Sunday, June 23, 2024

Storybox Comics Fair day 2 pictures

 It was a mighty hot day in DC, but you could get a cold beer with your indy comics at Storybox's day 2. I don't drink beer, but I did chat with cartoonists. Unfortunately I hadn't realized that exhibitors on day 1 would not be at day 2, so I missed all of them. 

Pictures below the PR. 

 From the press release:

The second day of the fair is a comics mini-expo taking place at Third Hill Brewing Co. in downtown Silver Spring. Featuring 19 DMV-region cartoonists,illustrators and makers, with book signings by our special guests and workshops led by DC-based autobio-cartoonist Athena Naylor, Washington Post comics editor Hannah Good, and Ray Orr, Former Design and Comics Editor of The Lily for the Washington Post Style Section. Special Guests: Sierra Barnes, Ben Claassen III, Dana Jeri Maier 

Exhibitor List (Sunday 6/23): All the Old Posions, Carolyn Belefski, Kat Brenowitz, Hannah Good, Hobbes Holluck, Art Hondros, Paul Hostetler, Erin Lissette, Alex Lupp, Athena Naylor, Ray Orr, Nami Oshiro, Karly Perez, Perilous Adventure Studios, Dale Rawlings, Christine Skelly, Shannon Spence.   

 Sunday, June 23rd, 12-4pm Third Hill Brewing Co, 8216 Georgia Ave, Silver Spring MD 20910 (closest to Bonifant-Dixon Garage) 

1pm: Make a Collage Comic w/ Hannah Good and Rachel Orr 

2pm: “Main Character Energy” Workshop with Athena Naylor 

3pm Special Guests Book Signings 

*$10 Admission. 

Dale Rawlings

Art Hondros

The floor

Also the floor

Joe Carabeo of Curls Studio

Alex Lupp

Perilous Adventure Studios

Dana Jeri Maier

Paul Hostetler

Ben Claassen III

Erin Lissette

People's Book table

Kat Brenowitz

Athena Naylor

Karly Perez

Hannah Good

Kat Brenowitz

Shannon Spence

Ray Orr

Hobbes Holluck

Athena Naylor

Flugennock's Latest'n'Greatest: "Netanyahu's Comin' To Town"

"Netanyahu's Comin' To Town!"

"The invitation of Netanyahu, signed by the 'bipartisan leadership of 
the United States House of Representatives and the United States 
Senate,' is a political provocation against mass opposition to the 
genocide in Gaza, in the US and throughout the world. It is a 
declaration of political and moral solidarity with a murderer who has 
been accused by the top prosecutor of the International Criminal Court 
of war crimes."
—from the Statement of the World Socialist Web Site Editorial Board, 

"All over, people changin' their votes along with their overcoats;
If Adolf Hitler flew in today, they'd send a limousine anyway!"
—The Clash, 1977

The Editors of the World Socialist Web Site blog are calling for a 
mass mobilization to greet Israeli Führer Benjamin Netanyahu when he 
comes to slime Washington, DC on July 24 and I, for one, am absolutely 
down for giving this sonofabitch the welcome he deserves when he comes 
barging into my city.

So, here's my contribution to the propaganda effort, complete with 
"your message here" space, suitable for printing — and wheatpasting — 
at 11x17 on any walk-up digital color copier.


"For a demonstration on July 24 in Washington D.C. to protest 
congressional invitation for Netanyahu", Statement of the World 
Socialist Web Site Editorial Board, 06.10.2024

"White Man In Hammersmith Palais", The Clash, debut album 1977

Mike Flugennock, Political Cartoons:
Mike's press kit:

Clay Jones on journalistic ethics (and cartooning) at WaPo

2024 Herb Block Prize Winner - Steve Brodner

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Storybox Comics Fair day 1 pictures

 I missed getting Sierra Barnes using a washing machine as a podium, but she was commanding while doing so. I'm afraid I also missed the cartoonists set up with booths. Tomorrow!

 Here's the press release with my photos below:

STORYBOX Comics Fair Brings Local Comics Creators Together for a Second Year

SILVER SPRING, MD— DWIGHTMESS Cartooning & Comic Arts, a gallery and arts compound devoted to experimental and cutting-edge independent comics and illustration, is proud to announce the 2024 STORYBOX Comics Fair, now in its second year of convening of capital-area comic creators. Events will take place on  Saturday, June 22nd at Dwightmess, and on Sunday, June 23rd at Third Hill Brewing Co. from 12-4pm. Admission to Saturday’s event is free. 
Admission to the expo at the brewery on Sunday is $10.

The first day of events will be led by our Special Guests; DC-based artist Sierra Barnes, author of “Hans Vogel is Dead,” released by Dark Horse Comics; DC-based Dana Jeri Maier, New Yorker Shouts artist and author of “Skip to the Fun Parts: Cartoons and Complaint About the Creative Process” and Baltimore-based artist Ben Claassen III, former Washington City Paper cartoonist of the long-running comic, “Dirt Farm.”
Visitors can expect to encounter a selection of exhibitors showcasing their self-published comics, illustrations and swag, and participate in discussions and workshops surrounding the craft of making comics. Events include a show of Dana Jeri Maier’s illustration in our secret tiny gallery, an opening reception & BBQ for SWAMP MESS, the gallery’s annual DC-comics creator summer show, featuring artwork by Ben Claassen III, Andrew Cohen, Chris Combs, Liam Crooks, Brandon Geurts, Art Hondros, Marcie-Wolf Hubbard, John Kinhart, and Dale Rawlings, plus an opening reception for Halcyon Scene, our vintage boutique offering sleek 1980’s furniture and decor. (IG: @_halcyon_scene_)

Ben Claassen III


Ben Claassen III & Adam Griffiths



Adam showing the layout sheet he uses, which he got from Paul Karasik.

The non-Claassen parts of the exhibit:


Marcie-Wolf Hubbard

Dana Jeri Maier's chat with Adam:

Dana and Adam went to MICA at the same time, and Believe it or not, neither of them studied sequential or comic art!

Team Cul de Sac fundraiser t-shirt by Sergio Aragones info

Hi everyone, Chris Sparks. 

Sergio Aragones was kind enough to do the art for our Team Cul de Sac shirt to raise funds for Parkinson's research.
I have a few xs,s and m left and more of the large, xl and 2x.

It's $35 a shirt including the shipping, supplies and fees, in the USA. 

If you want a shirt and my PayPal email is JEDITRUE@GMAIL.COM

I will contact you as I work through the orders and wait for payment. 

I accept paypal goods and services unless it's a friend we can do friends and family.

All the shirts are WHITE. The back has the Heroescon logo! On front, it's a logo that Richard Thompson did in his own style for his first appearance in 2008.

If you have never been to Heroescon, you should plan for next year. 

Oh BTW, we made 20k at this year's drink and draw!!!!! All for Parkinson's research!

If you need multiple shirts I can do 3 per box. 

Remember, we only have White shirts. 
Invoices will be sent through my personal pp account

Thank you Christen Ryan-Sanchez and Sergio Aragones!!!!