Thursday, August 19, 2010

Laurel comic book camp featured in paper

Youth draw up some fun in summer comic book class
Organizers say participants tap into imagination while honing reading, writing skills
by Deanna Hines | Special to The Gazette August 18 2010

Schulz at NPG

Because a prophet is without honor in his own land, go to Alan Gardner's Daily Cartoonist to see the details on a photograph of Charles Schulz that's being donated to the National Portrait Gallery. One may also read their press release.

PR: Small Press Expo Announces the Ignatz Award Nominees for SPX 2010

Small Press Expo Announces the Ignatz Award Nominees for SPX 2010


Bethesda, Maryland; August 19, 2010 - The Small Press Expo (SPX), the preeminent showcase for the exhibition of independent comics, graphic novels and alternative political cartoons, is pleased to announce nominees for the fourteenth annual presentation of the Ignatz Awards, a celebration of outstanding achievement in comics and cartooning.


The Ignatz, named after George Herriman's brick-wielding mouse, recognizes exceptional work that challenges popular notions of what comics can achieve, both as an art form and as a means of personal expression. The Ignatz Awards are a festival prize, the first of such in the United States comic book industry.


The nominees for the ballot were determined by a panel of five of the best of today's comic artists, Anders Nilsen, David Kelly, Rob G, Joshua Cotter and Trevor Alixopoulos, with the votes cast for the awards by the attendees during SPX. The Ignatz Awards will be presented at the gala Ignatz Awards ceremony held on Saturday, September 11, 2010 at 9:00 PM.


SPX will be held Saturday, September 11 from 11AM to 7PM and Sunday, September 12, noon-6PM at The North Bethesda Marriott Convention Center in Bethesda, Maryland. Admission is $10 for a single day and $15 for both days.


For further information on the Ignatz Awards, the nominees or to request an interview, please contact Warren Bernard at


For more information on the Small Press Expo and the Ignatz Awards, please visit


2010 Ignatz Awards Ballot


Outstanding Artist

Eddie Campbell, Alec: The Years Have Pants (A Life-Sized Omnibus) (Top Shelf Productions)

Al Columbia, Pim & Francie: The Golden Bear Days (Fantagraphics Books)

Mike Dawson, Troop 142 (self-published &

John Pham, Sublife #2 (Fantagraphics Books)

Sully, The Hipless Boy (Conundrum Press)


Outstanding Anthology or Collection

The Hipless Boy, Sully (Conundrum Press)

Lemon Styles, David King (Sparkplug Comic Books)

Masterpiece Comics, R. Sikoryak (Drawn & Quarterly)

Red Snow, Susumu Katsumata (Drawn & Quarterly)

Ten Thousand Things to Do, Jesse Reklaw (self-published)


Outstanding Graphic Novel

The Complete Jack Survives, Jerry Moriarty (Buentaventura Press)

Market Day, James Sturm (Drawn & Quarterly)

Pim & Francie: The Golden Bear Days, Al Columbia (Fantagraphics Books)

Summit of the Gods Vol. 1, Yumemakura Baku and Jiro Taniguchi (Fanfare/Ponent Mon)

Years of the Elephant, Willy Linthout (Fanfare/Ponent Mon)


Outstanding Story

"John Wesley Harding", The Red Monkey Double Happiness Book, Joe Daly (Fantagraphics Books)

Market Day, James Sturm (Drawn & Quarterly)

Monsters, Ken Dahl (Secret Acres)

"Turd Place", The Hipless Boy, Sully (Conundrum Press)

"Untitled", Mome Vol. 16, Laura Park (Fantagraphics Books)


Promising New Talent

Rina Ayuyang, Whirlwind Wonderland, (Sparkplug Comic Books & Tugboat Press)

Rami Efal, Never Forget, Never Forgive (Studio Namu)

Blaise Larmee, Young Lions (self-published)

Sully, The Hipless Boy (Conundrum Press)

Matt Wiegle, "The Orphan Baiter", Papercutter #13 (Tugboat Press)


Outstanding Series

Ganges, Kevin Huizenga (Fantagraphics Books)

King-Cat Comics & Stories, John Porcellino (self-published)

Sublife, John Pham (Fantagraphics Books)

Summit of the Gods, Yumemakura Baku and Jiro Taniguchi (Fanfare/Ponent Mon)

Troop 142, Mike Dawson (self-published)


Outstanding Comic

Blammo #6, Noah Van Sciver (Kilgore Books)

Eschew #2, Robert Sergel (Sparkplug Comic Books)

Flesh and Bone, Julia Gfrörer (Sparkplug Comic Books)

I Want You, Lisa Hanawalt (Buenaventura Press)

Sublife #2, John Pham (Fantagraphics Books)


Outstanding Mini-Comic

Don't Drink from the Sea, Lille Carre

Rambo 3.5, Jim Rugg

Stories by...Vol. 1, Martin Cendreda

Troop 142, Mike Dawson

Water Column #3, Josh Frankel


Outstanding Online Comic

Callahan Online, John Callahan (

I Think You're Sauceome, Sarah Becan (

The Lesttrygonians, Stephen Gilpin (

Reliable Comics, David King (

Troop 142, Mike Dawson (

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

David Hagen's trip to Musee Herge

David Hagen has blogged about his trip to Musee Herge, where he kindly bought me one of the catalogues to the Swarte exhibit he mentions.

Set to Sea reviewed by Weldon

Comics Courageous: The Splendid, Salt-Sprayed Adventure of 'Set to Sea'
by Glen Weldon
August 18, 2010

I picked up a copy of this today as well. I'll try to get a review done from my International Ink column at the City Paper.

Monday, August 16, 2010

PR: Small Press Expo Animation Showcase Announces Selections for SPX 2010

Small Press Expo Animation Showcase Announces Selections for SPX 2010

Bethesda, Maryland; August 13, 2010 - The Small Press Expo announces selections for the First Annual Animation Showcase, to be screened September 11 and 12 in conjunction with the Small Press Expo.

The 2010 SPX Animation Showcase features indepedently made animation created in a variety of styles and techniques. "These films let people know independent animation is as sophisticated as its big-budget brothers," says Showcase committee co-chair Paul Nadjmabadi. "Every year at SPX we see that pool of talent in comics that hasn't been recognized yet, that one-off that someone did that's the most amazing thing you've seen all year.

We want to bring that to animation."

Animations screening in the showcase include traditional and abstract storytelling in a variety of styles including stop-motion, clay-mation, hand-drawn, and computer animation. Selections include:

Good %^&$ing Morning                  Nick Arcidy

Suck It Up                                     Rebecca Boensch

Building Blocks                                     Vanessa Chan

Bleach and Glitter                   Vanessa Chan

Head Garden                                    Lilli Carre                 

The Discovery                                     Rodgers Dameron

The Magician                                    Dustin Maassen                 

Wonders of Nature: Our National Parks Yosemite                   Clasrissa Maralone

Hocas Croakus                                     Mark McDonald

One of a Kind                                     Dixie Pizani

The Melting Pot                   Shani Vargo

Krawll                                                       Matthew Wade

Birdy                                                       Agnieszka Woznicka

Deadline                                     Bang Yaoliu


More information on animators and films is available via the SPX Animation Showcase Web site at

SPX is a registered 501(c)3 which brings together more than 300 artists and publishers to meet their readers, booksellers and distributors each year. Graphic novels, mini comics and alternative comics will all be on display and for sale by their authors and illustrators.  

As in previous years, profits from the SPX will go to support the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund (CBLDF), protecting the First Amendment rights of comic book readers and professionals.  For more information on the CBLDF, go to their website at             

The hours for SPX 2010 are 11 a.m. – 7 p.m. Saturday, September 11, and noon – 6 p.m. Sunday, September 12.  Admission, which includes the Expo and Showcase, is $10 for a single day and $15 for both days.

For more information, visit

Ryan Claytor on his MD stop

Ryan's continuing to update his tour blog, and starts with having cereal at my house before getting on to the meat of visiting Beyond Comics in MD, and then Delaware and New Jersey stores. The coolest thing is that he does a video tour of each of the stores he visits - what a great idea. So far, they've all been clean, well-lighted places, but I'm thinking they haven't been getting their layout design from Hemingway.

Tony Rubino interview at Wash City Paper

Meet a (Formerly) Local Cartoonist: Tony Rubino of Daddy's Home

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Dora the Explorer in today's Examiner

Today's free Examiner had a piece on Dora the Explorer from the
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Nate Beeler's editorial cartoon, "No Ground
Zero Mosque," about the trampling of the Constitution was excellent

Friday, August 13, 2010

WashPost on Futurama producer, 'Cathy,' Max Headroom and Scott Pilgrim

TRIBUTE: Remembering 'FUTURAMA' producer Alex Johns, 43
Washington Post staff writer Manuel Roig-Franzia
Comic Riffs blog August 13, 2010

The 'Riffs Interview: CATHY GUISEWITE reveals why she's really ending her strip -- and why she won't abide 'Cathy Classics' reruns
By Michael Cavna
Washington Post Comic Riffs blog August 13, 2010

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: Only fans will care who wins
By Ann Hornaday
Washington Post August 13, 2010

'Max Headroom': There's still time to catch the wave
By Jen Chaney
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
[print: In 'Max Headroom,' the future is now, WPost Aug 13 2010]

Bits from today's paper (and a note about yesterday's Non Sequiter)

Wire stories in today's free papers include:
Lemire, Christy / Associated Press.  2010.
'Scott Pilgrim' offers a high-energy movie mix.
Washington Examiner (August 13)
...while the Express runs a version of the Post's Ann Hornaday review and...
Fisher, Maria Sudekum / Associated Press.  2010.
Fun! Fearless! Farewell! 'Cathy' creator says she'll end the comic strip after 34 years.
[Washington Post] Express August 13): 32
...oddly enough, because the Post's Michael Cavna just ran a blog post on this.
Finally, of more interest, in the 8/12 Non Sequiter strip, Wiley made fun of the Danish Islam Cartoon controversy.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Aug 18: Diary of a Wimpy Kid Ice Cream Truck at Politics and Prose

Diary of a Wimpy Kid Summer Reading Ice Cream Truck

Start: August 18, 2010 - 12:00pm
End: August 18, 2010 - 2:00pm

Join Politics & Prose as the Diary of a Wimpy Kid Summer Reading Ice Cream Truck rolls into town on Wednesday, August 18. Starting at 12:00 noon, come get a free frozen treat to celebrate the upcoming publication of DIARY OF A WIMPY KID BOOK 5, which is on sale Tuesday November 9, 2010. Other free goodies will be handed out.

Politics & Prose will have a table in front of the store to pre-sell the fifth book. We will also be giving away “golden tickets” in a random order that will entitle the recipient to receive a free copy of the 5th book. The pre-sales will be 20% off the retail price for everyone.


Cavna talks to 'Cathy'

*AACK!* Cathy Guisewite will retire her comic strip 'CATHY' in October [UPDATED]
By Michael Cavna
Washington Post Comic Riffs blog August 11, 2010

Spurgeon, among others, urges Cul de Sac replace Cathy

Cathy Guisewite is retirng her strip Cathy. I've seen this comment more than once now, and here's Tom Spurgeon articulating it the best:

I urge every paper that is looking for a replacement to consider Cul-De-Sac. I think it's the finest strip going with a client list short of where it should be, but it really needs to sit in your paper for a while to have the best chance for people to pick up on its rhythms. It's not the kind of strip that benefits from replacing something that's been running and that has fans that could demand its return.

Aug 13-14: Heavy Metal cartoon showing in DC

Here's the story -

Indies & Arties: Rock 'n' Roll Fantasy
Shuana Miller
Express (August 12 2010)

and the specifics -

Landmark's E Street Cinema, 555 11th St. NW; Fri. & Sat. at midnight, $10; 202-452-7672. (Metro Center)

City Paper and Express on Scott Pilgrim

Cera redefines the action romp, while Stallone finds accidental hilarity
By Tricia Olszewski
Washington City Paper August 13, 2010

And the Express gets weird on us. Former DC-area comics writer does the online one -

Geek Love: 'Scott Pilgrim vs. the World,' In Theaters
Written by Express contributor Scott Rosenberg
August 12 2010

while they publish a different one in the print edition -

Alter, Ethan / Film Journal International. 2010.
The 'Pilgrim's Progress: Filmmaker Edgar Wright puts a trippy spin on a comic-book tale of young love.
[Washington Post] Express (August 12): 23

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

PR: Baltimore Comic-Con 2010 Second Annual Costume Contest and More!

And note DC locals, Richard 'Cul de Sac' Thompson and SL 'GI Joe' Gallant are attending, at the kid's table that John Gallagher arranges. They'll be there because I'm driving them.

Baltimore Comic-Con 2010 Second Annual Costume Contest and More!
BALTIMORE, MARYLAND - August 11, 2010 -
In addition to the all-star line-up of talent scheduled at this year's 11th anniversary Baltimore Comic-Con, the show will host their second annual costume contest ... back by HUGE demand!
"We held the first costume contest last year and were not sure what to expect, it being our first time," said Marc Nathan, Baltimore Comic-Con promoter, "and we were totally caught off-guard when hundreds entered.  The contestants and audience overflowed the stage and the contest room, then spilled into the convention center."  He went on to add, "We've been asked for years and years to have a costume contest - so we had one and it was a massive hit - so now we have to take it up a notch!  Bigger hall, bigger prizes, bigger guest judges."
The $1,000 grand prize will be awarded to the best over-all costume at the event, including pro and amateur costumes.  Other award categories will win DVD prize packages, comic book packages, Orioles baseball tickets, gift certificates to Cards, Comics and Collectibles of Reisterstown, Maryland, and special last minute prizes from top comic book companies.  Everyone who enters the contest will win passes to the advance screening of Summit Entertainment's newest film, RED, starring Bruce Willis, Morgan Freeman, and Helen Mirren (based on the Wildstorm graphic novel by Warren Ellis and Cully Hamner) which opens nationwide on Friday, October 15th.
A panel of celebrity media judges will determine the contest winners, including some world-famous comic book creators!
The contest will start at 1pm on Sunday, August 29th at the Baltimore Convention Center!
Added Guests
We are pleased to announce the addition of the following guests to the 2010 Baltimore Comic-Con:  J.D. Arnold (BB Wolf and the 3 LPs), Tommy Castillo (Moon Lake), Todd Dezago (The Perhapanauts), Fillbach Brothers sponsored by Laughing Ogre Comics (Star Wars: The Clone Wars), Ramona Fradon (Namora), SL Gallant (G.I. Joe), Mike Gold (Editor, ComicMix Graphic Novels from IDW), Jimmy Gownley (Amelia Rules!), Gabriel Hardman (Atlas), Tony Harris (Justice League: Generation Lost), Marc Hempel (Absolute Sandman), Jason Horn (Ninjasaur), Klaus Janson (Daredevil), Joe Jusko (Red Sonja), Jason Kruse (World of Quest), Jay Leisten (Uncanny X-Men), Mike Maihack (Comic Book Tattoo), JD Mettler (Justice League: Generation Lost), Chip Mosher (Left on Mission, Boom! Studios Marketing Director), Jamar Nicholas (Radiskull & Devil Doll: Radiskull Hate Love), Sonia Oback (X-Force), Denny O'Neil (Batman), Andrew Pepoy (Jack of Fables), Brian Pulido (Lady Death), Rico Renzi (The Perhapanauts), Alex Saviuk (Stan Lee and the Super Seven), Richard Thompson (Cul-de-Sac), Bob Tinnell (Lone Justice), Dean Trippe (Superior Showcase), Ted Tucker (Buzzboy), Mark Wheatley (Lone Justice), Ron Wilson (Marvel Two-In-One), and Thom Zahler (Love and Capes).
Publishers exhibiting in 2010 include Archaia Comics, Adhouse Books, Boom! Studios, Dark Horse Comics, IDW, Image Comics, Top Cow Productions, and Top Shelf Comix.
Previously announced guests include: Dave Aikins (SpongeBob Squarepants), Mike and Laura Allred (Madman), Sergio Aragones (Groo), Ivan Brandon (Nemesis:  The Imposters), Tom Brevoort (Executive Editor, Marvel Comics), Michael Broussard (The Darkness), Jim Calafiore (Secret Six), Eric Canete (New Avengers:  Luke Cage), Bernard Chang (Prince of Persia), Howard Chaykin (Black Kiss), Sean Chen (Nova), Cliff Chiang (Greendale), Mark Chiarello (Editor, DC Comics), Frank Cho (Ultimate Comics New Ultimates), Mike Choi (X-Force), Steve Conley (Star Trek Omnibus: The Original Series), Amanda Conner (Power Girl), Shane Davis (Superman:  Earth One), Francesco Francavilla (The Green Hornet:  Year One), Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez (Wednesday Comics), Ron Garney (Wolverine:  Weapon X), Sterling Gates (Supergirl), Bryan J.L. Glass (Mice Templar), Michael Golden (Marvel 1602:  Spider-Man), Cully Hamner (Detective Comics), Dean Haspiel (ACT-I-VATE), Jonathan Hickman (Fantastic Four), Greg Horn (Green Lantern), Adam Hughes (Wonder Woman), Jamal Igle (Supergirl), Georges Jeanty (Buffy the Vampire Slayer), Van Jensen (Pinocchio:  Vampire Slayer), Geoff Johns - Sunday only (Blackest Night, Chief Creative Officer, DC Comics), J.G. Jones (DC Universe Legacies), Denis Kitchen (Oddly Compelling Art of Denis Kitchen), Barry Kitson (Iron Man 2 Prequel), Rich Koslowski (BB Wolf and the 3 LPs), Greg LaRocque (The Exiled), Erik Larsen (Savage Dragon), Norman Lee (New Mutants), Steve Lieber (Underground), Joe Linsner (Dawn:  Not To Touch The Earth), Luna Brothers (The Sword), David Mack (Kabuki), Clay Mann (X-Men Legacy), Laura Martin (Girl Comics), Ron Marz (Witchblade), Todd McFarlane - Saturday only (Spawn), Mark McKenna (Banana Tail), Mike McKone (Avengers Academy), Bob McLeod (New Mutants Forever), Pop Mhan (Ender's Game: Mazer In Prison), Terry Moore (Echo, SiP), Mark Morales (Siege), Chris Moreno (Toy Story), Sean Murphy (Joe the Barbarian), Steve Niles (30 Days of Night), Phil Noto (Avengers:  The Origin), Ryan Ottley (Invincible), Jimmy Palmiotti (Jonah Hex), Jeff Parker (Thunderbolts), Lauren Perry (Blank-ees), David Petersen (Mouse Guard), Brandon Peterson (Ultimate Extinction), Chris Pitzer (Publisher, Adhouse Books), Paul Pope (Wednesday Comics), Eric Powell (The Goon), Jack Purcell (Gotham City Sirens), Mike Raicht (The Stuff of Legend), Tom Raney (Black Widow:  Deadly Origin), Chris Roberson (I, Zombi), James Robinson (Justice League of America), Kenneth Rocafort (Velocity), Budd Root (Cavewoman), Don Rosa (Uncle Scrooge), Craig Rousseau (Marvel Her-Oes), Stephane Roux (Zatanna), Jim Rugg (Afrodisiac), Filip Sablik (The Asset, Top Cow Pubisher), Tim Sale courtesy of Hero Initiative (Captain America White), Ian Sattler (Editor, DC Comics), Stuart Sayger (Bram Stoker's Death Ship), Bob Schreck (Jurassic Park), Jim Shooter (Magnus, Robot Fighter), Louise Simonson (X-Factor Forever), Walter Simonson (Thor), Andy Smith (WildC.A.T.S.), John K. Snyder III (The A-Team:  Shotgun Wedding), Allison Sohn (Star Wars sketchcard artist), Jim Starlin (Dreadstar), Brian Stelfreeze (The Authority:  The Lost Year), Paul D. Storrie (Twilight Crusade:  Gabriel), Karl Story (Zatanna), Billy Tan (Shadowland), Ben Templesmith sponsored by Laughing Ogre Comics (Choker), Mark Texeira (X-Men:  Origins), Herb Trimpe (Incredible Hulk), Timothy Truman (Conan the Cimmerian), Billy Tucci (Shi), Dexter Vines (Ultimate Avengers), Neil Vokes (Superman Adventures), Doug Wagner (World of Warcraft:  Horde), Matt Wagner (The Green Hornet:  Year One), Mark Waid (Irredeemable, Chief Creative Officer, Boom! Studios), Marv Wolfman (New Teen Titans), John Workman (Heavy Metal), Bernie Wrightson (Swamp Thing), Kelly Yates (Doctor Who: 2010 Annual), and Chrissie Zullo (Cinderella:  From Fabletown With Love).
In coming weeks, look for more announcements from the Baltimore Comic-Con. We are looking forward to highlighting our guests, the Harvey Awards, industry exclusives, and programming. The latest developments can always be found at our website (, Twitter (, Facebook (, MySpace (, and ComicSpace ( pages.

This year's Baltimore Comic-Con will be held August 28-29, 2010. Convention hours are Saturday 10 AM to 6 PM and Sunday 10 AM to 5 PM. The ceremony and banquet for the Harvey Awards will be held Saturday night, August 28th.
Contact Information
Please use the following e-mail addresses to contact the Baltimore Comic-Con: - for any general press inquiries or to be added to our PR distribution - for requesting exhibitor, publisher, and
Artist Alley applications - for inquiries about submitted registrations - for communications regarding the Harvey Awards ceremony and banquet - for general Baltimore Comic-Con inquiries
About The Baltimore Comic-Con
The Baltimore Comic-Con is celebrating its 11th year of bringing the comic book industry to the Baltimore and Washington D.C. area. With a guest list unequaled in the industry, the Baltimore Comic-Con will be held August 28-29, 2010.  For more information, please visit

About The Harvey Awards
The Harvey Awards are one of the comic book industry's oldest and most respected awards.  With a history of over 20 years, the last 5 in conjunction with the Baltimore Comic-Con, the Harveys recognize outstanding achievements in over 20 categories.  They are the only industry awards nominated and selected by the full body of comic book professionals.  For more information, please visit

Mark Tatulli interview on Comic Riffs

The 'Riffs Interview: Being Bill Watterson -- 'LIO' creator MARK TATULLI shares the secrets of spoofing 'Calvin & Hobbes'
By Michael Cavna
Washington Post Comic Riffs blog August 11, 2010

Union of Concerned Scientists annual contest featured

Cartoonist invited into contest to address clash of science, politics
By Rich Davis
Evansville Courier & Press August 10, 2010

Fredric Wertham's papers opened at Library of Congress

The story starts here -

Hate Comic Books? Library of Congress Opens Papers of Comics Opponent Fredric Wertham
Posted by Mike Rhode on Aug. 11, 2010 at 3:38 pm

Weldon likes Langridge and Samnee's Thor

And so do I! I believe it's the only Marvel superhero book I'm buying, purely because Roger's writing it.

This Is Something Of A Thor Point
by Glen Weldon
National Public Radio’s Monkey See blog August 11, 2010

Crumb dvd reviewed in Express

The online review is much longer than the version in today's paper -
Mister Natural: Terry Zwigoff, 'Louie Bluie' and 'Crumb' [print title: True Emotional Investments: Two Terry Zwigoff films shows his skill as a documentarian].

Written by Express contributor Stephen M. Deusner

Express August 11 2010

Spider-Man musical to open according to Comic Riffs

Costly 'Spider-Man' musical finally set to open on Broadway

By Michael Cavna
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, August 11, 2010; C05


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Zadzooks on Road to Perdition and Kick-Ass movies

Zadzooks: Road to Perdition, Rambo and Kick-Ass
'Perdition' magnificently rendered on Blu-ray

By Joseph Szadkowski
The Washington Times, August 9, 2010

Brad Meltzer speaks with Brian Vaughn

Brad's left our fair city for Florida's charms, but he's still into comics:

DEUS EX MACHINA: Meltzer Interviews BKV Part 1
by Jeffrey Renaud
Comic Book Resources, August 9th, 2010

Comic Riffs interviews John Romita Jr.

The 'Riffs Interview: Artist JOHN ROMITA JR. talks family business, Big Daddies & the 'Kick-Ass' sequel
By Michael Cavna
Washington Post Comic Riffs blog August 10, 2010

Truitt on Titan Maximum stop-motion animiation

Giant robots, animated absurdity reign in ‘Titan Maximum’
Brian Truitt
USA Weekend's Whos News blog August 9th, 2010

PR: Fantom's Got a New Website

Fantom Comics - Where there is a comic book for everyone
After nearly 5 years Fantom's decided it was time for a new site. So we got one. It's up now! Check out the following features:

Our brand new ONLINE STORE!! We're very excited to offer a world class selection of the best graphic novels, delivered to you anywhere in the United States.
Our MAIL-ORDER SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE is also brand spanking new! No longer will those out of driving/walking/metroing/segwaying distance from our store have to go without the newest in comics.
Plus our ever popular In-Store Subscription Service gets its own page, where we  lay out subscription rules for our in-store customers.
Our new Home Page showcases Fantom's twitter feed and a video tour of our Union Station location. And hey, don't be shy about following us on twitter to keep up with the latest comic book news that we deem "twitter-worthy"!

Our Announcements Page will be our spot for announcing upcoming store news and events. While you're checking it out, click on the subscribe to posts option.

And explore other old/new features such as our Geek Polls, our "New This Week" Cover Gallery, and Fantom's Favorite Sites.
We'll continue to tinker and improve this site for your enjoyment and convenience. If you have any comments or suggestions on the new layout you'd like to share with us, we'd love to hear from you. Shoot us an email at

Happy browsing, from your friends at Fantom!

Union Station - 50 Massachusetts Avenue NE | Washington, DC 20002 | 202-216-9478


PR: Small Press Expo Announces James Sturm, Raina Telgemeier and Jim Rugg as guests for SPX 2010

Small Press Expo Announces James Sturm, Raina Telgemeier and Jim Rugg as guests for SPX 2010.


Bethesda, Maryland; August 10, 2010 - The Small Press Expo (SPX), the preeminent showcase for the exhibition of independent comics, graphic novels and alternative political cartoons is pleased to announce that James Sturm, Raina Telgemeier and Jim Rugg will be guests for SPX 2010, which will be held September 11 and September 12 at the Marriott North Bethesda Hotel and Conference Center in Bethesda, Maryland, across from the White Flint Metro stop. These guests are in addition to the previously announced Kate Beaton and Dean Haspiel.


James Sturm is an Eisner and Xeric Award winner as well as being a co-founder of The Center for Cartoon Studies. His latest graphic novel, Market Day, published by Drawn and Quarterly, drew critical acclaim from such media outlets as The New York Times and NPR. James is the creator of the equally well received The Golem's Mighty Swing,  as well as co-authoring Satchel Paige: Striking Out Jim Crow. He just completed a long stint off the Internet and e-mail, which was documented in a series he did on the subject for Slate. 


Raina Telgemeier's latest work, Smile (A Dental Drama) published by Scholastic Press, led to excellent reviews by both Publishers Weekly and the New York Times. She drew four graphic novels for Scholastic based on the best seller series by Ann M. Martin, The Baby-sitters Club. Raina has won the Eisner, Ignatz and Kimberly Yale Awards and is the artist for this years SPX poster. Raina's website is


Jim Rugg is an illustrator and cartoonist from Pittsburgh. His graphic novels and comic collections include Afrodisiac (Adhouse Books), Street Angel (SLG Publishing), The PLAIN Janes and Janes in Love (DC Comics), One Model Nation (Image Comics) and The Guild (Dark Horse Comics). He has also produced short comics for VH1, New York Magazine, True Porn, Meathaus, Cinema Sewer and Project Superior.

SPX culminates with the presentation of the Ignatz Awards for outstanding achievement in comics and cartooning on Saturday night, September 11 at 9PM. Attendees at SPX get in free to the Ignatz Awards. The Ignatz is the first Festival Prize in the US comic book industry, with winners chosen by balloting by attendees during SPX. 

For detailed information about guests, panels and the Ignatz Awards, visit the SPX web site at


SPX is a registered 501(c)3 which brings together more than 300 artists and publishers to meet their readers, booksellers and distributors each year. Graphic novels, mini comics and alternative comics will all be on display and for sale by their authors and illustrators. 


As in previous years, profits from the SPX will go to support the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund (CBLDF), protecting the First Amendment rights of comic book readers and professionals.  For more information on the CBLDF, go to their website at             


The hours for SPX 2010 are 11AM-7PM Saturday, September 11, and noon-6PM Sunday, September 12. Admission is $10 for a single day and $15 for both days.

Comics in the world


"Super magazine selection" sign at Rehoboth Beach's Browsabout Books bookstore.

Ryan Claytor on his VA and DC stops

I missed Ryan at the Fantom Comics store due to a previous commitment, but he stopped by later in the evening and we had a meal, and I loaned him a bed. Here's his account. We'd never met before but hit it off well. He's a really nice guy and I'd advice anyone on the northern leg of his tour to stop by and meet him and buy his comics.

100_0241 Ryan Claytor - Mike Rhode Ryan Claytor and Mike Rhode (note our t-shirts, mine was a gift from my wife and says "Comic Book Collectors have issues", his is the 3rd version advertising his comics that I'd seen by that point).

Monday, August 09, 2010

Chris Morris caricature in today's Post

There's a lovely Chris Morris caricature in today's Post in this article on page A11, but it's not online of course.

A deep bench of substitute justices goes unused
By Robert Barnes
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, August 9, 2010

New Trickster review online

‘Trickster’ Pairs Native American Tales With Comic Book Illustrations
Finding willing storytellers wasn't easy, but Matt Dembicki's persistence paid off with a collection that's funny, sad, surprising.
By Jenny Shank,
New West Book Review 8-09-10

Caro on Basil Wolverton

Caroline Small compares Basil Wolverton to outsider artists at the Hooded Utilitarian blog.

Comics at Brickfest 2010

I was hanging around with Ryan Claytor (more to come on that) so I couldn't make LEGO's Brickfest this year, but my neighbor Chris Ingram, the real LEGO fan, shot a couple of pictures for me:

The Green Lantern -

Asterix the Gaul and his village -

and Matt Dembicki just sent in this Bill the Cat from Bloom County / Outland / Opus -

That Darn Luckovich

Arlington cemetery is no laughing matter
Charlotte Johnson Jones
Fredericksburg Free Lance-Star 8/8/2010

Comic Riffs on Rall and Bors in Afghanistan.

'No filter': Cartoonists MATT BORS & TED RALL depart for Afghanistan eager to tell 'the people's story'
By Michael Cavna
Washington Post Comic Riffs blog August 9, 2010;

Comics picture from National Museum of Health & Medicine

MIS 09-5048-36

MIS 09-5048-36

Headed for home - Commander Frank E. Ehrlich, Medical Corps, U.S. Navy, chief of pediatric surgery at Naval Hospital, Portsmouth, Virginia, finds Brian LeBlanc reading a comic book a few hours after surgery. Brian was hospitalized less than 24 hours for his operation.[Pediatrics.][Hospitals, wards.] 4/1974.

U.S. Navy Medicine; U.S. Navy BUMED Library and Archives via the National Museum of Health and Medicine

Note that the comic book is Little Dot from Harvey Comics.

PRESS RELEASE: “Daddy’s Home” Canadian Sales Boom

Anthony Rubino sent this in, noting "I lived in Bethesda for 15 years before moving to NYC 3 years ago."  That's on-topic enough for me.

In Addition To Steadily Increasing Sales In The US, "Daddy's Home" Continues To Sell Briskly In Canada Where The Comic Breaks Ground With New Paid Internet Sales
In addition to steady sales and growing popularity in The US, it seems our friends to the North have taken a liking to Peter and the "Daddy's Home" gang. This month, Creator's Syndicate's national sales director, Margo Sugrue sold "Daddy's Home" (By Anthony Rubino, Jr. and Gary Markstein) to a consortium of websites there, under the umbrella; and its 28 subsidiary sites. This translates to 56 new sales in 28 markets (28 daily accounts and 28 Sunday accounts). The sales come in the wake of Creator's Sun Media deal, earlier this year, in which "Daddy's Home" picked up six new, major daily and Sunday Canadian markets (Calgary Sun, Edmonton Sun, Toronto Sun, Ottawa Sun, Winnipeg Sun and The Branford Expositor). "DH" is also in several smaller Canadian papers.
Among the 28 "paid-subscription-only" sites under the umbrella are:  London Free Press, Brockville Record and Times, Chattam Daily News,  Bellville Intelligencer,  The Barrie Examiner, Peterborough Examiner, The Sault Star, Northumberland Today, North Bay Nugget, Cornwall Standard Freeholder, and more.
"Daddy's Home" US print newspaper clients include "The Chicago Sun-Times," The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Lexington Herald Leader, The Bismarck Tribune, The Duluth News-Tribune, Arizona Central and The Amarillo Globe-News to name a few. These coupled with the Canadian accounts puts "Daddy's Home's" total newspaper client list at more than 100 papers. In addition, "DH" currently boasts just over 200 newspaper and "other" websites contracts. bringing the combined print and online total to approximately 300.
In other news, "DH" is currently in the midst of a wildly successful Caption contest, which closes on 8/20. We currently have more than 1000 entries. Readers will cast their votes on the finalists starting on 8/23.
And in breaking news…
Earlier today, Creators Syndicate announced that "Daddy's Home" will be tested in "Newsday," starting this Sunday, August 15.
"Daddy's Home" was launched in 2008.
Relevant links:

Sunday, August 08, 2010

Bennett's Best on Zadzooks

Bennett's Best: Four Eyes, Rasl and Life with Archie: The Married Life
By Greg Bennett, Special to Zadzooks
Zadzooks  Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Saturday, August 07, 2010

That Darn Toles (continued yet again)

An Irony Too Far [online title: Cartoon of Middle East peace principals went too far]

Washington Post August 7, 2010

Political cartoons are, by definition, ironic, but Tom Toles's Aug. 2 cartoon went beyond irony into falsehood. Contrary to the illustrated scene, Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has, in fact, been calling on the Palestinians to join in direct talks, and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has adamantly refused. Most recently, President Obama and the Arab League have joined Israel's call, but Mr. Abbas has yet to respond.

Israel, in contrast to Mr. Toles's depiction, is ready for direct peace talks now -- with all issues on the table -- and is hopeful that when the Palestinians return to the negotiating table, a peace agreement can be reached swiftly and definitively.

Jonathan Peled, Washington

The writer is spokesman for the Embassy of Israel.

Ryan Claytor in the area signing comics this weekend

He's at Laughing Ogre right now.

Ryan Claytor will be at Laughing Ogre Comics, Lansdowne Shopping Center, 19340 Promenade Dr., Lansdowne, Va., on Saturday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., then at Fantom Comics in Union Station from 4 to 7 p.m. On Sunday, he’ll be at Beyond Comics at 536 North Frederick Ave., Gaithersburg, Md., from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

The autobio minicomics creator is in town this weekend for his US tour. Union Station is the most central location -

Ryan Claytor In-Store Signing
August 7th, 2010 from 4-7pm
at Fantom Comics
50 Mass Ave. NE
Washington, DC 20002

I've bought all of Ryan's minicomics and recommend them.

Friday, August 06, 2010

Bugs Bunny at Wolftrap featured in today's Examiner

Looney Tunes light up the outdoors at Wolf Trap
 Marie Gullard
 Washington Examiner August 6, 2010 : 20

PR: Lone Justice Graphic Novel Exclusive at Baltimore Comic-Con

Generally, I won't be forwarding all of these - however this one is of note because our area's Mark Wheatley is doing this comic.

Lone Justice Graphic Novel Exclusive at Baltimore Comic-Con
IDW Publishing, ComicMix and Insight Studios Team-Up for Signed, Numbered Edition

Baltimore, Maryland - August 6, 2010 - He's been the city's greatest champion, battling tirelessly to keep us safe from harm. But what could spell the end for Lone Justice? What could destroy the hero of the century? Does it take losing everything to a horrific economy to make a man see what he really stands for?

With the regular edition of IDW Publishing and ComicMix's Lone Justice - Volume 1 not due in comic shops until September, a select few fans will be able to get a signed, limited convention exclusive edition at the August 28-29, 2010 Baltimore Comic-Con.

Writer-artist Mark Wheatley, writer Robert Tinnell, and editor Mike Gold will all be on hand to celebrate this sneak peek edition, which is limited to only 50 copies. This edition includes a special illustrated signature plate.

"The Baltimore Comic-Con is one of my all-time favorite conventions every year. I love comics and this show is intensely about comics: old comics, new comics, the people who love to make them, and the people who love to read them," said Mark Wheatley. "It doesn't get any more comic-centric than that, which is why we're having these special copies shipped in directly from the printer."

The standard edition of Lone Justice - Volume 1 is featured on Page 157 of the July edition of Previews from Diamond Comic Distributors [item #JUL10 0357]. The full-color trade paperback carries a retail price of just $19.99 for 132 pages almost entirely crammed with incredible pulp-flavored action.

Lone Justice was originally serialized online on ComicMix. This collection, the first of two volumes that will tell the complete tale, marks its first appearance in print. Volume 2 in this series is scheduled for February 2011, also from IDW Publishing.

The Baltimore Comic-Con will be held Saturday and Sunday, August 28-29, 2010 at the Baltimore Convention Center. In addition to Mark Wheatley, Robert Tinnell, and Mike Gold, guests include Sergio Aragones, Howard Chaykin, Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez, Michael Golden, Marc Hempel, Klaus Janson, J.G. Jones, Denis Kitchen, Rich Koslowski, Steve Lieber, Todd McFarlane, Terry Moore, Paul Pope, Eric Powell, Jim Shooter, Billy Tucci, Mark Waid, Bernie Wrightson, and many others.

The Baltimore Convention Center is located just a few short blocks from the family-friendly and world famous Inner Harbor, and immediately across the street from the historic Camden Yards sports complex (home of the Baltimore Orioles and Geppi's Entertainment Museum).

For additional information, contact Mark Wheatley at

Contact Information
Please use the following e-mail addresses to contact the Baltimore Comic-Con: - for any general press inquiries or to be added to our PR distribution - for requesting exhibitor, publisher, and Artist Alley applications - for inquiries about submitted registrations - for communications regarding the Harvey Awards ceremony and banquet - for general Baltimore Comic-Con inquiries
About The Baltimore Comic-Con
The Baltimore Comic-Con is celebrating its 11th year of bringing the comic book industry to the Baltimore and Washington D.C. area.  With a guest list unequaled in the industry, the Baltimore Comic-Con will be held August 28-29, 2010.  For more information, please visit

About The Harvey Awards
The Harvey Awards are one of the comic book industry's oldest and most respected awards.  With a history of over 20 years, the last 5 in conjunction with the Baltimore Comic-Con, the Harveys recognize outstanding achievements in over 20 categories.  They are the only industry awards nominated and selected by the full body of comic book professionals.  For more information, please visit


Thursday, August 05, 2010

Ryan Claytor interview at City Paper

Meet a Visiting Cartoonist: Ryan Claytor, the Man Behind Elephant Eater Comics

Posted by Mike Rhode on Aug. 5, 2010 at 2:48 pm

Stan Lee's Superhumans premieres on History Channel tonight

Stan Lee's tv show Superhumans premieres on the History Channel tonight. If you've got FIOS in Arlington, you'll be able to see it.

Their website says:

About Stan Lee's Superhumans
Throughout history, the forces of evolution and genetic mutation have endowed humans with astonishing new abilities and features. It's a process that continues to this day, and nowhere is it more evident than in the fascinating world of Stan Lee's "Superhumans."

Co-hosted by Stan Lee, the legendary creator of the X-Men, the series scours the globe for the real-life counterparts of Lee's characters–people with unique genetic traits that translate into remarkable powers. These include a man whose body is powerfully magnetic, another who can withstand deadly levels of cold and yet another whose brain performs complex calculations at staggering speeds.

In each episode, these "superhumans" undergo tests that may help explain their amazing gifts, while viewers discover the long history of people with extraordinary powers. Daniel Browning Smith, who's been dubbed the most flexible man in the world, hosts this thrilling journey into the farthest reaches of humankind.