Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Comic Riffs on bin Laden cartoons

OSAMA BIN LADEN: There Will Be Blood Drawn: 13 eye-catching OSAMA images

Weldon on Free Comic Book Day

Weldon, Glen.  2011.

A Guide for the Perplexed: Your Trusty FREE COMIC BOOK DAY Checklist.

My City Paper piece with interviews with local store owners should appear tomorrow or Friday.

Another comic movie contest

Until 5 pm today, you can enter to win tickets for Priest from the Washington Examiner. The movie is based on a Korean comic book, and the advance showing is for May 12th with the movie opening on May 13th.

Also in the theaters now, based on Italian comic books, is Dylan Dog, but it wasn't screened for reviews. Thor opens on Friday.

Beeler special edition Osama bin Laden cartoon

In addition to picking up the print Washington Examiner, I get Nate Beeler's cartoons emailed to me and I was somewhat confused to get two sent to me yesterday. In one, "The End of Osama bin Laden," Osama's corpse was the I in Justice, while "Closure" the other, which had been in the Tuesday paper that I picked up, showed Uncle Sam sitting on bin Laden's coffin. Since I hadn't seen the Justice cartoon in the paper, I wrote to Nate and asked about it. He said, "That one was for the late edition we put out special on Monday. The coffin cartoon was for the next day's paper. Both are on the website, of course."

I don't recall the last time I heard about a paper doing a special edition AND having their cartoonist do something for it. Anyone else have an example?

Monday, May 02, 2011

Sunday, May 01, 2011

Flugennock on "Obama's Birth Certificate"
Mike Flugennock, flugennock at sinkers dot org
Mike's Political Cartoons: dubya dubya dubya dot sinkers dot org

Truitt on Fear Itself

'Fear Itself: The Worthy' begins with Sin
By Brian Truitt, USA TODAY April 25 2011

Truitt on Moriarity

'Moriarty': It's elementary for Daniel Corey
By Brian Truitt, USA TODAY April 29 2011

Truitt on Butcher Baker

'Butcher Baker' goes over the top with heroic insanity
By Brian Truitt, USA TODAY April 29 2011

Al Goodwyn moves into finals of comics contest

Al Goodwyn writes in:

Just got word that I've made it to the finals in this contest.  There are 15 cartoonists left.  Voting will continue this week and then a winner will be announced by the judges on May 10th. Here's the link to what they call the Amateur Cubicle where I have quite a few of my cartoons posted:

George Mason University paper on 18th century Dutch cartoons

Economists, Crises and Cartoons
by David M. Levy, George Mason University and Sandra J. Peart, University of Richmond - Jepson School of Leadership Studies
January 10, 2010
GMU Working Paper in Economics No. 10-07

- click the link and then choose the download to read the paper.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Post slideshow on comic book movies and Thor article

This article doesn't seem to be in the paper -

'Thor,' director Branagh finds common thread from comic book to Shakespeare.
By David Mermelstein,
Washington April 26 2011

Comic book heroes on the big screen is the slideshow.

Spurred by the success of "Batman Begins," "Spider-Man," "Iron Man," "X-Men" and their sequels, superhero blockbusters have become a cinema staple in the last decade. "Thor," based on the Marvel comic book inspired by Norse myth, arrives in theaters May 6, and "Green Lantern," "Captain America: The First Avenger" and "X-Men: First Class" follow later this summer.