Henry Elderman at 5002 Newport Ave, Friendship Station, Washington, DC?
John M. Baer at A.F. of L. Bldg., Washington, DC?
Admittedly I wasn't here (or anywhere in 1941), but who are these guys? Is Baer a cartoonist for the American Federation of Labor Union? Where's the cartoonists for the dailies, like the Berrymans?

Ok, I've got a bit more time after turning in a City Paper article. Googling Baer finds his biographical file at the University of North Dakota - along with a biographical sketch that says he was a cartoonist before and after being a Member of Congress. After losing an election in 1920, "he resumed his previous activities as a cartoonist and journalist for Labor," says the ELWYN B. ROBINSON DEPARTMENT OF SPECIAL COLLECTIONS in the CHESTER FRITZ LIBRARY. And he's buried in Silver Spring. Here's a link to a larger version and more information on that sketch of him. This biographical note says he was born in 1886 and was the first cartoonist elected to Congress.
Henry Elderman's still a mystery at the moment though.