DATE CHANGE! Ben Hatke signing NEXT Saturday, November 10!Well, we finally have all of our new comics this week for sale! But the storm got us again, as our shipment of Ben Hatke's Zita the Spacegirl and Legends of Zita the Spacegirl are coming in late, so we have been forced to postpone Ben Hatke's appearances until NEXT Saturday, November 10. Same times, same places, just one week later! Sorry for the inconvenience everyone! Thanks to everyone who came out to our star-studded and jam-packed District Comics signing last Saturday! It was great to see so many local comics talent in one space, and we had a nice casual system as people wandered the store, talking to artists and writers and getting their books signed while everyone chit chatted. We'll have pics up soon! We also have signed copies at our stores if you couldn't make it in. We had a great Halloween, even with all the wet weather, and had lots of reports of kids enjoying all the Halloween comic books we had to give away! If you get trick or treaters, definitely pick some up next year from us, and if you ran out early, take more next time! Feel free to forward on our newsletter, and please send us any comments or mailing list requests to Thanks! - the Big Planet Comics kids ___________________ UPCOMING - November 10 NEW DATE - Ben Hatke signing  PLEASE NOTE: This signing has been changed to a new date of Saturday, November 10! Sorry for any inconvenience! Ben Hatke, creator of the all-ages bestseller science fiction adventure Zita the Spacegirl, will be appearing at both our Vienna and College Park stores on Saturday, November 3, for his new sequel Legends of Zita the Spacegirl! Zita is determined to find her way home to earth, following the events of the first book. But things are never simple, and certainly never easy, in space. Zita's exploits from her first adventure have made her an intergalactic megastar! But she's about to find out that fame doesn't come without a price. And who can you trust when your true self is being eclipsed by your public persona, and you've got a robot doppelganger wreaking havoc . . . while wearing your face? Still, if anyone can find their way through this intractible mess of mistaken identity and alien invaders, it's the indomitable Zita, in Legends of Zita the Spacegirl. Ben Hatke's blog: 11AM-1PM Big Planet Comics of Vienna 426 Maple Ave. East Vienna, VA 22180 703-242-9412 Facebook event invite: 3PM-5PM Big Planet Comics of College Park 7315 Baltimore Ave. College Park, MD 20740 301-699-0498 Facebook event invite: ___________________ | | | Ghosts
by Pope, Lapham, Kubert, Hernandez, Buckingham, Reeder, Johns, Lemire and more! Another amazing one-shot anthology! This one is (mostly) about creepy things and ghosts, including Ghost For Hire, space combat, the divergence of lives, and more! Plus some ridiculously good talent do fun short stories. Pick it up! | Bedlam #1by Nick Spencer and Riley Rossmo An insane Joker-like villain murders an entire school and sets up an even more heinous plot to push the limits of society. But does he eventually die, or is it all part of a bigger plot? And who else is involved? Intriguing and super violent and dark take on supervillains, showing a lot from their point of view! | Superman Earth One 2 HC by J. Michael Straczynski and Shane Davis The sequel to the smash hit Superman Earth One is finally here! Some new changes from the classic storylines, including a new love interest, and of course, a foe in the form of the Parasite! | | Masters of the Universe: The Origin of Skeletor #1by Joshua Hale Fialkov and Fraser Irving An amazingly great story of the origin of He-Man's nemesis, Skeletor! Drawn by Irving in a Corben/Heavy Metal-esque retro fantasy horror style, it opens with a man's face slowly melting off as it flashes back to his childhood as the bastard prince who would never gain the throne! We know you won't believe us, but this was great! | Lot 13 #1by Steve Niles and Glenn Fabry A family tries to move to their new house in FAIRFAX, VIRGINIA... but is it the burial site of a murdered family from the 17th century??? Horror movie type set up, with great art by Fabry, and some truly gruesome, shocking, and sometimes funny stuff! | Came the Dawn HC & Corpse on the Imjin HC by Harvey Kurtzman and Wally Wood The first two of the new EC Comics reprints are here! Grouped by artist or writer, these two cover some of the thriller work of the great Wally Wood and the war comics of the amazing Harvey Kurtzman! | A+X #1 All Star Western 1 SC August Moon SC Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe SC Higher Earth 1 SC Metabarons Ultimate Collection HC Pope Hats #3 Shattered: Asian-American Comics Anthology SC Through the Walls HC | | |  Big Planet Comics Podcast #63"A more sophisticated Skeletor" This week, Kevin, Nick, and Jared survive a hurricane and tech troubles, then we review a bunch of new comics! Download now or subscribe on iTunes! PODCAST REVIEWS:Bedlam #1 by Nick Spencer and Riley Rossmo Bravest Warriors #1 by Joey Comeau, Mike Holmes and Ryan Pequin Ex Sanguine #1 by Joshua Scott Emmons and Tim Seeley Ghosts #1 by Paul Pope, David Lapham, Joe Kubert, Gilbert Hernandez, Al Ewing, Rufus Dayglo, Toby Litt, Mark Buckingham, Victor Santos, Cecil Castellucci, Amy Reeder, Neil Kleid, John McCrea, Mary H.K. Choi, Geoff Johns, and Jeff Lemire Lot 13 #1 by Steve Niles and Glenn Fabry Masters of the Universe: The Origin of Skeletor #1 by Joshua Hale Fialkov and Fraser Irving Multiple Warheads #1 by Brandon Graham Ralph Azham 1: Why Would You Lie to Someone You Love? HC by Lewis Trondheim Sailor Twain HC by Mark Siegel Wolverine MAX #1 by Jason Starr, Roland Boschi and Connor Willumsen Send us questions to or leave a voicemail at 1-703-539-CAST! (1-703-539-2278) | | New Next Week 11/7 (Let us know if you want any of these!) 47 Ronin #1 (of 5) Action Comics #14 Adventure Time Vol 1 SC Age of Apocalypse #9 All the Wrong Questions Who Could That Be At This Alpha Flight Classic Vol 3 SC Animal Man #14 (Rot) Assassins Creed Vol 1 Desmond GN Avengers #33 Avengers Academy #39 Avengers Academy Second Semester SC Avengers Vs X-Men HC Avenging Spider-Man #14 AVX Consequences #5 (of 5) Battlefields Green Fields Beyond Part 1 #1 (of 6) Batwing #14 Before Watchmen Moloch #1 (of 2) Binky Vol 04 Takes Charge SC Blacklung HC Bleach Vol 50 Bleach Vol 51 BPRD Plague of Frogs Vol 4 HC Buffy the Vampire Slayer Willow Wonderland #1 Captive Prince GN Carol Lay's Illiterature HC Claymore Vol 21 Colder #1 (of 5) Creator Owned Heroes #6 Criminal Macabre They Fight By Night One Shot Danger Club Vol 1 SC Danger Girl GI Joe #4 (of 4) Daredevil End of Days #2 (of 8) DC Nation #2 Deadpool #1 Now Defenders #12 Detective Comics #14 Dial H #6 Earth 2 #6 Epic Kill #6 Fairest #9 Flash Gordon Zeitgeist #7 Flash Vol 1 Move Forward HC Freelancers #1 Garfield #7 Garth Ennis Jennifer Blood #19 Ghost Doll and Jasper HC GI Combat #6 GI Joe Vol 2 #19 Girl With the Dragon Tattoo Vol 1 HC Great Showdowns HC Green Arrow #14 Green Lantern #14 (Rise) Guarding the Globe #3 Harvest #4 (of 5) Hellraiser Road Below #1 (of 4) Heroman GN Vol 1 Hypernaturals #5 Injury Comics #4 Iron Man #1 Now JLA Earth II New Ptg SC Judge Dredd Megazine #329 Kevin Keller Vol 1 Welcome To Riverdale SC Legends of the Dark Knight #2 Life With Archie #24 Magic the Gathering Spell Thief #4 Manhattan Projects #7 Mars Attacks #5 Marvel Universe Ultimate Spider-Man Digest Vol 1 SC Mass Effect Vol 4 Homeworlds SC Monster Candy Vol 1 GN Monster Myths GN Multi-Story Building Model Chris Ware Portfolio Nancy In Hell On Earth #4 (of 4) Naruto Vol 59 Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind Box Set Negima Vol 36 New Avengers #32 AXFO Pathfinder #3 Perhapanauts Danger Down Under #1 (of 4) Planet of the Apes Cataclysm #3 Popeye #7 Red Hood and the Outlaws Vol 1 Redemption SC Road To Oz #3 (of 6) Sandman Vol 10 The Wake New Ed SC Scarlet Spider #11 Scooby Doo Where Are You #27 Scott Pilgrim Color HC Vol 02 (of 6) The Shadow #7 The Shadow Vol 1 Fire of Creation SC Shadowman #1 Smallville Season 11 #7 Smurfs Vol 13 Smurf Soup SC Sonic Super Digest #1 Sonic the Hedgehog Genesis SC Spaceknights #2 (of 3) Spaceman Deluxe Edition HC Spider-Man Worlds Greatest Hero SC Star Trek Next Generation Hive #2 Storm Dogs #1 (of 6) Stormwatch #14 Stumptown 2 #3 Super Dinosaur #15 Swamp Thing #14 (Rot) Sweet Tooth #39 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures Vol 2 SC Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Color Classics #6 Thought Bubble Anthology 2012 #2 Transformers Regeneration One #85 Transmetropolitan All Around the World Art Book HC Uncanny X-Force #33 Underwhere HC Warlord of Mars Dejah Thoris #18 Wayside HC Westward #2 Worlds Finest #6 X-Factor #246 X-Men #38 | |
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