Monday, November 25, 2024

WaPo replaces Mike du Jour with Crabgrass

I think this is a good switch.


Chris/Dad said...

Bezos strikes again. Crabgrass appeals to MAGA, I get that. But Mike du Jour appeals to mainstream America. Such a disappointment.

Perry said...

So far, I can't tell who "Crabgrass" appeals to or why, but I can't agree that "Mike du Jour" was dropped because its appeal was too mainstream. The strip had a clear right-wing bent to it, to the point that I stopped reading it except for the "word of the day" strips. I wrote to the Post in 2023 to complain after the May 12th strip recycled tired misogynistic stereotypes and the May 13th strip tried to make some kind of joke about slavery! I am not surprised, nor sorry, to see it gone from the Post.