Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Flugennock's Latest'n'Greatest: "In Trump's Orbit"

From Mike Flugennock, DC's anarchist cartoonist

"In Trump's Orbit"

"In Trump's orbit" seems to be the favorite phrase of all the "cool 
kids" in the media right now after his positive COVID-19 test, rapidly 
gaining ground on the ever-popular "existential threat". Without even 
trying, I returned an entire page of search results from newspapers, 
magazines, media all over the country sporting headlines or ledes with 
the phrase "in Trump's orbit". You could play a drinking game with it 
on cable news, but you'd end up in the ER.

So, while the media were beating this poor, misbegotten phrase to 
within an inch of its life, I had to ask — what, exactly, is "in 
Trump's orbit"? The answer, of course, was instantly clear — spent 
rocket stages, dud rocket stages, derelict satellites, tools lost 
overboard from ISS spacewalks, the odd NRO top-secret payload, 
drifting fields of orbital collision debris, a Tesla roadster... wait, 

Search for "Trump's orbit" at DuckDuckGo, 10.14.2020:

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