Showing posts with label Clay Jones. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Clay Jones. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 08, 2024

Clay Jones is a streaker

Correction! 7 year streak! I didn't notice this was a 2022 article when it popped up in my feeds.

Editorial Cartoonist Clay Jones is on a Five-Year Posting Streak

by GoComics Team
May 06, 2022

Sunday, August 14, 2022

Clay Jones on his RFK award trophy

RFK Bust

"I really wanted to win the RFK because you win it with your work covering human rights, which to me are the most important issues journalists can cover."

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Clay Jones buries his conservative COVID-denying colleagues

by Mike Rhode
In his cartoon from yesterday "Urine Trouble," Clay planted a bunch of conservative cartoonists, many of whom are anti-vaxxers or covid denyers, under a bunch of tombstones.  I see Scott "Dilbert" Adams, Henry Payne, Al Goodwyn, Mike Lester, Branco, Chip Bok, Glenn McCoy, Gary McCoy, Tom Stiglich, Rivers, Lisa Benson, David Hitch, Dick Wright, Bob Gorrell, Steve Kelley, Gary Varvel, Dana Summers, and of course, Ben Garrison.

Christopher Key is not a cartoonist, but a nut who screams at people about being the vaccine police, and is the focus of Jones' blog post.

When asked for a comment, Clay addressed his technique, "The reason I made the lettering on the headstones faint is that I didn't want to make it the focus of the cartoon. It's supposed to be more like Easter eggs, but I struggled with making them faint while also making them clear enough to see." About the content, he said, "I only aimed at anti-vaxxers or those who have politicized the pandemic. I excluded conservatives like Scott Stantis, Michael Ramirez, and Rick McKee because I've seen them promote the vaccines and ridicule the lunatics."

He's at Tales from the Trumpster Fire

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Wednesday, July 22, 2020

July 23: Clay Jones on Hilltop Show crowdcast

Townhall On The Hilltop

by clayjonz
Image may contain: 2 people, text 
I'm taking part in a podcast tomorrow on Facebook with the Hilltop Show from Georgetown University. It's titled: A Townhall on Free Speech and Expression in America. It's hosted by my friend Alexandra Bowman and the other guest is Georgetown associate professor Christine Fair. If you visit the link and click the "Going" button tabby thingy, I'll love you forever ever.

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Clay Jones' new video is online

Clay emailed me today about this -

What do people do with time to kill during a state-at-home order? This was hard.

He's got a Paypal button if you want to buy a print or send him a tip, in this difficult time. I did.

Clay Jones

Tales from the Trumpster Fire

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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Meet a Local Cartoonist: A Chat with Clay Jones

2019 Herblock award, photo by Bruce Guthrie
 by Mike Rhode

Clay Jones is a long-time political cartoonist who also writes an amazingly hardest hitting blog about his cartoons. Here's some quotes from just the past few days:

  -"Graham and McConnell have no problems being hypocrites and telling us out loud that they plan to conduct a sham of a trial." (Premature Republicans)
   -"If Santa was planning to land his endangered reindeer on the Trump’s roof, the only thing that’d stop the Trump boys from killing them would be if they couldn’t get a guide to hold their hands. You know they’re too wimpy to climb up there on their own." (Run, Run, Rudolph)
  -"And if you’re supporting Donald Trump, a bad guy bullying a child, you’re one of the bad guys fighting against America and the rest of the planet too." (Mean Girl Hurts Trump)

Honestly, these days I often read past the cartoon quickly just  to read his commentary.

Clay moved from Fredericksburg, VA (which is technically in our coverage area, but...) to Woodbridge, VA (which definitely is...), was the finalist for 2019's Herblock Award (there's an autobio at that link), has a regular cartoon gig for CNN, and has a new book of his Trump cartoons out, and I'm finally getting around to interviewing him. I apologize to both him and our readers for the delay. As you'll read, he's completely self-syndicated now and you can support him directly.

What type of comic work or cartooning do you do?

I am a political cartoonist.

How do you do it? Traditional pen and ink, computer or a combination?

I went fully digital in May 2016. I'm now on my second Surface Pro.

When (within a decade is fine) and where were you born?

I was born in Fort Hood, TX in 1966.

Why are you in Washington now?  What neighborhood or area do you live in?

I moved to Fredericksburg in 1998 to work for The Free Lance-Star. I stayed in the area after I was laid off in 2012. I moved to Woodbridge two months ago to live in sin with my girlfriend.

What is your training and/or education in cartooning?

I took a few art classes but failed the last one I took in high school. Can you tell? From there it's been trial, error, a little plagiarism, etc, etc.

Who are your influences?

As a cartoonist, Sergio Aragones, Mort Drucker, Don Martin (you can tell), Jim Davis, Charles Schulz, and Berke Breathed. As a political cartoonist, Mike Luckovich, Mike Peters, Paul Conrad, Herblock, Bill Mauldin, Pat Oliphant, Jeff MacNelly, Walt Handelsman, Michael Ramirez (really), and Scott Stantis. Some of these political influences have worn off me over time.

If you could, what in your career would you do-over or change?

If I realized how much I sucked when I was younger, I wouldn't have done that.

What work are you best-known for?

At this time, probably for drawing Donald Trump's hair and tie. I also get a lot of comments on the way I draw his mouth.

What work are you most proud of?

Any cartoon that really pisses off the Trump cult.

What would you like to do or work on in the future?

I would like to work at another news outlet in a fantasyland where they let me draw anything I want, pay me well, and leave me alone.

What do you do when you're in a rut or have writer's block?

I don't have time for writer's block. I tell it to go away and power through. Honestly, I try to think what Mike Luckovich or Peters would do, then I try to do something weirder.

Cover of his new book
What do you think will be the future of your field?

Fewer jobs for sure even though that's not justified. We'll still be here but there will be fewer of us. Fewer people will enter a profession that doesn't reward or pay them. Most of us still in it are hangovers from when they used to give us jobs with benefits, vacations, 401Ks and stuff. Most people who do this in the future will have to commit while being distracted by a real job. That will affect the quality.

I'm also afraid publications will get even safer and more afraid to publish anything challenging or critical of anything.

What local cons do you attend? The Small Press Expo, Awesome Con, or others? Any comments about attending them?

I never had until recently when my girlfriend (the one I'm living in sin with in Woodbridge) took me to the Fairfax ComicCon. It was OK. I'm really not that big of a comic fan. I usually only read political cartoons, party because I'm a fan and partly to see that I don't draw the same idea as someone else.
Jones, Matt Davies and Matt Wuerker, photo by Guthrie

What's your favorite thing about DC?

Food, the diversity, the liberalness, the metro, food trucks, The Post and Politico, the people, culture, museums, history, political bars, and some stuff I'll think of later.

Least favorite?

It's expensive.

What monument or museum do you like to take visitors to?

All of them but my favorite thing is to take a visitor from the Roosevelt and walk them around the tidal basin to the Jefferson.

How about a favorite local restaurant?

Food trucks and hotdog stands. Mmm Mmmmm MMmmmmm. I also enjoy eating things I can't identify in Chinatown.

Do you have a website or blog?

Yes. Do you want to know the address? OK. You'll see cartoons, a blog for each cartoon, and even a video where you get to see me draw the cartoon. It's the best political cartoon blog by any self-syndicated political cartoonist.

Clay also posts his drawing videos on YouTube, rough sketches of ideas for CNN, and at least one cartoon a day and often more via his blog and email newsletter. And who can resist closing an internet story with a comparison to Nazis?

Thursday, November 14, 2019

PR: New political cartoon book from Clay Jones

Impeach This Book! Cartoonist Clay Jones collects his smartest, funniest Donald Trump cartoons in one ridiculously long-tied, deluxe volume!


(IMPEACHMENT DAY, November 13, 2019) -- Editorial cartoonist ClayJones has been drawing the world around him for more than two decades, but his style and humor caught fire at the beginning of the Trump Administration.

An award-winning artist whose work is seen on CNN as well as newspapers and news sites across the United States and beyond, Jones collected his best Trump-related 'toons in one full-color, 270-page deluxe collection titled Tales From the Trumpster Fire: A Cartoon Anthology ($39.95US; Mr. Media Books, 2019).

Among his fans, Jones is perhaps best known for distinctive north and south caricature of Donald J. Trump: the hair goes on and on to the north while the ever-present red tie flows ever-further south. The book features a Foreword by fellow editorial cartoonist Matt Davies and endorsements from TV personality Rosie O'Donnell and fellow cartoonists Ann Telnaes and Mike Peters.

Clay Jones is a self-syndicated political cartoonist whose work is distributed to newspapers and news sites across the United States and around the world. He also draws a weekly cartoon for CNN Opinion’s weekly newsletter, Provoke/Persuade. Clay was represented by Creators Syndicate (2000-13) until he left to start his own syndicate. His career began in 1990 at The Panolian, a weekly newspaper in Batesville, Mississippi. Clay also worked for the Daily Leader in Brookhaven, Mississippi, the Honolulu Star-Bulletin, and The Free Lance-Star in Fredericksburg, Virginia. He previously worked as a freelance cartoonist for The Daily Dot, The Seattle Times and The Costa Rica Star.
Clay won “Best Cartoon” in the National Newspaper Association’s Better Newspaper Contest (2018), as well as several state awards in Mississippi, Hawaii and Virginia. Additionally, he was the finalist for the Herblock Award (2019), and rejected a weird “free speech” award from the government of Iran.
A collection of his work is archived at the Mattie Sink Memorial Library at Mississippi State University. An early collection of his cartoons, titled “Knee-Deep inMississippi,” was distributed by Pelican Publishing (1997). And his work was displayed in an exhibit at the Jewish Museum Berlin (2017).
His daily cartoons are featured in about 50 newspapers and have been reprinted in The New York Times, The Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, USA Today, The Chicago Tribune, the Chicago Sun-Times, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, The Dallas Morning News, the Winnipeg Free Press, the Ottawa Citizen, the Daily Beast, BuzzFeed, Newsweek and Time Magazine. They’ve been seen on CNN, MSNBC and C-SPAN.
Clay plays and writes 90s-style alt-rock on guitar. He released the album “No Thanks To Hancock” with the band Corporate T-Shirt.
He lives somewhere in the Washington, D.C, suburbs of Northern Virginia.

Mr. Media Books is an independent publisher known for its wide array of unrelated titles, from business titles such as Mean Business by “Chainsaw” Al Dunlap and Determined by Atlanta business legend Felker Ward to You’ll Need a Guide by Marshall Craig and the pulp fantasy noir series Tales of the Annigan Cycle (imagine if Edgar Rice Burroughs collaborated with Quentin Tarantino). The St. Petersburg, Florida-based imprint, started by writer Bob Andelman in 2014, also published the politically brutal humor of The Wages of Sin by cartoonist Keith Brown.