Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Brian Truitt justifies his attendance at San Diego Comic Con

Grant Morrison chronicles 'Supergods' of comics
By Brian Truitt, USA TODAY July 20 2011

Comic-Con showcases average heroes
By Brian Truitt, USA TODAY July 19 2011

First 'Amazing Spider-Man' figure swings into Comic-Con
By Brian Truitt, USA TODAY July 19 2011

Robert Kirkman and friends are as thick as 'Thieves'
By Brian Truitt, USA TODAY July 19 2011

Marvel launches 'Season One' superhero graphic novels
By Brian Truitt, USA TODAY July 19 2011

Tom Spurgeon's Team Cul de Sac Fanzine contribution now online

You should still buy the zine, however...

On Jaime Hernandez's The Death Of Speedy
By Tom Spurgeon
For Favorites, The Team Cul De Sac Favorite Comic Zine, 2011

Weldon on Captain America

A Quick Cap Recap: Your Cheat Sheet To The Man, The Myth, & The Mighty Shield

by Glen Weldon

National Public Radio's Monkey See blog July 20, 2011

Aug 25: ComicsDC's Warren Bernard at Politics and Prose

Warren Bernard - Drawing Power: A Compendium of Cartoon Advertising

Aug 25 2011 7:00 pm
Aug 25 2011 7:00 pm
The comic strip has its roots in advertising as well as in art. In the first book-length study of these dual sources, Rick Marschall, founder of Nemo: The Classic Comics Library, and Bernard, a prolific commentator on and extensive collector of cartoons, look at work from the 1890s to the present, documenting how popular cartoon characters like the Yellow Kid, Little Orphan Annie, Dagwood, and a platoon of super heroes have figured in advertising campaigns. 
Long-time ComicsDC readers may recall Warren's Secret History of Comics articles for us. Now he's got a whole book of them.

PR: Small Press Expo welcomes back former Ignatz winners as guests for 2011

Small Press Expo welcomes back former Ignatz winners as guests for 2011 

For Immediate Release                             
Contact: Warren Bernard

Bethesda, Maryland; July 20, 2011 – The Small Press Expo (SPX), the preeminent showcase for the exhibition of independent comics, graphic novels, and alternative political cartoons welcomes back a significant number of former Ignatz award winners as guests for SPX 2011.

The Ignatz Award for Outstanding Achievement in Comics and Cartooning is the first Festival Prize in the US comic book industry. Nominees for the awards are announced in August and are voted on by SPX attendees during the festival. The Ignatz Awards Presentation is open to the public and will be held on Saturday night, September 10 at 9PM.

Former Ignatz winners attending SPX 2011 include:

Craig Thompson
Ignatz for Outstanding Artist and Outstanding GN or Collection, 2004, Blankets

Sarah Glidden
Ignatz for Promising New Talent, 2008, How To Understand Israel in 60 Days or Less

Ken Dahl
Ignatz for Outstanding Story, 2010, Monsters

Mike Dawson
Ignatz for Outstanding Online Comic, 2010, Troop 142

Lisa Hanawalt
Ignatz for Outstanding Comic, 2010, I Want You

Jim Rugg
Ignatz for Outstanding Mini-Comic, 2010, Rambo 3.5

Collen Frakes
Ignatz for Promising New Talent, 2009, Woman King

Greg Means
Ignatz for Outstanding Anthology or Collection, 2008, Papercutter #7 (editor)

Nate Powell
Ignatz for Outstanding Debut, 2008 Swallow Me Whole

Tom Neely
Ignatz for Promising New Talent, 2007, The Blot (I Will Destroy You)

Alex Robinson
Ignatz for Outstanding Graphic Novel, 2006, Tricked

Carla Speed McNeil
Ignatz for Outstanding Series, 2005, Finder

Dave Roman
Ignatz for Outstanding Debut, 2004, Teen Boat #6: VOTE BOAT

Detailed information about all of our announced guests is available at the SPX web site at Additional guests will be announced on the Website as they are confirmed.

Interviews with cartoonists can be arranged by contacting the SPX press office at the email or telephone listed above.

About SPX

SPX is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit that brings together more than 300 artists and publishers to meet their readers, booksellers and distributors each year. Graphic novels, mini comics, and alternative comics will all be on display and for sale by their authors and illustrators, as well as a series of panel discussions and interviews with this year's guests.

As in previous years, profits from the SPX will go to support the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund (CBLDF), protecting the First Amendment rights of comic book readers and professionals. For more information on the CBLDF, go to their website at

The hours for SPX 2011 are 11am–7pm Saturday, September 10, and 12–6pm Sunday, September 11. Admission is $10 for a single day or $15 for the weekend.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

State Dept. tour leads to Egyptian woman cartoonist interview in Western media

Hills, Carol.  2011.

Global Political Cartoons: Egyptian Cartoonist Doaa Eladl.

PRI's The World (July 14):


Click on the video screen to hear the interview and see the cartoons.



Team Cul de Sac's FAVORITES Zine Available for Mail Order

For a fundraising effort near-and-dear to Our Man Thompson's heart, and one in which I have a slight contribution...

From: Craig Fischer

This is just a note to let you know that we're finally selling the Favorite zine through mail order. There's a PayPal button up now on the Team Cul de Sac blog []. I've sold about $300 worth of the zines so far at conventions and to friends, but I'm confident that we'll sell a lot more now that people can mail-order.

PR: Intervention Con in September


Event brings creators and fans together for weekend of learning and fun

ROCKVILLE, MD, June 14, 2011:

Intervention, taking place at the Hilton Washington DC/Rockville in Rockville, MD, from September 16-18, 2011, is an indie creator and geek culture convention for the Internet generation. One part conference, one part fandom event, Intervention aims to provide both creators and fans a venue to learn, appreciate, and celebrate the opportunities technology provides.

"James [Harknell] and I wanted to put together an event that would complement the existing print-centric conventions – we wanted to showcase the creators who use the Internet as their primary publishing method,"

says convention founder Onezumi Hartstein. "I went to conventions for years to promote my webcomic, and was always treated well, but felt that web creators needed their own space. We're giving them that with Intervention." After a very successful first run in 2010, this year will mark Hartstein's second time organizing the event.

Over thirty guests are currently scheduled to attend, bringing three days of panels and educational workshops. Fans of all stripes are also encouraged to submit their own cutting-edge programming, showcase their own works, and schedule their own meetups at the event. A special track of children's programming will be overseen by Matt Blum, managing editor of the GeekDad blog on

Sponsored by Think Geek (, Wacom (, Foam Brain Games (, 4Imprint (, Squishable (, and Toy Vault (, the convention will also feature video and board gaming, an extensive Artist Alley, live action roleplay (LARP), musical performances, a Steampunk-themed dance, and plenty of giveaways. A charity auction will benefit the Electronic Frontier Foundation (, a civil liberties group that aims to defend freedom on the Internet.

Tickets for Intervention can be bought at for $35 for the full weekend (through June 30, 2011). Tickets bought at the door will cost $45, with single-day rates available. More information about guests and events can be found at

Beeler's Harry Potter cartoon leads to commentary

Truitt on Superman

Superman flying solo in DC Comics relaunch

By Brian Truitt, USA TODAY July 18 2011

PEPCO to use stop motion animation in commercials

For those not in DC, PEPCO is the local electrical utility.  Here's a link to the PR:
Pepco Launches New Latino Advertising Campaign Using Stop Motion Animation to Deliver its Conservation Message
 Press Release Source: MAYA Advertising and Communications On Tuesday July 19, 2011,

Monday, July 18, 2011

July 20: Dan Wasserman speaks on political cartoons at Smithsonian

It’s a Draw: Political Cartooning Evening Seminar
Wednesday, July 20 - 6:45 p.m. to 8:45 p.m.

With the stroke of a pen, great political cartoonists bring clarity to political chaos. Over the centuries, they have used brevity to capture burning issues of their day—from war to civil rights. In the 19th century, Thomas Nast created the elephant as the symbol of the Republican Party. Washington Post cartoonist Herblock signaled Nixon’s tarnished image by giving him a thug-like beard.

Sharing drawings from his 30 years in the profession and examples from his predecessors, Boston Globe cartoonist Dan Wasserman, whose work is syndicated in 40 newspapers, discusses the history of the craft from the days of Benjamin Franklin to the Obama years. He also gives you the chance to write a caption for one of his political cartoons. The winner receives a signed copy of the cartoon.

$35 Member
$32 Senior Member
$45 Gen. Admission

S. Dillon Ripley Center
1100 Jefferson Drive, SW
Metro: Smithsonian Mall Exit (Blue/Orange)

Quick Tix Code: 1H0-764

Friday, July 15, 2011

Winnie the Pooh reviews run in today's free papers

Lemire, Christy / Associated Press.  2011.

'Winnie the Pooh' delights on every level without 3-D or CG.

Washington Examiner (July 15): 22


Chen, Sandy Angulo / Washington Post.  2011.

As Sweet as Honey: A children's classic gets a fitting update in 'Winnie the Pooh'.

Washington Express (July 15): 33

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Truitt on Witchblade

'Witchblade' taps new writer for its resident superheroine
By Brian Truitt, USA TODAY July 13 2011

Team Cul de Sac fanzine and prints now available to order online

Click here for more information on ordering Team Cul de Sac fanzines or prints.

August 10: Dave Roman and Raina Telgemeier in Arlington

·  Wed, August 10, 6:30 pm:  Special visit from the acclaimed authors/illustrators of Astronaut Academy (Dave Roman) and Smile (Raina Telgemeier)

One More Page | 2200 N. Westmoreland Street | #101 | Arlington | VA | 22213


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Monkey See blog on graphic novels and Winnie the Pooh

Playing Catch-Up: Five Recent Graphic Novels You Really Shouldn't Miss.
by Glen Weldon

Will Christopher Robin Ever Grow Up?

by Andrew Lapin

National Public Radio's Monkey See blog (July 13 2011):