Sunday, October 14, 2007



First and foremost I want to thank you for taking the time to interview with me again.

The incredible sequel to the Looking Glass Wars is enthralling. Seeing Redd is the type of novel that could catapult you into literary history. Seeing Redd is the most awe-inspiring novel of the season.

How did it feel to see your book Seeing Redd which was just released on August 21st already topping the New York Times bestseller list?

Very, very satisfying. Having it at #4 on the NYT bestseller list the week it was released showed me that the momentum created by the Looking Glass Wars and Hatter M had carried readers to the next book and this was incredibly exciting.

How would you describe the atmosphere of Seeing Redd compared to the Looking Glass Wars novel?

Well…the dust has barely settled since the Alyssians trounced Queen Redd and she fled through the Heart Crystal to parts unknown. We return to a Wonderland in flux as the young queen Alyss attempts to rule a world she barely knows; a world where everyone is seeing Redd! Has Her Imperial Viciousness returned or it only black imagination? So in one word I would describe the atmosphere as TENSE in Seeing Redd. Book Two readers, assuming they have read book one, have already been introduced to Alyss and her Wonderland and many of the characters they will see again in Book 2. While LGW covered a 13-year period, Seeing Redd focuses on an adventure that takes place over a short period of time. There will be new characters introduced plus a heightened sense of immediacy as events and crisis follow in rapid order. Characters will again be traveling back and forth from Wonderland via the Pool of Tears but this time a new twist will be added as inhabitants of our world travel to Wonderland. These travelers are not exactly welcome as they are villains first introduced in the Hatter M comics. Much of the fun of the parallel story of Hatter M is crossing back and forth from different perspectives. While Hatter battled these villains on earth to save Imagination, Redd sees them in an entirely different light.

The depths of the characters portrayed in your novels are astonishing. Are there any characters returning from the Looking Glass Wars novel, and could you tell us some of the new characters in Seeing Redd?

Alyss and all the Alyssians return in full force for Seeing Redd as well as Redd and her murderous feline, the Cat. Villains introduced in the Hatter M comic mini-series will also re-appear in Seeing Redd as they join with Her Imperial Viciousness in the cause of Black Imagination. With regard to new characters, readers will be introduced to Boarderland and it’s alpha leader, King Arch, an avowed male chauvinist who loathes the idea of Queens ruling Wonderland. Aided by his henchmen, Ripkins and Blister, and the 21 warrior tribes, King Arch lays out his plan to dominate Wonderland like a master chess player. It comes quite naturally to Arch since Boarderland is a land of incessant gamers and gamblers. If you are a fan of anagrams, closely inspect the map included in Seeing Redd and see if you can decode the names of each of the 21 tribes. Hint: Each name is an anagram of a card or board game. Good luck!

Last time we interviewed I made a statement this could be a franchise in the making and this would be an incredible tale for a movie. How much is this in fruition?

I have completed the screenplays for the Looking Glass Wars and Hatter M. which I see as companion films. I am currently working on Book 3 of the trilogy and the screenplay for Seeing Redd. If I am fortunate enough to get the first two films produced then I would like to go on and produce the second two, which would create a 4 film series. In the franchise crazed studio world this amount of material has generated a lot of interest and excitement, however I’m holding out on making any deals. Currently, I have been having conversations with directors because the final and most important piece of the puzzle is my creative counterpart, the director who will take what I’ve created even further.

I first read Hatter M before the Looking Glass Wars; I have been a fan of your writings since 2005. How do you feel about the recognition you have received from all of the media and comic book reviewers?

I feel extreme gratitude for all the time and effort taken by these writers to get to know my work and help to articulate it to their readers. The positive feedback really helps by encouraging me to take the intuitive leaps that guide me with all of these projects. You think to yourself, “Oh man…is this too much?” But then you get this amazing feedback to go further and it just pushes you to keep trying for the high notes. It really is a collaborative effort on everyone’s part who enjoys the projects to keep them expanding and delivering what the LGW fans enjoy about the characters and their adventures.

Are you going to be coming to the east coast and doing any book signings or Comic -Cons, because you have loyal fans that would enjoy meeting a creative artisan as yourself?

I always try to do as many Comic Cons as I can physically and realistically fit in to my schedule because meeting the fans and talking about the work is truly ground zero for me. FRANK – ANY EAST COAST COMIC CONS SCHEDULED??????

Are you going to have a comic book about the Seeing Redd novel?

It is a definite possibility. If I were to do a ‘comic’ based on Redd I would want to do it in a similar fashion to how I created Hatter M which was created not as a comic book version of the character as readers were introduced to him in LGW, but as a stand alone series that is really an adjunct or extension of the novel. Through Hatter’s perspective readers are taken on an entirely different albeit connected adventure from what they have read in LGW. Redd’s comic book series would possibly be a prequel of the girl who would kill to become Queen or maybe an exploration of Wonderland when she ruled for 13 years where the four suit families were vying for power as they assemble their own armies.

How were the skeptics concerning you writing this fantastic story?

Debate is healthy. I welcome all forms of criticism and only ask that they read my books first.

As I read Chapter 32 in the book, I was so amazed how you incorporated our friend Mr. Dodgson. How does the Lewis Carroll society feel about you writing about their founder?

I have not had any direct contact with the venerable society, however, I believe via several anonymous posts to our forums that there may be a divisive ‘curiosity’ developing within the society and that some of the members have opened their imaginations to the possibility that there was much more to Lewis Carroll than history had recorded.

You have surrounded yourself in the company of some great artists in the past such as Ben Templesmith and Liz Cavalier. Now in this novel Seeing Redd you have artwork by Vance Kovacs, Stephan Martiniere, and Nate Barlow. How have the contributions of these artists helped in spreading the glow?

Working with the people you named (as well many, many others you did not) has been an alchemical explosion of creativity that has not only helped to spread the glow but since the very beginning has revealed that imagination glows brightest when the effort is collaborative.

Which is more demanding and fulfilling being a movie producer or being a writer?

Both are demanding and fulfilling, as is any job where something of value is accomplished. The difference I noticed most was that when you produce a movie you have to rely on other people on a daily basis while when writing it is solely up to you to deliver that day’s pages. When writing you stand, or fall, alone on each day’s work. This makes for an intense experience and your daily moods correspond to how well the writing is going which can turn you into a functioning manic/depressive.

Is there any advice you would give aspiring writers?

They always tell you to write what you know. I think this is boring advice. If you know it already where is the fun for you? I say go out and discover something you do not know but are incredibly interested in and write about that. At least you will have a good time doing it and if it is something you find fascinating chances are others will too or at least enough people to support your ongoing authorial efforts.

What would you like fans to go away with after reading "Seeing Redd"?

An intense desire to know what happens in Book 3.

As always, it has been a pleasure talking with you. Mr. Beddor, your creativeness and written artistry are that of a modern day genius. Thank you and the multitudes of creative artists that work with you to bring us the readers an incredible novel about the real Alyss of Wonderland.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

SPX and DC's Matt Dembicki in the Examiner today UPDATED

The Examiner has a brief article on SPX today (now on the right, shhh) - Matt Dembicki of the local DC Conspiracy artists group is quoted in it. Matt's at SPX selling his Mr. Big, the story of a large turtle, which Matt says is all-ages appropriate.

Also, apparently yesterday's Post Weekend had a brief article, and on Thursday, Scott Rosenberg had a good size piece about Matt Wagner and SPX in the Express, with a lovely piece of art by Paul Horshenheiemer. He's got extras and he's roaming at SPX interviewing cartoonists with Chris Porter also of the Express.

I'll be there circa 1:30 on Saturday with Richard Thompson of the Post and Cul de Sac in tow.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

OT: Mauldin / Feiffer exhibit in Chicago

this press release was sent to me and I've got a great deal of respect and admiration for the two cartoonists, so here it is:

Jean Albano Gallery
215 West Superior Street
Chicago, Illinois 60610
312.440.0770 fax 312.440.3103

October 11, 2007


The Jean Albano Gallery is pleased to announce an exhibition, History Revealed, featuring work by famed cartoonists BILL MAULDIN and JULES FEIFFER. The show opens on Friday, October 26, 2007, and will run through Saturday, January 6, 2008. The gallery will host an opening reception on Friday, October 26, from 5:30 to 7:30 pm at 215 West Superior Street, Chicago. This exhibition will explore subtleties between the work of these two men, whose editorial cartoons continue to be socially and politically relevant. Original watercolor drawings, editorial cartoons, and Feiffer’s illustrations from The Long Chalkboard (2006) will be shown. In addition, new limited edition prints by Bill Mauldin will be featured, including a special limited edition printing of Mauldin’s iconic “Weeping Lincoln” image.

The late cartoonist BILL MAULDIN is remembered for his depiction of life in the trenches during World War II. Stationed in Europe during the war, Mauldin drew cartoons for the Stars and Strips featuring two infantrymen named Willie and Joe. In 1945, Mauldin won his first Pulitzer Prize, “for distinguished service as a cartoonist, as exemplified by the series entitled ‘Up Front with Mauldin.” Mauldin became staff cartoonist for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch in 1959. In the same year, he won his second Pulitzer for a cartoon entitled I won the Nobel Prize for Literature. What was your crime? In 1962, Mauldin moved to the Chicago Sun-Times, where he worked until his retirement in 1991. One of Mauldin’s most famous cartoons, depicting the statue of Abraham Lincoln at the Lincoln Memorial holding his head in his hands, appeared in the paper after the assassination of John F. Kennedy in 1963. Mauldin passed away at the age of 81 in 2003.

JULES FEIFFER is a legendary, multi-dimensional personality whose talent is reflected in his many endeavors, including his beautifully composed and engaging artwork. In 2003, Feiffer was honored with a solo exhibition, Julz Rulz: Inside the Mind of Jules Feiffer, at the New York Historical Society. In addition, Feiffer’s most recent play, A Bad Friend, was commissioned by and performed at Lincoln Center, New York in summer, 2003. Jules Feiffer is known for his internationally syndicated cartoon strip, which ran for 40 years in The Village Voice and as a monthly feature in The New York Times. He is the author of over 35 books, including the children’s books By the Side of the Road, (2002) and I Lost My Bear (1998). He has written film scripts, among them Popeye (1980) and Carnal Knowledge (1971), and won an Academy Award for Munro (1960), an animated cartoon based on his story. Feiffer won the Obie and Outer Critics Circle Awards for his first full-length play, Little Murders, in 1969. He lives and works in New York City.

Gallery hours are Tuesday through Friday, from 10:00 am until 5:00 pm, and Saturday from 11:00 am to 5:00 pm, or by appointment. For further information, please contact Sarah Kaliski or Lindsey Walton at 312.440.0770.

Also, this bit about Mauldin's Lincoln cartoon was included separately:

The “WEEPING LINCOLN,” by the great Bill Mauldin, is one of the most acclaimed and distinguished cartoons of the twentieth century. Drawn on November 23, 1963, the day of President John F. Kennedy’s assassination, the cartoon ran in commemoration the following day as the back page of the Chicago Sun-Times.

The cartoon captured the immediate emotional response to the president’s death as felt by millions of people around the world. The image remains unequivocal; a powerful tribute to this historic occasion.

Mauldin gave the original drawing of the “Weeping Lincoln” to Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy, who later donated it to the Kennedy Presidential Library in Boston.

Unknown to the world, the original metal plate used for printing was rescued from the refuse container by Mr. Ralph Otwell, Weekend News Editor for the Chicago Sun-Times, and has been on the wall of his study for over forty years. Mr. Otwell brought the plate to Jean Albano Gallery in 2006, during their first exhibition of Bill Mauldin’s cartoons. It was an amazing discovery.

The Estate of Bill Mauldin, in association with Jean Albano Gallery, is privileged to offer a limited edition print of the “WEEPING LINCOLN,” hand-pulled from the original plate. This special edition is limited to ONLY 650 prints.

The “Weeping Lincoln” will be featured as part of the exhibition History Revealed: Jules Feiffer and Bill Mauldin, on display at Jean Albano Gallery from October 26, 2007 through January 6, 2008.

Matt Wagner signing at Big Planet

I went to the Matt Wagner signing at Big Planet and bought a lot of books. I already had some of them in comics books, but it's easier to find compilations on the shelf. Matt was a real nice guy and I'm sure I'll get some photos from BP to post here. I've got some nice sketches in the books too!

How'd the other signings in town go?

Small Press Expo article

There's a good Small Press Expo article in the Express - this is too late for you to pick up a physical copy, but check out Scott's story. The print copy had a beautiful piece of art by Paul Hornschemeier - perhaps Scott can let us know if it's onlin.e

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Apparently this article on Cul de Sac will run in the Express

"Comics: A Week of Wry Laughs" by Scott Rosenberg, Express, Posted at 12:00 AM on October 11, 2007.

Why isn't Cul de Sac in the Post?

Beats me. Supposedly they bought it.

I'd encourage you all to write to

Here's the note I sent today:

So, what are we all waiting for? Perhaps you can drop 'Watch Your Head' which sadly never fulfilled its promise. Or finally put 'Peanuts' out of its misery.

Michael Rhode
Arlington, VA

ICAF announces presenter refused admission to US

Tom Spurgeon was informed of this by chair Marc Singer. From the ICAF website (emphasis in the original):

Panel 5: The theory and practice of comics studies
Moderated by Charles Hatfield, ICAF Executive Committee
Ernesto Priego, “The Tell-Tale Smell of Burning Paper: ‘Logic of Form’ and the Origin of Comics”
Benjamin Woo, “An Age-old Problem: Problematics of Comic Book Historiography”
Joseph Witek, “American Comics Criticism and the Problem of Dual Address”

Ernesto Priego is unable to present his paper at ICAF because he has been denied entry into the United States of America. The U.S. government has not renewed his visa, nor have they given him any explanation why he will not be allowed into the country. ICAF protests this refusal of entry, part of a recent and disturbing trend of excluding foreign scholars, as an infringement on academic freedom.

Marc Singer expands on it a little more at his blog.

Oct 12 signings - new Feiffer one!

The Small Press Expo starts at 2 pm of course. See

Politics and Prose, Friday, October 12, 10:30 a.m.
HENRY THE DOG WITH NO TAIL (Paula Wiseman, $16.99)
All of his dog friends have tails, and Henry wants one too. Inspired by Kate’s own tailless Australian Shepherd, Henry, and wonderfully illustrated by Kate’s father, Jules Feiffer, this is an understated, humorous dog tale. Ages 2-5

Writer's Center (Bethesda):
An evening with Washington Post cartoonist Richard Thompson (whose strip "Cul-de-Sac" appears in the Washington Post Magazine, and "Richard's Poor Almanac" in the Style section). Thompson, who is going into national syndication this month, will talk about how he finds and develops ideas and will share samples of work in process.
Date/Time 10/12/2007 [7:30 PM to 9:30 PM]
Event Type Special Event
Venue/Room Bethesda, Room: Reading Room
Capacity 80 spaces

Politics and Prose Friday, October 12, 9 p.m.
Coffee and Donuts with Zippy
ZIPPY: Walk a Mile in My Muu-Muu (Fantagraphics, $18.95)
Zippy’s elusive creator Bill Griffith is in town for the Small Press Expo. Due to a delay at the printer, Bill Griffith’s new collection, Walk a Mile in My Muu-Muu, will not be available at the event, although he will be discussing it. His previous Zippy collections will be available for purchase. You will be able to sign-up for a signed copy of the new collection at the event, and we will contact you when they are printed. Coffee and donuts will be provided during the event.

Oct 11 book signings

As Charlie Brown would say - AAARRRRGGGGHHHH! I'll be doing the Matt Wagner one, I think.

Matt Wagner will be at a 25th Anniversary of Grendel signing at Big Planet Bethesda on October 11, from 5-7 pm.

Nick Abadzis will be signing his new book, Laika, on the Russian space dog at Big Planet College Park, 5-7 pm

Douglas Wolk - Reading Comics: How Graphic Novels Work and What They Mean, Thursday, October 11, 2007 at 07:00 PM at Olsson's Books & Records-Dupont Circle, 1307 19th St. NW, (202) 785-1133.

SPEAKING AT THE DC JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER, Thursday, Oct. 11, 7:30 PM, 1529 16th Street, NW., Washington, DC 20036; Cost: $8/$6 member; Rutu Modan speaks about and signs her graphic novel Exit Wounds.

Kim Deitch (Alias The Cat) and Cartoonists With Attitude with Ted Rall, Jen Sorensen and Keith Knight will have a joint signing event including a slide presentation about their respective works. Date: October 11; Time: 7PM; Location: Barnes and Nobles Bethesda 4801 Bethesda Ave, Bethesda, MD.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Monday, October 08, 2007

It's no wonder this editorial isn't signed

This editorial "Get a clue, Bruce", by The Washington DC Examiner Oct 8, 2007 conflates the threats against Fleming Rose for publishing the Danish Islam cartoons with Springsteen's opposition to the Iraq war. Cause and effect seem to be a problem here as America invaded two Muslim countries years before Rose published the cartoons AND ignoring the fact that it took six months of agitating to actually get anyone excited about the Islam cartoons. I wonder why this editorial feels that Freedom of Speech can be exported and supported by invasion. So I call it a crock.

Richard Thompson and the Big L

Since he's got his own blog, these mentions are becoming redundant, but check out this post for the Big L story.

Sunday, October 07, 2007


By John Judy

ABSOLUTE SANDMAN VOL.2 HC by Neil Gaiman and Too Many Art Gods to Mention. Collecting issues #21-39 of the classic series along with all kinds of extra goodies in an over-sized format worthy of the material. To paraphrase Robin Williams “Absolute Editions are God’s way of saying “You got too much money!””

BLACK ADAM THE DARK AGE #3 of 6 by Peter Tomasi and Doug Mahnke. DC’s best-loved mass murderer fights Hawkman. Good thing the Big H is into reincarnation.

BLACK SUMMER #3 of 7 by Warren Ellis and Juan Jose Ryp. Bodies everywhere, super-heroes on the run, and a U.S. President in the morgue. The series that’s gonna get Ellis water-boarded in an undisclosed location. Read it before they burn down the comic stores! Not for kids. Recommended.

BOOSTER GOLD #3 by Geoff Johns, Jeff Katz, and Dan Jurgens. Our Hero goes back to the Old West and meets Jonah Hex, as everyone who goes back to the Old West is wont to do. If you miss HBO’s “Deadwood” this will just remind you how bad it hurts. It’s a time-travel story that doesn’t suck. Recommended.

CAPTAIN CARROT AND THE FINAL ARK #1 of 3 by Bill Morrison and Scott Shaw! The anthropomorphic JLA is back and the they brought The Funny with ‘em! It might be possible to read this book sober but I wouldn’t advise it. Gotta look!

EC ARCHIVES: VAULT OF HORROR VOL.1 HC by The Elder Gods of Horror. Collecting the first six issues from 1950-51. Twenty-four spine-tingling, subversive tales with a foreward by R.L. Stine. You must own this book. Highly recommended.

FANTASTIC FOUR #550 by Dwayne McDuffie and Paul Pelletier. Somebody in Marvel Editorial really wants us to care about a minor character named “Gravity.” It’s time to let it go, Somebody. We’re just not that into him. Also guest-starring the Silver Surfer and Dr. Strange, pre- or post- “Civil War.” Can’t tell anymore.

FRIENDLY NEIGHBORHOOD SPIDER-MAN #24 by J. Michael Straczynski and Joe Quesada. “One More Day”, chapter two of the Aunt may death-watch can be found here.

GARTH ENNIS CHRONICLES OF WORMWOOD SC by GE and Jacen Burrows. A rollicking good six issues of blasphemy from Ireland’s favorite son. Featuring a brain-damaged Rasta Jesus, a talking rabbit, and an Aussie Pope. It’s great, but absolutely NOT FOR KIDS. Recommended.

GREEN LANTERN #24 by Geoff Johns and Ivan Reis. Hal’s still fighting the Sinestro Corps War but this issue features one of those classic “Screwed-Up Statue of Liberty” covers that have been a staple of fantasy adventure ever since Charlton Heston had the worst walk on the beach ever in “Planet of the Apes.”

I KILLED ADOLF HITLER GN by Jason. Okay, what if a hitman traveled back in time to kill Hitler but somehow Hitler got away and came to the future? Wouldn’t it have made those “Back to the Future” movies way more interesting? Especially if the crazy actor who played George McFly got to play Hitler? From Fantagraphics.

NEW AVENGERS #35 by Brian Michael Bendis and Leinil Yu. Something bad appears to happen to Tigra the Were-Woman beyond being named “Tigra the were-Woman.” Guest-starring “Wol-Venom-Rine” if we are to believe the cover.

PUNISHER #51 by Garth Ennis and Goran Parlov. How hard is it to get a sitter if the Barracuda’s got your baby? Looks like a seriously dark story-line even by Garth Ennis standards. NOT for kids.

PUNISHER WAR JOURNAL #12 by Matt Fraction and Ariel Olivetti. Frank puts on a insane exo-skeleton super-suit and fights aliens in this “World War Hulk” cross-over. Because isn’t that what the Punisher’s all about?

RUNAWAYS #28 by Joss Whedon and Michael Ryan. Your semi-annual dose of Joss Whedon-y goodness can be found here! Lotsa twists and turns in yet another of the few time-travel stories that doesn’t suck. Recommended.

SIMON DARK #1 by Steve Niles and Scott Hampton. Gotham City has a new guardian creature of the night. Okay, it’s kind of like opening next to a Wal-Mart, but the creative team is amazing. Gotta look.

SUPERMAN #668 by Kurt Busiek and Rick Leonardi. “The Third Kryptonian” story-line begins here, although because the mystery-supe is a new character he or she should properly be called “The 6th or 7th Kryptonian.” Of course that doesn’t sound as cool…

WOLVERINE #58 by Marc Guggenheim and Howard Chaykin. Did you know that every time Logan gets really messed up his soul goes to heaven to fight an angel who hides his real name in an anagram? See? This is why you’re not part of Marvel’s on-going “Who Can Write the Stupidest Wolverine Story EVER?!” contest.

WONDER WOMAN #13 by Gail Simone and Terry & Rachel Dodson. At long last we have Gail Simone writing this title! Between that and the Dodsons’ art we are looking at this week’s Must-Read. Recommended.

X-FACTOR #24 by Peter David and Pablo Raimondi. Wrapping up the latest story of the latest guy who wants to kill all the mutants.

X-MEN DIE BY THE SWORD #1 of 5 by Chris Claremont and Juan Santacruz. Don’t let the title fool you. It’s “Excalibur Meets the Exiles.” Recommended for people with easy access to whiskey and guns with one bullet. Five issues, dear god….

The return of Von Allen

Von Allen was one of the first people to check out this blog, so even though he's Canadian, we're going to keep in touch with him. He wrote to me today to mention that he'd been interviewed about his recently completed graphic novel. See "AN UNKNOWN TAKES THE "ROAD TO GOD KNOWS…"" by Justin Jordan, Comic Book Resources, October 3, 2007. Von's taken a different route - promoting his graphic novel about schizophrenia before he finished it. I enjoyed the ashcan he handed out at SPX and am looking forward to the final book when he finds a publisher.

Jason Rodriguez interviewed by Newsarama

Local comics writer Jason Rodriguez is interviewed about his next project after Postcards. See "LIFE AFTER POSTCARDS: CATCHING UP WITH JASON RODRIGUEZ" by Zack Smith, Newsarama October 1, 2007.

Baltimore sessions on Jewish comic book creators

See "Jewish authors bring novels to life: McDaniel College hosts five-part discussion series on graphic novels" By Laura McCandlish, Baltimore Sun Reporter.

Richard Thompson attempts to fill all Post pages by himself, part deux UPDATED

Richard, in addition to the usual Cul de Sac strip in the Post's Magazine, has a piece on how to create a cartoon in the Style & Arts section. Giving away part of it, a hammer, a head and drumming might be involved. Richard's posted it on his blog too.

AND, he has a full-page illo for an Achenbach article about open houses later in the Magazine as well.

Chilling, isn't it?

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Richard's Poor Almanack blogs in paper

Richard's panel today makes fun of blogs and then gives the address of his new, and raaaather entertaining, blog.