Saturday, September 14, 2013

This is the best SPX ever

Of course, I say that every year. But this year, with 33% more space is really good. It continues tomorrow.

Here's some pictures.

The pre-opening line
Local cartoonist Mark Burrier
Local cartoonist Mark Burrier and his new comic
Connie Sun and 'Animals doing Yoga'
The Reeds and their new comic
The 'March' authors
Gordon Harris and his new minicomic
R.M. Rhodes
Anders Nilsen
Janet Hamlin, Guantanamo court artist
Carol Tyler
Jay Lynch
Jay Lynch and Frank Cammuso
R. Sikoryak
Kriota Willbert and R. Sikoryak
Peter Bagge
Rutu Modan
Brian Ralph
Rutu Modan

Off to SPX

I'm heading off to SPX. I hope to see a lot of old friends and make new ones. If you see me, say hello. I'm still shaking off a cold so if I look a bit dazed, it's not you.


Friday, September 13, 2013

Pre-SPX interview of Michael Wenthe on Cartozia Tales

Comic Riffs on SPX

SPX 2013: From John Lewis to 'Margaret Sanger,' the pioneers will abound at weekend's Small Press Expo
By Michael Cavna 
Washington Post Comic Riffs blog September 13 2013

City Paper on Small Press Expo

This Weekend Brings the Biggest Small Press Expo to Date

 by Mike Rhode on Sep. 13, 2013

Sept 13 at noon: Heidi MacDonald at Library of Congress

This is from Georgia Higley, in the Library's Serials Division:

Should you be in the DC area for the 2013 Small Press Expo, consider
visiting the Library of Congress a day earlier for a talk on Friday,
September 13:

Heidi MacDonald, creator of The Beat, a daily news blog about comics,
and former editor at DC Comics, will discuss "After Watchmen and Maus:
Exploring the Graphic Novel" at the second annual SPX talk sponsored
by the Serial & Government Publications Division.

We will also display some of our recently acquired SPX mini-comics
and selected works by Heidi MacDonald.

Please join us on Friday, September 13, at noon in the West Dining
Room, located on the 6th floor of the Madison Building, Library of
Congress, 101 Independence Ave, SE, Washington, DC.

The program is free and open to the public.

Sept 12: Laura Lee Gulledge at Hooray for Books in Alexandria

Whoops, we missed this, but I'm sure they still have signed copies.


Laura Lee Gulledge, autho
r of the graphic novel Page by Paige, will be visiting Hooray for Books! and signing her newest book, Will & Whit. Ages 12 +

"Wilhelmina is a creative soul struggling to come to terms with a family tragedy. Gulledge's signature visual metaphors are on full display in this all-new graphic novel, a moving look at shedding light on the dark corners of life."

Pop culture night at the Artisphere

Here are a few photos from tonight's opening of Andy Warhol's 'Silver Clouds' exhibit at the Artisphere in Arlington, Va. The D.C. Conspiracy's Comics Making Studio is right next to the Warhol exhibit and it was an incredible dual show. The diversity of folks sitting down and drawing comics at our gallery was amazing. Plus local cartoonist Carolyn Belefski (editor of Magic Bullet) and writer Joe Carabeo did a great job of drawing folks in with their chalkwall illustrations. 

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Flugennock's Latest'n'Greatest: "Obama's Syrian 'Red Line'"

Our local anarchist cartoonist draws again. I've missed some recently so go to his website to catch up.

"Obama's Syrian 'Red  Line'"

Now, I didn't actually watch Obama's Syria speech last Tuesday -- the very sound of his soulless, pompous, officious delivery gives me a Hot Dog Burp Of Disgust -- but from all accounts, the whole thing basically boiled down to "Aww, FUUUUUUUUU--"

What really gives me a giggle, though, is all the talk from Obummer and his mob about a "red line". After all, how long has that whole brouhaha been going on over there -- two years or so? Then, after sitting around and pretty much ignoring it all that time, President Sparkle Pony suddenly gets a bug up his ass and decides we -- "we" being the US State and corporate elites -- need to "do something"? Christ, that's rich.

And whose idea was it to start slinging around the expression "red line", anyway? That's got to be one of the stupidest expressions to come from inside the Beltway since "reset button". You know the Washington insiders and punditocracy are really scraping the bottom of the barrel when they start picking up on a phrase coined by Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu in that third-grade show'n'tell he put on at the UN last year.

For me, that's a sure sign that the elites have completely jumped the shark.

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"Though I could not caution all, I yet may warn a few:
 Don't lend your hand to raise no flag atop no ship of fools!"

                                               --grateful dead.
Mike Flugennock, flugennock at sinkers dot org
Mike's Political Cartoons: dubya dubya dubya dot sinkers dot org

Sept 14: Vincent Giarrano at National Portrait Gallery

Bad timing on this since SPX will be underway...

Vincent Giarrano at the Portrait Gallery


Take a hands-on art lesson and a tour with artist Vincent Giarrano


Vincent Giarrano is an experienced artist whose work is on display in the "Outwin Boochever Portrait Competition." He works in a variety of media and was previously an illustrator for Marvel and DC Comics.


Meet Giarrano this Saturday at Studio Time or during his Gallery 360 tour!


"Drawing From Your Head"

Satuday, Sept. 14, 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 

Only a few spaces remain for this session of Studio Time!

Giarrano teaches particpants how to draw three-dimensional charactersthe foundation of all comic book drawing!

This program is intended for adult participants, age 18 and older. Registration required; $50 fee includes all materials. E-mail for registration and payment instructions.


Gallery 360

Saturday, Sept. 14, 2:00 p.m.

Giarrano speaks to visitors about his technique and his portrait "City Girl" in the Outwin Boochever Portrait Competition.

Meet at the exhibition entrance near "The Struggle For Justice."

city girl


Images provided courtesy of the artist.

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