Reap the Corto Maltese Whirlwind
Well, all of us here at Big Planet Comics were pretty disappointed by the poor production quality on the new Corto Maltese book, as well as it being a later version that edited down the original art to present in a different format. So we published an open letter to the publisher. Then the internet exploded.
We wrote up a post on our website showing the poor production quality, and how the later version they had used was vastly inferior to the original edition. The publisher put out their reply, and tweets galore went out. Comics news sites covered it in several places, with some very interesting commentary from the European side of things, and many arguing for and against it. In any case, we sincerely hope that the next volume (or version) of Corto Maltese, and any import/reprint/translation, lives up to the excellent current standards of comics that we are seeing these days.
If you missed it, here's our first open letter with commentary by Heidi Macdonald at the Comics Beat: Our post about the book with lots of examples comparing to older editions: The publisher's reply is covered at Also, the Big Planet Comics Podcast now has a call-in phone number if you'd like to leave us a question or comment! Call
Feel free to forward on our newsletter, and please send us any comments or mailing list requests to Thanks!
- the Big Planet Comics kids
UPCOMING April 3 - Avengers vs. X-Men #1 Early Release Party
Marvel is calling it their biggest event yet, building on the last 10 years of storytelling, but really, who doesn't just want to see the superheroes throw down against each other? We will be having a special release party for Avengers vs. X-Men #1 one day early, on Tuesday April 3! So not only will you be able to buy AVX #1 a day early, but you will have access to some other specials, including limited variant covers, and other limited items, like a pin to show your allegiance to either the X-Men or the Avengers, so start thinking now about which team you support! Poor Wolverine, he's got to fight himself.
8-9 pm
All 4 Big Planet Comics stores!
UPCOMING April 14 - Justin Jordan & Tradd Moore Signing
Justin Jordan and Tradd Moore, creators of the great new series
The Strange Talent of Luther Strode, will be appearing at both our Vienna and College Park stores on April 14 to celebrate the release of the collection of the series.
11 am-1 pm
Big Planet Comics of Vienna
426 Maple Ave. East
Vienna, VA 22180
703-242-9412 3 pm-5 pm
Big Planet Comics of College Park
7315 Baltimore Ave.
College Park, MD 20740
301-699-0498 ___________________
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