A Visual History, 1940-1963: Political Cartoons by Clifford Berryman and Jim Berryman 
A Visual History, 1940–1963: Political Cartoons by Clifford Berryman and Jim Berryman presents 70 political cartoons that invite students to explore American history from the early years of World War II to the civil rights movement. These images, by father-and-son cartoonists Clifford Berryman and Jim Berryman, highlight many significant topics, including WWII and its impact, the Cold War, the space race, the nuclear arms race, and the struggle for school desegregation. This eBook presents the artists' perspectives on the events, people, and institutions that shaped this tumultuous era of American history. Please note this is a draft and may be taken down or altered during editing.
Chapters include:
World War II: America Joins a Global Conflict, 1940-1945
World War II: Life in the U.S., 1941-1944
Postwar Issues: New Challenges at Home and Abroad, 1945-1948
The Cold War: An Era of Rising Tensions, 1948-1955
The Cold War: An Era of Standoffs, 1956-1963
Civil Rights: Confrontations over Equality, 1956-1963
Science and Technology Transform America, 1949-1963
Download A Visual History, 1940-1963: Political Cartoons by Clifford Berryman and Jim Berryman
America and the World: Foreign Affairs in Political Cartoons, 1898-1940
America and the World presents 63 political cartoons by Clifford K. Berryman that invite students to discuss American foreign policy from the Spanish American War to the start of World War II. This eBook presents a selection of cartoons that show Berryman's insight into the people, institutions, issues, and events that shaped an important era of American history.
Chapters include:
War with Spain and the Age of Imperialism 1898-1899
The Era of the Big Stick and Dollar Diplomacy 1900 – 1913
World War I Begins in Europe 1914 – 1916
America Enters World War I in 1917
America at War in Europe 1918
The Post-War Quest for Peace 1919 –1938
Storm Clouds Gathering: World War II on the Horizon 1939–1940
Download America and the World: Foreign Affairs in Political Cartoons, 1898-1940
Use the eBook in your classroom with our review activity, Studying U.S. Foreign Policy through Political Cartoons.
Representing Congress: Clifford K. Berryman's Political Cartoons
Representing Congress is an eBook which presents a selection of political cartoons and learning resources to engage students in a discussion of what Congress is, how it works, and what it does.
Chapters include:
Congress and the Constitution: Articles I and II Illustrated
Congress: the Elected, Representative Branch of Government
Congress: Making Laws for the Nation
Congress and the President: Balancing Articles I and II
The Two-Party System in Congress
A Member's Job: Representing the People and the States
Download Representing Congress: Clifford K. Berryman's Political Cartoons
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