Friday, October 29, 2010

Express on Walking Dead and Tamara Drewe

Picking Zombie Brains: John Bernthal, Star of 'The Walking Dead,' Hometown Boy
By Jennifer Barger
Express October 29, 2010

Beyond Drawn: 'Tamara Drewe', in Theaters [published as 'Tactful Transition'].
By Kristen Page-Kirby
Express October 29, 2010

Mark Fiore's GU appearance

Given that this event was sponsored by the Journalism department, I'm a little surprised this article isn't credited - Pulitzer Prize-Winning Cartoonist Satires Politics (October 28, 2010). Fiore was a good speaker, and showed about 5 of his cartoons.

Nov 2: Super-Art Fight at American University's Katzen

November 2 sees a Super-Art Fight at American University's Katzen Museum at 8 pm featuring Jami “Angry Zen Master” Noguchi, Garth Graham and Chris “Impact” Impink.

Post reviews Victory Comics in Falls Church

Falls Church neighborhood guide
Justin Rude, David Malitz and Fritz Hahn
Washington Post October 29, 2010

Here's a direct link to the part on Victory Comics. As an aside, across the street from Victory Comics, on the Maple Ave side, is the Galifianakis exhibit which is open on weekends.

The Post also reviews Howl and Eric Drooker did some animation for the movie.

Beeler tops Cartoons & Cocktails auction updated

Steve Artley went to Cartoons & Cocktails last night and tells us, "Nate Beeler stole the show with one of his toons auctioning for 2100 buckeroos. That is a record for the C&C event. Actually, yours truly held the record for a few years at $1750, but am happy to pass the baton to the next generation of political renderers."

Nate says the cartoon that sold is his September 1st one, pictured above. You can see all his cartoons at the Washington Examiner site, which even though I'm a friend of his and opposed to the Examiner's political stance, I must say are excellent.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Carolyn Belefski's DC Counter Culture Festival report

Carolyn Belefski's DC Counter Culture Festival report is online now and includes a Super-Art Fight.

Weingarten on Doonesbury

Mr. Butts: Gene Weingarten on the character that could have killed Doonesbury but didn't.
By Gene Weingarten
Oct. 27, 2010

Slate has a bunch more articles, including one by Brian Walker previewing his new Doonesbury art book and a long interview with Trudeau.

More on stunningly insensitive* UMD Diamondback cartoon

The cartoon in question, with the cartoonist's explanation of said cartoon -
Editorial cartoon: Oct. 26
By Morgan Noonan
Published: Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Updated: Wednesday, October 27, 2010 00:10

-the editor's rationale -
From the Editor: An answer
By Marissa Lang
Diamondback Wednesday, October 27, 2010

-the on-campus reporting of it buried in the sports news -
Notebook: Arnett switches to offensive line; DeSouza is ‘well’
Friedgen slams cartoon at presser
By Kate Yanchulis
Diamondback October 27, 2010

-The Sun on it-

Friedgen calls cartoon about DeSouza 'insensitive'
Maryland student newspaper runs drawing poking fun at offensive tackle who broke both legs after car hit him while he was riding a motor scooter
By Jeff Barker, The Baltimore Sun October 26, 2010

*that's satirical, in case you weren't sure.

Weldon on yet another Superman reboot

On 'Hipster Superman' And Other Wildly, Weirdly Successful Press Releases
by Glen Weldon
National Public Radio's Monkey See blog October 27, 2010

American Vampire interview at Comic Riffs

The 'Riffs Interview: 'American Vampire's' SCOTT SNYDER on vampires, Vertigo & collaborator Stephen King
By Michael Cavna 
Washington Post Comic Riffs blog October 28, 2010.

Oct 28: Nick Galifianakis opens his exhibit in Falls Church today

Nick Galifianakis, the illustrator of Carolyn Hax's Washington Post advice column, opens his exhibit in Falls Church at ArtSpace in East Falls Church this Thursday, Oct. 28th, at 7pm.

Zombies turned away at Lincoln Memorial says Post

AMC's stunt to promote the Walking Dead tv show seems to have worked.

You've got your article -

The TV Column: The zombie apocalypse is upon us -- sort of
By Lisa de Moraes
Washington Post October 27, 2010; C06

-your video-

Zombies invade D.C.
Washington, D.C. was overrun by zombies on Tuesday morning as part of a promotional stunt by AMC for its new TV show, "The Walking Dead," which premieres on Halloween night. (Madeline Marshall/The Washington Post)

and your photos -

Zombies take over the morning commute
A group of zombie-clad actors descended on the streets of Washington this morning to give a scare to unsuspecting passersby and to help promote AMC's new series, "The Walking Dead."
Astrid Riecken-For The Washington Post

PR: Fantom Comics' 1st Annual Halloween Parade And Walking Dead Viewing Party

We've thought about it and thought about it, and at the end of the day we can't figure out why not to do it. So you've read it here first: YOU are invited to Fantom Comic's first annual Halloween parade at Union Station.

Come as your favorite... whatever!  All costumes are welcome, the brighter and more outrageous the better.
(Just not Sarah Palin, that's sooooooo 2008.)

Halloween is on a Sunday this year, and most of the parties we're hearing about in this town are going to be on Saturday night, meaning there is a black hole sized void for things to do to celebrate Halloween the proper way - on Halloween and we're doing it right!
Comics giveaways for trick-or-treaters! And candy.

Candy! Candy! Candy! Sweet, sweet CANDY!

Plus, Halloween also brings the television premiere of The Walking Dead on AMC TV, the first comic-book-turned-mainstream(ish)-TV-series that we can remember for quite some time. Possibly ever! Join us after the parade for a group viewing of The Walking Dead.
And for those of you who can't make it to the nighttime events, we will be hosting trick-or-treating and costume judging all day long. Store hours are noon 'til the 8:30 PM parade begins. Check out our website for the full details (

Hope to see you there!

Fantom Comics

Union Station - 50 Massachusetts Avenue NE | Washington, DC 20002 | 202-216-9478

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Oct 28: KAL on Kojo at 1 pm

Kevin 'KAL' Kallagher, Baltimore's crack editorial cartoonist, will be on the Kojo Nnamdi Show at 1 pm discussing political satire. I believe he also will be appearing at Cartoons & Cocktails tomorrow evening. I'm now thinking I really should have accepted that invitation to go.... on Cul de Sac

Shaenon Garrity reviews the first Cul de Sac Treasury. Spoiler warning: She likes it. She compares it to "the giant tubeworms that flourish around the hydrothermal vents on the ocean floor..."

Mark Fiore interviewed by Comics Riffs

Michael Cavna got an interview with Mark Fiore up before his talk at Georgetown University tonight. I attended the talk and enjoyed it. I'll try to post some highlights tomorrow before Fiore attends the Cartoons & Cocktails auction, where as you'd expect, if you attend you can bid on editorial cartoons. Mark's also got some DVD collections of his animation for sale, if you ask him.

Luna Brothers interview online now

Meet Two Local Cartoonists: A Chat with the Luna Brothers

David Hagen's donations to Cartoons & Cocktails

Tomorrow night is Cartoons & Cocktails, the editorial cartoon fundraising auction. My buddy David Hagen's donated two cartoons.

Zombies in DC yesterday

Apparently zombies were shambling around the city yesterday - the
Express has a photo on page 2 of one at the Gallery Place metro stop.

The paper also has an online article about the tv series -

Zombieland: 'The Walking Dead,' Series Premiere
Written by Express contributor Stephen M. Deusner
October 27, 2010