Previous posts here, here, and here.
The paper ran until at least 1950 according to the National Library of Medicine, but the issues I have access to ended with May 1946, and the cartoons stopped with a VIP panel in March's issue. A.G. Santomauro returned one last time with a note saying he was cartooning for magazines in Hollywood; does anyone know anything about him? Karl Hubenthal had a page reprinted from the Marine Corps' Leatherneck and Navy cartoonist Bob Woodcock had a reprint in November 1945. Other one-shots were Nick Pouletsos' Stalemate also in November, and Saltshaker by Keziah in December. An Art Brewster sports cartoon of golfer George Lake ran in April 1946.
Karl Hubenthal |
Bob Woodcock |
My friend Rodrigo Baeza found a picture of Santomauro from 1944 in his previous command. This is from a cruise book (yearbook) for the hospital in Pearl Harbor, and is in the National Library of Medicine.
Almost a decade ago, I posted some cartoons from Hospital Hi-Lites here that included VIP, Woodcock, and Santamauro (whose first name was Al).
Almost a decade ago, I posted some cartoons from Hospital Hi-Lites here that included VIP, Woodcock, and Santamauro (whose first name was Al).