Showing posts with label SPX. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SPX. Show all posts

Monday, March 01, 2021

Meet a Lunatic: A Chat with Graphic Novelist Dan Mazur

by Mike Rhode

Out of nowhere last fall, Dan Mazur sent me an advance copy of his excellent wordless fantasy graphic novel, Lunatic. Lunatic is the story of a late-Victorian woman obsessed with the Moon, or perhaps more correctly, the man in the Moon. I recommend it highly. In fact, I liked it so much I bought a copy for myself when he did a book talk, and sent the first one to Michigan State University's Comic Art Collection. I also reached out to thank Dan, and asked him to do an interview.

 First, here's the official description of Lunatic

The moonstruck Lunatic is an unusual and striking graphic novel in the tradition of wordless books by the likes of Frans Masereel, Lynd Ward and William Gropper. Part fable, part classic adventure in the tradition of Jules Verne, H. G. Wells and Méliès, the tale is told in nearly 200 full-page, wordless images in a variety of media from pencil, pen and ink, ink wash and paint that lovingly evoke the artistic styles of its period setting, and classic illustrators from Charles Dana Gibson and Toulouse Lautrec to Edward Gorey.

The word “lunatic” derives from Latin, meaning “of the moon”, or “moonstruck” and in this sense it describes the protagonist of this story: from infancy she develops a magical, almost intimate relationship with the moon itself, a celestial being who acts as her friend, lover, mentor. Our heroine is a dreamer, an outsider, never feeling like she quite belongs to this world. We follow her through the stages of life, infancy, childhood, youth and adulthood, at each point guided by the moon toward a fateful journey and an unexpected destiny. A timeless and charming story of longing, loneliness and the pursuit of dreams.

What type of comic work or cartooning do you do?

Different kinds, but all of it independent. For my own creative work, I work almost completely independently, and mostly self-published.  So I write and draw, whatever I feel like doing.  I’ve done some historically-based comics, and some fantasy, some super-hero, but with an ironic take on the genre.  Most recently I did my first long-form graphic novel, “Lunatic,” which was published by Fanfare.  It’s black and white, a “wordless book,” with one image per page, so pretty much on the arty side of things. But totally accessible, I hope!  It has a children’s book feel, but it’s not a children’s story really – at least not by contemporary standards.  It’s really a sort of fantasy/fable about life, dreams, disappointments…

cover art by Kurt Ankeny

I also work within the Boston Comics Roundtable, which is a collective of cartoonists here in Boston (like what you all do in DC), and I have edited quite a few anthologies within that group, currently working on Boston Powers,which is an all ages superhero anthology, all set in and around Boston.  Recommended even for kids not from Boston, though!  I’ve also edited and published some themed anthologies through Ninth Art Press, which is my own micropress. 

And lastly I do some historical or scholarly comics writing, such as co-writing with Alexander Danner, a few years back, a book called “Comics: a Global History, 1968 to the Present,” and last year an article on The Comics Journal, “Ibrahim Njoya: a comics artist in Colonial-era Cameroon.” 

How do you do it? Traditional pen and ink, computer or a combination?

Mostly traditional, pen, brush, ink, ink washes etc., though I make liberal use of Photoshop for touchups, corrections, sometimes combining images.  But pretty much I always start with as fully finished a traditional drawing as I can.

In your new book, Lunatic, you used multiple sets of techniques - how come?

It’s partly a conceptual thing: since the book is divided into chapters about different ages in the character’s life, from infancy to middle age, it seemed to make sense to change up something stylistically in each phase of the story. So the changing styles hopefully reflects the changing way the character sees life at different stages. 

Also, it was the longest project I’d ever taken on, so I think that I decided to change things up from chapter to chapter to keep my own interest fresh.  It was more like doing 8 or 9 short projects in that way.

Is Lunatic an homage to silent movies?

Partly – I couldn’t help but think about Melies’ Voyage to the Moon, and the innocence of early science fiction movies…just building a big rocket and flying to the moon, walking around on the moon as though you could breathe there.  The face in the moon of course.  And my chapter heading pages are modeled on silent movie caption cards, with the ornate border.  It was probably more just a love of the past and the Victorian aesthetic in general, but wordless story-telling in comics relates to silent movies, the purity of it.  I had a friend once who was really into silent movies, and she was about my age, so grew up with talkies like everyone else alive today, but she used to say “sound ruined the movies.”  Joking, but I like the purist approach.  Not that I prefer silent movies myself, or have any scruples about words in comics.  MOST of the comics I do have words.

Why did you make it wordless?

It wasn’t a decision I thought through.  I like wordless comics, and have done a few before.  Sometimes I just naturally think of a story, and it’s purely visual.  Other times the idea couldn’t be done wordlessly. 

How long have you been working on it?

I started Lunatic in mid-2016 and finished in early 2020.  It was a long time, a lot longer than I thought it would take.

How did you hook up with Fanfare, a publisher that more typically translates work from Europe into America? Is your book for sale by them overseas?

I’ve always liked the kind of books that Fanfare puts out… I happened upon a book of theirs called “A Patch of Dreams” by Hideji Oda, which was the first “alternative manga” type thing I ever saw, and I loved it.  Years later, I met Stephen Vrattos, who is Fanfare’s US person… I met him at SPX in fact, and bought some stuff from him, and we hung out a bit… then I think I met Stephen Robson, who runs the company in the UK, also at SPX.  I really liked the production quality of their books and their taste.  I hadn’t actually submitted a comic to a publisher before ever (except for anthology submissions), so when it came time to “shop” Lunatic I chose a few publishers where I personally knew someone there.  Fanfare was top of my list, so Stephen V. helped me get it to Stephen R., and luckily he liked it. 

They’re selling it in the UK.  So far not in any other countries as far as I know.

So, returning to our standard biographical questions, when (within a decade is fine) and where were you born?

December 19, 1959.

Where do you live now?

Cambridge, Massachusetts

What is your training and/or education in cartooning?

I was a fine arts major in college, but as far as cartooning it’s all self-education and training… I took a few classes years ago at a school called “Associates in Art” which were actually quite helpful.  And of course, the input and examples of other cartoonists, especially the ones I know through Boston Comics Roundtable.

Who are your influences?

I think like most people I have hundreds of influences from a lifetime of comics reading and other input. 

Childhood influences: DC comics (Neal Adams & Kirby’s Fourth World especially) and MAD of the 60s and 70s and Peanuts, as well as lots of different children’s book illustrators.

Youth: R. Crumb and other underground cartoonists – but especially Crumb. Not his sexist/ racist stuff as much though… there IS a lot of Crumb work which is neither.  The French artists introduced to the US by Heavy Metal, especially Moebius and Nicole Claveloux.

Later on, it was a real revelation to discover Love & Rockets, which brought a lot of the threads I liked in comics together – mature and smart, but also playful and fantastic, and amazingly well-crafted and expressive artwork.  I also really got into Scott Pilgrim when that came out, for its playfulness and zaniness and energy, and incorporation of manga ideas. 

When working on the Comics: A Global History book, I discovered lots and lots of artists I never really knew about who’ve had a big influence. Shojo manga of the 70s, the “Year 24 group,” for their formal innovations and emotionalism.  Yumiko Oshima is a favorite, though her work has never been officially translated. She is less “over the top” than some of them like Moto Hagio or Ryuko Ikeda (who I also love), but has a “quieter” softer approach… makes great use of negative space on the page, her comics are sad & moody and wistful.

Alberto Breccia, the Argentinian artist – just one of the greatest artists who ever worked in comics, and he experimented with different styles and media his whole life, never got into a rut.

Oh but also, there are project-specific influences… so on Lunatic I looked at different types of artists – mostly if not exclusively non-comics artists – for some of the different chapters.  I’m working on something new now, and my model is the French artist Fred, and very particularly a comic he did in the early 60s, Le Petit Cirque, which is wonderful and quirky and not like anything else I can think of. To “warm up” for the project I’m doing studies of that comic, just copying panels from it as closely as I can, and hopefully something will rub off on me. 

By the way, maybe that’s a good answer for “cartoonist’s block”: copy something you really like.

If you could, what in your career would you do-over or change?

Well… I guess I would have gotten serious about comics a lot earlier… in the late 70s/early 80s when I was in school, there was little encouragement in the culture for comics as art, and I didn’t have the guts to do it anyway – I have huge respect for the artists of my generation who did.  I think I understood the potential of the medium then, but just didn’t have the independence of mind to follow it as a passion.  But maybe that means I just wasn’t ready, so it’s just as well.   I’m kind of glad to be able to publish my first graphic novel at 60… at least I’m not going to get jaded.  So, the answer to your question is really “nothing.”

What work are you best-known for?

Ha ha ha.  I don’t know.  I have the same name as a major mountain climber.

What work are you most proud of?

The next one.

Your last book before Lunatic was a history of comics. Can you tell us about it?

Alexander Danner and I co-wrote it, as I said.  I had this idea that comics history, as opposed to history of any other art, tends to be very nationalist and parochial… separate history of comics in separate countries, and here in the US we don’t know much about comics of other lands, especially if they’ve never had a commercial existence here in the US.  That was much more true 10 years ago when the book was conceived than it is now, happily.  This seemed very different than art history, or film history, or the history of literature or music, where if you know the first thing, you’re likely to know quite a bit about European work, and probably some Asian as well.  And the artists along the way in all those fields did too, so there are international trends as well as national “schools” of art, etc.  So we set out to do sort of parallel chronologies of what we deemed to be the three major comics cultures: Japan, U.S. and Europe, and especially looking for moments where there were connections and influences between the cultures. It was going to be the ENTIRE history, starting in the middle ages, or whenever, but the publisher Thames & Hudson decided that was too much for one book, so we split it in two, choosing 1968 as the dividing point, for various reasons.  And they wanted to do that one first because it had more commercial appeal... but so far we’ve never gotten round to doing “volume one,” which is sort of a shame. On the other hand, it was an enormous amount of work, so I’m sort of content with letting it stay one volume.

I have to say now that I think that while we were trying to bring world comics together as a single field, we left too much out… It was probably as much as we could handle, but I feel bad that there is nothing about the Philippines, Africa, India… I’ve learned SINCE finishing the book how much we left out.

What would you like to do or work on in the future?

I have other projects lined up… they continue the completely self-indulgent, whatever-I-feel-like approach.  I just hope for variety, and not to bore myself… so there isn’t another wordless book in the near future.  But experimenting with different styles and formats will always appeal to me.

What do you do when you're in a rut or have writer's block?

I get down on myself and anxious for a while… then I force myself to sit down and just start.  I don’t know any secrets or tricks or rituals, I just find that brute force to get yourself to start is the only way, and then it will work out.  I remind myself that anything Is better than nothing.

What do you think will be the future of your field?

I’m hopeful for the future of the printed comic as cherished object, even with the rise of digital comics.  I think there will be a place for that.  I’m hoping that comics shows will come back after the Pandemic, since that’s an important way for independent comics to find their readership.  Honestly, I just hope that the world and humanity survive in recognizable form.  Telling stories with drawings will survive if it does.

What cons do you attend?  What are your thoughts about SPX? Can you discuss MICE and how you came to found it?

When I started working in independent comics in the aughts, I discovered comics shows like SPX, APE, MOCCA etc., and smaller shows, zine fairs, and loved everything about them.  The variety of work, the interaction with the crowd, the fellow-feeling with other cartoonists.  Shelli Paroline and I were in BCR at the time, and we felt that Boston should have a show like that.  We got involved with the Boston Zine Fair… which in its then-current incarnation was on its last legs, and as it sort of disintegrated, we morphed into MICE (the Massachusetts Independent Comics Expo). I was teaching comics at the Art Institute of Boston, which was then part of Lesley University, and they agreed to host the first one in 2010, and Lesley has been our home for the show ever since (in Cambridge).  Its grown a lot, but I think it retains the qualities we were going for to begin with :  a warm celebration otf independent comics, like a big creative party for cartoonists and readers. 

SPX is the gravitational center of independent comics show, I think.  I’m not sure if it was the first, but it’s outlasted some of the others that I first went to (we’ll see which ones return after Covid --  I hope they all do), and it’s a lot of fun because of being held in the hotel where most of the exhibitors stay… a big comics party!  I hope to be there again soon.

What's your favorite thing about visiting DC?

I’ve visited DC some over the years – my wife lived there before we were married, back in the 80s so I saw it most back then.  When I go to SPX I mostly see the inside of the hotel in Bethesda.  But what I like most about DC are the museums – the Hirschhorn, the Phillips, National Gallery, etc.  Also a great food town…

Least favorite?

the original drawing done in my book ordered from HBS

I guess the whole area is so spread out, so going to SPX I see Bethesda… I have family in McLean, and we go there almost every year for Thanksgiving, and pretty much never get out of McLean, which is a nice place to live, but not much to visit (though we walked past Lyn Cheney’s house, I think).

What monument or museum do you like to visit?

I haven’t been to those art museums in a long time… I guess the Phillips was my favorite, it’s sort of like the Gardner here in Boston, in an old house and based on one art collector’s tastes and vision, from a great period, early Modern Art.

How about a favorite restaurant?

It’s been too long to remember the names of them… but DC was where I discovered Ethiopian food… I think there was a place called Red Sea – it was ages ago but it’s a safe bet there was an Ethiopian restaurant called Red Sea. More recently but still a few years back, I went with some fellow cartoonists to a really good Ethiopian place in walking distance from the Marriott after SPX one year… I think it was called Sheba, at least that’s the only Ethiopian restaurant I can find on Google maps near SPX. If it’s a different one, it looks good anyway.

How has the pandemic affected you? 

 I've been fine, personally, and able to work at a reasonable pace on my own comics.  But a bad time to be coming out with Lunatic and Boston Powers -- that one in particular was pretty much designed to sell to kids at comics shows.  I'm looking forward to live events being possible again!

Tuesday, September 01, 2020

PR: Small Press Expo Announces 2020 Ignatz Award Nominees

PR: Small Press Expo Announces 2020 Ignatz Award Nominees

Ignatz 2020 logo design by Ebony Flowers
For Immediate Release

Contact: Dan Stafford

Bethesda, Maryland – The Small Press Expo (SPX), the preeminent showcase for the exhibition of independent comics, graphic novels and alternative political cartoons, is pleased to announce the 2020 nominees for the annual presentation of the Ignatz Awards, a celebration of outstanding achievement in comics and cartooning.

The Ignatz, named after George Herriman's brick-wielding mouse from his long running comic strip Krazy Kat, recognizes exceptional work that challenges popular notions of what comics can achieve, both as an art form and as a means of personal expression. The Ignatz Awards are a festival prize, the first of such in the United States comic book industry.The 2020 Ignatz Awards are sponsored by Politics & Prose, a D.C. based independent bookstore devoted to cultivating community and strengthening the common good through books, programs, and a respectful exchange of ideas.

The nominees for the ballot were determined by a panel of the best of today's comics professionals, Scott Cederlund, November Garcia, Malala Gharib, and Rosemary Valero-O'Connell. Voting beings August 31 and continues until September 9. Register to vote via the SPX website. Everyone registering to vote after the initial ballots are mailed on August 31 will be emailed ballots soon after registration.

Outstanding Artist
Ana Galvañ - Press Enter to Continue
Rosemary Valero-O'Connell
Tianran Qu - Slices of Life 100 Comic Montage
Michael DeForge - Familiar Face
Katie Hicks - Guts

Outstanding Anthology
Dates III - edited by Zora Gilbert & Cat Parra
Be Gay, Do Comics - edited by The Nib
LAAB Magazine #4 - edited by Ronald Wimberly & Joshua O'Neill
The Anthology of Mind - Tommi Musturi
Sweaty Palms Volume 2 - Sage Coffey

Outstanding Collection
GLEEM – Eddy Carrasco
Glenn Ganges in: The River at Night – Kevin Huizenga
Inappropriate – Gabrielle Bell
Slices of Life: 100 Comic Montage – Tianran Qu
The Complete Works of Fante Bukowski – Noah Van Sciver

Outstanding Comic
Cosmoknights - Hannah Templer
My Dog Ivy - Gabrielle Bell
Cry Wolf Girl - Ariel Ries
Theth Tomorrow Forever - Josh Bayer
Mooncakes - Wendy Xu & Suzanne Walker

Outstanding Graphic Novel
Hot Comb - Ebony Flowers
Pittsburgh - Frank Santoro
Skip - Molly Mendoza
How I Tried to be a Good Person - Ulli Lust
This Was Our Pact - Ryan Andrews

Outstanding Minicomic
The Gulf - Nguyen Nguyen
Chapter Two - Keren Katz
Canvas - Theo K. Stultz
I Feel Weird #4 - Haleigh Buck
Black Hole Heart - Cathy G Johnson

Outstanding Online Comic
I Exist - Breena Nuñez
Like the Tide - Isabella Rotman
SUPERPOSE - Joe Seosamh & C. Anka
Gabby Schulz (@gabbyschulz)
Witchy - Ariel Ries

Outstanding Series
The Misplaced - Chris Callahan
Fizzle - Whit Taylor
SUPERPOSE - Joe Seosamh & C. Anka
kuš! - kuš! komiks
Frontier - Youth in Decline

Outstanding Story
The Lab – Allison Conway
The Hard Tomorrow – Eleanor Davis
The Weight #9 – Melissa Mendes
"Little Red Riding Hood" – Inappropriate – Gabrielle Bell
BTTM FDRS – Ezra Daniels & Ben Passmore

Promising New Talent
AJ Dungo
Sylvia Nickerson
Theo Stultz
Emil Wilson
Andrew Lorenzi

Congratulations to all our nominees!
Key Dates for the 2020 Ignatz Awards
  • August 31 - Announcement of Ignatz 2020 nominees
  • September 1 - Voting begins with ballots emailed to all registered voters
  • September 7 - Voter registration ends
  • September 8 - Voting for the 2020 Ignatz Awards ends
  • September 12 - Online presentation of Ignatz Award winners
Everyone registering to vote after the initial ballots are mailed on August 31 will be emailed ballots soon after registration.

The Ignatz Awards ceremony will be live-streamed on Saturday night, September 12 at 8PM Eastern Time on the SPX Youtube channel. Further details on presenters will be given at a later date. 

The 2020 Ignatz Awards are sponsored by Politics and Prose
Politics and Prose is a D.C. based independent bookstore devoted to cultivating community and strengthening the common good through books, programs, and a respectful exchange of ideas.

Small Press Expo (SPX) is the preeminent showcase for the exhibition of independent comics, graphic novels, and alternative political cartoons. SPX is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit that brings together more than 650 artists and publishers to meet their readers, booksellers, and distributors each year. Graphic novels, mini comics, and alternative comics will all be on display and for sale by their authors and illustrators. The expo includes a series of panel discussions and interviews with this year's guests.

The Ignatz Award is a festival prize held every year at SPX recognizing outstanding achievement in comics and cartooning.
Small Press Expo
P.O. Box 5704
Bethesda, Maryland

Wednesday, October 03, 2018

The Silent Invasion's Michael Cherkas and Larry Hancock spill all at SPX

Cerkas and Hancock
by Mike Rhode

Canadian cartoonists Michael Cherkas and Larry Hancock were at the Small Press Expo at the NBM table promoting their new book The Silent Invasion 1: Red Shadows (160pp. B&W trade pb: $16.99; ISBN 978168112174151699.  DIAMOND CODE: JUL18 2036). The first book is a reissue of the story that began in the 1980s, but the plan is to continue with new stories and bring the series up to the present day.

NBM’s press release describes the book as:

The paranoid cult-classic science fiction mystery of the early days of indie comics returns! The series will begin with two books reprinting the original volumes, followed by the never before collected third album and concluding with an all-new fourth book of this epic series of conspiracy and paranoia. Set against the background of a nightmarish 1950s crawling with communist spies, corrupt FBI agents, McCarthyites, Stalinists, cold warriors, flying saucers, mysterious government organizations, The Silent Invasion weaves a byzantine tale of mystery and deceit as a bewildered investigative reporter Matt Sinkage pursues the truth behind an apparent alien invasion of earth that points to involvement at the highest levels of American government officials.

Before SPX started, I met with Cherkas and Hancock in their hotel room to hear about the convoluted history of the series, and what is planned for it now, as it returns years after it last was published.

Mike Rhode: My first question is… why bring The Silent Invasion back after thirty years?

[Cherkas and Hancock laugh]

Michael Cherkas: That’s a mysterious question. It comes down to this – Larry and I had worked on a fifth book that we did floppy comics for and they were published in 2001. Then in 2009, we self-published a hundred copies which we took to TCAF and they did really well there. So we figured there is an audience for this book, but we just have to find it and it’s not in the mainstream comic book field. It’s not superheroes and action adventure. Two years ago we were at TCAF and Terry Nantier of NBM was there…

Larry Hancock: Terry came up because of the 40th anniversary of NBM. He did a panel and asked us to participate since we were local to Toronto. At that point in time, we got to talking to him about doing another book. To clarify one thing, Michael referred to the last one that we’ve done being the fifth book of Silent Invasion. The book that is out now, book 1, was originally published as two books (books 1 and 2). Then the next book 2 will collect the original 3 and 4. In our new nomenclature, book 5 will actually be book 3.

MC: And when Terry publishes it, it will finally get its wider audience.

LH: We hope.

MC: And then at the same time, we are working on a new book that brings the story up to … we were originally going to bring it up to this era, but in retrospect it’s a really quick rush of events from 1965 to 2018.

LH: To say that a little differently, the original 12 issues we did as a comic book, which Terry originally reprinted as 4 books, are now going to be done as 2 books – 1 right now and 1 six months from now. And the unpublished 5 issues are going to be book 3, six months after that. And then subsequent to that we’re doing a book of brand new material.

MC: Book 3 takes place in the 1960s. The new book we’re doing starts in 1970 on the day that Apollo 13 runs into trouble. We introduce things like that not just to make people think that there might be a connection; [laughs] there is not necessarily a connection. Part of the intent is to try to bring it up into the era where we now have people in power who are more satirical than satire. Right now we have a Premier in Ontario and a President in the United States who are both in that satirical part of politics. That’s where we’re trying to bring this up to. Terry said that this is the perfect era to publish Silent Invasion again because of imagined conspiracies and the talk of the ‘deep state’ and all. He thinks there might be some synergy. [laughs].

MR: By doing new material, the first time since 2001…

LH: Just to clarify, while I’m known primarily known as the writer, and Michael is primarily known as the artist, but in actual fact we plot everything together. We live very close to each other and we constantly get together and plot everything. In general terms, Michael is the one who puts things on paper and I’m the one who provides the scripting. And Michael does the final editing on everything since if he doesn’t like it, it doesn’t get on the paper. [laughs]

MC: Or if the words don’t fit! [laughs]

MR: Larry, do you storyboard then?

LH: No, I keep saying I can’t draw a straight line, but then again I don’t need to draw a straight line…

MC: The way it works is that we do the plotting…

LH: …we visualize a good deal…

MC: …and years ago it was more detailed. In the current story we’re working on, we say this is the scene, and we don’t even describe it beyond the first panel in the sequence and where we want to end it up. Sometimes I go, “You know, I can’t draw any of this until I have some words.” I just want to get some to figure out the reactions [the characters should have]. Then there are other scenes where I’ll just say, “This is kind of what I want to happen, and I sort of know what the wording will be,” and I will lay out the pages really roughly drawn.

The current story we’re working on is supposed to be 125 pages, five chapters at 25 pages each. The first chapter, when I broke it down based on the story that Larry and I talked about was going to be 32 pages, so I said, “We need to edit this down.” We do that often, and after I do the roughs which then Larry scripts to, and even after I do the blue pencils which are supposed to be the final pencils, then Larry edits the script again, but often what happens when I think I’ve done my final pencils, when I’m start  lettering it, I think, “Oh, I don’t like something” and I just redraw the whole panel. That’s happened numerous times, or we’ll have something that’s two panels and I say, “Nope, that’s going to be one panel this time,” or something that says two panels I’ll turn into three.

LH: Michael gets very picky. [When] a story is published, if it gets printed a second time, it’s very rare that there isn’t something that’s changed. If you take a look at Michael’s original artwork, you’ll find panels pasted over top of panels, and heads over top of heads. When we originally did The Silent Invasion vol. 1, the first comic book in the collection has been substantially redrawn from its original first appearance as a comic book.

MC: Actually chapters 1 and 3 in the new collection are substantially redrawn from the original comic book.

LH: They’re the same as what Terry published thirty years ago in the graphic album, but between the comic book and the graphic album they changed a lot. We want our best foot forward whenever we’re going to be putting something out for the public.

MC: But then Larry tells me, “How many times are you going to redraw that? Are you going to sell any more copies? Does it really matter?” And he’s right. Because at the end of the day, most people don’t notice those imperfections… those perceived imperfections that I might see.

LH: I’m an accountant so I’m very practical.

MR: He’s creating stuff for future academics to study the three different editions, Renegade, first NBM and new NBM, and write papers on.

MC: Yeah, yeah, exactly.

LH: And I’m the one who’s had to convince him that we’re going to store all these past versions in boxes in my storage locker. Michael just wants to toss it all out, and I’m the one who keeps saying, “We need it for the archives. We’re going to get donation receipts that will be so valuable that we can go out and buy and extra cup of coffee off of it.”

MR: So you have saved the original art, and you’re able to rescan (or reshoot back then) it as necessary?

LH: Interesting enough, what’s happened to the original artwork when we go back to look at it… you’ll see in the book Michael uses zipatone, and in particular on some of those, the artwork bled too badly. The ink bled too badly so most of this is just reshot from the previous printed copies. But when we tested to see what was the best way to go about it, it turned out to be good.

MC: We knew that would work because we’ve had some European editions published and they just shot from the English-language NBM editions and re-lettered it.

MR: In this introduction, Max Allen Collins listed European artists such as Yves Chaland and Joost Swarte as influences on Michael’s art. Is this accurate?

MC: When we started this, I picked a style specifically so I could complete the art fairly quickly. The first three issues were teaching myself how to use a No. 5 Winsor-Newton brush too. To teach myself that I looked at the European guys who drew with brushes like Serge Clerc and Yves Chaland. There’s a whole school of that called clear line (aka “ligne claire”) but we were joking last night that I don’t do clear line. I do thick line. [laughs] I was just trying to figure out how to reduce the imagery so it’s almost iconographic and keep it fairly simple. There were a few other French guys I was looking at who were really loose. Yves Chaland and Clerc are precise; I was looking for something that had a quicker look to it. When we were doing this, I was also freelancing as a designer and illustrator. The first twelve issues were 50% of my time so I had to figure out how to do it in less time.

LH: When we were originally doing The Silent Invasion, we were doing it on a bimonthly schedule with Renegade Press, although we did take a break between issues 6 and 7, an extra month, but we had a deadline and we were working on a disciplined basis.

MC: Basically I was trying to work so we could do a full issue in six weeks. I hear in this day and age people do a whole comic in a month. I don’t know if that’s true or not because it seems like it’s a lot of work. I found doing this was very time consuming.

MR: I think it probably depends on your method. If you’re inking digitally, it’s probably faster than by hand.

MC: That’s another thing. I don’t do anything digitally. I still do it straight up the old-fashioned way. But we’ll see – I haven’t inked anything in years. I don’t know if it’s going to look like the old stuff. The last time we did was early 2000s. I’ve drawn stuff but what I’ve found is that my brushwork is thicker now so there’s going to be less detail in the art. But I’m not sure yet. I wish I had new samples to compare it to.

LH: In addition to doing The Silent Invasion at that time, we had a series we called Suburban Nightmares. The first volume that Terry produced was four issues from Renegade was all set in the 1950s and was childhood fears. The next stories that we did elsewhere that appeared in the second volume we updated to other time periods. We’ve done other stories as well. Michael did The New Frontier in Heavy Metal. That’s why the DC book by Darwyn Cooke was called DC’s The New Frontier.

MC: But nobody gets them confused anyway.

LH: I know. But since then, we’ve been working on other stuff on the side. We did one issue of a minicomic that we self-published that was distributed only in the Toronto area which is about a superhero who has lost his powers. It was called Union City Comics featuring The Purple Ray. The first issue was all about him attending a comic book convention and signing, but most people were giving attention to the people who started the Purple Ray TV show which was a big success. It’s sort of the idea of comic creators losing the rights to the characters and being overshadowed by the creation itself. At the end of the first issue, the publisher announces a big budget movie which he’s going to have nothing to do with, but they still use him for promotional material. We still have pages to do before we get up to 120 pages.

MC: I have penciled the entire second issue…

LH: But my point on that was going to be… what’s happened to the first issue?

MC: I’m redrawing it entirely.

[Both men laugh]

MR: So you will not be selling the minicomic here at SPX?

MC: No, we should have brought them.

NBM's Terry Nantier, Larry Hancock and Michael Cerkas at SPX

LH: I figured this is the big event to rerelease The Silent Invasion so we wanted to make sure the emphasis was on that. What The Silent Invasion was, when it was originally released by Renegade Press in 1986, was a big success at the time. We sold 14-15,000 copies of a black and white; by the time the last issue came out, it was down to 3,000 or 4,000. We were nominated in 1987 for a Kirby Award, the precursor to the Eisners. Amazing Heroes chose us as one of the ten best comics of 1986. When I say one of the ten best, I’m not talking about the ten best independents. We were one of the ten best comic books of the entire year.

MC: This is something that nobody knows. Larry, you might not even know this. There was actually one year I was nominated for a Rueben [from the National Cartoonists Society]. They have a category for comic books and I was nominated for the comic book. I don’t know how that happened but it was probably in 1990… it was just weird.

LH: At the time we were nominated for the Kirby Award, that was presented at San Diego and we sat in the audience briefly to hear ourselves lose to another Canadian comic book – Cerebus. At that time, Cerebus was riding high.

MR: You guys were doing this during the black and white explosion…

LH: That’s it. We say we didn’t benefit from the explosion because we came along a bit after it started, but we got hurt by decline of them.

MC: A lot of factors came into this. We could have continued to publish like a lot of people did and just trundled along, and had we done that, we might have found some kind of success again. But we thought, “I’ve got two kids, blah, blah, blah. There’s no way I’m going to do this right now.” That kind of stuff is better if you’re living in your parent’s basement…

LH: At the time too, when we were doing this with Deni, she did the twelve issues of Silent Invasion, and then we did four issues of Suburban Nightmares, and she was starting to fall off. The whole black and white market was starting to fall off. We were in negotiations with Comico to do a different series with them but they ran into hard times, and then we went to talk to Dark Horse and they eventually published Michael’s New Frontier as a black and white comic after it was initially printed in Heavy Metal, but then they also decided to concentrate differently. They paid us and a whole bunch of other creators a kill fee, on the basis that they’d been negotiating in good faith to publish stuff and then chose to stop.

Eventually we hooked up with Calibur and Calibur Comics reprinted the whole first six issues of The Silent Invasion with the intention of doing a new series, and they actually published the first issue of what we were calling Silent Invasion Abductions. After publishing the first issue of that, Caliber decided they were going exclusively with creator-owned…

MC: I think when Dark Horse killed our thing, it was something to do with them doing less creator-owned and licensing stuff. You know what, that was fine. We were just at the tail end of everything.

LH: That’s true. Some of the Suburban Nightmare stuff we did with Dark Horse was in Cheval Noir.

MC: The other thing at the time, Chris Kemp and I were asked to do a Vertigo proposal for Shelly Bond, and that went on. Chris and I did quite a bit of work on that one until she said no.

LH: We met with Stuart Moore who was launching DC’s Helix line. I went to some Oakland conventions that Michael wasn’t at and was trying to talk to Vertigo and others. Generally when I was meeting with them, they liked our writing but wanted to say, “Well, can we get somebody else to draw while you guys write?” and I said, “No.”

MR: You were caught up in the black and white implosion – did you guys consider working in color?

LH: At one point in time, when we were talking about reprinting this, we were considering adding one single color like Ms. Tree was published by Renegade.

MC: Yeah, I wouldn’t mind doing things like limited color, but not full color. Maybe picking a really limited pallete. Even in the new reprint, I suggested to Terry, “Let’s not print the black as black, let’s print it as another dark color, like dark brown.” That makes it look a little different, and like you’re thinking a bit more.

 LH: Michael’s chosen a color pallete specifically for the covers to stand out. We’ve got a sickly green, a sickly orange…

MC: The reason Terry wanted to reprint this now is that graphic novels are everywhere. I go into a bookstore now and the graphic section is huge. If I go into Indigo, the big bookstore chain in Canada, the graphic novel sections is quite large, and you often see a lot of graphic novels there that aren’t carried in comic stores. Ones that are literary. So you’ll see lots of things that aren’t in your traditional store. Although if you go into The Beguiling, you’ll see lots of them. In Toronto, there’s only The Beguiling that’s on that model; Silver Snail and all the other stores carry a lot of American superheroes. They do carry some other stuff, but not a lot of it, and you have to search for it. I think that Terry figures there’s a bigger market for graphic novels and a bigger market for a wider variety of artwork. If he publishes it now, it will find its market.

MR: So it’s really been 18 years since it’s been in print, and you guys will be new to at least a generation or two, even as comics are being taken more seriously as literature. Are you guys having problems writing the book with the satirical nature of politicians now? It’s hard to take our politicians seriously.

LH: It’s interesting because in the story line we’re doing now, about 120-125 pages, we’re setting the storyline to come up to the present and we’re conscious of where we want to go. We haven’t reached the difficult parts of the reflection of the current day. The story is set in the past, but we want to reflect the current day, and make it resonate with the people who know the current times and don’t know the past times.

In the first story, we introduced a Senator Harrison Callahan, who you will see in the second book. He was our Kennedy substitute at the time. Michael’s often talked about going back and making him a Kennedy instead of a Callahan.

MC: At this point, we’re still not sure how far up to the present we’ll go.

LH: When we were talking about this, Michael originally wanted to set this book going all the way from the 1970s into the 2010s.

MC: I want to do each story ten years apart, but now I’m not sure.

LH: It’s a little more difficult when we’re trying to do chapters with somewhat continuing narration and characters and stretching it over 40 years.

MR: Are you still following the same main character the whole time?

MC: We’re following the family instead because Matt Sinkage disappears at the end.

LH: Books 1 & 2 are about Matt Sinkage and one of his main characters particularly in book 2 is a guy who worked for the FBI called Phil Housley. Housley becomes our main protagonist in book 3 because of the alien abductions.

MC: And that one is the search for Matt Sinkage.

LH: And then in book 4, which we’re working on now, we start off with Matt’s brother Walter and his wife Katie, who were characters in the earlier books. As we progress, the main character turns out to be Walter’s son Sparky.

MC: Because abductions run in families. Did you know that? Alien abductions run in families, so if a grandfather was abducted, his children and grandchildren will be abducted.

LH: No, no, if the grandfather swears he was abducted, then the children and grandchildren will swear they’ve been abducted to.

[Larry laughs]

MC: This is another difficulty. Larry only believes in empirical evidence, and I believe that something is going but there is no empirical evidence.

LH: Again, this is the whole point of The Silent Invasion. What is really going on? Is it happening, or isn’t it happening? The fact that we both have different viewpoints on this thing is what turns this into a twisted story? Are the aliens real or aren’t they? Is there a conspiracy, or isn’t there? Is Matt Sinkage sane, or is he just a lunatic? We’ve got two creators who are jousting with each other. We talk about fist fighting during the writing. We’ve never come to blows, but we do have arguments. We also bounce ideas off each other and one says, “This is strange. We won’t do this,” and then the other one says, “Wait a minute. We can make that work.”

MR: I was a little bit confused at times reading the first book because Sinkage sees a flying saucer go overhead but everybody else at the party sees a jet. Later at the start of chapter 6, there’s three flying saucers in the sky and nobody paying any attention to them, including Sinkage.

LH: To some extent, it’s us just keeping the saucers and aliens present in the readers’ minds without characters paying attention. To some extent it’s for atmosphere, to some extent it’s for mystery, and to some extent it’s for creating that questioning in the reader’s mind.

MR: If they’re up as high as an airplane or higher, you wouldn’t be noticing. It would be a little dot.

MC: My brother claims he saw a flying saucer when he was in grade 5. He says he was at a friend’s house and looked up and saw a disc, but when he looked again it was gone. So what was that?

LH: We’ve talked a lot about storytelling. When you’re telling a story, you have to keep in mind: what do the characters in the story know, what does the reader know, and what do the creators know? All of those are different amounts and we have to juggle that. But you not only juggle it; you also get to play with it in regards to what you’re going to tease or not tease… whether you all it red herrings, or foreshadowing, or simply withholding information.

MR: Are you hoping to bring The Purple Ray or other books back into print?

LH:  The Purple Ray has never had wide distribution so we will talk to Terry about that eventually. It’s just an ongoing project.

MC: I would like to do it.

LH: Suburban Nightmares and The New Frontier – certainly we’d like to talk about getting that back in print as well. We’ve been working on The Purple Ray and Michael has also been working on a story that I’m going to help with about the Ukrainian Famine.

MR: Fiction, non-fiction, or a mixture?

MC: Fiction, but based on reality. Historical fiction.

MR: Do you have any family members who were in it? The Ukrainian Famine was caused by Stalin, right?

MC: I don’t have any family members, but I know people who did have family members in it. I’ve got fourteen pages of it finished. The first chapter is done. That’s an ongoing project too, one I’d like to finish in two years.

MR: Honestly, I think today that would be a better seller than reprinting your other comics.

MC: I think so too. I know that in Canada, there’s a big built-in market because there’s 1.25 million Canadians of Ukrainian descent and libraries and schools love that stuff.

MR: Any final comments to wrap up this interview?

MC: Buy this book!

LH: I don’t do rap very well; I’m just not a rapper. Michael and I have been successful at other ways of earning income other than just doing comics. The comics are things we do for ourselves and not necessarily for the money.

MC: Except that I really enjoy doing it better than design… [laughs]

LH: Doing Silent Invasion again definitely gives me the itch to get back in and do a bunch more.

MC: Buy this comic and make a couple of old comic book creators happy!

NBM Blog on Silent Invasion (mostly written by Cherkas)
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