel and Professional Operations, BuMed. Navy Times November 24, 1971.Skipper in the Spotlight: Rear Adm. Harry P. Mahin (MC) USN, Commanding Officer, Naval Hospital, Oakland, Calif. Navy Times December 8, 1971.Skipper in the Spotlight: Robert C. Laning, (MC) USN, Ass't Chief of Operational Medical Support, BUMED. Navy Times 7/5/1976.And two strips from the web, the second deleted from a Wikipedia article.
RADM Floyd H. Miller, Commander, Navy Recruiting Command |
Benjamin T. Hacker, Sr. |