AvX Party Down
Thanks for everyone who came to our early releases parties for Avengers vs. X-Men #1 last week! Comics were bought, buttons were worn, cupcakes were eaten. Interestingly, most people seemed pretty split about who they were rooting for, or thought would win, with the X-Men being slightly ahead. So now we'll be all high tech! You can answer on our poll on our facebook page, with bonus points given for explaining why you chose one or the other!
And it is only about 1 week until Justin Jordan and Tradd Moore will be signing at our Vienna and College Park stores for the release of the collection of The Strange Talent of Luther Strode, their violent take on superheroes! The limited edition poster to the right will be for sale for only $5! More information is below.
Don't forget, the Big Planet Comics Podcast now has a call-in phone number, so send us some questions or comments! Call 1-703-539-CAST!
Feel free to forward on our newsletter, and please send us any comments or mailing list requests to
vienna@bigplanetcomics.com Thanks!
- the Big Planet Comics kids
UPCOMING April 14 - Justin Jordan & Tradd Moore Signing
Justin Jordan and Tradd Moore, creators of the great new series
The Strange Talent of Luther Strode, will be appearing at both our Vienna and College Park stores on April 14 to celebrate the release of the collection of the series.
11 am-1 pm
Big Planet Comics of Vienna
426 Maple Ave. East
Vienna, VA 22180
703-242-9412 vienna@bigplanetcomics.com Reply to our Facebook Event:
https://www.facebook.com/events/409722705720687/ 3 pm-5 pm
Big Planet Comics of College Park
7315 Baltimore Ave.
College Park, MD 20740
301-699-0498 bigplanetcollegepark@yahoo.com Reply to our Facebook Event:
https://www.facebook.com/events/344803992236635/ ___________________
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