Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Comic Riffs on Shadow Hero and Teen Titans

TEEN TITANS: Despite awe, Jeff Lemire couldn't pass up writing for his 'gateway' comic characters

By David Betancourt

Washington Post Comic Riffs blog December 9 2014


'THE SHADOW HERO': Author Gene Luen Yang admits research error through new comic

By Michael Cavna

Washington Post Comic Riffs blog December 9 2014

Tuesday, December 09, 2014

New medical comic by local resident

You may have to sign up for Academia to be able to see this.

My quest for health

by Michael Sappol

An autobiographical memoir of an episode in the health history of Michael Sappol, brought to life by artist/medical-illustrator Shelley Wall.

Dec. 11, 12: Signing, Reading and Rapping at Fantom Comics

Fantom Comics has a couple unique events going on this week. On Thursday (Dec. 11), local science fiction author Benjamin Rosenbaum will sign and read from his book The Ant King and Other Stories at 6:30 p.m.

"Rosenbaum's debut collection is a dazzling, post-modern mix of pulp and surreal, spanning the weirdest corners of literature and science fiction," according to the store's Facebook event page. His stories have appeared in Asimov's Science Fiction, McSweeney's, and Nature, been shortlisted for the Hugo and Nebula Awards, and reprinted in Harper's and The Year's Best Science Fiction.

On Friday (Dec. 12), rapper Adam Warrock kicks off the store’s "GREAT POWER" Art Show. There’s a $10 cover for the show, which begins at 9 p.m.

“We're excited to host the artist responsible for entire rap albums about Firefly, Marvel Comics, Game of Thrones, and practically every fandom you can think of," Fantom says. "His masterful lyrics speak to the geek in all of us, so make your way to Fantom with your fellow Browncoats, Pawneeans, and Inhumans for a killer art show featuring a killer performer.”

PW podcast with Lewis on his new book

Former local comics historian/writer A. David Lewis has a new academic book, American Comics, Literary Theory, and Religion The Superhero Afterlife (Palgrave Macmillian, $90). Listen to an interview with Lewis on the Publishers Weekly podcast with comics reviewer Calvin Reid. (Lewis also was a co-editor on recently published Colonial Comics from Fulcrum Publishing.)

Here's a summary of American Comics, Literary Theory, and Religion from the publisher's website:

Just as often as superheroes journey into the afterlife, they also return from it. Their surprising immortality has created its own set of storytelling rules and expectations; it also has come to influence their secular readership in new interreligious investigations of narrative character and personal selfhood. Unlocking a new and overdue model for reading comic books, this unique volume explores religious interpretations of popular comic book superheroes such as the Green Lantern and the Hulk. A. David Lewis argues that the superhero subgenre offers a hermeneutic for those interested in integrating mutiplicity into religious practices and considerations of the afterlife.

A. David Lewis holds a PhD in Religious Studies from Boston University, USA. He is the co-editor of Graven Images: Religion in Comic Books and Graphic Novels and Digital Death: Mortality and Beyond in the Online Age. He is also a graphic novelist and founding member of Sacred & Sequential

Animation historian Charles Solomon reviews The Art of Richard Thompson

BOOK REVIEW: "The Art of Richard Thompson"

Animation Scoop By Charles Solomon | Animation Scoop December 9, 2014
Art of Richard Thompson

Monday, December 08, 2014

Saturday, December 06, 2014

Art of Richard Thompson book launch -- Arlington Central Library recording

If you missed the book launch of the Art of Richard Thompson today with Nick Galifianakis, Chris Sparks, David Apatoff, Michael Cavna and Michael Rhoder earilier today, you can listen to it at

Tonight: Ladies' Night at Fantom Comics

Fantom Comics tonight holds its monthly Ladies' Night from 9 p.m. to midnight. The theme is "Strong Women." From the store's Facebook page:

"Come help us celebrate all the strong women who are in our lives and comics and who inspire us to be the amazing fans and creators that make up the FANTOM FORCE! Please, as always, bring snacks and drinks to share! Also, we'll be celebrating quite a few ladies' birthdays, so look out for cupcakes and celebratory snacks!"

RICHARD THOMPSON LIVE at Arlington Central Library

...right now.  But this isn't in the book.

TODAY: Art of Richard Thompson at Arlington's Central library

Richard Thompson and four of the editors of the new book about him will be at Central Library at 2:30 today. Stop by and buy a book.

Richard Thompson art book reviewed by another artist

Thursday, December 04, 2014

Richard Thompson featured in local paper

Richard Thompson's Work Featured in Documentary, Book

By Liz Lizama

Falls Church News-Press December 4, 2014

Cartoonist Richard Thompson looks at some of his work in a scene from a new short documentary about his life and his work. (Photo: Courtesy of GVI)

Cartoonist Richard Thompson looks at some of his work in a scene from a new short documentary about his life and his work. (Photo: Courtesy of GVI)

Comic Riffs talks to Darrin Bell

DARRIN BELL: From Ferguson to New York cases, 'Candorville' cartoonist draws deeply from the personal [Q&A]

By Michael Cavna
Washington Post Comic Riffs blog December 4 2014

Jules Feiffer's book Kill My Mother makes Politics & Prose's top 10

Jules Feiffer's book Kill My Mother is the only comic in Politics & Prose's top 10 books of 2014. They write:

The incomparable Jules Feiffer has produced his first noir graphic novel, Kill My Mother, that pays tribute to the crime fiction and newspaper adventures strips he loved as a teenager. The book's settings—in the Depression era and such locales as Bay City and Hollywood—are classic, as are many of the characters and plot twists. But Feiffer has his own fun with the traditional genre.

Wednesday, December 03, 2014

'Terrible: Tsar Ivan IV' online

Oregon-based publisher Study Group is running online the first chapter of Terrible: Tsar Ivan IV, drawn by local cartoonist Art Hondros and written by former local cartoonist Scott Mills