Thursday, September 02, 2021

Garry Trudeau quotes on GW Bush's presidency, 20 years later...

"People have a more benign, almost fond view of him — common to almost all ex-presidents," the comic-strip artist and frequent Bush critic Garry Trudeau told The Washington Post in an email, "and I assume he likes it that way."

Trudeau used to spend a lot of time thinking about Bush — and skewering him in his long-running newspaper comic, "Doonesbury."

"My view changed as he did," Trudeau wrote in an email. "What started as a feckless, unfocused presidency assumed under a mantle of privilege and legacy suddenly became operationalized by 9/11. Like his father, Bush didn't seem to know what presidents actually did in the absence of war."

quoted in

George W. Bush's wars are now over. He retreated a while ago

Washington Post September 2 2021

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