Sunday, January 23, 2011

1/25: Tom Inge speaks on Charles Schulz in Fredericksburg

Good ol' 'Charlie Brown' Schulz
by Thomas Inge
Fredericksburg Free Lance-Star 1/23/2011

Ton says, "This leads to an article I wrote that appears in today's Fredericksburg FREE LANCE-STAR newspaper, in anticipation of my lecture on Charles Schulz in the "Great Lives" series next Tuesday at 7:30 in Dodd Auditorium at the University of Mary Washington."

Truitt on GI Joe

IDW relaunches G.I. Joe titles, ignites a 'Cobra Civil War'
By Brian Truitt, USA TODAY January 20 2011

Post reviews Dalai Lama manga

The forging of a holy man
Jeffrey Paine
Washington Post Sunday, January 23, 2011; B07

The book reviewed is


A Manga Biography

By Tetsu Saiwai


Unpaginated. Paperback, $15

Saturday, January 22, 2011

OT: New Jersey sports cartoonist

I was stunned and glad to see this article today - I grew up reading the Bergen (County, NJ) Evening Record, and seeing these caricatures. I'm thrilled to hear about the cartoonist and the fact that he's still doing them.

Sports Illustrator: Closter's Charlie McGill is quick on the draw
BERGEN.COM January 22 2011

CFP: International Comic Arts Forum 2011 (9/29-10/1)

It's not in DC anymore, but it'll always have a place in my heart...

The 15th Anniversary International Comic Arts Forum: ICAF 2011
September 29-October 1, 2011
The Center for Cartoon Studies in White River Junction, Vermont

ICAF, the International Comic Arts Forum, invites scholarly paper proposals for its fifteenth anniversary meeting, to be held at the Center for Cartoon Studies in White River Junction, Vermont, from Thursday, September 29, through Saturday, October 1, 2011.

The deadline to submit proposals is March 18, 2011. (Scroll down for proposal guidelines and submission information.)

ICAF welcomes original proposals from diverse disciplines and theoretical perspectives on any aspect of comics or cartooning, particularly studies that reflect an international perspective. Studies of aesthetics, production, distribution, reception, and social, ideological, and historical significance are all equally welcome, as are studies that address larger theoretical issues linked to comics or cartooning, for example in image/text studies or new media theory. Proposals that focus on bandes dessinées or manga are encouraged.

In recognition of the fifteenth meeting of ICAF, we are hoping to schedule a special panel on larger issues pertaining to the teaching and study of comics. We are therefore particularly interested in papers that address the study of comics as an academic discipline by itself and within other disciplines. This can be focused either in terms of pedagogy (the challenges and pitfalls of how we bring the study of comics into the classroom) or scholarship (the opportunities for and liabilities of doing research in comics in the modern academy, and the concerns about methodology). There will also be a special panel on the representation of History and Alternative Histories in Comics.

The Center for Cartoon Studies <> is served by the Lebanon NH Municipal Airport. Coach service is also available through Dartmouth Coach from New York City and Logan International Airport in Boston MA.

PROPOSAL GUIDELINES: For its refereed presentations, ICAF prefers argumentative, thesis-driven papers that are clearly linked to larger critical, artistic, or cultural issues; we strive to avoid presentations that are merely summative or survey-like in character. We can accept only original papers that have not been presented or accepted for publication elsewhere. Presenters should assume an audience versed in comics and the fundamentals of comics studies. Where possible, papers should be illustrated by relevant images. Presentations must be timed to finish within the strict limit of twenty (20) minutes. Proposals should not exceed 300 words.

REVIEW PROCESS: All proposals will be subject to blind review by the ICAF Executive Committee. The final number of papers accepted will depend on the needs of the conference program. Due to high interest in the conference, in recent years ICAF has typically been able to accept only one third to one half of the proposals it has received.

AUDIOVISUAL EQUIPMENT: ICAF's preferred format for the display of images is MS PowerPoint. Regretfully, we cannot accommodate non-digital media such as transparencies, slides, or VHS tapes. Presenters should bring their PowerPoint or other electronic files on a USB key.

SEND ABSTRACTS (with complete contact information) by March 18, 2011, to C. W. Marshall, ICAF Academic Program Director, via email at:

Receipt of all proposals will be acknowledged. Applicants should expect to receive confirmation of acceptance or rejection by April 18, 2011.

Matt Dembicki's Xoc finds publisher

Matt Dembicki reports on his Facebook page, "'Xoc' followers: Looks like the shark book has found a publisher. (Just gotta sign some papers.) It will have about 50 percent new content. I'm excited to get working on this again!"

Matt's been self-publishing individual issues in comic book format.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Zadzooks reviews Spider-Man videogame

Zadzooks: Ultimate Spider-Man: Total Mayhem HD, Risk and Rock Band Reloaded HD
Spidey for 'tweens; Risk makes iPad debut
By Joseph Szadkowski
Washington Times January 20, 2011

If Cthulhu invades Washington, DC, do I get the day off work?

Cthulu Invades Washington, D.C. Unless LORNA Can Stop Him
By Chris Arrant, Newsarama  21 January 2011

Comic Riffs profiles Team Cul de Sac

TEAM CUL DE SAC: Richard Thompson launches cartoon campaign to fight Parkinson's
By Michael Cavna
Washington Post Comic Riffs blog January 21 2011

Caro on Saul Steinberg

In praise of Saul Steinberg

 by Caro
Hooded Utilitarian January 21 2011

Apparently Cul de Sac is controversial in the Deseret News...

...but the light is dawning!

Comic not funny
Tuesday, Sept. 28, 2010

Cul de Sac comic smart, upbeat
Tuesday, Oct. 5, 2010

Love Cul de Sac strip
Friday, Jan. 21, 2011

Tea Partier swears off Wash Post in spite of losing Prince Valiant

The Newspaper Enemy
by Bill Colley WGMD Host
Jan 20, 2011

There's not much you can say about a value system so skewed it allows someone to turn away from Prince Valiant.

Donna Lewis' art style comments?

Donna Lewis' art style for her new web comic 'Reply All' generates some negative comments from Scott Kurtz at the Daily Cartoonist. Donna, who's a lawyer, immediately threatens to sue them everyone into oblivion.

Ok, she doesn't really. Check out the link.

Nick Galifianakis booktour schedule

Nick Galifianakis' first book tour schedule is online now. In Washington, he'll be at Politics and Prose on Friday, February 11th - and his book is a perfect Valentine's gift.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Carla Speed Mcneil interview online

McNeil Talks "Finder" at Dark Horse
by Shaun Manning,
Wed, January 19th, 2011

Reason looks at cartoon porn sentencing

The Simpsons, Skins, and Child Porn
Jacob Sullum
Reason's Hit & Run blog January 20, 2011

Herblock exhibit in Kentucky

Powerful doodles in KGMC exhibit
Ledger Independent January 19, 2011


Cartoonist Herb Block to featured [sic] at KGMC
Ledger Independent January 20, 2011

Weldon rambles on about Buffy comic

Apocalypse? We've All Been There: Comic-Book Buffy Gets a Season Finale
by Glen Weldon
National Public Radio's Monkey See blog January 20, 2011

I'm afraid I have to agree with his paragraph on when REDACTED and REDACTED created a new universe by REDACTING... This post of his may have gotten the most comments too...

Donna Lewis profiled in Baltimore paper

Spankin'-new syndicated Washington cartoonist Donna Lewis is profiled... in a Baltimore paper! Oh, the shame. I did interview her on the City Paper blog before she was syndicated. Anyway, check this out -

Donna Lewis' A Comic Life
Rochelle Eisenberg
Baltimore Jewish Times January 21, 2011

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Kill Shakespeare at the Folger Shakespeare Library?

Yes, Anthony Del Col and Conor McCreery, the creative team behind the comic book Kill Shakespeare will be at the Folger Shakespeare Library on Tuesday, February 15 at 7:30pm and tickets are $15. More information here, but basically the comic's premise is that Shakespeare's characters get tired of being jerked around, and decide to take out the creator. There's a collected edition of the first comics out now.

Carla Speed McNeil blogs on her Finder artwork

Carla Speed McNeil is putting her Finder series in the new Dark Horse Presents and she's got a couple of posts about doing the artwork on her blog now. The first deals with penciling and inking.
The second that went up today is on coloring instructions.

I was a big fan of DHP back in the day, and I'm glad to see it relaunching and Carla being in it. I'll be doing a Washington City Paper interview with her soon.

Comic Riffs talks to Dick Tracy's Locher

'DICK TRACY': Writer-artist Dick Locher hangs up his fedora after 32 years
By Michael Cavna
Washington Post Comic Riffs blog January 19 2011

The Hill looks at editorial cartoonist's constant-yet-every-changing problem

Drawing Boehner: Cartoonists work on Washington's new power player
by Kris Kitto
The Hill's The Washington Scene blog January 18, 2011,


Joe Fournier political cartoon in Sunday's Post

For the record, Joe Fournier had a Sarah Palin political cartoon "You Betcha" in Sunday's Washington Post from January 16, 2011.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Reason magazine slaps around editorial cartoonist Steve Benson

The Dupont Circle iconoclasts go after the Arizona Republic's editorial cartoonist Steve Benson -

The Giffords Shooting, as Only a Pulitzer Prize-winning Cartoonist Could Render it
Nick Gillespie January 17, 2011

Comic Riffs interviews Steve Breen

BORDER LINES: Why a third Pulitzer might be in Steve Breen's future
By Michael Cavna
Washington Post Comic Riffs blog January 18 2011

PR: WashPost's Cartoon Caption Contest

The Post has joined the caption-writing contest world...

Readers will have a chance at writing a cartoon caption with The Washington Post's caption-writing contest with Tom Toles.


WashPost editorial Cartoonist Tom Toles sketched a State of the Union cartoon here, but there's no caption:


Readers can post their suggested caption(s) in the comments section until 11:59 p.m. ET Monday, Jan. 24. The winner gets a print of the cartoon, with their suggested caption, signed by Tom Toles. The winner will be announced before Obama begins his State of the Union address that Tuesday evening.


For official rules, go here:


Feb 9: Kal is keynote speaker

In an event that must have Willie Don Schaeffer spinning in his grave (except he's still alive), Kal notes that he's the keynote speaker at Maryland Arts Day in Annapolis Wednesday February 9, 2011.

And, making it tough on Kal collectors, he's done two cartoons for the Economist cover this week - one for the US and one for Europe.

Team Cul de Sac launches for Parkinson's Disease fundraising

Chris Sparks, Cul de Sac's webmaster, has launched Team Cul de Sac to raise money for the Michael J. Fox Foundation and Parkinson's Disease research. You can read Richard Thompson's take on it or just go right to the charity's main page and pledge some money. If you're a cartoonist, rather than contributing money, you may wish to participate in an art auction. Chris wants to raise $250,000 and has gotten commitments from excellent artists already (some of whom aren't even Richard's friends!), and Andrews McMeel will be publishing a collection of the artwork which I'm really looking forward to.

Thank you all for any support.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Comics Comics on Lost Art Books's Zim

Dan Nadel of Comics Comics has reviewed Joe Procopio and Lost Art Books's Zim reprint.

Truitt on Green Hornet, again

Inside the geek life of 'Green Hornet' star Seth Rogen
By Brian Truitt, USA TODAY January 17 2011.

My daughter, of all people, saw this today, and liked it ok.

Comicsgirl reviews Remake by Lamar Abrams

Comicsgirl reviewed Remake by Lamar Abrams, published by Chris Pitzer's Adhouse Books (from Richmond) and revealed that he's a local comics creator. Apparently I knew that at one time, but spaced out about it. A link to Mr. Abrams' site is being added to the list on the right, now.

Ruffin's Party Crashers exhibit review part 2

Out of print: comic book art reaches exhibition in Arlington part 2
Mark Ruffin
DC Comic Books Examiner January 13th, 2011

PR: Art Whino Now Offering Classes

Does your New Year Resolution's include taking classes
to sharpen your arsenal of skills?
Then you are in luck!

Art Whino is proud to announce it will now
start to offer unique and fun art classes


We begin our line up of classes with four workshops. Please email us at with your favorites and classes will begin once they are filled up.

Classes will be held at the gallery
122 Waterfront St
National Harbor, MD

Classes will be in the evening Tues-Thurs starting at 8pm.
Monday class will begin at 6pm


30 dollars per session
4 sessions per month
Each session is 2 hours

The workshop will focus on the idea of alter-existence and fantasy. Participants will learn aspects of visual character development and how they relate to the persona of specific characters common in the graphic novel: Superman, Aeon Flux, and Dr. Manhattan, are some examples of iconic character personas that will be discussed. All of these characters' physical personas can be directly translated to their behavioral personas. We will analyze how the behavior of each character manifests itself in their physical being and expression, and then based on our behavioral states, each student will create our own alter ego, representative of the way they behave—rather than the way they look. Each student will then create a fantasy environment for his or her alter ego that will serve as its habitat. The alter ego can be anything from a 5-legged reptile to a working class male.

Materials: Canson Vellum, Black Micron Ink pen set of 3, Stabilo Marker Set of 12, N. 2 pencil, eraser, ruler.

Optional: Watercolor, colored pencil.

*Student is responsible for purchase of materials prior to first session.


30 dollars per session
4 sessions per month
Each session is 2 hours

Students will learn the fundamentals of narrative structure used in telling the short story. They will read from the short stories of Donald Barthelme and Ernest Hemingway and will create a short story of their own. They will learn how to transfer their story from written word into visual depiction.

Materials: Canson Storyboard, Micron Ink Set of 3, Stabilo Marker Set of 12, N. 2 pencil, eraser, ruler.

Optional: Watercolor, colored pencil.

*Student is responsible for purchase of materials prior to first session.


30 dollars per session
4 sessions per month
Each session is 2 hours

Students will review Neil Gaiman's The Sandman Series for inspiration on how a serial narrative works. Students will begin drafting compositions using pencil, gridded paper, and tracing paper. These compositions will be loosely inspired and individually re-interpreted using Gaiman's Sandman Series as visual reference. The final product will be a series of narrative panel paintings loosely inspired from Neil Gaiman's serial comic The Sandman Series.

Materials needed: 4 Frederick pure linen canvases 11x14, N. 2 pencil, Micron black pen set of 3, Art Tin Watercolor set, Crayola Brush set of 4.

*Student is responsible for purchase of materials prior to first session


50 dollars per session
4 sessions per month
Each session is 2 hours

Students will be taught techniques in storyboarding, miniature set building, and 3D character development. The resulting end product will be a short stop-motion animated video based on each student's own narrative.

**Prerequisites: None. Students must have a digital camera and Mac laptop.

Materials needed: Shoebox, Klutz Create with Clay, Cardboard, Sharpie black marker, Colored construction Paper.

Optional: Colored pencil, Stabilo Marker, Art Tin Watercolor set and crayola brushes.

*Student is responsible for purchase of materials prior to first session.

Tables available for Small Press Expo

The Small Press Expo is selling tables as of Friday. Click here for the details. SPX is Sept 10-11, 2011 in the North Bethesda Marriott Hotel and Convention Center.

Meet a Formerly Local Cartoonist: A Chat with Bebe Williams online at City Paper

Meet a Formerly Local Cartoonist: A Chat with Bebe Williams

Posted by Mike Rhode on Jan. 17, 2011

Friday, January 14, 2011

Truitt interviews Green Hornet

Seth Rogen: Hollywood's latest comic book hero
USA Weekend January 16, 2011

City Paper on Green Hornet

Don't see it in 3-D.
The Green Hornet Directed by Michel Gondry
By Tricia Olszewski
Washington City Paper January 14, 2011

Cul de Sac for FREE

...if you're a newspaper, and want to buy it for six months, you get one month of Richard Thompson's Cul de Sac for free. Alan Gardner caught the story at his Daily Cartoonist site.

Ruffin on Party Crashers exhibit

Out of print: comic book art reaches exhibition in Arlington

By Mark Ruffin, DC Comic Books Examiner

Post review of anime "Summer Wars"

A visit to Oz, but no Dorothy
By Stephanie Merry
Washington Post January 14, 2010,1178158/critic-review.html

A mom on 'Cars' and a for the record item

Today's Express also has an article about a two-year old's love of Pixar's Cars, -
Kristen Page-Kirby
Express January 14, 2011, p. 29
Yesterday the Post ran a wire story on a Captain America educational comic -
Moore, Matt / Associated Press.  2011.
Suicide help is comic's aim.
Washington Post (January 13): C6

Summer Wars anime interview in today's Express

Destruction of Oz: Mamoru Hosoda's anime 'Summer Wars' illustrates the perils of a networked world.
Written by Express contributor Ryan Little
January 14, 2011

Washington Examiner on Green Hornet

'Green Hornet' falls short of expectations
 Sally Kline
Washington Examiner January 14 2011, p. 29

The Express ran the Post's review by Kois to.