Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Feb 12-14: Katsucon anime and manga festival

16th year at the Gaylord in National Harbor, MD. $50 registration at the door. See http://www.katsucon.org for more information.

Updated - Eden in the comments says "Saturday only is $35, which is reasonable. Sunday is also only $20"

Monday, February 01, 2010

Henry Elderman? John M. Baer? UPDATED

Mike Lynch has 2 pages of scans of 'Famous Cartoonists' addresses from 1941 up at his blog. For DC, we find...

Henry Elderman at 5002 Newport Ave, Friendship Station, Washington, DC?

John M. Baer at A.F. of L. Bldg., Washington, DC?

Admittedly I wasn't here (or anywhere in 1941), but who are these guys? Is Baer a cartoonist for the American Federation of Labor Union? Where's the cartoonists for the dailies, like the Berrymans?


Ok, I've got a bit more time after turning in a City Paper article. Googling Baer finds his biographical file at the University of North Dakota - along with a biographical sketch that says he was a cartoonist before and after being a Member of Congress. After losing an election in 1920, "he resumed his previous activities as a cartoonist and journalist for Labor," says the ELWYN B. ROBINSON DEPARTMENT OF SPECIAL COLLECTIONS in the CHESTER FRITZ LIBRARY. And he's buried in Silver Spring. Here's a link to a larger version and more information on that sketch of him. This biographical note says he was born in 1886 and was the first cartoonist elected to Congress.

Henry Elderman's still a mystery at the moment though.

Comics go meta as Calvin and Hobbes interview appears

A Cleveland Plain Dealer reporter got an interview with Bill Watterson where our own Nevin Martel failed, so Comic Riffs interviewed the reporter - 'CALVIN & HOBBES': How a Cleveland reporter landed a rare interview with reclusive Bill Watterson, By Michael Cavna, Washington Post's Comic Riffs blog February 1, 2010.

Swann Fellowship applications due in 2 weeks

Feb. 15 is the deadline to receive Swann Fellowship applications. Up to $15,000 is awarded annually to qualified graduate student applicant(s) to support scholarly research in caricature and cartoon by the Swann Foundation administered by the Library of Congress. For criteria, application forms, and list of funded projects, please see
Email swann@loc.gov if you have questions.

Herblock! speedtour post up on City Paper blog

How to Zip through "Herblock!" in 10 Minutes, Make that Meeting on the Hill

Posted by Mike Rhode on Feb. 1, 2010, at 11:50 am

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Comics on the Rack, Quick Picks for Comics Due 02-03-10

Quick Picks for Comics Due 02-03-10
By John Judy
BLACKEST NIGHT: WONDER WOMAN #3 of 3 by Greg Rucka and Nicola Scott.  WW's had her world rocked from fighting Black Lanterns, being a Black Lantern and then becoming an honorary Star Sapphire.  But no matter things get, she makes it look good.
THE BOYS #39 by Garth Ennis and Darick Robertson.  New story arc kicks off here with everyone getting closer to knowing stuff they ought not.  Awkward moments galore!  Recommended.  Not for kids.
BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER #32 by Brad Meltzer and Georges Jeanty.  "Chapter One: Buffy Has F#@$ing Superpowers."  Worth it for the tribute cover alone.  Recommended.
CRIMINAL: SINNERS #4 by Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips.  Ex-Army bad-ass Tracy Lawless has been busted by Uncle Sam, which leaves him almost as screwed as disappointing the gangsters he's been working for.  What's an AWOL royal executioner to do?  Highly recommended.
CROGAN'S MARCH HC written and drawn by Chris Schweizer.  How long has it been since you've read a good French Foreign Legion story involving flesh-eating monsters?  Too long, obviously!  From Oni Press.
DEMO #1 of 6 by Brian Wood and Becky Cloonan.  A series of done-in-one stories, each one sketching pivotal events in the lives of their unique protagonists.  From the author of NORTHLANDERS and DMZ.
DISNEY'S HERO SQUAD: ULTRAHEROES #1 by Riccardo Secchi and Stefano Turconi.  No, this is not the first Avengers comic under the Disney logo.  This is the all-ages adventures of Super Goof, the Duck Avenger, Eega Beeva and the Red Bat.  And they don't meet Wolverine until next issue.  From BOOM! Studios.
DOOM PATROL #7 by J.M. DeMatteis and Matthew Clark.  One of the greatest DP members ever, Crazy Jane, is back. But will she bring her multiple personalities and Morrisonian weirdness with her?  Plus, Metal Men!
GREEN LANTERN: SECRET ORIGIN SC by Geoff Johns and Ivan Reis.  What it sounds like.  Collecting GL #29-35 with some nifty foreshadowing of the current "Blackest Night."  Recommended.
INVINCIBLE IRON MAN #23 by Matt Fraction and Salvador Larroca.  Tony Stark remains comatose while Norman Osborn's assassin draws ever closer.  This one's got three variant covers so it must be awesome!
JUSTICE SOCIETY ANNUAL #2 by Keith Giffen, Matthew Sturges and Tom Derenick.  The JSA thinks Magog's responsible for a prison break and he's miffed.  Expect fisticuffs and zappage.
MARVEL HEARTBREAKERS #1 by Various Creators.  Four Valentine's Day tales featuring the heartache of hormonal heroines.  Starring Dazzler, MJ and Gwen, the Nextwave gals and Snowbird.  That's right, Snowbird!  You got a problem with Snowbird?  Take it up with Dazzler, I say!  Gotta look!
MILESTONE FOREVER #1 of 2 by Dwayne McDuffie and Many of Milestone's Original Artists.  In which we see the merging of the Milestone Universe with the DCU from the Milestone POV.  Gotta look!
THE QUESTION #37 by Greg Rucka, Denys Cowan and Bill Sienkiewicz.  Vic Sage is back from the dead and looking to mix it up with the new Question.  I loves me some Rucka but what a shame they couldn't get Dennis O'Neil to write it.
SCALPED #37 by Jason Aaron and RM Guera.  When last we left our heroes Chief Red Crow was voluntarily having his guts kicked out by the Hmong gangsters.  Is it possible they have him right where he wants them?  Highly recommended.  Not for kids.
SIEGE #2 of 4 by Brian Michael Bendis and Joe Quesada.  For some reason someone thinks it would be a fine idea to invade a city full of gods.  This in turn is guaranteed to result in an Avenger dying.  Tough break, Living Lightning.  (Note: I'm kidding about Living Lightning, but if Bendis did off him would people have to start calling him Dead Lightning?  Because that actually sounds cooler.)
SEIGE: EMBEDDED #2 of 4 by Brian Reed and Chris Samnee.  Y'know, you can't have a really great company-wide cross-over without a title devoted to the brave reporters who are covering all that stuff you've already read in the other titles.  Sorta goes without saying.
SUPERMAN: WORLD OF NEW KRYPTON #12 of 12 by Greg Rucka, James Robinson and Pete Woods.  Supes and Adam Strange unravel the Kryptonian conspiracy but at what cost?  Plus, it looks like Brainiac is back for seconds.  Big finish!
TORCH #5 of 8 by Mike Carey, Alex Ross and Patrick Berkenkotter.  They should change the name of this comic to TORCHES because there's three of 'em in this issue.  Nobody can turn a one-shot into a maxi-series like Alex Ross!
ULTIMATE COMICS X #1 by Jeph Loeb and Art Adams.  So it appears Ultimate Wolverine has an Ultimate Kid or he's pretending to be dead while masquerading as a surly blonde teenager.  In spite of Loeb's recent output, this one merits a look because it is drawn by the great Arthur Adams.  And Loeb likewise always merits a look, if only to see if he's getting his game back.  Fingers crossed.
WOLVERINE: SAVAGE ONE-SHOT by Ryan Dunlavey and Richard Elson.  Wolvie's fighting monsters at sea!  Big ones!  Maximum choppage!
WOLVERINE WEAPON X #10 by Jason Aaron and C.P. Smith.  Nobody writes Wolverine better than Jason Aaron and this one introduces a new woman into his cursed life.  Good luck, lady!  And may god have mercy on your immortal whatever…  Highly recommended.

Big Planet extends 50% off hardcover sale

Store owner Greg Bennett writes in, "Seems that both owner and customer consensus is that we should extend the 50% off hardcover sale through Tuesday 2/2, since a bunch of people got snowed in this weekend and didn't get their last shot at it"

I know I got mine... at several of the stores.

A collector's account in the Post

There's quite a bit of overlap between book and comic book collectors these days...

Dispatch from the hoard
People who collect things and those who don't can be friends

Washington Post Sunday, January 31, 2010

The accompanying photo of generic comic books is actually Steve Geppi's collection at the Geppi Entertainment Museum in Baltimore

M.K. Perker comic strip in Post hardcopy

Attention, shoppers! by Michael S. Rosenwald opens with a large comic strip by M.K. Perker in the January 31 2010 Post's Outlook section. It's not online.

Zadzooks reviews comics!

Zadzooks: Soul Kiss, X-Men Forever and Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Colossus of Destiny reviews. Joseph Szadkowski, Washington Times January 28, 2010.

Former Silver Spring resident pens anti-abortion comic strip

Obviously, comics can be used for anything! The cartoonist is Gary Cangemi, for anyone who knew him 38 years ago when he lived in Silver Spring and collected comic books.

Local man uses "Umbert The Unborn" to advocate for anti-abortion, JOSH MROZINSKI, January 31, 2010.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Comic Riffs on the slings and arrows of their webcomics poll

Check out Michael Cavna's defensive duck, bob and weave about his wecomics poll here.

Jim Shooter Signing (Charlottesville, VA)

A little off the beaten path (Charlottesville), but Former EIC of Marvel and founder of Valiant Comics Jim Shooter is coming to Atlas Comics, (1750 Rio Hill Center, Charlottesville, VA 22901) on Friday, February 12, 2010 from 3:30-5:00pm.

From the PR:

After beginning his comic book career at age 13, Shooter has written acclaimed stints on Legion of Super-Heroes, The Avengers, Harbinger, and many other titles.

Presently he’s at work on Dark Horse Comics’ revival of Gold Key’s Magnus Robot Fighter, Doctor Solar, and other characters. The first of those stories debuts on Free Comic Book Day, May 1, 2010.

For more information on Atlas Comics or the signing, visit their website or call (434) 974-7512.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Cartoonists on the joy of cartoon contests

That title up there is sarcastic, but check out the comments where two local cartoon contests - the Robert F. Kennedy Journalism Award and the Herblock Award are specifically mentioned - Picking up the tab to enter cartoon contests, by Alan Gardner, January 13, 2010.

BTW, I've been asked to be an RFK judge again this year (mentioned in the interests of transparency), but I was told by one of the previous judges who picked Derf that they had to threaten to not give the award that year if it wasn't given to him - so the judges aren't always in sync with the award-granting organization. I can say that last year the other RFK judges and I took our roles quite seriously and spent hours pouring through a few score portfolios.

Holy!#@$! Kevin #$@ Smith is coming!

I think you're obliged to use profanity at least once when discussing and/or referencing Kevin "Silent Bob" Smith. I read it on Wikipedia. Or something.

So yes, Kevin Smith is coming to DC. It's quite a ways away, but tickets went on sale this morning through TicketMaster. He's coming to the Sixth & I Historic Synagogue in NW on Thursday, April 22nd at 8pm. Anyone up for this? I've seen some of his college tour content on TV and he is hilarious.

Baltimore City Paper drops cartoon contest winner, and contest judges protest

Larnell Custis Butler's Just Ask Larnell won last year's Baltimore City Paper cartoon contest, but the paper recently dropped it. A letter to the editor signed by judges Tom Scocca, Tony Millionaire, Dina Kelberman, Benn Ray, and Emily Flake, "Bring Back Larnell," Baltimore City Paper 1/27/2010 brings the disagreement to light.

Politics and Prose book group reads Alan Moore

Adam reports that the next book for the Politics and Prose graphic novel book group will be Top Ten: The Forty-Niners by Alan Moore - not a typical Moore choice I'd think.

Tony Millionaire's Elvis Costello in Post

Tony Millionaire draws Elvis Costello for an ad that's on page 9 of the Weekend section of the Post.

Feb 3: Satoshi Kon's Tokyo Godfathers at JICC

Satoshi Kon's Tokyo Godfathers anime is at the Japan Information and Cultural Center at 1155 21st St, NW at 6:30. Call 202-238-6949 for reservations

Cooke interview at Smithsonian American Art blog

There's a Darwyn Cooke interview at the Smithsonian Magazine's blog for his appearance at American Art tomorrow. I'll be there - anyone else?

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Signed Sacco books at Politics and Prose

Politics and Prose bookstore is reporting that they have signed copies of Footnotes in Gaza by Joe Sacco for sale. We didn't fall down on the job and let you miss Sacco; the books were shipped in from NYC.

Comic Riffs on iTricorder

Top 10 Names for the new Apple tablet (*as chosen by top artists), By Michael Cavna, January 27, 2010

East Germany animation reviewed in Express

Drawn and Confined Together: 'Red Cartoons: Animated Films from East Germany'

[print title: Drawn and Confined Together: Vintage cartoons from East Germany draw a bleak picture of a country divided].

Red Cartoons, DEFA, East Germany

Written by Express contributor Stephen M. Deusner
Photo courtesy First Run Features

January 28, 2010

Daumier drawing at Corcoran

Today's Examiner, on p. 32, ran a Daumier drawing that's on display at the Corcoran for the exhibit Turner to Cézanne: Masterpieces from the Davies Collection, National Museum Wales, January 30–April 25, 2010.

1/30: Darwyn Cooke at National Portrait Gallery

Darwyn Cooke will discuss his graphic novel The Hunter, based on 1962 crime classic by Donald Westlake (under pseudonym Richard Stark). January 30. 4pm. Free.

Tip from Bruce Guthrie

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Glen Weldon on the iTricorder and comics

Glen Weldon's take on 2010's big early tech news: Did You Hear? The Apple Tablet Is Gonna Save Comics, Too. National Public Radio's Monkey See blog (January 27 2010).

Kal on Florida public radio

This is a good interview. Luis Hernandez asks some good questions and gets into Kal's different procedures for doing an editorial cartoon vs an Economist cover, and also gets Kal to mention his earliest influence - one I hadn't heard before - Dr. Seuss.

Political Cartoonist Kevin Kallaugher
WGCU's Gulf Coast Live 01-27-2010

Since 1978, Kevin Kallaugher has made a name for himself as a political cartoonist – drawing thousands of cartoons for papers like The Baltimore Sun, the New York Times and Newsweek. He’s probably best known for his dozens of cover pieces for the Economist. Kallaugher is the guest speaker for the Speakers Assembly of Southwest Florida this week and he joins us to talk about his craft.

Obscure Richard Thompson advertising art

Well, it was obscure Richard Thompson advertising art until he posted it on his website. Now it's just cool.

Big Planet Comics hardcover sale ends this week

Hardcovers are 50% off through the end of the week. I've gotten a good-size stack, but I didn't buy everything.

My look at the dwindling comics pages is at City Paper now

The State of the Union for D.C. Newspaper Cartoonists

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Danielle Corsetto's from Frederick?

Apparently she is -

Frederick native cartoons for a living
By Danielle McFall
Special to the News-Post January 26, 2010

My Comic Valentine play in Adams Morgan

Broadway World.com has the story "MY COMIC VALENTINE Plays Valentines Week At DCAC in Adams Morgan".

Everybody seems to be mining old romance comics these days. Well, a play is creative. Anyone want to go?

Here's the details:

2438 18th Street NW, Washington DC 2009

2/11 - 7:30pm

2/12 - 10pm

2/13 - 10pm

2/14 - 3pm & 7:30pm
TICKET PRICES: General - $17, DCAC Members - $12

Tickets may be reserved by contacting the DCAC box office at 202.462.7833

15% of all profits will go to the H.E.R.O. Initiative, a charitable organization that supports aging comic-book artists.

Learn More at www.heroinitiative.org

City Paper post on Darwyn Cooke

Same basic information as posted here, but a bit more on Cooke -

Darwyn Cooke to Speak at Smithsonian Saturday

Onion dropped editorial cartoon?

Since they haven't appeared for the month of January, I'm assuming that the Onion has dropped the putative editorial cartoon by the hack "Sean Kelly" (actually the talented cartoonist Ward Sutton).

Monday, January 25, 2010

Post photo of kids seeking Superman

Today's Post (and the Express) had a cute photograph by Sarah L. Voisin of the children of the Fine family dressed as Superman and Flash Gordon. The caption said they were "preparing to see a Superman exhibit at the National Museum of American History on Sunday, but they missed it." As far as I recall the last Superman exhibit was for his 50th birthday in 1988 which means they missed it by quite a lot. -17 years in the case of the older boy.

Unfortunately the image isn't online.

Darwin non-fiction graphic novel that snuck by me

Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species: A Graphic Adaptation came out this fall. Amazon's product description, reproduced below, says that the cartoonist lives in DC:

Product Description

A stunning graphic adaptation of one of the most famous, contested, and important books of all time.

Few books have been as controversial or as historically significant as Charles Darwin’s On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life. Since the moment it was released on November 24, 1859, Darwin’s masterwork has been heralded for changing the course of science and condemned for its implied challenges to religion.

In Charles Darwin’s On the Origin of Species, author Michael Keller and illustator Nicolle Rager Fuller introduce a new generation of readers to the original text. Including sections about his pioneering research, the book’s initial public reception, his correspondence with other leading scientists, as well as the most recent breakthroughs in evolutionary theory, this riveting, beautifully rendered adaptation breathes new life into Darwin’s seminal and still polarizing work.

Michael Keller, an award-winning journalist and writer, has a bachelor of science degree in wildlife ecology from the University of Florida and a master’s degree from the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism.

Nicolle Rager Fuller is a professional illustrator, with a bachelor of arts degree in biochemistry from Lewis and Clark College and a graduate certificate in science illustration from the University of California-Santa Cruz. She lives in Washinton, DC, with her husband.

Few books have been as controversial or as historically significant as Charles Darwin’s On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life. Since it was released on November 24, 1859, Darwin’s masterwork has been heralded for changing the course of science and condemned for its implied challenges to religion.

In Charles Darwin’s On the Origin of Species, author Michael Keller and illustator Nicolle Rager Fuller introduce a new generation of readers to the original text. Including sections about his pioneering research, the book’s initial public reception, his correspondence with other leading scientists, as well as the most recent breakthroughs in evolutionary theory, this engaging, beautifully rendered adaptation breathes new life into Darwin’s seminal and still polarizing work.

SL Gallant interview posted to City Paper

The editor has had his way with it so go read Meet a Local Cartoonist: A Chat with S.L. Gallant

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Comics on the Rack, Quick Picks for Comics Due 01-27-10

Quick Picks for Comics Due 01-27-10
By John Judy
AFRODISIAC HC by Brian Maruca and Jim Rugg.  "By day he cleans up your office, by night he cleans up the streets: Alan Diesler, a.k.a. Afrodisiac!  A mysterious man from a faraway land – the original unbeatable, irresistible, smooth dark chocolate brother, b!^<!"  You want this in the worst possible way.  There's an eleven-page preview up on comixology.com that will sell even the most hardened skeptic.  Highly recommended!
AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #619 by Dan Slott and Marcos Martin.  Mysterio's back working for the Maggia (I know…) and Aunt May has become Dark Aunt May!  This is totally the plot for the next Spider-Man movie!  Gotta look!
ARCHIE #605 by Michael Uslan and Stan Goldberg.  The final chapter in the "Archie Marries Betty" storyline in which things play out the way Nature intended.  Fun for all ages.
ASTRO CITY: THE DARK AGE BOOK FOUR #1 of 4 by Kurt Busiek and Brent Anderson.  The decades-spanning quest of the Williams brothers to catch their parents' killer continues.  It's the mid-80s and they're getting warmer.  Recommended.
ATOM AND HAWKMAN #46 by Geoff Johns and Ryan Sook.  Newly-minted member of the Indigo Tribe, Ray Palmer must use the indigo light of compassion to beat a pack of zombie Black Lanterns dressed up like his dearest friends.  Tough gig.
BATMAN AND ROBIN #7 by Grant Morrison and Cameron Stewart.  It's "Blackest Night" Morrison-style featuring guest-stars galore!  Some actually living!
BLACKEST NIGHT: JSA #2 of 3 by James Robinson and Eddy Barrows.  Dead JSAers all around!  Black power rings hungry for hearts!  Earth-2's mightiest corpses!  Gotta look!
CAPTAIN AMERICA: REBORN #6 of 6 by Ed Brubaker, Bryan Hitch and Butch Guice.  This is the Big One!  The return of the dead star-spangled hero who's already been knocking around peripheral titles for the past month and a half!  Make Mine Timely!
CHEW #8 by John Layman and Rob Guillory.  Agent Chu must track down the murderers of some guys who make their living cock-fighting.  He must also track down a sense of urgency.  Recommended.
DAREDEVIL #504 by Andy Diggle and Roberto De La Torre.  Marvel promises a "shattering climax" in this one and that's always been good enough for me!  But whose climax will it be and what will it shatter?  Team Diggle!
FALL OF THE HULKS: RED HULK #1 of 4 by Jeff Parker and Carlos Rodrigues.  Three words: "Cosmic. Hulk. Robot."  See you there!
FANTASTIC FOUR #575 by Jonathan Hickman and Dale Eaglesham.  A new story begins here featuring the smartest moloid you'll ever meet.  Seriously, he's got his GED and everything.
GREEN LANTERN #50 by Geoff Johns and Doug Mahnke.  Hal Jordan versus the Black Lantern Spectre.  A grudge match beyond life or death.  Good thing Hal's bringing some help.
IRREDEEMABLE #10 by Mark Waid and Peter Krause.  In which we learn more about what Bette Noir and the Plutonian were up to behind everyone's back.  Rough stuff.  Recommended.
JUSTICE LEAGUE: CRY FOR JUSTICE #6 of 7 by James Robinson and Mauro Cascioli.  Chopping off Red Arrow's arm was a bold move, but what else does Prometheus have up his sleeve?  Other than Red Arrow's arm, I mean…
JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA #41 by James Robinson and Mark Bagley.  When Congorilla joins the JLA that's either the first issue you're buying or the last.  On the other hand, he's no Rocket Red.
JUSTICE SOCIETY OF AMERICA #35 by Bill Willingham and Travis Moore.  The gang decides they've taken enough guff for a while and starts dishing it out.  Piping hot!
KICK ASS #8 by Mark Millar and John Romita Jr.  Kick-Ass and Hit-Girl start killing people but they are all bad.  This will be a movie.  For real.  Not for kids.
NEW AVENGERS #61 by Brian Michael Bendis and Stuart Immonen.  Steve Rogers is back with the Avengers just in time for the Siege of Asgard.  Okay, awkward…
NORTHLANDERS #24 by Brian Wood and Leandro Fernandez.  Supplies are running low and now the Vikings have to go outside the village walls to forage, plague or not.  Was that a cough…?  Recommended.
PILOT SEASON: DEMONIC #1 by Robert Kirkman and Joe Benitez.  A new hero's in town and he's possessed by a homicidal demon!  Or is he?
PREVIEWS by Diamond and Marvel Comics.  A way to plan your future comics shopping that never crashes and won't try to sell you Viagra!
SUPERMAN #696 by James Robinson and Bernard Chang.  Mon-El and his buds set out to give General Zod's sleeper agent a wake-up call.  The heat vision's gonna fly!
SUPERMAN: SECRET ORIGIN #4 of 6 by Geoff Johns and Gary Frank.  The Man of Steel has his first major fight with the Parasite!  Major!
THOR #606 by Kieron Gillen and Billy Tan.  Doctor Doom has gassed up the Destroyer armor and challenged Thor to drag!  Big fight!
ULTIMATE COMICS: ENEMY #1 of 4 by Brian Michael Bendis and Rafa Sandoval.  The greatest threat to the Ultimates universe is revealed and it ain't internal continuity!
VICTORIAN UNDEAD #3 of 6 by Ian Edginton and Davide Fabbri.  The zombies have overrun Baker Street!  Can the brain of Sherlock Holmes solve this problem before it gets eaten?  Pip-pip!
WALKING DEAD #69 by Robert Kirkman and Charles Adlard.  And in the other great zombie book, the survivors arrive at what's left of Washington DC.  Okay, serious note: I was just down in DC yesterday and the anti-abortion protestors left the place looking pretty much exactly like the cover of this comic.  Politics aside, these people are unbelievable litterbugs.  Not cool, kids.  Not.  Cool.
WONDER WOMAN #40 by Gail Simone and Aaron Lopresti.  WW fights The Crows, five guys dressed like Catholic schoolboys.  Years of therapy not included.
X-FACTOR #201 by Peter David and Bing Cansino.  The Invisible Woman has disappeared and…!  Hey, wait a minute…

Zadzooks on Joe Madureira's videogame

Zadzooks reviews Joe Madureira's videogame at Zadzooks: Bayonetta and Darksiders game reviews, Joseph Szadkowski, Washington Times January 21, 2010.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Kal interview on Maryland Morning about USDemocrazy

From: kevin Kallaugher

Friends and colleagues

I wanted to alert you that I will be on WYPR's Maryland Morning on Friday discussing the great website www.USDemocrazy.com.  USDemocrazy is a project that I lead as Artist-in-Residence at the University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC). The site is a current events/educational/entertainment site dedicated to making the news fun and interesting. 

The show airs at 9AM EST but I will be posting a link to an audio clip of the interview after it airs Friday morning on my blog:  http://www.kaltoons.com/wordpress/


Jim Scancarelli & Gasoline Alley helping army museum

According to this press release Cartoonist Takes Up the Cause (1/5/10) from the Army Historical Foundation, Jim Scancarelli is featuring Skeezix's World War II service in the Gasoline Alley strip to call attention to the Arlington-based Foundation's attempt to build a National Museum of the US Army at Fort Belvoir, VA.

Virginia animator featured in Post

Animation Odyssey: Charlotte Rinderknecht wants to build a state-of-the-art film studio in Virginia. Can her debut short help take this dream beyond fantasy?
By Stephanie Booth
Washington Post Magazine Sunday, January 24, 2010; W18

SL Gallant interview coming up soon on City Paper

DC-area cartoonist SL Gallant, the artist on IDW's GI Joe, answered some brief interview questions for me and it should be coming up on Monday after it's edited on the City Paper site.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Understanding Comics in the classroom

Marc Singer talks about problems with using Scott McCLoud's book Understanding Comics in the classroom as he teaches his course at Howard University.

Check out today's Cul de Sac

Check out today's Cul de Sac. Cartoonist have been saving themselves some effort on redrawing similar figures, at least since photocopiers became common, and certainly today with the prevalence of scanners. But not our Richard - note how Alice and Petey are slightly different in every drawing - and then enjoy that madcap 3rd panel. I think this gag actually works better in black and white too - the 3rd panel looks both more and less busy sans color.

Jan 23: Chip Bok (and Helen Thomas) booksigning

Chip Bok (and Helen Thomas) are doing a booksigning for their Great Whitehouse Breakout tomorrow at 10:30 in King's Park Library, Burke. Registration req'd. 703-978-5600.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Jan 27: Politics & Prose book group

Graphic Novel Bookgroup
Wednesday, January 27, 7:30 p.m.
Stitches, by David Small

One of these days, I may actually make it to this. But notwithstanding that, Stitches is a very good book - one of the best graphic books to come out last year. It's a nonfiction account of Small's childhood and the medical problem he labored under.

Tom the Dancing Bug cartoonist raises money for Haiti

Tom the Dancing Bug cartoonist Ruben Bolling is raising money for Haiti - he's set up a donation page and the two highest donors will get an original drawing from him. Check it out now. [Those of us with longish memories still miss Tom from the Post's Weekend section].

Ok, I just checked it out after putting up this post - I'm the first donor. Hah! Beat that! I'll bet you can.

Toles quotes Dr. Seuss

Tom Toles' cartoon today uses Dr. Seuss' Horton to make his point.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Weldon on floppies vs. trades

Weldon, Glen. 2010.
How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Wait For The Trade Collection.
National Public Radio's Monkey See blog (January 20).

Like Glen, I'm of two minds about this. I usually buy the individual issues to make sure the series survives and then buy the collection if I think I want to read it again.