| Game On! Comics Weekly Digest | Come Visit Us! April 23rd, 2013 | | Dear Mike,
What an awesome week for our customers!
Wednesday: New Comic Book Day and Heroclix Iron Man Release Friday: Comic Book Club 7pm Friday: Midnight Magic the Gathering Dragon's Maze Prerelease Saturday: Drew Moss Artist Signing and 1pm MTG Prerelease Sunday: 12pm MTG Prerelease
| NEXT WEEKEND!!! May 4th from 11-8pm THIS SATURDAY! Artist Signing April 27th 12-4pm Artist of Colonized-Drew Moss  Drew Moss has been drawing since he was old enough to hold a pencil in his hand, but as with many artists, his road to being a published comic book artist has been a long one. Drew's first full comic was SIDEKICKIN' HERO, a one-shot published in 2007 by Viper Comics. From there Drew, using his detailed understanding of line and shadow, crafted pages for GENE SIMMONS' HOUSE OF HORRORS. Drew then moved on to working with Cullen Bunn (Creator of THE DAMNED and THE SIXTH GUN) on the young adult horror title CROOKED HILLS. After drawing pages for ZOMBIES V ROBOTS and OUTLAW TERRITORY (Volume 3, which is in this month's PREVIEWS) as well as Dark Horse and his international award-winning work on London horror titles, Drew was tapped by IDW to draw THE COLONIZED with writer Chris Ryall, a dark comedy that explores what happens when alien invaders accidentally re-animate a town's deceased. Drew manages to juggle being a loving father and dedicated husband while crafting designs that defy genre and are as home in a superhero book as they would be in the most chilling of horror stories. Game On! Comics App iTunes link: Click Here for QR code shortcut to app: | | New Comic Book titles this week 4-24-13 Best Discounts in the area--Not just a slogan, we really do have the best price discounts when you become a Game On! Comics Loyalty Member! Details here: Loyalty Membership Jupiter's Legacy #1 Mark Millar promised us an epic superhero tale on the scale of Star Wars or The Lord of the Rings and this first issue certainly has all the right ingredients to make that a reality. Jupiter's Legacy #1 is a must-read! A Distant Soil #39 A Plus X #7 All Star Western #19 Amala's Blade #1 Angel & Faith #21 Answer #4 (L) Arrow #6 Avengers #10 Avengers Arena #8 Batman Incorporated #10 Batman: The Dark Knight #19 Before Watchmen: Comedian #6 (L) Bela Lugosi: Tales From Grave #3 Bionic Woman #9 BPRD Vampire #2 Clone #6 Dark Horse Presents #23 Darkness #112 Deadpool #8 Deadpool: Killustrated #4 (L) Deathmatch #5 Doctor Who Special #34 Dragon Age: Until We Sleep #2 East Of West #2 End Times Of Bram & Ben #4 (L) Fantastic Four #7 FF #6 Five Weapons #3 Flash #19 Freelancers #5 Fury Max #11 Fury Of Firestorm The Nuclear Man #19 Gambit #11 Gi Joe #3 Grimm FT Unleashed #1 Grimm FT Unleashed: Vampires Eternal #1 Guardians Of Galaxy #2 Haunted Horror #4 Helheim #2 High Ways #4 (L) I Love Trouble #5 I Vampire #19 Injustice: Gods Among Us #4 Invincible #102 Jennifer Blood #26 Joan Of Arc: From The Ashes #4 Journey Into Mystery #651 Judge Dredd Year One #2 Jupiter's Legacy #1 Justice League Dark #19 Katana #3 Kill Shakespeare: Tide Of Blood #3 Kiss Solo #2 The Starchild Lost Vegas #2 Manhattan Projects #11 Marvel Previews May 2013 Masks #6 Massive #11 Mind Mgmt #10 Morbius Living Vampire #4 Morning Glories #26 Neozoic: Traders Gambit #1 New Avengers #5 Night Of The Living Dead: Aftermath #7 Previews #296 May 2013 Queen Sonja #35 Rachel Rising #16 Red Lanterns #19 Rogues #1 Savage Hawkman #19 Scarlet Spider #16 Shadow #12 Star Wars Legacy: Prisoner/Floating World #2 Superman #19 Talon #7 Teen Titans #19 TMNT Ongoing #21 True Blood Ongoing #12 Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #22 Uncanny Avengers #7 Uncanny X-Men #5 Unwritten #48 Witch Doctor: Malpractice #6 (L) Wolverine And X-Men #28 X-Termination #2 (L) Young Avengers #4 ALL AGES COMIC BOOKS AND COLLECTIONS Marvel Universe: Ultimate Spider-Man #13 My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic #6 My Little Pony: Micro Series #3 Rarity Peanuts Vol 2 #8 Princeless Vol 2 #2 Superman Family Adventures #12 COLLECTIONS AND GRAPHIC NOVELS Gantz TP Vol 27 MMW-TP Mighty Thor Vol 4 Morning Glories TP Vol 4 Truants Uncanny X-Force TP Vol 2 Deathlok Nation NEW ACTION FIGURES: Walking Dead Michonne & Pet Zombies AF 3pk | | Game Nights Sunday Afternoons, 12:30pm Come check out Kaijudo on its new day, Sundays!! Brand new card based game by the makers of Magic the Gathering. Geared to be a little easier than MTG. Want to try it out? Come on Sundays, weekly demos. Sunday Nights, 5pm-9pm Tuesday Nights 7-9 Come join us every Tuesday night for Heroclix! Create a 300 pt team but all members must be 80 pts or lower! It's a fight of the minor league players! Constructed Teams with characters who all possess the same Team Ability on their dials gain an extra 10% on their build total. No Colossal figures, no Feats or BFC's. Utility Belt and Infinity Gauntlets are NOT allowed. Which team will come out on top? Prizes will be awarded to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. On Tuesdays will we continue our 2 round style of play and should be finished by 9:00pm or 9:30pm at the latest. Wednesday Nights 7-11pm Magic the Gathering  Casual Play and booster Draft. Friday Night, 7pm AND 8pm  Booster Draft Tournament 7pm--$15 8pm--Standard Tournament $10 (free for VIP members) Win promo cards and boosters from Gatecrash!
Saturdays 4-7pm Heroclix--Batman
 The REAL True Blood! Build a 600 point Silver Age force, one character on your force should be a Vampire (Monster keyword), one character should be a Queen (any keyword), one character on your team should be a Werewolf/Shape Shifter (Monster keyword), one character should be an Officer of the Law(any keyword), minimum four characters per team. No Colossals, no feats or BFC's; Vehicles, special objects, and resources are okay. THE NORMAL 10% BONUS FOR HAVING THE SAME TEAM ABILITY DOES NOT APPLY THIS WEEK! For our venue, Lord of the Rings/Hobbit (but without the special Epic Action rules that accompany them) are eligible for non-sealed events. Gears of War, and HALO figures can be used for non-sealed events WITH the Grenade rules. Assassins Creed figures are eligible for non-sealed events. Prize support from other venues which has not been given out yet at Game On! Comics is not eligible for play. For our venue, Modern Age is defined as anything from the Secret Invasion set forwards unless otherwise specified. Using Unicorns, Polar Bears, or Dinosaurs as objects is not required but is encouraged. | | | Small Press Review Comics you may not know about but should! Jupiter's Legacy #1 There are some comic book writers who can do no wrong. Mark Millar is one of them. If the first issue of Jupiter's Legacy is anything to go by, this series will soon join the likes of The Ultimates, Kick-Ass and Civil War - to name just a few - as true modern classics from the prolific Scot. However, this feels a lot different to both those and Millar's other recent creator owned titles. Even so, there's no denying that it's still very much a Millarworld comic book; the trademark darkness, humour and "Why has nobody thought of that before?!" ideas are all very much on display here. Jupiter's Legacy is certainly very topical and Millar makes a smart choice by contrasting the world of 1929 to today. The contrast not only between then and now, but also the superheroes from that Golden Age and their children proves to be fascinating. How would the offspring of the world's greatest superheroes act? How would they fare living in the shadow of their parents, especially when they're still active? These are all questions that the writer sets out to explore and it promises to make for a very interesting read. He also drops in enough mystery to get you hooked, while the tension between Walter and Sheldon looks very promising moving forward. There's an awful lot of story crammed into this first issue and I for one can't wait to see where it goes. In terms of artwork, Frank Quitely is on top form here and Pete Doherty's muted colours are a perfect fit for this very realistic feeling world. The design of the costumes are all great and Quitely's style is particularly brilliant in a sequence which sees the group of superheroes take down a supervillain in very unique fashion. All in all, Millar has once again found the perfect artist for this latest collaboration and as with Leinil Yu on Supercrooks or Steve McNiven on Nemesis, it's now impossible to think of anyone else handling the art duties on Jupiter's Legacy. Mark Millar promised us an epic superhero tale on the scale of Star Wars or The Lord of the Rings and this first issue certainly has all the right ingredients to make that a reality. Jupiter's Legacy #1 is a must-read! $2.99 | | Thank you so much for your support of our new comic and game shop. We look forward to taking care of all of your comic and game needs. Don't forget to go on yelp.com and write a review about us too!! Please tell your comic/game friends about our shop, we would appreciate their business. Please visit our Facebook page and "Like" us!! Please tell your friends about us, we would love their business! Follow us on Twitter too! Dave, J.R., and Louis Game On! Comics | | $2 | All Back Issues are only $2 for the month of April!
| Offer Expires: 04/31/13 | | |
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