Thursday, April 11, 2019

Rafer Roberts interview online

Spotlight Interview with the Creators of Grumble: Mike Norton and Rafer Roberts
April 8, 2019

NPR on new Marx Bros comic

John Kelly on some local PSA scooter animation

Dockless scooters are keeping ER doctors busy. They want to change that. [in print as ER doctors want electric scooter riders to stay safe].

An image from a PSA for the American College of Emergency Physicians urging dockless scooter riders to "Scoot Safe." (American College of Emergency Physicians)

Meet a Local Comics Writer: A Chat with Emily Whitten

by Mike Rhode

Emily Whitten is a long-time comics journalist who's just made the jump to writing comics herself. Her new book, The Underfoot, co-written with Ben Fisher and drawn by Michelle Nguyen came out yesterday in comic book stores and will be for sale more widely in two weeks. Emily answered our usual questions, with a few additional ones specific to her new book.

What type of comic work or cartooning do you do?

 I am co-creator and co-writer of The Underfoot, a new original graphic novel series about intelligent hamsters surviving in a post-apocalyptic world full of danger and mysteries, but also friendships and fun. The series is published by Lion Forge Comics, and Book 1, The Underfoot: The Mighty Deep, is out April 10 in comics shops, and comes out from Amazon and all other sellers on April 23. The Underfoot: The Mighty Deep focuses on the Hamster Aquatic Mercenaries (H.A.M.) and their quest to aid their badger allies in saving their homes. (More on that below!)

I've also written several parody/commentary webcomics for the likes of and – "Deadpool Presents the Oscars" was particularly fun to write. (Fun facts: I wrote an entire column advocating for Ryan Reynolds to play Deadpool over on Reelz way back in 2010, and had Deadpool taking out Green Lantern with a headshot in a webcomic in 2011. You're welcome, Deadpool 1 & 2 movies.)

In addition, I'm a genre entertainment journalist, and regularly cover comics and genre-related news and convention panels, as well as interviewing other creators and moderating convention panels, which I really enjoy. My journalistic work is featured on, Movers & Shakers Unlimited, The Fantastic Forum radio show, The CCC Podcast, The Great Geek Refuge, and the Made of Fail podcast.

How do you do it? As you're a writer, do you do a full script? Longhand, computer, or some combination?

Primarily on the computer and phone. I adore track changes in Word,particularly for collaborating; and the phone is great both for drafting script bits during my commutes, and for the many, many
messages that my Underfoot co-creators and I send back and forth. For both The Underfoot and my webcomics, the format is a full script. For The Underfoot, we tend to get very specific in some descriptions, as that comic is grounded in real-world science, nature, and location references, and those details matter. But even with detailed scripts, I do love seeing what new twists artists bring to the process, and the artists I've worked with consistently surprise and delight me with their creativity and talent. They make anything I can imagine look even better.

How did the three of you begin working together?

The short version is that I had a Twitter account where I was tweeting as my hamster Izzy, and at that time I reviewed a miniseries comic of  Ben Fisher's called Splitsville, which I really enjoyed. Ben found my hamster account and started writing back to Izzy as another hamster. Eventually we had some actual human being conversations as well (haha) and realized we should really write a book about all the ideas we were having about hamsters, adventures, and weird science. At the time when we needed to find an artist, Ben suggested Michelle Nguyen, who he'd worked with on the Grumpy Cat and Pokey comics. Her art works really well with our book, and thus, the creative team solidified.

Shout-outs also to Thom Zahler, who's an established comics creator in his own right and also is our letterer for the book. Michelle's partner Adrian Ricker assisted with the color flatting process, and illustrator Eric Orchard created our world and burrow maps. It's a great team, and made better as well by the editors and team at Lion Forge.

When you were writing it with Ben Fisher, how did the process work?

Ben and I bounce a lot of ideas off of each other. We then do rough story and character arcs, tighter detailed outlines, and full scripts. There are several stages of editing after that to get the scripts just right. There's a lot of text, call, and email traffic involved.

And then what did you give Michelle Nguyen to work from? A full script?

Michelle gets a full script, and we try also provide resource and photo references for anything very specific we are asking of her. Of course, some of the things we ask for have no known references, so I know that's part of Michelle's adventure in illustrating The Underfoot.

How did you decide to move from writing about comics to making them?

I like to write, period, and I like writing about creators and creative properties I enjoy or admire. I like that so much that I'm still trying to make time for it amidst the launch of The Underfoot.
But I've also written creatively for much of my life, in poetry, short fiction, and webcomics, so that creative process isn't new to me. Regarding a long-form larger comics work, I hadn't quite hit on an
idea that drove me to complete it at a particular point before The Underfoot. It can also be daunting to create such a vast world and set of works as we are crafting with The Underfoot, especially on your own. But working with Ben makes it super fun, and that's honestly what caused the jump – having a creative partner who feeds on my excitement about the ideas and gives me that excitement right back. Adding Michelle to the mix just made it even better. I am very fortunate to have found these collaborative teammates to work with.

I see you set the book in DC. Why did you use DC? Are you the only DC-area person on the team?

I'm the only D.C. local, and a lot of the local details come from what interests me about this city. D.C. is perfect for the origin story we are telling about the hamsters, and my experience living in this government town for sixteen years provides me with some strange local references to draw on. There were discussions early on about where to set the book – but after we had a few ideas that would only  work in this area, it just evolved into the setting it has now. That's not to say we may not explore other locations in the future, of course.

This is book 1 - how many books are planned?

We are working with Lion Forge on a trilogy, and Book 2 is already in the works. We have enough story ideas for several more books after that, though, so we hope people support and enjoy the first books of The Underfoot series enough that we can keep on making them!

Ok, back to your biography, when (within a decade is fine) and where were you born?

I'm a child of the '80s, born right here in Washington, D.C.

Why are you in the Washington area now?

I went to law school at The George Washington University, and have been working as an attorney in the area ever since.

What is your training and/or education in cartooning?

I have no formal training in cartooning, but a heck of a lot of training and practice in writing. I've been writing (and reading, voraciously) ever since I can remember. I believe that all education, training, and life experience, even if it's in other areas, can add to a creator's work. Experiences like being Co-Editor-in-Chief of the high school literary magazine, in which my poetry and short fiction as also published; completing a degree in journalism but also taking a creative writing class simply because I had the opportunity to (thank you, broad and flexible curriculum of Indiana University Bloomington); and being trained as a legal writer and taking a few of the odder and more fun class offerings in my third year (Law and Literature was well worth it) gave me a flexibility with and understanding of different styles of writing that I really value. Over the years my blogging, parody Deadpool writing, journalistic work, legal writing, and other types of creative work have all been training.

When it came to writing scripts, I started doing it, as I start doing much of the work I most value, for the fun of it. It's a joy to me that others then wanted to publish what I wrote or collaborated on. I continue to learn and get my training on the job – which is another common thread in my life's work. I'm very much a person who values education but loves learning by trying, experimenting, and doing.

Who are your influences?

In the comics realm, early influences include Superman, the X-Men, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Batman. In law school I got seriously deep into Deadpool, and overall these days I'm a big Marvel fan, but will never give up my Superman love, and also have a big squishy soft spot for Harley Quinn. V for Vendetta is an excellent book, Maus is heartbreaking, Spy vs. Spy makes me inexplicably happy, and Calvin & Hobbes makes me happy in ways I wholly understand. Hark! A Vagrant makes me smile and learn, Heart & Brain is so very me, Sarah's Scribbles I'm guessing we can all identify with now and again, Catana Comics is adorable, and I've just recently discovered the endearing Strange Planet. Wait – I think I have digressed into simply, "What comics do you like to read?" Sorry!

Actually, I can never tell what's going to influence me, so let's just keep rolling on things I like to read. In prose literature, I treasure classics. Favorites include A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, As I Lay Dying, The Great Gatsby, Hamlet and Macbeth, Heart of Darkness, Catch-22, To Kill a Mockingbird, Candide, Things Fall Apart, The Little Prince, Cold Sassy Tree, The Color Purple, and the Austins and the Brontes. I'm a big sci-fi and fantasy fan – Terry Pratchett is notoriously one of my diehard favorites, and also Ray Bradbury, Neil Gaiman, Philip K. Dick, Diana Wynn Jones, Isaac Asimov, Margaret Atwood, Richard Adams, Anne McCaffrey, Ursula K. Le Guin, Stephen R. Lawhead, Mary Stewart, Peter S. Beagle, Jim Butcher, Elizabeth Moon, C.S. Lewis, Douglas Adams, and Kurt Vonnegut. I'm a big Sherlockian nerd and a reader of Arthurian and Welsh legends; and the People series of books by W. Michael Gear and Kathleen O'Neal Gear are fascinating re-imaginings of Native American life. Favorite poets include T.S. Eliot, Maya Angelou, Henrik Ibsen, Emily Dickinson, Dylan Thomas, e e cummings, John Donne, Lewis Carroll, and William Carlos Williams; and in political science we should all read Alexis de Tocqueville's Democracy in America and marvel at his predictive abilities.

I know as soon as this interview is published I will remember a million more creative works I have loved. I send my gratitude out to all of them for making me who I am today. I hope to meet many new creative works as I continue my life. They will undoubtedly all influence me somehow.

If you could, what in your career would you do-over or change?

I wouldn't change anything big – but I might go back in time every now and again and remind myself that sometimes even I, a person who always likes to have several projects going at once, can spread my time and energy too thin! …But honestly, I am who I am and past me probably wouldn't listen to future me, anyway.

What work are you best-known for?

Hopefully, The Underfoot soon! I'm currently most known for my genre journalism work.

What work are you most proud of?

I'm definitely most proud of The Underfoot. With Ben Fisher, Michelle Nguyen, and others, we have created a complex world, seven years in the making, of which the 160-page The Mighty Deep is only the beginning. We are constantly developing our larger story, adding new things for readers to discover, and finding out more about our characters. It's a ton of fun and The Mighty Deep came together beautifully with Michelle's expressive art.

What would you like to do or work on in the future?

I have a Superman story in my head that I think would be challenging but amazing to write. I've had a lot of practice unofficially writing Deadpool purely for my own fun and would get a big kick out of trying it for Marvel sometime. I've got another couple of original comic book story ideas waiting in the wings for when time allows. And I've got a couple or so prose novel ideas and short story ideas I'd love to find the time to finish. We'll see what happens next!

What do you do when you're in a rut or have writer's block?

I find that creating with my hands gives me a good break from creating with my words, so crafting is nice, and I also like building those Metal Earth models. Also, research. I love learning weird new facts through research.

What do you think will be the future of your field?

Assuming that means comics, people keep trying to predict it and I'm not sure we've quite got it yet. It isn't fully digital, because some of us just like holding books. It isn't just books, because hey, digital is handy. It isn't just motion comics, or webcomic apps… I like to think the future holds a lot of what the past has – experimentation, storytelling in different ways, and stretching the medium when needed to express what you need to.

What local cons do you attend? The Small Press Expo, Awesome Con or others? Any comments about attending them?

I've attended Awesome Con since the beginning, as press, con staff, panelist, and con moderator. It's a great con that grows every year. I like their balance of comics, celebrities, and pop culture, and their emphasis on science content. I've only gotten to go to SPX once, but enjoyed wandering its offerings. And Baltimore Comic Con is the nearest con that remains primarily focused on comics themselves. It's a favorite of mine.

What's your favorite thing about DC?

I just visited the Tidal Basin during peak cherry blossom time, and despite the crowds, it really is beautiful. I love the free museums, the European style of the city, the history, and the great opportunities for enjoying the arts and various types of cuisine and culture.

Least favorite?

The traffic? Probably the traffic.

What monument or museum do you like to take visitors to?

Air and Space, Natural History, and American History are my favorite classic Smithsonian museums – but the American Indian and African American museums are two somewhat more recent additions that I think are also really great. I love Teddy Roosevelt Island and the FDR Memorial; but also just the Mall in general, the Lincoln and Jefferson Memorials, the WWII Memorial…I mean, there are so many to see. It's hard not to include them all.

How about a favorite local restaurant?

Shout-outs to Ragtime, Ireland's Four Courts, and Bayou Bakery, in all of which I have written parts of The Underfoot and other things. Wilson Hardware is another favorite. I could probably keep going… There are also a ton of places in D.C., Shirlington, Alexandria, etc. that are great, and always new places to try.

Do you have a website or blog?

I've had several sites and blogs over the years. It's a work in progress, but currently I'm building, and intend to archive or link all of my work on various other sites
there. You can find a fair amount of my journalism at ComicMix here: Lion Forge has a page for The Underfoot:

Here also are other selected pre-launch Underfoot interviews:

SYFY Wire Live Stage (video):

Westfield Comics Blog (interview):

Great Geek Refuge (podcast):

The Comics Culture Cosplay Podcast:

Pop Culture Squad (interview):

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

NPR reviews DeForge's new book

'Richard's Valley' Is Worth A Visit — But You Might Not Be Welcome There

New items in Michigan State's Comic Art Collection

Every month, librarian Randy Scott lists new material that he's catalogued for 
MSU's Comic Art Collection. 
For February-March 2019, a 2013 set of US government 
comic books I've never seen showed up, followed by Joe Sutliff's 
work on mosquito control in Fairfax County.
 The Choice. -- Washington, DC : U.S. Department of the 
Interior, Office of the Special Trustee for American 
Indians, 2013? -- 12 p. : col. ill. ; 27 cm. -- 
(Empowerment $aga ; volume 1, issue 6) -- "Red Rose Elk 
(Sioux/Assiniboine), author; Matthew Barkhausen, 
illustrator ; original concept by J.P. Barham." -- "The 
story begin with shape-shifters: four birds, Eagle, Raven, 
Hawk, and Owl, perched on telephone lines on the outskirts 
of the Native community. They are spiritual helpers to a 
group of teens: Shining Star, Theresa, Ranger, and Jay. 
These young teens learn financial resources as they embark 
on many adventures, and encounter intrigue in the process. 
The Choice shows the perils and rewards of making the right 
life choices, and how traditional values can help with 
those choices in order to thrive." -- Educational genre, 
about Indians of North America. -- Call no.: 
PN6728.25.U5E4806 2013   Red Rose Elk. 
Coloring Book. -- Washington, DC : U.S. Department of the 
Interior, Office of the Special Trustee for American 
Indians, 2013? -- 1 v. : ill. ; 27 cm. -- (Empowerment 
$aga) -- "Red Rose Elk (Sioux/Assiniboine), author ; 
Matthew Barkhausen, illustrator ; original concept by J.P. 
Barham." -- Other title: Empowerment $aga Coloring Book. -- 
Call no.: PN6728.25.U5E49 2013 
A Loan or Not a Loan? -- Washington, DC : U.S. Department of 
the Interior, Office of the Special Trustee for American 
Indians, 2013? -- 1 v. : col. ill. ; 27 cm. -- (Empowerment 
$aga ; volume 1, issue 5) -- "Red Rose Elk 
(Sioux/Assiniboine), author ; Matthew Barkhausen, 
illustrator ; original concept by J.P. Barham." -- 
Educational genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.25.U5E4805 2013 
Exploring a New Frontier - Credit. -- Washington, DC : U.S. 
Department of the Interior, Office of the Special Trustee 
for American Indians, 2013? -- 1 v. : col. ill. ; 27 cm. -- 
(Empowerment $aga ; volume 1, issue 4) -- "Red Rose Elk 
(Sioux/Assiniboine), author ; Matthew Barkhausen, 
illustrator ; original concept by J.P. Barham." -- 
Educational genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.25.U5E4804 2013 
Adventures in Banking. -- Washington, DC : U.S. Department of 
the Interior, Office of the Special Trustee for American 
Indians, 2013? -- 1 v. : col. ill. ; 27 cm. -- (Empowerment 
$aga ; volume 1, issue 3) -- "Red Rose Elk 
(Sioux/Assiniboine), author ; Matthew Barkhausen, 
illustrator ; original concept by J.P. Barham." -- 
Educational genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.25.U5E4803 2013 
Journey of Trade. -- Washington, DC : U.S. Department of the 
Interior, Office of the Special Trustee for American 
Indians, 2013? -- 1 v. : col. ill. ; 27 cm. -- (Empowerment 
$aga ; volume 1, issue 1) -- "Red Rose Elk 
(Sioux/Assiniboine), author ; Matthew Barkhausen, 
illustrator ; original concept by J.P. Barham." -- 
Educational genre, about business enterprises. -- Call no.: 
PN6728.25.U5E48 2013 
What's Bugging You? : Mosquitoes and Ticks / written and 
illustrated by Joe Sutliff. -- Fairfax, VA : Fairfax County 
Health Dept., 2011. -- 24 p. : col. ill. ; 18 cm. -- 
Children's book format, with some word balloons. -- 
Educational genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.25.F3W47 2011     

Monday, April 08, 2019

PR: DC Zinefest 2019 Applications Are Open Right Now!

From: DC Zinefest <>
Date: Mon, Apr 8, 2019 at 7:30 PM

Dear Zinefest fans,

Big Announcement #1:

Applications to table at DC Zinefest are now open and will close on Sunday, May 5, 2019. We are only accepting online applications this year, and the application form will be posted on our website at

Big Announcement #2:

We're doing applications differently this year. Read below for why – and how.

People from marginalized and oppressed communities have historically used zines to amplify their own voices, which might otherwise have been muted by existing power structures.

We've been working hard to bring you the ~best Zinefest yet~ in 2019. Our big goal this year is to build a Zinefest that amplifies an increasingly diverse collection of voices, particularly those of folks from traditionally marginalized and oppressed groups. In pursuit of this goal, we are trying something different: we will not be giving out tables on a "first-come, first-served" basis this year.

DC Zinefest has given out 17 grants (of $50 and a quarter table) over the past two years. These grants supported zinesters who are persons of color, LQBTQIA+, people with disabilities, and/or low-income people. We used a random lottery to select grant recipients from the many deserving applicants.

This year we are doing more to ensure diversity and inclusion. For DC Zinefest 2019, we will give out grants and will also reserve additional tables for:

  • Zinesters who are people of color, people with disabilities, people who identify as LBGTQIA+, and/or people with low income; as well as

  • Zinesters who have not previously tabled at DC Zinefest.

We will conduct random lotteries to select zinesters from the above categories. The remaining tables will be reserved for returning tablers, who will also be selected via random lottery.

Now more than ever the organizers of DC Zinefest feel we must amplify voices that might otherwise be left out. The changes in how we allocate tables will help us to get there, and we think it will contribute to a great Zinefest for 2019. We hope sharing information about the new registration process will help our beloved DC zine community understand the changes we are making. You can find more information on our website FAQ (


Please reach out to us if you have questions or thoughts to share at


Your DC Zinefest Organizers | twitter | facebook 

Al Goodwyn wins award for Aiken Standard cartoons

Standard, Star win 18 awards from South Carolina Press Association

Also winning first place is Aiken Standard cartoonist, Al Goodwyn, in the Cartoon category. Among the winning entries by Goodwyn was his cartoon on overcrowding at the Aiken County Animal Shelter, which he donated to the shelter following publication.

Cartoonists Rights Network International wins Index on Censorship award

#IndexAwards2019: Cartoonists Rights Network International defends cartoonists worldwide

Cartoonists Rights Network International has been named the 2019 Freedom of Expression Awards Fellow in the Campaigning category

Local 1984 documentary now on YouTube - Comic Books: A World of Illustrated Adventure

Comic Books: A World of Illustrated Adventure

From 1984. I was a cameraman, editor (with Sam Sausagehead) and even narrator. This is one of the first documentary projects I was involved with, at the start of my public access days. Shot on location at Geppi's Comic World in Silver Spring, MD during a Stan Lee signing, and a comic convention at a Northern VA hotel. Also at Comic Classics in Laurel, MD. Owners Steve and Margit Canfield owned the shop, and also produced this project. Steve Canfield RIP

Umile reviews Hinds' Iliad for LA Times

Gareth Hinds' illustrated 'Iliad' follows the fights and follies of egomaniacal men

Friday, April 05, 2019

Flugennock's Latest'n'Greatest: "30 Seconds Over Moscow"

From Mike Flugennock, DC's anarchist cartoonist -

"30 Seconds Over Moscow"

The kid can't help it; he's got that ol' Russiagate Hangover. Granted, 
this piece is a bit late, but I've been out of town and besides, this 
kinda shit is evergreen.

So, how many of you are old enough to remember February? Remember Sen. 
Amy Klobuchar, one of my own personal favorite Russiagaters – or, as I 
like to call her, Frau Blucher – and her legendary abusive behavior in 
the office and her spectacularly crass defense of the same? Yeah, she 
really is a favorite.


"Staffers, Documents Show Amy Klobuchar's Wrath Toward Her Aides", 
BuzzFeed News 02.08.19

"Klobuchar: Being Mean To My Staff Proves I Can Deal With Putin", 
Talking Points Memo 03.15.19

DC media on Shazam!

The silly, heartfelt 'Shazam!' reminds us that just surviving adolescence is heroic

With 'Shazam!' DC Superhero Movies Bring The Thunder ... And The Lightening Up

'Shazam!' is the relatable, reluctant superhero tale we've been waiting for

'Shazam!' Review: A Boy's Supersized Alter Ego in a Sunny Superhero Flick

Watch a Boy Discover His Superpowers in 'Shazam!'

The director David F. Sandberg discusses a scene featuring Zachary Levi and Jack Dylan Grazer.

Thursday, April 04, 2019

April 5: Box Brown at Solid State Books

Box Brown: Cannabis

  • Friday, April 5, 2019
  • 7:00 PM 8:00 PM

In Conversation with Emily Dufton

From the nineteenth century to the twenty-first, cannabis legislation in America and racism have been inextricably linked. In this searing nonfiction graphic novel, Box Brown sets his sights on this timely topic.

In 1518 CE Mexico, Cortés introduces hemp farming during his violent colonial campaign. In secret, locals begin cultivating the plant for consumption. It eventually makes its way to the United States through the immigrant labor force, where it's shared with black laborers. It doesn't take American lawmakers long to decry cannabis as the vice of "inferior races." To strengthen their anti-drug campaigns, legislators spread vicious lies about the dangers of cannabis. As a result, the plant is given a schedule I classification, alongside heroin.

Author and illustrator Box Brown delves deep into the complex and troubling history of cannabis, offering a rich, entertaining, and thoroughly researched graphic essay on the racist legacy of cannabis legislation in America.

Box Brown is an Ignatz Award-winning cartoonist, illustrator, and comic publisher from Philadelphia. His books include the New York Times-bestselling Andre the Giant: Life and Legend, Tetris: The Games People Play, and Is This Guy For Real?: The Unbelievable Andy Kaufman. Box Brown's independent comics publishing house, Retrofit Comics, was launched in 2011. 

Emily Dufton is a writer based near Washington, D.C. She is a graduate of New York University and received her Ph.D. in American Studies from George Washington University. Her first book, Grass Roots: The Rise and Fall and Rise of Marijuana in America, was based off her dissertation. She has served as a commentator on the History Channel and NPR's Back Story with the American History Guys, and her work has been featured in the Washington Post, the AtlanticHistory News Network, and Run Washington. She lives in Takoma Park, Maryland, with her husband and son.
600 H Street NE, Washington, DC 20002 
This event is FREE and open to all. Let us know you're coming on Facebook.

and an interview -

RVA magazine comics column and

RVA Comics X-Change: Issue 16

Into The Visions-Verse: The Illustrious World of Chris Visions

Written by Matthew McDaniels and Marilyn Drew Necci

Glyph nominees Lytle, Okupe, Allen

Julian Lytle, Roye Okupe, and Troy-Jeffrey Allen have each been nominated for a Glyph award for African-American comics and cartoonists.

Lytle does the webcomic Antz, while Okupe is building a superhero universe, and Allen is a writer on Fight of the Century.

More details at

Pr: Graphic Novel Overstock Sale - 60% Off! Beyond Comics - Saturday and Sunday

Graphic Novel
Overstock Sale!

60% OFF! Select Overstock!

Saturday, April 6th - Sunday, April 7th
Beyond Comics - Frederick Store Only!
Beyond Comics | 18749 B North Frederick Avenue, 5632 Buckeystown Pike Frederick, MD, Gaithersburg, MD 20879
Trusted Email from Constant Contact - Try it FREE today.

Friday, March 29, 2019

March 29: Peter David in Rockville, aka North Bethesda

Announcing: MiniMeGeneration

So I tried to get a larger room at the hotel. Failed to do so. I attempted to book a meeting room at the hotel. They sent a nice email saying they'd get back to me about a price and, big surprise, never did.

Screw it.

At 7 PM tomorrow, Saturday, I am going to be in the lobby of the Bethesda Marriott North, 5701 Marinelli Road, Rockville, Maryland. I will have stuff of mine to sell. And I will be happy to talk to anyone who comes by and autograph their stuff.

Please get word of this out since we're talking about barely a day in advance.


NPR reviews Marx Bros. graphic novel

'Giraffes On Horseback Salad' Tells The Lost Story Of Harpo Marx And Salvador DalĂ­

Etelka Lehoczky