Remember, the City Paper that's on the racks until Thursday has Brian Ralph illustrations exactly like these in it.
I was traveling and haven't read the weekend's papers yet, but Friday's Post had a videogame review - "Now Spider-Man Needs Rescuing" by John Gaudiosi, Washington Post Friday, May 25, 2007; Page WE36.
The Onion had a Shrek videogame review, "Shrek The Third" by Chris Dahlen, Onion May 24st, 2007.
And of most interest to me, a review of the reissue of Jules Feiffer's novel from 1963, "Harry, The Rat With Women" by Jules Feiffer (Fantagraphics), Reviewed by Tasha Robinson, Onion May 24th, 2007.
Today's Post has a wire story on the Teletubbies, "Pursed Lips in Poland over Image of Purple Teletubby", Reuters, Washington Post May 29, 2007.
That God vs. Monkey drawing is epic.
Yeah, it is nice, isn't it? Ralph is based in Baltimore and usually is at the Small Press Expo in the fall.
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