Sunday, April 07, 2024

Kat Overland, Editor/Author at WWAC is local

I had the pleasure of meeting her today at Fantom Comics when she did some of the interview with Raven Smith. I'm told she edits the Monday news wrap-up and this link will take you to her work - 

That darn WaPo shrinking comics page

More comics, please!

Lynn Rogers, Washington

Washington Post April 6 2024: A15.

When I first arrived in D.C. in the 1970s, The Post printed three full pages of comics. It's time to return to those glory days, and to boost a new generation of comics artists.

The present weekday Post runs six strips that were created by others and continued by different artists under the same titles: "Mark Trail," "Flash Gordon," "Family Circle," "Blondie" and "Beetle Bailey," which repeat the same stale themes. Reruns of "Peanuts" are timeless, though Garry Trudeau's "Doonesbury" feels dated.

It would be wonderful to see the Style section run three pages of cutting-edge comics, with a full page devoted to comics by women. There are so many to choose from. To name just a few: Georgia Dunn's "Breaking Cat News"; "Amanda the Great" by Amanda El-Dweek; "Snow Sez" from T. Shepherd; "Jane's World" by Paige Braddock; "Half Full" by Maria Scrivan; "Doodle Town" by Melissa Lomax; Nancy Beiman's "FurBabies"; "The Dinette Set" from Julie Larson; "Flo and Friends" by Jenny Campbell; or Chelsea Carr's "Curses."

There are dozens of other comics by women to choose from. The Post could easily increase the representation of women in its comics pages and make readers happy all at the same time.

Fantom’s own Raven Smith's interview's Instagram feed

Fantom's own Raven Smith (@writeravenwrite) joins us to discuss the fantasy series GODFELL that she story edited! 

Jacob Shapiro

w/ special interview assist by Kat Overland (@dogunderwater). 

Fantom Comics March 7 2024

Limited signed copies available~

Raven Smith interviewed at Fantom Comics

Raven is being interviewed now live and on Instagram my Jacob Shapiro at Fantom Comics about God Fell. She edited the book for Vault and the author.