Saturday, September 14, 2024

SPX 2024 in Photos, Day 0 (Sept. 13) - Tillie Walden at the Libary of Congress

Ignoring the official title of the talk, Walden spoke about her career, how she learned to make comics, having Bill Watterson's brother for an English teacher, being married and having children, and teaching as a profession. It was an excellent, exuberant talk and will be well worth watching when it hits the LoC's YouTube channel.

Here's 2 notes that I posted live on FB. 

"I love filling out forms with a certificate of cartooning as my highest level of education."

She finished her talk saying that in 200 years people would still be making comics and queer people will still be cartoonists.

Possibly her next project? I missed if it is, but it's a 19th century lesbian couple based on their diaries.

The exhibit of LGBTQ comics held by the Library. In the 1980s-90s, DC had a gay bookstore, Lambda Rising, on Dupont Circle that carried Alison Bechdel's Dykes to Watch Out For. The strip was also being published in the Blade newspaper.

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