Saturday, March 08, 2008

James Thurber anecdote courtesy of Richard Thompson

Richard reports, "So at my neighbor's daughter's Bat Mitzvah I was chatting with one of his co-workers, a guy who'd grown up around here. He told me that James Thurber had his childhood bow and arrow eyeball accident at a farm that used to be off Rte 7 in Falls Church, and there's even a James Thurber Court there now that marks where the farm stood. I thought it all happened in Columbus OH."

Me too! Who knew a famous cartoonist almost blinded here?

Adrian Tomine "Shortcomings" signing pictures

Here's some photographs from Adrian Tomine's signing of Shortcomings at Politics and Prose. He spoke for about 45 minutes and you can buy a cd recording from the bookstore.

100_4718 Adrian Tomine
This slide shows a page of original art that he sketched and then changed when inking it. Previous to "Shortcomings" he wrote a full script before drawing anything.

100_4718 Adrian Tomine
This and the next slide show real buildings he drew.

100_4720 Adrian Tomine

100_4721 Adrian Tomine

Tomine's been asked if this is autobiographical, partly due to the resemblance you can see between him and his main character Ben Tanaka, "who's a prick".

100_4722 Adrian Tomine

There have been a lot of Tomine interviews done lately (list available on request) and you can see a link to Scott Rosenberg's on this blog. Tomine specifically singled out an NPR one as asking him a question he hates - why he hasn't done more "Asian-American experience" comics. That would probably be this interview -

Gross, Terry. 2008.
Adrian Tomine, Drawing Delicately from Life.
National Public Radio and WHYY's Fresh Air (January 31).
online at

Movie-theater owner Ben Tanaka is having relationship issues; his girlfriend, Miko, suspects he's secretly attracted to white women. (She's right, but he won't admit it.)

In Shortcomings, Asian-American graphic novelist Adrian Tomine (Scrapbook, Summer Blonde) has finally done what many fans and critics have suggested he should: addressed race in his work.

Tomine is celebrated for the grace and sophistication of his work; novelist Jonathan Lethem says that "his mastery of literary time suggests Alice Munro," and Junot Diaz says Tomine's "dramatic instincts are second-to-none."

- and of course, one of the four or five questions he got at P&P was this question too.

Other countries have cartoon stamps too

Here's the stamps from a package a French friend sent with Tintin and other cartoon stamps. Unfortunately, when I mailed a package in return to him, the clerk didn't hear when I asked for $36 worth of stamps and instead gave me a printed postage label.

Material like this will appear on my new Cartoonphilately blog.

Richard Thompson finger puppet

Today's puppet in the Post was McCain. I'm sure Richard will put it on his blog later this week. If you make it, hold it under some running water and see if it seems tortured.

Sports cartoonist Willard Mullin original art viewing

100_4726 Warren's Willard Mullins collection

Today, I saw more of Willard Mullin's art than I ever will again. Politico editorial cartoonist Matt Wuerker, Washington Examiner editorial cartoonist Nate Beeler and myself admired Warren's collection of sports cartoonist Willard Mullin's work, including pages of original art. Here's some pictures.

100_4723 Warren's Willard Mullins collection
Warren, Matt and Nate look at published advertising works.

100_4724 Warren's Willard Mullins collection

100_4725 Warren's Willard Mullins collection

100_4727 Warren's Willard Mullins collection

100_4728 Warren's Willard Mullins collection

100_4729 Warren's Willard Mullins collection

100_4731 Warren's Willard Mullins collection
Washington Examiner editorial cartoonist Nate Beeler admiring sports cartoonist Willard Mullin's original art. That's a Washington Senators baseball caricature that Nate's peering at.

Matt Wuerker wins award

Matt Wuerker, cartoonist and illustrator for the Politico has won a 3rd place National Headliner Award for the Newspapers/Magazines: Illustrative Graphics catagory. I'm not quite sure what category that is, but Matt's drawn maps and who knows what else for the paper - just like the cartoonists in the early 20th century used to do. Congratulations!

Self-righteous but Forgettable - letter on Staake

This letter published in the Post refers to the Bob Staake cartoon reproduced above. If anyone can tell me what's blasphemous, I'd be glad to hear a semi-cogent argument. Spare me any righteous angst though please. I really don't understand why the cartoon is worse than the contest.

Sacrilegious but Forgivable
Washington Post Saturday, March 8, 2008; Page A13

I was not happy to see a drawing of Jesus in an Elvis Presley-style jumpsuit in the March 1 Style Invitational. As a Christian, I find that blasphemous, and it made me angry with the cartoonist and the people who would publish such a cartoon.

For a second, I empathized with the people who were angry with Danish newspapers that published a cartoon of the prophet Muhammad. Then I remembered that Jesus loves the cartoonist whose work appeared in The Post anyway and expects me to do the same.

Jesus's teachings called for us to love others. What a difference it would make if everyone did that.

-- Shannon Howell

Videogame animation art called terror threat

See "Terror-Themed Game Suspended: Iraqi-Born Artist Asserts Censorship After Exhibit Is Shut Down," By Robin Shulman, Washington Post Staff Writer, Saturday, March 8, 2008; A03.

Friday, March 07, 2008

Post reviewed Katchor play

Missed this yesterday, but the play's in New York anyway - "'Slug Bearers,' a Musical That Breaks the Mold" By Peter Marks, Washington Post Staff Writer, Thursday, March 6, 2008; C01.

Comics in Smithsonian's American Art journal

The next issue from the Smithsonian American Art Museum (or whatever they're calling themselves this week) has several articles on comics, including one by the Library of Congress's Martha Kennedy (who recently passed a copy in a plain brown wrapper to me). See and follow the links for ordering info, but since the issues not live yet, here are the citations from the Comics Research Bibliography's holding slush pile:

Roeder, Katherine. 2008.
Looking High and Low at Comic Art.
American Art 22 (1; Spring): 2-9

Kennedy, Martha H. 2008.
Drawing (Cartoons) from Artistic Traditions.
American Art 22 (1; Spring): 10-14

Coyle, Heather Campbell. 2008.
Caricature and Criticism in Art Academies.
American Art 22 (1; Spring): 15-17

Goerlitz, Amelia A. 2008.
An Interview with Cartoonist Jessica Abel.
American Art 22 (1; Spring): 18-22

Nel, Philip. 2008.
The Fall and Rise of Children's Literature.
American Art 22 (1; Spring): 23-27

Wang, ShiPu. 2008.
Japan against Japan: U.S. Propaganda and Yasuo Kuniyoshi's Identity Crisis [World War 2 caricature].
American Art 22 (1; Spring): 28-51

new comic Jane Quiet by my friend Kate

Go to Kate Laity's website to buy the new comic that she and Elena Steier have done. Minor DC connection - Kate's been a houseguest and Elena comes to the Cartoons and Cocktails auction.


By John Judy

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #553 by Bob Gale and Phil Jimenez. One of the best illustrated Spidey stories in a while. Jimenez knows his stuff and “Back to the Future” screenwriter Gale is quickly learning the ropes of comics scripting. Worth a look, even if the whole Spidey-verse feels out of whack since the Deus Ex Mephisto business.

ASTOUNDING WOLF-MAN #5 by Robert Kirkman and Jason Howard. The further adventures of the most conflicted lycanthrope hero on the stands today. Good stuff, appropriate for older kids.

AVENGERS INITIATIVE #10 by Dan Slott and Stefano Caselli. Mayhem abounds now that evil MVP clone KIA has an ultimate weapon in his hands. It’s the sort of government-run super-hero program you’d expect during the Bush years. “Heckuva job, Slottie!” Recommended.

BOOSTER GOLD #7 by Geoff Johns and Dan Jurgens. Blue Beetle’s back! But so is Maxwell Lord. And those stupid OMACs. Seriously, enough with them already…

COUNTDOWN TO MYSTERY #6 of 8 by Steve Gerber and Others. Now sadly among the last works of the great Steve Gerber who passed away recently from a smoking-related illness.

DMZ#29 by Brian Wood and Riccardo Burchielli. A new story-arc begins as the US and Free States begin peace talks and a Che Guevara type player emerges. Also out this week is DMZ VOL. 4: FRIENDLY FIRE SC by Wood and Burchielli. A good jumping-on point for this exciting series.

FANTASTIC FOUR #555 by Mark Millar and Brian Hitch. A swell adventure story with all the bells and whistles you'd expect from the original ULTIMATES creative team. Recommended.

HARVEY COMICS CLASSICS VOL. 3: HOT STUFF SC by Various Creators. Collecting over 100 tales of comics’ original Little Devil, the Demon in a Diaper: HOT STUFF! A perfect gateway for all age groups into hardcore Satanism! Highly recommended!

LAST DEFENDERS #1 of 6 by Joe Casey, Keith Giffen, and Jim Muniz. Answering the musical question "How Often Do You Need to Publish a Title to Retain an Active Trademark?" Doo-wop, doo-wop...

MIGHTY AVENGERS #10 by Brian Michael Bendis and Mark Bagley. Okay, it’s a time-travel story. Just know that going in. There’s fights too.

PUNISHER #55 by Garth Ennis and Goran Parlov. Ennis’s final PUNISHER story begins here. Gotta have it.

SERENITY: BETTER DAYS #1 of 3 by Joss Whedon, Brett Matthews, and Will Conrad. A story from the pre-Big Screen days of Captain Mal Reynolds and his crew. Y’know, back when everyone was still alive. A nice preview is available at Dark Horse’s website. Recommended.

SHOWCASE PRESENTS: PHANTOM STRANGER, VOL. 2 SC by Various Creators. Bronze and Silver Age fun from folks like Bob Haney, Jim Aparo, Marv Wolfman, Mike Grell, and others. Good for all ages.

THUNDERBOLTS #119 by Warren Ellis and Mike Deodato. Swordsman and Venom fight. It's awesome. Not for younger kids.

WALKING DEAD #47 by Robert Kirkman and Charles Adlard. After last issue’s shocking cast member death will Kirkman up the ante? The cover suggests he will. Devastating stuff. Recommended but NOT for kids.

WOLVERINE #63 by Jason Aaron and Ron Garney. It's official: There is a WOLVERINE comic on the stands that DOES NOT SUCK!!! Thank-you, Jason Aaron! Highly recommended.

WONDER WOMAN #18 by Gail Simone and Bernard Chang. Wonder Woman fights the Khunds. They’re an alien race. Honest. Oh stop it already…

X-FACTOR #29 by Peter David and Valentine DeLandro. A nicely illustrated first chapter blissfully apart from the various cross-overs and Events currently ricocheting around the Marvel Yoo. Also contains the most deeply buried credits page I've ever seen.

Michael Chabon, formerly of Columbia, MD, on superhero costumes

Secret Skin: An essay in unitard theory, by Michael Chabon, The New Yorker, March 10, 2008. He talks about growing up in Columbia toward the end of the essay.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Craig Fischer on his last time in Washington and Pat Oliphant

Craig's got a post on his Thought Balloonist blog about being in DC last fall for ICAF and seeing Pat Oliphant. Charles Hatfield, who was also there, responds, but fails to mention anything about DC at all.

Seriously, my buddies have a good blog going and it's well worth reading regularly.

Geppi branches out into movie theaters in Baltimore

See "Geppi to reopen cineplex at Westview," By Chris Kaltenbach | Baltimore Sun reporter, March 6, 2008.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Tomine article in Express

Scott Rosenberg's back - or at least writing locally. "On the heritage trail: Adrian Tomine knows his 'Shortcomings' - and he knows yours [Online title - Heritage Trail: Adrian Tomine]." Washington Post] Express (March 5): 22.

I'll be at the signing tonight.

3/29 - Peter David & Colleen Doran in Charlottesville, VA at Virginia Festival of The Book

The overall event takes place March 26-30, 2008 in Charlottesville, VA, just a hop, skip, and a jump from the DC Metro area, but Peter and Colleen's specific panel, Graphics at Gravity: Comics and Novels, takes place at noon on the 29th at the Gravity Lounge (103 S. First Street). And I quote:

"Two accomplished comics creators, writer Peter David (Writing for Comics with Peter David) and writer/illustrator Colleen Doran (Girl to Grrrl Manga: How to Draw the Hottest Shoujo Manga), discuss their graphic novels and comic books. Box lunches are available. $8. For choices and to order, see"

And the obligatory bios:

Peter David is a writer who has had over 70 novels and over 1,000 comics and graphic novels published, including numerous appearances on the New York Times Bestsellers List. His works include Mascot to the Rescue, Tigerheart, Sir Apropos of Nothing, Knight Life, Howling Mad, and the Psi-Man adventure series.

Colleen Doran is an illustrator and author of numerous graphic novels and comic books. She has been an artist-in-residence at the Smithsonian Institution. She is working on five new projects for Marvel, DC, HarperCollins, Archie and Image."

There are certainly a good number of other individuals attending this event as well, but the only ones that rang a bell for me were TV news/History Channel personality Roger Mudd and headliner Mike Farrell of M*A*S*H fame.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

March 5 - Miss Columbia and Mr. Tomine

Remember - Whatever happened to Miss Columbia lecture at noon at the Library of Congress and then Adrian Tomine at 7 pm at Politics and Prose up Nebraska. I'm thinking both of these should be good, although I'm betting Miss Columbia got subsumed into the Statue of Liberty, aka Lady Liberty. Just look at some 9-11 cartoons of her and Uncle Sam hanging together.

The City Paper's blurb on Tomine's online now too.

Cameroon expat cartoonist raises funds for polio victim

Issa Nayaphaga sent a note to me today about his exhibit in New York City. He's living part of the time in Mount Ranier outside DC and his work's been exhibited there too.

Issa wrote, "In October 2007, I initiated an action to support Ibrahim 17 years old, who is a victim of Polio, in Cameroon.

I'm selling my work in order to buy him a custom designed 3 wheeled bicycle to enable him to get around and lead his life in a productive way.

If some of you can't make it to the reception, please save this postcard and consider sending your check to Joe's Movement.

Thank you for writing "Hope for Ibrahim" on the back of your check.
I'll keep you informed.

All the best


Sounds like a good cause, doesn't it? Issa's an expat by the way because his editorial cartoons weren't looked upon with favor by the government.

His New York exhibit's open through the end of the week, he says, "If you didn't have a chance to go yet, you have until this Friday evening March 7th-- I'm taking the show down Saturday morning. Invite your friends!
The show is open 24 Hours, located at:
Hotel Roger Smith, 501 Lexington Avenue - NYC
(cross street 47th East - 2 blocks North from Grand Central)."

Express online article about Family Guy

See "Dear Seth MacFarlane: Please Fix 'Family Guy'," Posted by Greg Barber at 3:25 PM on March 3, 2008.