Next to the Cartooning book was an early, perhaps first edition of the Star Wars novelization for $50.
Sunday, January 29, 2017
Second Story Books' great expectations
Next to the Cartooning book was an early, perhaps first edition of the Star Wars novelization for $50.
Sunday, September 06, 2009
Mort Gerberg's daughter marries
For more details, see Lilia Gerberg and Matthew McCaffree, New York Times September 6, 2009.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Sept 10: "New Yorker" Cartoonist will Address Seniors at N. Va. Aging Fair
(Fairfax, VA – July x, 2009) –The New Yorker magazine cartoonist Mort Gerberg has lived long and laughed much. Gerberg will share his knack for finding humor in aging as the keynote speaker at the "Third Annual Positive Aging Fair: Tools for Creative Aging" on Sept. 10 at the Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia (JCCNV), 8900 Little River Turnpike, Fairfax, from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Gerberg edited the book Last Laughs: Cartoons About Aging, Retirement…and the Great Beyond, in 2007, and will sign copies of it at the fair. The All-Jewish Cartoon Collection is another of the nearly 40 other books Gerberg has written, illustrated or edited.
The aging fair provides information and resources that promote active aging through healthy lifestyles that help seniors live longer, more independently and more positively.
Participants in the fair may choose among six interactive small-group workshops on healthy aging topics:
· Writing Your Memoirs led by George Mason University associate professor of English Don Gallehr. Preserve memories and experiences in writing for yourself and your children.
· Wills, Trusts and Creative Estate Planning (Or Must I Leave Everything to My Children?) led by Helen Cohn Needham and Susan Pollack of the law firm Needham, Mitnick & Pollack. Learn about financial options for the future.
· Sexuality After 50 led by Ruth Kershner, a social worker in JSSA's Aging Services Department. Gain insights into the impact of physical changes on sexuality, dating for people over 60, and coping with widowhood.
· Gardening with Healing Plants led by environmental educator Karen Buchsbaum. Learn about plants with healing properties, then bring home a fledging plant you start in a pot yourself.
· Take Charge of Your Health in Retirement led by Virginia Inglese, registered dietician and social worker. Discover strategies to keep you healthy and energized.
· Healthy Brains led by social worker Nancy Dezan, presenting puzzles and other mental challenges to keep your mind strong.
The day's events will also include a raffle and information booths on subjects such as senior housing options, the arts, county services and health and fitness.
The Positive Aging Fair welcomes Northern Virginians over 50 from all faiths and backgrounds. The fair is sponsored by the Jewish Social Service Agency (JSSA), JCCNV, JConnect, and the Jewish Council for the Aging (JCA). Major business sponsors from the community include NurtureCare, Inc., and Kaiser Permanente of the Mid-Atlantic States.
General admission to the fair is $8, or $10 if a kosher lunch is requested in advance. Registration may be done by phone at 703-323-0880 or online at <> .
About JSSA
JSSA has been helping people across the Washington metropolitan area meet emotional, social, and physical challenges for more than 115 years. A nonsectarian provider, we serve people of all religious backgrounds, races and ethnicities, helping the youngest child to the most fragile senior, from individuals to entire families. Our wide range of counseling, educational, employment, in-home support, hospice and nursing care and social services assist over 22,000 people per year.
Rockville (Fallsgrove), 301.838.4200 • Rockville (Montrose Road), 301.881.3700 • Fairfax, 703.204.9100 •
Jewish Social Service Agency
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Dec 16: Gag cartoonist Mort Gerberg in town

NEXTBOOK Public Programs presents Mort Gerberg
Last Laughs: Cartoons About Aging, Retirement...and the Great Beyond
December 16, 7:30 pm
$9; Discount Member Price $6
Washington DCJCC, 1529 16th Street NW
Longtime New Yorker cartoonist Mort Gerberg has assembled an all-star cast of gifted and popular cartoonists to join him in this exclusive collection confronting, illuminating and celebrating the inevitabilities of life. Everything from cloning to cryogenics is tackled with humor and pathos. Gerberg has written, illustrated or edited nearly forty books, including his textbook, Cartooning: The Art and the Business. Gerberg will discuss his most recent collection as well as demonstrate his drawing process. He will also touch on his upcoming book The All-Jewish Cartoon Collection.
Reprinted from Review
"Be careful about taking this book on a long plane trip. From page to page you'll chuckle, you'll guffaw, you'll be seized with hysterical, uncontrollable laughter. Fellow passengers will be curious and you'll say (with tears streaming down your face) it's all about age and death. Fellow passengers might ask for a change of seats. You won't mind one bit as you become more and more helpless with laughter."
-- Frank McCourt, author of Angela's Ashes and Teacher Man
Click here to purchase tickets.
Thanks to Casey Shaw of USA Weekend for the tip!