Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Second Story Books window display

The used book store Second Story Books (Dupont Circle) has some neat original pulp magazines (and a few Robert Crumb comics) with fantastic covers in their storefront window. (I couldn't get a photo without a glare from the plastic display bags.)

Carolyn Belefski's cartooning for the White House

Wow. Click through to see them.

Remind You of Someone? You Should Share These:

As more Americans gain coverage and we near the February 15th HealthCare.gov enrollment deadline, one artist highlights what these diverse Americans have in common in a series of shareable graphics.

Congressman John Lewis and Andrew Aydin's remarks on March vol. 2 at Fantom Comics

This past Sunday, Fantom Comics on Dupont Circle had Congressman John Lewis and Andrew Aydin's in to sign their book on civil rights, March vol. 2. This recording is of their introductory remarks.

Prickly City draws the Prophet in today's Washington Post

I was surprised to see Scott Stantis' strip Prickly City drawing the Prophet in today's Post. You can see it yourself here.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Fantom Comics profiled last fall

We really need to do a series like this....

Local Comic Shop Spotlight: Fantom Comics

Hondros' Hometown of the 50 Foot Woman

Allison Hayes: The actress who got the FDA's attention … too late

A graphic tale of how Allison Hayes, star of the 1950s B-movie "Attack of the 50 Foot Woman," created a legacy with the FDA. Text and graphics by Art Hondros.

Washington Post Magazine (January 25 2015).


Comic Riffs talks to Roz Chast

ROZ CHAST: Eldercare graphic-novel author embraces an audience whose appreciation is as profound as she is

By Michael Cavna
Washington Post Comic Riffs blog January 26 2015

The Hill on caricature

The dangers of caricaturing caricature

By Sharon Marcus, contributor

The Hill's Pundits blog (January 26, 2015)


Comic Riffs talks to Justice League writer

JUSTICE LEAGUE: Scripting a villain? Geoff Johns is basking in the joy of Lex

By David Betancourt
Washington Post Comic Riffs blog January 23

Comic Riffs explains yesterday's Pearls Before Swine

'Pearls Before Swine': Why Stephan Pastis decided to play 'inside baseball' today with the syndication business

By Michael Cavna
Washington Post Comic Riffs blog January 25 2015

Saturday, January 24, 2015

March vol. 2 reviewed by Cavna in the Post

A rewritten version of this appears in tomorrow's papers as:

Cavna, Michael.  2015.
A second look at '60s civil rights.
Washington Post (January 25): E13

Q&A: Jared Smith of Big Planet Comics/Retrofit Comics

Jared Smith is one of the owning partners of Big Planet Comics, which almost two years ago dipped its toes into publishing by taking on some of the duties of Retrofit Comics. We thought it'd be interesting to check in with Jared on how that partnership with Philadelphia-based comics creator Box Brown is going.

Big Planet Comics has been publishing and distributing Retrofit Comics since about mid-2013. How have things been going?

Smith: I think really well. Box Brown, the founder of Retrofit Comics, has a great artistic vision, so working with him as editor and with Big Planet covering the rest of the publishing has been a good team.

What has been the biggest challenge so far? How are you tackling that challenge?

Smith: Distribution is tricky. It is very depressing to see the same few stores that are interested in carrying small press comic books (I'd say only about 20 in all of the US.) And some areas of the country are well served, like the major cities, but whole other areas have no stores that are interested. We've been reaching out to stores directly and trying to get more reviews and general awareness. We also distributed our first big graphic novel, FUNGUS: The Unbearable Rot of Being, through Diamond Comic Distributors, which has the best reach into comic stores here and internationally.

Big Planet Comics has several shops and locations, each with a different owner, correct? Was everyone initially on board with starting a publishing/distribution venture?

Smith: There are four stores, and there are four co-owners. We work together on most things though. Everyone was interested and supportive, but it was my idea and passion so I handle most of it, with help from various members of the Big Planet team like Kelly and Kevin and Peter.

How have you been getting the word out about Retrofit Comics?

Smith: We send out a lot of copies to reviewers, and of course the internet is huge for letting people know about your work. But we also go to a lot of conventions to reach people directly. It helps we publish such a wide range of artists of different styles and nationalities. I think it makes us a more appealing package, and when fans of one of our artists are directed to us, we have a lot of other things to appeal to them.

Several other retail shops around the country have also dipped their toes into publishing — such as Bergen Street Comics with Copra and Desert Island with Smoke Signal — though on a smaller scale. Do you think this is the start of trend? What makes publishing appealing to some retailers? 

Smith: Yes, there are about 10 retail stores who are publishing as well, such as Floating World, Locust Moon, Kilgore, and Secret Headquarters. I don't know if it's a trend, but it is just relatively easy for retail stores to support some of their favorite artists in a new way, by publishing their work. Most artists who are just starting out do it for the love of creation, and aren't making much money (if any). Plus many prefer to focus on the artistic side, the business side is a distraction from creating more comics! So if we can handle some of that, it works out well for everyone. Publishing also distinguishes your store and it helps gets better comics out into the world.

Obituary for anti-Saturday morning cartoon crusader in the Post

Peggy Charren, 86: Longtime advocate for better children's TV [online as Peggy Charren, advocate for improving children's TV programming, dies at 86]

By Matt Schudel
Washington Post January 24 2015

"Why can't children's television be more like a good children's library, with lots of diversity," she said in 1983, "and less like the comic-book rack in the local drugstore?"

Comic Riffs on the Eisner hall of fame

EISNER AWARDS: 'Marge' Buell, Bill Woggon inducted into Hall of Fame; voting open for 4 more inductees

By Michael Cavna
Washington Post Comic Riffs blog (January 23):

Tom Tomorrow's ephemera donated to OSU

Tom Tomorrow's 'accidental' alt-press collection is donated to OSU's Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum

By Michael Cavna

Washington Post Comic Riffs blog January 24 2014

Friday, January 23, 2015

'Magic Bullet' No. 10 cover

Here's the cover for the D.C. Conspiracy's Magic Bullet No. 10. The free 48-page comics newspaper is scheduled to hit the streets Jan. 30. Cover by yours truly (Matt Dembicki).

Review of Provocative, Uncensored Art book collection also recommends The Art of Richard Thompson

which I just bought based on this, Dooley recommends Art of RT.

Newsarama interview on March vol. 2

JOHN LEWIS Calls MARCH 'Road Map' to Civil Rights Movement

by Zack Smith, Newsarama : 21 January 2015

Post blogger on women, webcomics and booze

How webcomics gave us a fresh take on women and alcohol [Questionable Content; Girls with Slingshots].

By Alyssa Rosenberg

Washington Post Act Four blog January 22 2015


Art Hondros story in Sunday's Post Magazine

On Facebook, Art reports:

Coming in this Sunday's Washington Post Magazine: my illustrated bio on a little-known B-movie actress and DC native who became the 50 Foot Woman. Check it out!

Coming in this Sunday's Washington Post Magazine: my illustrated bio on a little-known B-movie actress and DC native who became the 50 Foot Woman. Check it out!

Jan 25: Congressman John Lewis at Fantom on Sunday

Rep John Lewis at Fantom

Change of Date for the March Book Two Signing

Change of plans, everyone! 

Fantom Comics is now honored to host CONGRESSMAN JOHN LEWIS & co-author ANDREW AYDIN for a MARCH Book Two signing and discussion on SUNDAY, 1/25/15, 1-3pm!

We cannot believe our good luck in having Representative John Lewis, legendary civil rights leader and inspiring congressman, along with his co-author, Andrew Aydin, here for this amazing event.

We'll also be raffling off free, signed copies of MARCH Books One and Two, as well as 2 free tickets to the movie "Selma."

We hope to see you all there, and we can't wait for this opportunity to delve deep into the life of one of the original Freedom Riders, Big Six leaders, and Selma March organizers!

Let us know you're coming on our Facebook Event page!

Meet the creators of the zombie punx comic TOE TAG RIOT this Saturday

Click here for event info on FACEBOOK.
First 20 In Line Receive a FREE Special Gift!
Signing from 11AM-1PM

Hello Third Eye Faithful!


We are stoked to be hosting the creators behind the killer new indie comic series, TOE TAG RIOT, at Third Eye this Saturday! 


We love this great new horror / comedy hybrid, which pits a bunch of punk rockers turned into zombies against those crazies from the Westboro Church. 


We'd be totally honored if you guys would pop by and join us for this super fun signing with these great up-and-coming talents, Matt Miner and Sean Von Gorman! 


Read on below to find out more about TOE TAG RIOT, and make sure you come by & snag a copy and get it signed!


Click here for event info on FACEBOOK.

When we first saw pages from TOE TAG RIOT, we knew we had to totally get on board with this one!

A hilarious and gory tongue-in-cheek story, Toe Tag Riot is about a punk rock band cursed to become zombies whenever they perform.

The band goes on a last cross-country tour in search of the cure for their affliction, but being the ethical sometimes-zombie punks that they are, Toe Tag Riot uses their zombie superpowers to rid the world of racists, homophobes, misogynists, and all kinds of other nasty people.

We're so stoked on TOE TAG RIOT that when the opportunity to have creators Matt Miner and Sean Von Gorman to Third Eye to do a big signing for the book came up, we knew we had to jump on it! 

Be One of the First 20 in Line & Get a RAD Free Gift!


You guys know that we love it when you get into the event, and line up to have some fun! And, the creators behind these great books love it just as much! But, what's always really cool for us is seeing the community that you guys build among yourselves when you hang out waiting for the doors to open -- so we like to throw a little something extra cool your way to encourage it!

The first 20 folks in line for our signing this Saturday will get hooked up with a very cool free gift!


OK, Third Eye Faithful, we look forward to seeing each and every one of you guys this weekend!

For those of you who may be wondering if this one will be as crowded as last week's Snyder signing, this one should not be as crazy, so you don't need to worry about the lines going around the block. :) It will be a blast though, so make sure you show up and have fun with us!

Click here for the event info on FACEBOOK.

Third Eye Comics | 2027A WEST ST. | Annapolis | MD | 21401

R.W. Alley interview reveals comic book work

PADDINGTON: How a Maryland-sprung artist inherited a royal line of work: Rendering the beloved Brit-immigrant bear

By Michael Cavna
Washington Post Comic Riffs January 22 2015

Late in this interview, RW Alley notes that he's done two comic book style books with his wife Zoe Alley. I just ordered them for my DC-area cartoonists collection.

Jan. 25: Lewis & Aydin at Fantom Comics

Rep. John Lewis and Andrew Aydin, co-authors of the March graphic novel series based on Lewis' experiences as a leader in the early days of the civil rights movement, will be signing the just-released second volume of the book at Fantom Comics (Dupont Circle) Jan. 25 from 1-3 p.m. Visit the Facebook event page for more info.

Newsarama did a Q&A with Lewis earlier this week.

Animation studio moving to D.C.'s Capitol Riverfront

By Rachel Kaufman/ElevationDC

An animation studio moving from Los Angeles to the District is in negotiations to lease space at the Boilermaker building in Capitol Riverfront for its new headquarters, according to Elevation DC.

Jan 23: Tom Toles in Georgetown TONIGHT

Friday, January 23 - 5th Annual Political Cartoon Exhibit



WHERE: The Ritz-Carlton, Georgetown 3100 South Street NW, Washington DC
TICKETS: $20 limited and available online only: https://politicalcartoonexhibit.eventbrite.com
Make sure to get yours before we sell out. No Door Sales.




Tom Toles is the Pulitzer prizewinning Editorial Cartoonist for the Washington Post and is widely syndicated nationally. He has covered government, politics and society in six cartoons per week for the Post since 2002. Previously he has been Editorial Cartoonist for US News and World Report, The New Republic, The New York Daily News, The Buffalo News and the Buffalo Courier-Express.

He has also drawn a comic strip, Curious Avenue and a comic panel, Randolph Itch, 2am. In his spare time he sings and plays drums in two Washington DC based bands, Suspicious Package and Lethal Bark. He has written a musical comedy, Catapult Love featuring the original music of Lethal Bark. He also enjoys dancing all night long. http://www.washingtonpost.com/people/tom-tol! es




Continuing with annual tradition the event will feature live musical performance by local journo-band Suspicious Package, comprised of reporters armed with their musical talent and rock star looks. Band members include Pulitzer Prize-winning Editorial Cartoonist at The Washington Post Tom Toles, senior government officials Christina Sevilla and Bryan Greene, former TIME/Bloomberg correspondent and journalist Tim Burger and Director of Education and Outreach for the National Security Journalism Initiative at Northwestern University's Medill School of Journalism, Josh Meyer. www.facebook.com/SusPackage


Grab Your Ticket

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Flugennock's Latest'n'Greatest: "So Sue Me"

"So Sue Me"

Long story short: DC Mayor Bowser and the City Council plan to defy Congress and honor the will of the voters and implement Initiative 71. A gaggle of GOP clowns in the House are threatening litigation to prevent it. The response of Mayor Bowser and the Council is, in so many words, "so, sue me."

Long story:
"DC Marijuana Initiative Transmitted To Congress", Roll Call, 01.13.15:

Mike Flugennock, flugennock at sinkers dot org
Political Cartoons: dubya dubya dubya dot sinkers dot org

Underwire on March vol. 2

The Civil Rights Legend Who's Inspiring a New Generation With Comic Books

    By Laura Hudson 

    Wired's Underwire blog 01.21.15


Big Planet Comics co-publisher Box Brown interviewed

Questions for Cartoonists: Box Brown

Jesse R. Lucas

Darling Sleeper blog Jan 19 2015


Comic Riffs reviews March vol. 2

REVIEW: As a must-read monument, Rep. John Lewis's 'March: Book Two' illuminates the harrowing crucible of civil-rights heroism [+VIDEO]

By Michael Cavna

Washington Post Comic Riffs blog January 21 2015


John Lewis Q/A Awesome Con 2014 DC

John Lewis Q/A Awesome Con 2014 DC

Q/A with Congressperson John Lewis at our DC show in April of 2014!

Who knew this was online until Cavna linked to it earlier this week? Not us.

Comic Riffs on Milestone's rebirth

EXCLUSIVE: Milestone Media rises again. Hudlin, Cowan and Dingle will revive company with eye toward characters of color

By David Betancourt
Washington Post Comic Riffs blog January 21 2015

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Comic Riffs on March and Oatmeal games

MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. DAY: Civil-rights icon Rep. John Lewis offers stirring advice to a young activist [ILLUSTRATED]

By Michael Cavna

Washington Post Comic Riffs blog January 19 2015



KICKSTARTER OF THE WEEK: 'The Oatmeal' creator crowd-funds 'insanely fun' card game, 'Exploding Kittens'

By Michael Cavna

Washington Post Comic Riffs January 20 2014



Feb 21: Animated shorts at National Archives


Animated Short Film Nominees

Saturday, February 21, 3:30 p.m.
The Bigger Picture
Daisy Jacobs and Christopher Hees
(8 minutes; unrated)

The Dam Keeper
Robert Kondo and Dice Tsutsumi
(18 minutes; unrated)

Patrick Osborne and Kristina Reed
(6 minutes; unrated)

Me and My Moulton
Torill Kove
(14 minutes; unrated)

A Single Life
Joris Oprins
(3 minutes; unrated)

Total Running Time: 49 minutes.

Charlie Hebdo & DC - 2 more links

Exclusive: Full Interview with Charlie Hebdo's Editor-in-Chief

Chuck Todd

Meet the Press January 18th 2015



Free speech fuzziness [online as In France, fuzziness on free speech]

Ruth Marcus

Washington Post January 18 2014


Talburt in 1952

We've been poking around a bit lately, figuring out who Harold Talburt was. Here's the final piece we could find, courtesy of Randy Scott and Michigan State's Comic Art Collection. It's a 1952 article, reprinted in Cartoonews #15 (1977).

Jan 26: Roz Chast tickets almost sold out

Can't We Talk Roz ChastRoz Chast—Priority Seating & Signing Tickets Added!
Can't We Talk About Something More Pleasant?: A Memoir
Monday, January 26, 7:30 pm

Famed New Yorker cartoonist Roz Chast does such a comical, fluent job of conveying the things that keep her up at night that many readers are convinced she is somehow mapping their own inner lives. Her latest book, which tackles the subject of growing up in Brooklyn as an only child and of her efforts, decades later, to help her parents navigate the jagged shoals of old age, is by turns grim and absurd, deeply poignant and laugh-out-loud funny. Winner of the inaugural Kirkus Prize for Non-Fiction and finalist for the National Book Award in Non-Fiction.

Come for the chance to bid on a signed, original drawing by Roz!

Purchase Tickets

Monday, January 19, 2015

Face to Face - Illustrations and prose by Martin Graff (the Face Zone) and Laura McClure (Animals for Sam), at the Griffin Art Center through 1/31/2015

Last Saturday evening I had the pleasure of attending the opening artists' reception for Martin Graff (The Face Zone) and Laura McClure (Animals for Sam), entitled Face To Face. The reception was held at a fantastic space in the heart of downtown Frederick, Maryland, known as The Griffin Art Center. Laura and Martin had their work on exhibit together, in the middle gallery (I believe there were three galleries altogether at the center). I met Marty (as he likes to be called) at another, comics-themed art opening in Frederick last year, and through him, Laura, who also had some of her art at the show. I've been gladly following their work via Facebook and blog posts ever since. While the two have a very different approach to their work, stylistically, what their art has in common is a symbiotic relationship with words. 

 Animals for Sam was started by Laura as a way to keep her young, animal-loving godson Sam informed about a wide variety of animal species - kind of like a weekly digital postcard. Laura hand-draws the animals on her computer, using a mouse, usually dressing them in human attire that relates to a certain aspect of a particular species, mostly having to do with their environment or geographic location. She also merges photographic imagery in the background, adding a sense of depth and dimension to her work. A verbal description, both highly factual and informative, while told in the artist's own conversational style, discusses everything from eating habits, to odd and unique physical and behavioral characteristics. Finally, a small graph is at the bottom of each blog post, illustrating the animal species' level of vulnerability to extinction. I could imagine myself thoroughly enjoying something like this as a boy, who like Sam, held a keen interest in wildlife and the natural world. At the show, the framed digital print pieces were quite popular, as many of them were sold. Looking forward to a book compiling these works, hopefully in the near future!

As with many artists and creative types, music plays a big role in Martin Graff's Face Zone works, which employ a cartoon-inspired minimalist approach visually. The influence of punk rock lyricism is evident in the clever verbal wordplay of the sometimes darkly humorous poetry and prose that accompanies The Face Zone illustrations. Martin's blog posts can range from contemplative to laugh-out-loud hilarious, but they always make excellent food-for-thought, which is probably where his influence as a public school teacher comes in as well. Along with his work hanging on the walls of the gallery, Martin had a newly published book compiling his Face Zone material available, a good many of which sold at the show. I highly recommend grabbing one for yourself HERE. In the meantime, don't hesitate to read more about Martin and The Face Zone in this recent article from The Frederick News-Post!

Be sure to check out Face to Face in person, at the Griffin Art Center, which runs through January 31st, 2015!

Politico's Matt Wuerker speaks

Podcast: Matt Wuerker on the art of political cartoons & Jake Tapper on U.S. absence

By POLITICO 1/16/15 


POLITICO Magazine's Glenn Thrush sits down with Pulitzer Prize winning political cartoonist Matt Wuerker for a conversation on why this particular form of journalism can incite outrage.