Showing posts with label postage stamps. Show all posts
Showing posts with label postage stamps. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Designing Herblock's Bill of Rights stamp

 In 1966, Herbert "Herblock" Block designed a stamp about the US Bill of Rights, which was issued on July 1, 1966. Recently I was shown the following article on his process for designing it. 

On the Record: Bill of Rights; 5-cent commemorative issued July 1, 1966 at Miami Beach, Fla. [aka Herblock Designs a Stamp].

Belmont Faries

S.P.A. Journal 30 (3; November 1967); cover, 163-170

It's worth quoting part of the article now.

The stamp's designer, also a speaker raised the question of how the Bill of Rights would fare if it were up for ratification today, quoting critics who ask 'Must our government be weak in the face of men accused of crime, who demand legal advice; weak before those who take the fifth amendment, weak before those who openly express differences with government policy even in time of war?

"The answer", he said, "is that the restriction imposed on government by the Bill of Rights - these so-called weakness of our government in relation to the rights of the individual person, of the poorest, the meanest or the most misguided of its people -- these are in fact our nation's greatest strength."

Update: the photograph from the cover is in the Library of Congress, but only available at low-resolution unless you visit. Thanks, Sara Duke!

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Daniel Boris editorial cartoon catch-up #2

 Our second and final posting of Boris's political cartoons from last year. He tells me he had tried to give up on editorial cartooning (and thus stopped submitting them here), but kept drawing them anyway.

Penny Wise, Pound Foolish 11/20/23
Penguin Joins the Presidential Race 11/18/23
Dictator Wannabe
Commemorative U.S. Stamp Design: "American Organized Crime Bosses"


Peace Out, Pandas! 11/10/23
ME the People 11/5/2023
Middle East Push Pin 11/2/23
The Housingsphere12/31/23


Hateful Stew 10/30/23
Putin's Sincerest Condolences 10/25/23
Putin Hypnosis 10/24/23
The Devil Made Her Do It  10/19/23



A Dysfunctional U.S. House of Representatives 10/17/23
New Speaker Summons Dark Lord 10/10/23
Update All 9/28/23
The Menendez Hieroglyphics 9/24/23
Alien Political Parasite 9/20/23