Monday, July 30, 2007

Washington Examiner drops all comics

As of today, instead of comics, they have a full page of puzzles. Over the years, they went from two full pages, to one half page and now to none. They invite comments on their website.


Anonymous said...

That's pretty crappy. I hope they put them back in. Not everyone loves Sudoku!

Matt D. said...

When they started, they also had a full-page each weekly (Wednesdays) devoted to comics, a main article and a column of reviews. About a year later, it was just a few short reviews. Now--nothing. And now NO COMICS PAGE?! Who do they think they are? The WSJ?! (Ha! Don't they wish!) I'm not completely surprised. It's a hack newspaper--any paper that publishes a faux front page that's really an ad is telling folks they are more focused on selling ads to make money rather than on editorial to do the job.

Mike Rhode said...

Yes, I should have mentioned the pages about comics too - they were great. Fortunately Scott's been able to write some articles for the Express since he moved over therre, but I began picking up the Examiner for the comics articles, and then begans sending the strips page to Michigan State U's Comic Art Collection and now I have much less reason to pick it up.

Anonymous said...

But there's still one reason, right? :-)

Mike Rhode said...

Yes, everyone should continue to pick up the Express and write them frequently that "Nate Beeler's cartoon is the ONLY reason to pick up the paper every day."