Triple podcast madness!  As our astute readers noticed, I messed up the link to our SPX Special podcast, plus we took last week off, so now you get three podcasts all at once! Enjoy! Thanks for everyone who came out to meet local creator Gordon Harris and pick up copies of his new graphic novel, Pedestrian! We had a great turnout and Gordon had a good time! We still have copies left if you missed him. Our next event is a group signing by many of the creators behind the new anthology about the history of Washington DC, District Comics: An Unconventional History of Washington DC! We'll have at least 10 of the creators behind the book at our U Street store in DC on October 27! More info is below! Feel free to forward on our newsletter, and please send us any comments or mailing list requests to Thanks! - the Big Planet Comics kids ___________________ UPCOMING - October 27 - District Comics signing The gang behind the smash hit anthology Trickster is back with another great anthology all about the history of Washington, D.C.! Many of the writers and artists of District Comics: An Unconventional History of Washington D.C. will be appearing at both our Washington DC store on Saturday, October 27. The Washington City Paper is running a preview of the book along with two stories in their September 6 issue. Pick one up for free or read the article on their webpage! (We will update our list of artists as we confirm more of them.) District Comics creators appearing include: Jeffrey-Troy Allen Michael Brace Andrew Cohen Michael Cowgill Matt Dembicki Dale Rawlings Kevin Rawlings Mike Rhode Jason Rodriguez Jacob Warrenfeltz 4PM-6PM Big Planet Comics of Washington DC 1520 U St. NW Washington, DC 20009 202-342-1961 | | | Saga 1 SC by Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples The epic scifi series is out in softcover finally, and you get 7 issues worth of story for only $10!!! I know, right? Trust us, it is totally awesome. We will be happy to rant about it in person if you aren't sure, but just buy it! | Building Stories by Chris Ware The next Ware insanity has arrived! This boxed set includes FOURTEEN different things, from comics to puzzles to cut out houses you can assemble yourself, all forming parts of an interweaving story! Wowsers. | Batman #13 by Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo The Joker returns, and he's more malicious than ever! This issue kicks off the Death of the Family storyline, with a surprise appearance by an old favorite (including a backup story from their point of view), and lots and lots of Joker mayhem and murder! This is a dark start! | Red She-Hulk #58 by Jeff Parker, Carlo Pagulayan and Wellington Alves Another Marvel change in direction, as Betty Ross, the Red She-Hulk, faces off against the newest group of military super soldiers! | | Uncanny Avengers #1 by Rick Remender and John Cassaday The first of the Marvel NOW! books arrives, and Havok is asked to form a new Avengers team that will include mutants! Plus the Scarlet Witch and Rogue have their confrontation, Wolverine speaks at a funeral and a CRAZY final page! Get on board now kids before we sell out! | Bigfoot Boy 1 Into the Woods SC by J. Torres and Faith Erin Hicks A young boy visits his grandmother in the country and finds an amulet that allows him to turn into a sasquatch! Fun adventure for all ages as he learns to speak to animals and try to make friends with the girl next door who is protective of "her" forest! all ages! | Valentine 1: The Ice Death SC by Alex de Campi and Christine Larsen As Napoleon's army retreats from Moscow, a young soldier is given a precious object - a magical sword! Soon he is being stalked by supernatural monsters and helped by heroes of legend, like Roland and the Lady in the Lake! A mix of adventure and fantasy with constant twists and changes. | MacGyver #1 by Lee David Zlotoff, Tony Lee, and Will Sliney MacGyver returns! Called by an old professor to help as he develops a new crop that can help solve the problem of world hunger, MacGyver finds himself under attack by a group of assassins who are after a 6 million dollar bounty on his head! | Ame Comi Girls #1 Featuring Wonder Woman Avengers Children's Crusade SC AVX Consequences #1 (of 5) Barack Hussein Obama HC Best American Comics 2012 HC Buz Sawyer Vol 2 Sultry's Tiger HC The City of Ember SC Finder Talisman HC The Graphic Canon Vol 2 SC Halloween Eve One Shot Haunted Horror #1 The Hobbit SC Justice League Dark Vol 1 In the Dark SC Marvel Comics the Untold Story HC Marvel Universe Vs Avengers #1 (of 4) Mattias Unfiltered Art Sketchbook Adolfsson SC Monster Turkey HC Moomin Turns Jungle SC Moomin Winter Follies SC New York Drawings Adrian Tomine HC Nightwing Vol 1 Traps and Trapezes SC Once Upon A Time Machine SC Order of Dagonet #1 Paradise Kiss Vol 1 SC Pippi Longstocking Vol 1 Pippi Moves In HC Point of Impact #1 (of 4) Trip to the Bottom of the World HC Understanding Monster HC Walking Dead Michonne Special Young Albert deluxe limited HC | | |  Big Planet Comics Podcast #62 "McGyver??"  This week, Kevin, Nick, and Jared interview Raina Telgemeier, and we review a bunch of new comics! Download now or subscribe on iTunes! PODCAST REVIEWS: Batman #13 by Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo Bigfoot Boy 1 Into the Woods SC by J. Torres and Faith Erin Hicks MacGyver: Fugitive Gauntlet #1 (of 5) by Lee David Zlotoff, Tony Lee, and Will Sliney Red She-Hulk #58 by Jeff Parker, Carlo Pagulayan and Wellington Alves Secret Prison 7 SC by Ian Harker, Tom Hart, Mare Odomo, Zach Hazard Vaupen, Ryan Cecil Smith, Katie Skelly, Alex Schubert, Mickey Z, James Harvey, Pat Aulisio, Noel Freibert, Keenan Marshall Keller, Art Baxter, Charles Forsman, Luke Pearson, Benjamin Constantine, Lamar Abrams, Angie Wang, Box Brown and The Family Sohn Uncanny Avengers #1 by Rick Remender and John Cassaday Valentine 1: The Ice Death SC by Alex de Campi and Christine Larsen Send us questions to or leave a voicemail at 1-703-539-CAST! (1-703-539-2278) Big Planet Comics Podcast #61 "Captain American"  This week, Kevin, Nick, and Jared interview Raina Telgemeier, and we review a bunch of new comics! Download now or subscribe on iTunes! PODCAST REVIEWS: Broxo SC by Zack Giallongo Daredevil End Of Days #1 by Brian Michael Bendis, David Mack, Klaus Janson, and Bill Sienkiewicz Detective Comics #13 by John Layman and Jason Fabok Everything Together SC by Sammy Harkham Legends Of The Dark Knight #1 by Damon Lindelof, Jeff Lemire, Jonathan Larsen, JG Jones, Tom Taylor, and Nicola Scott The Nao of Brown HC by Glyn Dillon Send us questions to or leave a voicemail at 1-703-539-CAST! (1-703-539-2278) Big Planet Comics Podcast "SPX 2012 Special"  Extra special SPX podcast! Kevin, Nick, and Jared interview Mike Dawson, and we review a bunch of comics we got at SPX this year! Download now or subscribe on iTunes! PODCAST REVIEWS: Curveball volume 1 by Jeremy Sorese Damn Fine Coffee: A Twin Peaks Fanzine by Jesse Balmer, Christina Barrera, Tuesday Basen, Gillian Blekkenhorst, Sam Bosma, Julianna Brion, Kali Ciesemier, Grace Danico, Kyle Fewell, Alex Fine, Ryan Fortney, Pete Gamlen, Diego Garcia, Jimmy Giegerich, Jennifer "Bagel" Han, Trevor Henderson, Greg Houston, Andrea Kalfas, Eleni Kalorkoti, Jonathan Kennedy, Kelly Laserre, Roman Muradov, Jen Mussari, Gant Powell, Andrew Schick, Dadu Shin, Jenn Woodall, Ping Zhu Ghost Story by Rob Ullman Gorilla Year #1 by Cara Bean Hyperspeed to Nowhere by Lale Westvind Ian Jay Super Comics 1 SC by Ian Jay Immovable Objects by James Hindle Neon Super Gladiator #1 by Andy Kettler New Sludge City by Brendan Leach Ramble On! #2 by Calvin Wong Rav #2 + 3 by Mickey Zacchilli Roll for Initiative! by Jimmy Giegerich Satan is Alive: A Tribute to Mercyful Fate by Mark Rudolph, Kim Holm, Ben Marra, Tom Neely, J. T. Dockery, Fenriz, Tim Sievert, Kevin Cross, Ed Luce, Philip Anselmo, Brian Turner, Kelly Larson, Chuck BB, Roger Langridge, Bruno Guerreiro, Stephanie Buscema, Tim Shagrat, Xenocblood, J. Bennett, Nick Green, Mark Thompson, Vasilis Lolos, Sam Wolf, Scott Carlson, Chris Dick, Sara Turner, Johnny Ryan, Dave Acosta, Mike Erdody, Danny Martin, Trevor Strnad SF #2 by Ryan Cecil Smith Speedhog the Hedgehog by Zach Marcus, Tyler Hutchison, Becky Dreistadt, J. R. Goldberg, Ian Jones-Quartey, Geneva Hodgson, Phil McAndrew, Jeremy Sorese, Brandon B., Marlo Meekins, KC Green, Roman Muradov, Sam Logan, Anthony Clark, Nico Calaleo, Josh PM Frees, Shmorky, Jamie Dee Galey, Tyson Hesse, Frank Gibson Treasure Chest volume 1 by Sam Bosma Send us questions to or leave a voicemail at 1-703-539-CAST! (1-703-539-2278) | | New Next Week 10/17 (Let us know if you want any of these!) A-Babies Vs X-Babies #1 Activity #9 After Earth One-Shot American Vampire Lord Of Nightmares #5 (OF 5) Art Of Betty And Veronica HC Avengers Assemble #8 Avenging Spider-Man Friends Beat Up Your Friend SC AVX Consequences #2 (OF 5) Batwoman #13 Before Watchmen Minutemen #4 (OF 6) Betty & Veronica #262 Betty & Veronica Double Digest #206 Billy Kids Oddities & Orm Loch Ness #1 (OF 4) Birds Of Prey #13 Bloodstrike Vol 1 Reborn Under A Bad Sign SC Blue Beetle #13 BPRD 1948 #1 (OF 5) The Cape 1969 #4 (OF 4) Captain Marvel #5 Cars Magazine #9 Catwoman #13 Chew #29 Classic Popeye #3 Courtney Crumrin #6 Cyber Force #1 Daredevil #19 Dark Avengers #182 Dark Tower Gunslinger Man In Black #5 (OF 5) Darkness #107 Dc Universe Presents #13 Dicks Vol 1 (Color Ed) SC Dungeons & Dragons Forgotten Realms #4 Ex Sanguine #1 (OF 5) Fantastic Four #611 Fear Itself Spider-Man SC Gambit #2 2nd Ptg Grimm Sleepy Hollow #1 GI Joe A Real American Hero #183 Glory #29 Godzilla Half Century War #3 (OF 5) Gray Morrows Orion SC Green Hornet #29 Green Lantern Corps The Weaponer SC Green Lantern New Guardians #13 Green Lantern New Guardians Vol 1 Ring Bearer HC Harbinger #5 Hawkeye #2 2nd Ptg Hawkeye #3 He Man And The Masters Of The Universe #3 (of 6) Hellblazer #296 Hive HC Infernal Man-Thing SC It Girl & The Atomics #3 James Bond Omnibus Vol 4 SC Jennifer Blood #18 Journey Into Mystery Vol 3 Terrorism Myth SC Judge Dredd Digest Dark Judges SC Justice League #13 Legion Of Super Heroes #13 Limit Vol 1 SC The Lone Ranger Snake Of Iron #3 Lookouts Riddle Vol 1 #2 Lovecraft Anthology Vol 2 SC Marvel Now Point One #1 Marvel Super Heroes #4 Marvel Zombies Halloween Mighty Thor #21 Burns Mike Nortons Curse GN Mind The Gap Vol 1 Intimate Strangers SC Mortensens Escapades Vol 1 Mysterious GN Mudman Vol 1 SC Nancy Drew & Clue Crew Vol 1 Small Volcanoes GN New Avengers #31 AXFO Nightwing #13 No Place Like Home #5 Not My Bag GN Orchid #10 Peanuts Vol 2 #3 (OF 4) Prophecy #4 Punishermax Homeless SC Red Hood And The Outlaws #13 Rookie Yearbook One SC Saucer Country #8 Savage Dragon #182 Shadow Blood & Judgment SC Shinku #5 Simpsons Comics #195 Sixth Gun #26 Skullkickers Vol 3 Six Shooter SC Snake Eyes & Storm Shadow #18 Sonic The Hedgehog #241 Sonic The Hedgehog Complete Comic Encyclopedia SC Sonic Universe #45 Star Wars Agent of the Empire Hard Targets #1 (OF 5) Stitched #9 Supergirl #13 Supergirl Vol 1 Last Daughter Of Krypton SC Sword Of Sorcery #1 Three Stooges Vol 2 Ebenezer Stooge SC Thunda #3 Totally Mad 60 Years Of Humor Satire & Stupidity Ultimate Comics Iron Man #1 (OF 4) Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #16 UWS Uncanny X-Men #20 AXFO Untold Tales Of Punisher Max #5 (OF 5) Unwritten Vol 6 Tommy Taylor War Of Words SC Venom #26 Venom Savage Six SC Very Hungry Zombie HC Michael Avon Oemings The Victories #3 (OF 5) Walking Dead #103 Warlord Of Mars Dejah Thoris #17 Witchblade Demon Reborn #3 (OF 4) Womanthology Space #2 Wonder Woman #13 X-Factor #245 X-O Manowar #6 Young Justice #21 Zaucer Of Zilk #1 (OF 2) Zombies Christmas Carol SC | |
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