Friday, October 08, 2010

Ed Stein's Fresh Squeezed strip added to Fredericksburg paper

'Squeeze' more fun out of Sundays; New comic is 'Freshly Squeezed'
Fredericksburg Free Lance-Star 10/8/2010

I think this should be a good strip. I really liked his previous one, Denver Square.

Comic Riffs on Davies lawsuit and Neufeld diplomatic trip

Political cartoonist MATT DAVIES named in candidate's multimillion-dollar lawsuit
By Michael Cavna
Washington Post Comic Riffs blog October 8, 2010.

Davies won the Herblock award a few years ago.

State Dept. sends Katrina cartoonist JOSH NEUFELD to Mideast to 'showcase cultural freedoms'
By Michael Cavna
Washington Post Comic Riffs blog October 8, 2010

Cul de Sac starts Batman homage UPDATED

Richard Thompson in Cul de Sac starts a Batman homage or parody or swipe today.

If you're not familiar enough with the superhero to see the whatchamacallit, click here.

Ok, apparently I wasn't the first to notice that. Richard mentioned it on his blog yesterday. BTW, it's his birthday.

Thursday, October 07, 2010

Xavier Xerexes reviews Bone's Tall Tales

Arlingtonian Xavier Xerexes reviewed Bone: Tall Tales yesterday.

Also, we met for coffee this week.

Oct 17: Beyond Comics says Zombies Needed: Appear in our new commercial!

Beyond Comics
Is Looking For Zombies
Zombies Needed
Beyond Comics will be filming our new commercial on Sunday October 17th in and around Frederick.

If you or someone you know wants to be a zombie for the commercial please let us know. Our goal is to have as many zombies as we can.

If you have your own zombie costume you can bring it. Otherwise plan to wear old clothes and we will zombiefy you.

We will be announcing shoot times by this weekend but it could be an all day event. We will specifically note times we need the most help.

Contact Jon at the Frederick store if you are interested.

The new commercial will air during the Walking Dead television program on AMC.

Beyond Comics

Beyond Comics

Frederick Location

5632 Buckeywstown Pike
Frederick, MD 21704
(301) 668-8202

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Sam and Lilah and Jim and Hyeondo at NY Comic Con

Jim Douganwrites in

Subject: SAM & LILAH at the New York Comic-Con! Original Art for Sale!
Hey everybody! This weekend (Friday, October 8 - Sunday October 10) is the New York Comic Con at the Jacob K. Javits Center (;, and in addition to many, many comic and pop culture luminaries, your humble SAM & LILAH creators, Hyeondo Park (; and Jim Dougan, will be in attendance! Hyeondo is sharing Table Q3 in Artists' Alley with his friend Jack Forbes (;, and selling all kinds of neat stuff, including his work on the manga adaptations of JULIUS CAESAR and HUCKLEBERRY FINN, and hopefully some copies of the ACT-I-VATE PRIMER and NO FORMULA.

But most important of all: for the first time, Hyeondo will be selling SAM & LILAH original art!!! All pages are for sale from $40 to $50, so come on down and take a look! You know you want to, but just in case, here's a taste of what's available (in this case, Chapter 3, page 1):;

The map below tells you where to go! See you in New York!;

Mark Ruffin with 3 more Capicon interviews

Mark Ruffin, the DC Comic Books Examiner, started working the crowd of cartoonists at Capicons as I was leaving. He got his money's worth with some video interviews.

A short blurb Of werewolf and comics store: North Virginian speaks on webcomic at Capicon leads to Interview with Chris Flick at Capicon October 5th, 2010.

The Booga Fish artist and writer interviews from Capicon leads to Carolyn Belefski at Capicon October 6th, 2010.

DC Conspiracy member Rafer Roberts talks on anthology Magic Bullet leads to Rafer Roberts and the Magic Bullet October 6th, 2010.

I suspect there are more to come.

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Capicon con covered by DC Comics ExaminerMark Ruffin

Mark Ruffin's got a short article and video up now -

Capicon revitalized as local keepsake event
Mark Ruffin
DC Comic Books Examiner October 4th, 2010

The video, at almost 10 minutes long, is interesting. At around the 2 minutes mark, the owners talk about setting up a local small press show.

And co-owner Laura Daugherty says that they're going to have more local cartoonists at the next show - "We're hosting Hero Initiative with John K. Snyder, III on December 5, along with John Gallagher, Steve Conley and Andre Campbell from Heritage Comics HSQ."

Washington Times, lacking comic strips, still finds them newsworthy culture

Culture Briefs, WASHINGTON TIMES October 4, 2010, includes bits on Cathy and Peanuts.

Friend of ComicsDC Dustin Harbin featured on Comic Book Resources

Talking Comics with Tim - Dustin Harbin
by Tim O'Shea
October 4, 2010

Comic Riffs explains this weekend's pink comics

HILARY PRICE on why her 'Rhymes With Orange' will turn pink this Sunday
By Michael Cavna
Washington Post October 5, 2010.

Nice idea, and a good amount of participation. BTW, men can get breast cancer too.

Academic review of Looking for Calvin and Hobbes online now

Perna, Laura.
"Review of Looking for Calvin and Hobbes." .
ImageTexT: Interdisciplinary Comics Studies. 5.3 (2010). Dept of English, University of Florida.

Meet a Local Cartoonist: A Chat with Colorist Lauren Affe

A SCAD graduate starting on her career answers my standard questions -

Meet a Local Cartoonist: A Chat with Lauren Affe
Posted by Mike Rhode on Oct. 5, 2010 at 10:11 am

Monday, October 04, 2010

Oct 27: Politics and Prose book group discusses Tintin

The Politics and Prose book group will meet October 27th at 7:30pm, reading Tintin in Tibet.

Following that, the titles planned are:

Black Hole by Charles Burns

City of Glass by Auster and Karasik

Market Day by James Sturm

From Hell by Moore and Campbell

The Fixer by Joe Sacco

Jef "Frazz" Mallett's kind words for Weingarten

Meet new faces on the comics pages: Frazz and Dustin
By The Times-Union October 3, 2010

In this interview, Mallett says, "The funny thing is I spent most of my adult life trying to draw like George Booth and write like Gene Weingarten. I’m not there yet …"

Washington Post runs scared, censors Non Sequitur

The Post joined the group of newpapers afraid to publish a Non Sequitur strip that dared mention Muhammed - see the bigger story here  - 
 by Alan Gardner
October 4, 2010

The Post also issued a 'No Comment' to its own blog -
'Muhammad' does -- and does not -- appear in today's 'NON SEQUITUR' comic By Michael Cavna, Washington Post Comic Riffs blog October 3, 2010.

The Post's strong tradition of censoring on its comics page what it would never consider in the news pages continues - click on censorship in the tags to see other examples.

Sunday, October 03, 2010

Original Spider-Man art visits Cumberland, MD

...or more accurately, it appears a reasonable facsimile of it did.

Area residents get small taste of what Library of Congress holds
Kristin Harty Barkley
Cumberland Times-News October 1, 2010

No 'Cathy' retirement bump for 'Cul de Sac'?

I've been reading a lot of articles about papers replacing Cathy, and what they're choosing and haven't seen anyone add Cul de Sac yet. Does anyone know of a paper that's added it?

Stone Soup seems to have picked up a few. Rhymes with Orange, Red and Rover, Tundra, Arlo and Janis, nothing, and the new Dogs of C-Kennel are some replacements I've seen.

Saturday Peanuts report

Matt Dembicki was at Saturday's Peanuts event at the National Portrait Gallery and has a brief report on his blog.

Capicon show today w/ DC Conspiracy and Curls

I just got back from this - it's a good show and has a lot of discounted 1/2 price collectons and $1 comics. Also, these folks are there -

Please note the DC-area talent we have scheduled to join us, including 2010 Lulu Nominee Carolyn Belefski and members of DC Conspiracy Matt Dembicki, Andrew Cohen, Rafer Roberts and Evan Keeling.
Capicons Comic Book & Pop Culture Con
Sun, Oct. 3, 2010
10 am - 3 pm

Dunn Loring Volunteer Fire Hall, 2148 Gallows Rd, Dunn Loring, Virginia

Admission $3 - Kids FREE!
FREE Admission for those in Costume (Costume Contest at 1 PM)

Open to the public from 10 am - 3 pm. Buy, sell & trade: Gold, Silver, Bronze Age comics; Indie & Modern comics, Publishers & Creators, TV & Movie Collectibles. Non-sport cards; Videos & DVDs; Horror/Sci-Fi; figures, toys; Star Wars & Star Trek memorabilia; original artwork, posters and other comic-related collectibles.

2010 Lulu Nominee Carolyn Belefski, Curls Studio
Matt Dembicki, Artist/Publisher and Editor of Trickster: Native American Tales: A Graphic Collection
D.C. Conspiracy--a collective of DC comic creators, writers, publishers & artists

Directions to DLVFRD: Take I-495 (DC/Capital Beltway) to Exit 47A (Rt. 7 West). Go 1/2 Mile, Left on Gallows Rd. 1 mile to 2148 Gallows Rd.

Laura Daugherty
PO Box 2488
Merrifield, VA 22116