Showing posts with label military comics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label military comics. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Last comics from Naval Hospital Long Branch's Santana newspaper

Previous posts here, here, and here. 

The paper ran until at least 1950 according to the National Library of Medicine, but the issues I have access to ended with May 1946, and the cartoons stopped with a VIP panel in March's issue. A.G. Santomauro returned one last time with a note saying he was cartooning for magazines in Hollywood; does anyone know anything about him? Karl Hubenthal had a page reprinted from the Marine Corps' Leatherneck and Navy cartoonist Bob Woodcock had a reprint in November 1945. Other one-shots were Nick Pouletsos' Stalemate also in November, and Saltshaker by Keziah in December. An Art Brewster sports cartoon of golfer George Lake ran in April 1946.


Karl Hubenthal
Bob Woodcock

Art Brewster sports cartoon of golfer George Lake from April 1944.

My friend Rodrigo Baeza found a picture of Santomauro from 1944 in his previous command. This is from a cruise book (yearbook) for the hospital in Pearl Harbor, and is in the National Library of Medicine.

Almost a decade ago, I posted some cartoons from Hospital Hi-Lites here that included VIP, Woodcock, and Santamauro (whose first name was Al).

Monday, January 13, 2025

Comics from the Naval Hospital Long Beach newspaper, continued

The Aorta becomes the Santana in June 1945. A.G Santomauro's Roughly Speaking is still the regular comic panel, but it's joined in October by Ward Whacky! by Karl Hubenthal, a professional cartoonist.

The newspapers themselves can be seen here.

Wednesday, January 08, 2025

World War II cartoons from Naval Hospital Long Beach, CA newspaper

Scans of 'The Aorta,' the Naval Hospital Long Beach, CA newspaper are going into the Medical Heritage Library. Runs of the newspaper are in the National Library of Medicine and the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery's history office archive (which is scanning them). It's likely that no one has really seen these cartoons since they were published 80 years ago.

 October 1944
November 1944

Fall 1944 issues had "Our Little Helper" comic panel by Lloyd Hawthorne. December 1944 featured a cartoon by, and picture of, William Abshire.
In 1945, the comic panel shifts to being "Roughly Speaking" by A. G. Santomauro. These are from January.

I don't know if any of these men continued as cartoonists after the war.

Tuesday, September 03, 2019

2 ads and a panel from a US Naval Hospital Memphis newspaper

This is from a newspaper held in the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery's archives, here in Falls Church. The run is being digitized and put online in the Medical Heritage Library.

Milt Caniff, Smokey Stover by Bill Holman, and... Johnny Jones by Criner? Anyone know anything about the last? It appears to be self-syndicated BTW, they come from The Hospital Clipper 5:11, November 1971. It'll be online at moderately soon.

Update: Criner was distributed though the AFPS, and earlier examples of the strip are marked with those initials, rather than his own syndicate.